# # Option specification file for CVC4 # See src/options/base_options for a description of this file format # module STRINGS "theory/strings/options.h" Strings theory option stringExp strings-exp --strings-exp bool :default false :read-write experimental features in the theory of strings option stringLB strings-lb --strings-lb=N unsigned :default 0 :predicate less_equal(2) :predicate-include "smt/smt_engine.h" the strategy of LB rule application: 0-lazy, 1-eager, 2-no option stringFMF strings-fmf --strings-fmf bool :default false :read-write the finite model finding used by the theory of strings option stringEIT strings-eit --strings-eit bool :default false the eager intersection used by the theory of strings expert-option stringCharCardinality strings-alphabet-card --strings-alphabet-card=N int16_t :default 256 :predicate CVC4::smt::beforeSearch :predicate-include "smt/smt_engine.h" the cardinality of the characters used by the theory of strings, default 256 endmodule