news for release 936 since 935 ------------------------------ * simple minimal unsatisfiable core (MUS) extractor 'picomus' (example for using 'picosat_mus_assumptions' and 'picosat_coreclause') * added 'picosat_mus_assumptions' * added 'picosat_{set_}propagations' * new 'int' return value for 'picosat_enable_trace_generation' to check for trace code being compiled news for release 935 since 926 ------------------------------ * added 'picosat_failed_assumptions' (plural) * new '-A ' command line option * fixed failed assumption issues * added 'picosat_remove_learned' * added 'picosat_reset_{phases,scores}' * added 'picosat_set_less_important_lit' * added 'picosat_res' news for release 926 since 846 ------------------------------ * random initial phase (API of 'picosat_set_default_phase' changed) * fixed accumulative failed assumption (multiple times) * fixed missing original clause in core generation with assumptions * fixed debugging code for memory allocation * shared library in addition to static library * removed potential UNKNOWN result without decision limit * added picosat_set_more_important_lit * added picosat_coreclause * propagation of binary clauses until completion * fixed API usage 'assume;sat;sat' * literals move to front (LMTF) during traversal of visited clauses * switched from inner/outer to Luby style restart scheduling * less agressive reduce schedule * replaced watched literals with head and tail pointers * add 'picosat_failed_assumption', which allows to avoid tracing and core generation, if one is only interested in assumptions in the core * fixed a BUG in the generic iterator code of clauses (should rarely happen unless you use a very sophisticated malloc lib) news for release 846 since 632 ------------------------------ * cleaned up assumption handling (actually removed buggy optimization) * incremental core generation * experimental 'all different constraint' handling as in our FMCAD'08 paper * new API calls: - picosat_add_ado_lit (add all different object literal) - picosat_deref_top_level (deref top level assignment) - picosat_changed (check whether extension was possible) - picosat_measure_all_calls (per default do not measure adding time) - picosat_set_prefix (set prefix for messages) * 64 bit port (and compilation options) * optional NVSIDS visualization code * resource controlled failed literal implementation * disconnect long clauses satisfied at lower decision level * controlling restarts