AM_CPPFLAGS = \ -D__BUILDING_CVC4LIB \ -I@srcdir@/../include -I@srcdir@/.. -I@builddir@/.. AM_CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas $(FLAG_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) noinst_LTLIBRARIES = # is a separate library so that we can pass separate # compiler flags libutilcudd_la_CPPFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) @CUDD_CPPFLAGS@ libutilcudd_la_LIBADD = @CUDD_LDFLAGS@ @CUDD_LIBS@ # Do not list built sources (like integer.h, rational.h, and tls.h) here! # Rather, list them under BUILT_SOURCES, and their .in versions under # EXTRA_DIST. Otherwise, they're packaged up in the tarball, which is # no good---they belong in the configured builds/ directory. If they # end up in the source directory, they build the cvc4 that was # configured at the time of the "make dist", which (1) may not be the # configuration that the user wants, and (2) might cause link errors. libutil_la_SOURCES = \ Assert.h \ Assert.cpp \ backtrackable.h \ \ \ congruence_closure.h \ debug.h \ exception.h \ hash.h \ bool.h \ proof.h \ options.h \ options.cpp \ output.cpp \ output.h \ result.h \ result.cpp \ configuration.h \ configuration_private.h \ configuration.cpp \ bitvector.h \ ascription_type.h \ array.h \ datatype.h \ datatype.cpp \ matcher.h \ gmp_util.h \ sexpr.h \ stats.h \ stats.cpp \ dynamic_array.h \ language.h \ lemma_input_channel.h \ lemma_output_channel.h \ channel.h \ channel.cpp \ language.cpp \ ntuple.h \ recursion_breaker.h \ subrange_bound.h \ cardinality.h \ cardinality.cpp \ cache.h \ utility.h \ trans_closure.h \ trans_closure.cpp \ boolean_simplification.h \ boolean_simplification.cpp \ ite_removal.h \ ite_removal.cpp \ pseudoboolean.h \ pseudoboolean.cpp \ node_visitor.h libutil_la_LIBADD = \ @builddir@/ libutilcudd_la_SOURCES = \ propositional_query.h \ propositional_query.cpp BUILT_SOURCES = \ rational.h \ integer.h \ tls.h if CVC4_DEBUG # listing Debug_tags too ensures that make doesn't auto-remove it # after building (if it does, we don't get the "cached" effect with # the .tmp files below, and we have to re-compile and re-link each # time, even when there are no changes). BUILT_SOURCES += \ Debug_tags.h \ Debug_tags endif if CVC4_TRACING # listing Trace_tags too ensures that make doesn't auto-remove it # after building (if it does, we don't get the "cached" effect with # the .tmp files below, and we have to re-compile and re-link each # time, even when there are no changes). BUILT_SOURCES += \ Trace_tags.h \ Trace_tags endif %_tags.h: %_tags $(AM_V_GEN)( \ echo 'static char const* const $^[] = {'; \ for tag in `cat $^`; do \ echo "\"$$tag\","; \ done; \ echo 'NULL'; \ echo '};' \ ) >"$@" # This .tmp business is to keep from having to re-compile options.cpp # (and then re-link the libraries) if nothing has changed. %_tags: %_tags.tmp $(AM_V_GEN)\ diff -q "$^" "$@" &>/dev/null || mv "$^" "$@" || true # .PHONY ensures the .tmp version is always rebuilt (to check for any changes) .PHONY: Debug_tags.tmp Trace_tags.tmp # The "sed" invocation below is particularly obnoxious, but it works around # inconsistencies in REs on different platforms, using only a basic regular # expression (no |, no \<, ...). Debug_tags.tmp Trace_tags.tmp: $(AM_V_GEN)\ grep '\<$(@:_tags.tmp=) *( *\".*\" *)' \ `find @srcdir@/../ -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cc" -or -name "*.g"` | \ sed 's/^$(@:_tags.tmp=) *( *\"\([^"]*\)\".*/\1/;s/.*[^a-zA-Z0-9_]$(@:_tags.tmp=) *( *\"\([^"]*\)\".*/\1/' | sort | uniq >"$@" if CVC4_CLN_IMP libutil_la_SOURCES += \ rational_cln_imp.cpp endif if CVC4_GMP_IMP libutil_la_SOURCES += \ rational_gmp_imp.cpp endif EXTRA_DIST = \ rational_cln_imp.h \ integer_cln_imp.h \ rational_cln_imp.cpp \ rational_gmp_imp.h \ integer_gmp_imp.h \ rational_gmp_imp.cpp \ \ \ \ integer.i \ stats.i \ bool.i \ sexpr.i \ datatype.i \ output.i \ cardinality.i \ result.i \ configuration.i \ Assert.i \ bitvector.i \ subrange_bound.i \ exception.i \ language.i \ array.i \ options.i \ ascription_type.i \ rational.i \ pseudoboolean.i \ hash.i MOSTLYCLEANFILES = \ Debug_tags \ Trace_tags \ Debug_tags.tmp \ Trace_tags.tmp \ Debug_tags.h \ Trace_tags.h DISTCLEANFILES = \ integer.h.tmp \ rational.h.tmp \ tls.h.tmp \ integer.h \ rational.h \ tls.h