#include "cvc4autoconfig.h" #include "theory/arith/cut_log.h" #include "theory/arith/approx_simplex.h" #include "theory/arith/normal_form.h" #include "theory/arith/constraint.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace CVC4 { namespace theory { namespace arith { NodeLog::const_iterator NodeLog::begin() const { return d_cuts.begin(); } NodeLog::const_iterator NodeLog::end() const { return d_cuts.end(); } NodeLog& TreeLog::getNode(int nid) { ToNodeMap::iterator i = d_toNode.find(nid); Assert(i != d_toNode.end()); return (*i).second; } TreeLog::const_iterator TreeLog::begin() const { return d_toNode.begin(); } TreeLog::const_iterator TreeLog::end() const { return d_toNode.end(); } int TreeLog::getExecutionOrd(){ int res = next_exec_ord; ++next_exec_ord; return res; } void TreeLog::makeInactive(){ d_active = false; } void TreeLog::makeActive(){ d_active = true; } bool TreeLog::isActivelyLogging() const { return d_active; } PrimitiveVec::PrimitiveVec() : len(0) , inds(NULL) , coeffs(NULL) {} PrimitiveVec::~PrimitiveVec(){ clear(); } bool PrimitiveVec::initialized() const { return inds != NULL; } void PrimitiveVec::clear() { if(initialized()){ delete[] inds; delete[] coeffs; len = 0; inds = NULL; coeffs = NULL; } } void PrimitiveVec::setup(int l){ Assert(!initialized()); len = l; inds = new int[1+len]; coeffs = new double[1+len]; } void PrimitiveVec::print(std::ostream& out) const{ Assert(initialized()); out << len << " "; out.precision(15); for(int i = 1; i <= len; ++i){ out << "["<< inds[i] <<", " << coeffs[i]<<"]"; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PrimitiveVec& pv){ pv.print(os); return os; } CutInfo::CutInfo(CutInfoKlass kl, int eid, int o) : d_klass(kl) , d_execOrd(eid) , d_poolOrd(o) , d_cutType(kind::UNDEFINED_KIND) , d_cutRhs() , d_cutVec() , d_mAtCreation(-1) , d_rowId(-1) , d_exactPrecision(NULL) , d_explanation(NULL) {} CutInfo::~CutInfo(){ if(d_exactPrecision == NULL){ delete d_exactPrecision; } if(d_explanation == NULL){ delete d_explanation; } } int CutInfo::getId() const { return d_execOrd; } int CutInfo::getRowId() const{ return d_rowId; } void CutInfo::setRowId(int rid){ d_rowId = rid; } void CutInfo::print(ostream& out) const{ out << "[CutInfo " << d_execOrd << " " << d_poolOrd << " " << d_klass << " " << d_cutType << " " << d_cutRhs << " "; d_cutVec.print(out); out << "]" << endl; } PrimitiveVec& CutInfo::getCutVector(){ return d_cutVec; } const PrimitiveVec& CutInfo::getCutVector() const{ return d_cutVec; } // void CutInfo::init_cut(int l){ // cut_vec.setup(l); // } Kind CutInfo::getKind() const{ return d_cutType; } void CutInfo::setKind(Kind k){ Assert(k == kind::LEQ || k == kind::GEQ); d_cutType = k; } double CutInfo::getRhs() const{ return d_cutRhs; } void CutInfo::setRhs(double r){ d_cutRhs = r; } bool CutInfo::reconstructed() const{ return d_exactPrecision != NULL; } CutInfoKlass CutInfo::getKlass() const{ return d_klass; } int CutInfo::poolOrdinal() const{ return d_poolOrd; } void CutInfo::setDimensions(int N, int M){ d_mAtCreation = M; d_N = N; } int CutInfo::getN() const{ return d_N; } int CutInfo::getMAtCreation() const{ return d_mAtCreation; } /* Returns true if the cut has an explanation. */ bool CutInfo::proven() const{ return d_explanation != NULL; } bool CutInfo::operator<(const CutInfo& o) const{ return d_execOrd < o.d_execOrd; } void CutInfo::setReconstruction(const DenseVector& ep){ Assert(!reconstructed()); d_exactPrecision = new DenseVector(ep); } void CutInfo::setExplanation(const ConstraintCPVec& ex){ Assert(reconstructed()); if(d_explanation == NULL){ d_explanation = new ConstraintCPVec(ex); }else{ *d_explanation = ex; } } void CutInfo::swapExplanation(ConstraintCPVec& ex){ Assert(reconstructed()); Assert(!proven()); if(d_explanation == NULL){ d_explanation = new ConstraintCPVec(); } d_explanation->swap(ex); } const DenseVector& CutInfo::getReconstruction() const { Assert(reconstructed()); return *d_exactPrecision; } void CutInfo::clearReconstruction(){ if(proven()){ delete d_explanation; d_explanation = NULL; } if(reconstructed()){ delete d_exactPrecision; d_exactPrecision = NULL; } Assert(!reconstructed()); Assert(!proven()); } const ConstraintCPVec& CutInfo::getExplanation() const { Assert(proven()); return *d_explanation; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CutInfo& ci){ ci.print(os); return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, CutInfoKlass kl){ switch(kl){ case MirCutKlass: out << "MirCutKlass"; break; case GmiCutKlass: out << "GmiCutKlass"; break; case BranchCutKlass: out << "BranchCutKlass"; break; case RowsDeletedKlass: out << "RowDeletedKlass"; break; case UnknownKlass: out << "UnknownKlass"; break; default: out << "unexpected CutInfoKlass"; break; } return out; } bool NodeLog::isBranch() const{ return d_brVar >= 0; } NodeLog::NodeLog() : d_nid(-1) , d_parent(NULL) , d_tl(NULL) , d_cuts() , d_rowIdsSelected() , d_stat(Open) , d_brVar(-1) , d_brVal(0.0) , d_downId(-1) , d_upId(-1) , d_rowId2ArithVar() {} NodeLog::NodeLog(TreeLog* tl, int node, const RowIdMap& m) : d_nid(node) , d_parent(NULL) , d_tl(tl) , d_cuts() , d_rowIdsSelected() , d_stat(Open) , d_brVar(-1) , d_brVal(0.0) , d_downId(-1) , d_upId(-1) , d_rowId2ArithVar(m) {} NodeLog::NodeLog(TreeLog* tl, NodeLog* parent, int node) : d_nid(node) , d_parent(parent) , d_tl(tl) , d_cuts() , d_rowIdsSelected() , d_stat(Open) , d_brVar(-1) , d_brVal(0.0) , d_downId(-1) , d_upId(-1) , d_rowId2ArithVar() {} NodeLog::~NodeLog(){ CutSet::iterator i = d_cuts.begin(), iend = d_cuts.end(); for(; i != iend; ++i){ CutInfo* c = *i; delete c; } d_cuts.clear(); Assert(d_cuts.empty()); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NodeLog& nl){ nl.print(os); return os; } void NodeLog::copyParentRowIds() { Assert(d_parent != NULL); d_rowId2ArithVar = d_parent->d_rowId2ArithVar; } int NodeLog::branchVariable() const { return d_brVar; } double NodeLog::branchValue() const{ return d_brVal; } int NodeLog::getNodeId() const { return d_nid; } int NodeLog::getDownId() const{ return d_downId; } int NodeLog::getUpId() const{ return d_upId; } void NodeLog::addSelected(int ord, int sel){ Assert(d_rowIdsSelected.find(ord) == d_rowIdsSelected.end()); d_rowIdsSelected[ord] = sel; Debug("approx::nodelog") << "addSelected("<< ord << ", "<< sel << ")" << endl; } void NodeLog::applySelected() { CutSet::iterator iter = d_cuts.begin(), iend = d_cuts.end(), todelete; while(iter != iend){ CutInfo* curr = *iter; int poolOrd = curr->poolOrdinal(); if(curr->getRowId() >= 0 ){ // selected previously, kip ++iter; }else if(curr->getKlass() == RowsDeletedKlass){ // skip ++iter; }else if(curr->getKlass() == BranchCutKlass){ // skip ++iter; }else if(d_rowIdsSelected.find(poolOrd) == d_rowIdsSelected.end()){ todelete = iter; ++iter; d_cuts.erase(todelete); delete curr; }else{ Debug("approx::nodelog") << "applySelected " << curr->getId() << " " << poolOrd << "->" << d_rowIdsSelected[poolOrd] << endl; curr->setRowId( d_rowIdsSelected[poolOrd] ); ++iter; } } d_rowIdsSelected.clear(); } void NodeLog::applyRowsDeleted(const RowsDeleted& rd) { std::map currInOrd; //sorted const PrimitiveVec& cv = rd.getCutVector(); std::vector