# kinds -*- sh -*- # # For documentation on this file format, please refer to # src/theory/builtin/kinds. # theory THEORY_STRINGS ::CVC4::theory::strings::TheoryStrings "theory/strings/theory_strings.h" properties check parametric presolve rewriter ::CVC4::theory::strings::SequencesRewriter "theory/strings/sequences_rewriter.h" typechecker "theory/strings/theory_strings_type_rules.h" operator STRING_CONCAT 2: "string concat (N-ary)" operator STRING_IN_REGEXP 2 "membership" operator STRING_LENGTH 1 "string length" operator STRING_SUBSTR 3 "string substr" operator STRING_UPDATE 3 "string update" operator STRING_CHARAT 2 "string charat" operator STRING_STRCTN 2 "string contains" operator STRING_LT 2 "string less than" operator STRING_LEQ 2 "string less than or equal" operator STRING_STRIDOF 3 "string indexof" operator STRING_STRREPL 3 "string replace" operator STRING_STRREPLALL 3 "string replace all" operator STRING_REPLACE_RE 3 "string replace regular expression match" operator STRING_REPLACE_RE_ALL 3 "string replace all regular expression matches" typerule STRING_REPLACE_RE "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_REPLACE_RE_ALL "SimpleTypeRule" operator STRING_PREFIX 2 "string prefixof" operator STRING_SUFFIX 2 "string suffixof" operator STRING_IS_DIGIT 1 "string isdigit, returns true if argument is a string of length one that represents a digit" operator STRING_ITOS 1 "integer to string" operator STRING_STOI 1 "string to integer (total function)" operator STRING_TO_CODE 1 "string to code, returns the code of the first character of the string if it has length one, -1 otherwise" operator STRING_FROM_CODE 1 "string from code, returns a string containing a single character whose code point matches the argument to this function, empty string if the argument is out-of-bounds" operator STRING_TOLOWER 1 "string to lowercase conversion" operator STRING_TOUPPER 1 "string to uppercase conversion" operator STRING_REV 1 "string reverse" sort STRING_TYPE \ Cardinality::INTEGERS \ well-founded \ "NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(::CVC4::String())" \ "util/string.h" \ "String type" sort REGEXP_TYPE \ Cardinality::INTEGERS \ well-founded \ "NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(REGEXP_EMPTY, std::vector() )" \ "util/string.h" \ "RegExp type" enumerator STRING_TYPE \ "::CVC4::theory::strings::StringEnumerator" \ "theory/strings/type_enumerator.h" constant CONST_STRING \ ::CVC4::String \ ::CVC4::strings::StringHashFunction \ "util/string.h" \ "a string of characters" # the type operator SEQUENCE_TYPE 1 "seuence type, takes as parameter the type of the elements" cardinality SEQUENCE_TYPE \ "::CVC4::theory::strings::SequenceProperties::computeCardinality(%TYPE%)" \ "theory/strings/theory_strings_type_rules.h" well-founded SEQUENCE_TYPE \ "::CVC4::theory::strings::SequenceProperties::isWellFounded(%TYPE%)" \ "::CVC4::theory::strings::SequenceProperties::mkGroundTerm(%TYPE%)" \ "theory/strings/theory_strings_type_rules.h" enumerator SEQUENCE_TYPE \ "::CVC4::theory::strings::SequenceEnumerator" \ "theory/strings/type_enumerator.h" constant CONST_SEQUENCE \ ::CVC4::Sequence \ ::CVC4::SequenceHashFunction \ "expr/sequence.h" \ "a sequence of characters" operator SEQ_UNIT 1 "a sequence of length one" operator SEQ_NTH 2 "The nth element of a sequence" # equal equal / less than / output operator STRING_TO_REGEXP 1 "convert string to regexp" operator REGEXP_CONCAT 2: "regexp concat" operator REGEXP_UNION 2: "regexp union" operator REGEXP_INTER 2: "regexp intersection" operator REGEXP_DIFF 2: "regexp difference" operator REGEXP_STAR 1 "regexp *" operator REGEXP_PLUS 1 "regexp +" operator REGEXP_OPT 1 "regexp ?" operator REGEXP_RANGE 2 "regexp range" operator REGEXP_COMPLEMENT 1 "regexp complement" operator REGEXP_EMPTY 0 "regexp empty" operator REGEXP_SIGMA 0 "regexp all characters" constant REGEXP_REPEAT_OP \ ::CVC4::RegExpRepeat \ ::CVC4::RegExpRepeatHashFunction \ "util/regexp.h" \ "operator for regular expression repeat; payload is an instance of the CVC4::RegExpRepeat class" parameterized REGEXP_REPEAT REGEXP_REPEAT_OP 1 "regular expression repeat; first parameter is a REGEXP_REPEAT_OP, second is a regular expression term" constant REGEXP_LOOP_OP \ ::CVC4::RegExpLoop \ ::CVC4::RegExpLoopHashFunction \ "util/regexp.h" \ "operator for regular expression loop; payload is an instance of the CVC4::RegExpLoop class" parameterized REGEXP_LOOP REGEXP_LOOP_OP 1 "regular expression loop; first parameter is a REGEXP_LOOP_OP, second is a regular expression term" #internal operator REGEXP_RV 1 "regexp rv (internal use only)" typerule REGEXP_RV "SimpleTypeRule" # regular expressions typerule REGEXP_CONCAT "SimpleTypeRuleVar" typerule REGEXP_UNION "SimpleTypeRuleVar" typerule REGEXP_INTER "SimpleTypeRuleVar" typerule REGEXP_DIFF "SimpleTypeRuleVar" typerule REGEXP_STAR "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_PLUS "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_OPT "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_RANGE ::CVC4::theory::strings::RegExpRangeTypeRule typerule REGEXP_REPEAT_OP "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_REPEAT "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_LOOP_OP "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_LOOP "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_COMPLEMENT "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_TO_REGEXP "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_IN_REGEXP "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_EMPTY "SimpleTypeRule" typerule REGEXP_SIGMA "SimpleTypeRule" ### operators that apply to both strings and sequences typerule STRING_CONCAT ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringConcatTypeRule typerule STRING_LENGTH ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringStrToIntTypeRule typerule STRING_SUBSTR ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringSubstrTypeRule typerule STRING_UPDATE ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringUpdateTypeRule typerule STRING_CHARAT ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringAtTypeRule typerule STRING_STRCTN ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringRelationTypeRule typerule STRING_STRIDOF ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringIndexOfTypeRule typerule STRING_STRREPL ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringReplaceTypeRule typerule STRING_STRREPLALL ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringReplaceTypeRule typerule STRING_PREFIX ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringStrToBoolTypeRule typerule STRING_SUFFIX ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringStrToBoolTypeRule typerule STRING_REV ::CVC4::theory::strings::StringStrToStrTypeRule ### string specific operators typerule CONST_STRING "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_LT "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_LEQ "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_IS_DIGIT "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_ITOS "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_STOI "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_TO_CODE "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_FROM_CODE "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_TOUPPER "SimpleTypeRule" typerule STRING_TOLOWER "SimpleTypeRule" ### sequence specific operators typerule CONST_SEQUENCE ::CVC4::theory::strings::ConstSequenceTypeRule typerule SEQ_UNIT ::CVC4::theory::strings::SeqUnitTypeRule typerule SEQ_NTH ::CVC4::theory::strings::SeqNthTypeRule endtheory