%{ #include "smt/command.h" #ifdef SWIGJAVA #include "bindings/java_iterator_adapter.h" #include "bindings/java_stream_adapters.h" #endif /* SWIGJAVA */ %} %ignore CVC4::operator<<(std::ostream&, const Command&); %ignore CVC4::operator<<(std::ostream&, const Command*); %ignore CVC4::operator<<(std::ostream&, const CommandStatus&); %ignore CVC4::operator<<(std::ostream&, const CommandStatus*); %ignore CVC4::operator<<(std::ostream&, BenchmarkStatus status); %ignore CVC4::operator<<(std::ostream&, CommandPrintSuccess); %ignore CVC4::GetProofCommand; #ifdef SWIGJAVA // Instead of CommandSequence::begin() and end(), create an // iterator() method on the Java side that returns a Java-style // Iterator. %ignore CVC4::CommandSequence::begin(); %ignore CVC4::CommandSequence::end(); %ignore CVC4::CommandSequence::begin() const; %ignore CVC4::CommandSequence::end() const; %extend CVC4::CommandSequence { CVC4::JavaIteratorAdapter iterator() { return CVC4::JavaIteratorAdapter( *$self); } } // CommandSequence is "iterable" on the Java side %typemap(javainterfaces) CVC4::CommandSequence "java.lang.Iterable"; // the JavaIteratorAdapter should not be public, and implements Iterator %typemap(javaclassmodifiers) CVC4::JavaIteratorAdapter "class"; %typemap(javainterfaces) CVC4::JavaIteratorAdapter "java.util.Iterator"; // add some functions to the Java side (do it here because there's no way to do these in C++) %typemap(javacode) CVC4::JavaIteratorAdapter " public void remove() { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } public edu.nyu.acsys.CVC4.Command next() { if(hasNext()) { return getNext(); } else { throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException(); } } " // getNext() just allows C++ iterator access from Java-side next(), make it private %javamethodmodifiers CVC4::JavaIteratorAdapter::getNext() "private"; #endif /* SWIGJAVA */ %include "smt/command.h" #ifdef SWIGJAVA %include "bindings/java_iterator_adapter.h" %include "bindings/java_stream_adapters.h" %template(JavaIteratorAdapter_CommandSequence) CVC4::JavaIteratorAdapter; #endif /* SWIGJAVA */