sortedRemoved (cv.inds+1, cv.inds+cv.len+1); sortedRemoved.push_back(INT_MAX); std::sort(sortedRemoved.begin(), sortedRemoved.end()); if(Debug.isOn("approx::nodelog")){ Debug("approx::nodelog") << "Removing #" << sortedRemoved.size()<< "..."; for(unsigned k = 0; kgetId() < rd.getId()){ if(d_rowId2ArithVar.find(curr->getRowId()) != d_rowId2ArithVar.end()){ if(curr->getRowId() >= min){ currInOrd.insert(make_pair(curr->getRowId(), curr)); } } } ++iter; } RowIdMap::const_iterator i, end; i=d_rowId2ArithVar.begin(), end = d_rowId2ArithVar.end(); for(; i != end; ++i){ int key = (*i).first; if(key >= min){ if(currInOrd.find(key) == currInOrd.end()){ CutInfo* null = NULL; currInOrd.insert(make_pair(key, null)); } } } std::map::iterator j, jend; int posInSorted = 0; for(j = currInOrd.begin(), jend=currInOrd.end(); j!=jend; ++j){ int origOrd = (*j).first; ArithVar v = d_rowId2ArithVar[origOrd]; int headRemovedOrd = sortedRemoved[posInSorted]; while(headRemovedOrd < origOrd){ ++posInSorted; headRemovedOrd = sortedRemoved[posInSorted]; } // headRemoveOrd >= origOrd Assert(headRemovedOrd >= origOrd); CutInfo* ci = (*j).second; if(headRemovedOrd == origOrd){ if(ci == NULL){ Debug("approx::nodelog") << "deleting from above because of " << rd << endl; Debug("approx::nodelog") << "had " << origOrd << " <-> " << v << endl; d_rowId2ArithVar.erase(origOrd); }else{ Debug("approx::nodelog") << "deleting " << ci << " because of " << rd << endl; Debug("approx::nodelog") << "had " << origOrd << " <-> " << v << endl; d_rowId2ArithVar.erase(origOrd); ci->setRowId(-1); } }else{ Assert(headRemovedOrd > origOrd); // headRemoveOrd > origOrd int newOrd = origOrd - posInSorted; Assert(newOrd > 0); if(ci == NULL){ Debug("approx::nodelog") << "shifting above down due to " << rd << endl; Debug("approx::nodelog") << "had " << origOrd << " <-> " << v << endl; Debug("approx::nodelog") << "now have " << newOrd << " <-> " << v << endl; d_rowId2ArithVar.erase(origOrd); mapRowId(newOrd, v); }else{ Debug("approx::nodelog") << "shifting " << ci << " down due to " << rd << endl; Debug("approx::nodelog") << "had " << origOrd << " <-> " << v << endl; Debug("approx::nodelog") << "now have " << newOrd << " <-> " << v << endl; ci->setRowId(newOrd); d_rowId2ArithVar.erase(origOrd); mapRowId(newOrd, v); } } } } // void NodeLog::adjustRowId(CutInfo& ci, const RowsDeleted& rd) { // int origRowId = ci.getRowId(); // int newRowId = ci.getRowId(); // ArithVar v = d_rowId2ArithVar[origRowId]; // const PrimitiveVec& cv = rd.getCutVector(); // for(int j = 1, N = cv.len; j <= N; j++){ // int ind = cv.inds[j]; // if(ind == origRowId){ // newRowId = -1; // break; // }else if(ind < origRowId){ // newRowId--; // } // } // if(newRowId < 0){ // cout << "deleting " << ci << " because of " << rd << endl; // cout << "had " << origRowId << " <-> " << v << endl; // d_rowId2ArithVar.erase(origRowId); // ci.setRowId(-1); // }else if(newRowId != origRowId){ // cout << "adjusting " << ci << " because of " << rd << endl; // cout << "had " << origRowId << " <-> " << v << endl; // cout << "now have " << newRowId << " <-> " << v << endl; // d_rowId2ArithVar.erase(origRowId); // ci.setRowId(newRowId); // mapRowId(newRowId, v); // }else{ // cout << "row id unchanged " << ci << " because of " << rd << endl; // } // } ArithVar NodeLog::lookupRowId(int rowId) const{ RowIdMap::const_iterator i = d_rowId2ArithVar.find(rowId); if(i == d_rowId2ArithVar.end()){ return ARITHVAR_SENTINEL; }else{ return (*i).second; } } void NodeLog::mapRowId(int rowId, ArithVar v){ Assert(lookupRowId(rowId) == ARITHVAR_SENTINEL); Debug("approx::nodelog") << "On " << getNodeId() << " adding row id " << rowId << " <-> " << v << endl; d_rowId2ArithVar[rowId] = v; } void NodeLog::addCut(CutInfo* ci){ Assert(ci != NULL); d_cuts.insert(ci); } void NodeLog::print(ostream& o) const{ o << "[n" << getNodeId(); for(const_iterator iter = begin(), iend = end(); iter != iend; ++iter ){ CutInfo* cut = *iter; o << ", " << cut->poolOrdinal(); if(cut->getRowId() >= 0){ o << " " << cut->getRowId(); } } o << "]" << std::endl; } void NodeLog::closeNode(){ Assert(d_stat == Open); d_stat = Closed; } void NodeLog::setBranch(int br, double val, int d, int u){ Assert(d_stat == Open); d_brVar = br; d_brVal = val; d_downId = d; d_upId = u; d_stat = Branched; } TreeLog::TreeLog() : next_exec_ord(0) , d_toNode() , d_branches() , d_numCuts(0) , d_active(false) { NodeLog::RowIdMap empty; reset(empty); } int TreeLog::getRootId() const{ return 1; } NodeLog& TreeLog::getRootNode(){ return getNode(getRootId()); } void TreeLog::clear(){ next_exec_ord = 0; d_toNode.clear(); d_branches.purge(); d_numCuts = 0; // add root } void TreeLog::reset(const NodeLog::RowIdMap& m){ clear(); d_toNode.insert(make_pair(getRootId(), NodeLog(this, getRootId(), m))); } void TreeLog::addCut(){ d_numCuts++; } uint32_t TreeLog::cutCount() const { return d_numCuts; } void TreeLog::logBranch(uint32_t x){ d_branches.add(x); } uint32_t TreeLog::numBranches(uint32_t x){ return d_branches.count(x); } void TreeLog::branch(int nid, int br, double val, int dn, int up){ NodeLog& nl = getNode(nid); nl.setBranch(br, val, dn, up); d_toNode.insert(make_pair(dn, NodeLog(this, &nl, dn))); d_toNode.insert(make_pair(up, NodeLog(this, &nl, up))); } void TreeLog::close(int nid){ NodeLog& nl = getNode(nid); nl.closeNode(); } // void TreeLog::applySelected() { // std::map::iterator iter, end; // for(iter = d_toNode.begin(), end = d_toNode.end(); iter != end; ++iter){ // NodeLog& onNode = (*iter).second; // //onNode.applySelected(); // } // } void TreeLog::print(ostream& o) const{ o << "TreeLog: " << d_toNode.size() << std::endl; for(const_iterator iter = begin(), iend = end(); iter != iend; ++iter){ const NodeLog& onNode = (*iter).second; onNode.print(o); } } void TreeLog::applyRowsDeleted(int nid, const RowsDeleted& rd){ NodeLog& nl = getNode(nid); nl.applyRowsDeleted(rd); } void TreeLog::mapRowId(int nid, int ind, ArithVar v){ NodeLog& nl = getNode(nid); nl.mapRowId(ind, v); } void DenseVector::purge() { lhs.purge(); rhs = Rational(0); } RowsDeleted::RowsDeleted(int execOrd, int nrows, const int num[]) : CutInfo(RowsDeletedKlass, execOrd, 0) { d_cutVec.setup(nrows); for(int j=1; j <= nrows; j++){ d_cutVec.coeffs[j] = 0; d_cutVec.inds[j] = num[j]; } } BranchCutInfo::BranchCutInfo(int execOrd, int br, Kind dir, double val) : CutInfo(BranchCutKlass, execOrd, 0) { d_cutVec.setup(1); d_cutVec.inds[1] = br; d_cutVec.coeffs[1] = +1.0; d_cutRhs = val; d_cutType = dir; } void TreeLog::printBranchInfo(ostream& os) const{ uint32_t total = 0; DenseMultiset::const_iterator iter = d_branches.begin(), iend = d_branches.end(); for(; iter != iend; ++iter){ uint32_t el = *iter; total += el; } os << "printBranchInfo() : " << total << endl; iter = d_branches.begin(), iend = d_branches.end(); for(; iter != iend; ++iter){ uint32_t el = *iter; os << "["<& v){ out << "[DenseVec len " << v.size(); DenseMap::const_iterator iter, end; for(iter = v.begin(), end = v.end(); iter != end; ++iter){ ArithVar x = *iter; out << ", "<< x << " " << v[x]; } out << "]"; } }/* CVC4::theory::arith namespace */ }/* CVC4::theory namespace */ }/* CVC4 namespace */