================ CHANGES TO THE ORIGINAL CODE ================================== The only CVC4 connections passed to minisat are the proxy (defined in sat.h) and the context. The context is obtained from the SmtEngine, and the proxy is an intermediary class that has all-access to the SatSolver so as to simplify the interface to (possible) other sat solvers. These two are passed to minisat at construction time and some additional flags are set. We use the SimpSolver solver with simplifications. To compare with original minisat code in SVN you can compare to revision 6 on the trunk. The PropEngine then uses the following // Create the sat solver (this is the proxy, which will create minisat) d_satSolver = new SatSolver(this, d_theoryEngine, d_context, d_options); // Add some clauses d_cnfStream->convertAndAssert(node); // Check for satisfiabilty bool result = d_satSolver->solve(); * Adding theory literals: The newVar method has been changed from Var Solver::newVar(bool sign, bool dvar) to Var Solver::newVar(bool sign, bool dvar, bool theoryAtom) in order to mark the variables as theory literals. For that purpose there is a new boolean array called "theory" that is true or false if the variables is for a theory literal. * Backtracking/Pushing Backtracking in minisat is performed through the cancelUntil() method, which is now modified to pop the context the appropriate number of times. Minisat pushes the scope in the newDecisionLevel() method where we appropriately also push the CVC4 context. * Phase caching In order to implement phase-caching (RSAT paper) we (1) flag minisat to use the user-provided polarities first by setting the minisat::SimpSolver::polarity_user flag when initializing the solver (in sat.h) (2) when a variable is set (in uncheckedEnqueue()) we remember the value in the "polarity" table. * Asserting the theory literals In the uncheckedEnqueue() method, if the literal is a theory literal (looking in the "theory" table), it is passed to the prop engine thorough the proxy. * Theory propagation (checking) The BCP propagation method was changed from propagate to propagateBool and another method propagateTheory is defined to do the theory propagation. The propagate method now looks like Clause* Solver::propagate() { Clause* confl = NULL; while(qhead < trail.size()) { confl = propagateBool(); if (confl != NULL) break; confl = propagateTheory(); if (confl != NULL) break; } return confl; } The propagateBool method will perform the BCP on the newly assigned variables in the trail, and if a conflict is found it will break. Otherwise, the theory propagation is given a chance to check for satisfiability and maybe enqueue some additional propagated literals. * Conflict resolution If a conflict is detected during theory propagation we can rely on the minisat conflict resolution with a twist. Since a theory can return a conflict where all literals are assigned at a level lower than the current level, we must backtrack to the highest level of any literal in the conflict. This is done already in the propagateTheory(). * Clause simplification Minisat performs some simplifications on the clause database: (1) variable elimination (2) subsumtion Subsumtion is complete even with theory reasoning, but eliminating theory literals by resolution might be incomplete: (x = 0 \vee x = 1) \wedge (x != 1 \vee y = 1) \wedge x = y ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ v ~v would, after eliminating v, simplify to (x = 0) wedge (y = 1) wedge (x = y) which is unsatisfiable while x = 1, y = 1 is a satisfying assignment for the above. Minisat does not perform variable elimination on the variables that are marked as frozen (in the "frozen", SimSolver.h) table. We put all the theory literals in the frozen table, which solves the incompleteness problem. ================ NOTES ========================================================= * Accessing the internals of the SAT solver The non-public parts of the SAT solver are accessed via the static methods in the SatSolver class. SatSolverProxy is declared as a friend of the SatSolver and has all-privileges access to the internals -- use with care!!! * Clause Database and CNF The clause database consists of two parts: vec clauses; // List of problem clauses. vec learnts; // List of learnt clauses. Clauses is the original problem clauses, and learnts are the clauses learned during the search. I have disabled removal of satisfied problem clauses by setting the remove_satisfied flag to false. The learnt clauses get removed every once in a while by removing the half of clauses with the low activity (reduceDB()) Since the clause database backtracks with the SMT solver, the CNF cache should be context dependent and everything will be in sync. * Adding a Clause The only method in the interface that allows addition of clauses in MiniSAT is bool Solver::addClause(vec& ps), but it only adds the problem clauses. In order to add the clauses to the removable database the interface is now bool Solver::addClause(vec& ps, bool removable). Clauses added with removable=true might get removed by the SAT solver when compacting the database. The question is whether to add the propagation/conflict lemmas as removable or not? * Literal Activities We do not backtrack literal activities. This does not semantically change the equivalence of the context, but does change solve times if the same problem is run several times. * Do we need to assign literals that only appear in satisfied clauses?