/* ******************* -*- C++ -*- */ /* smt_parser.g ** Original author: dejan ** Major contributors: mdeters, cconway ** Minor contributors (to current version): none ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype. ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys) ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences ** New York University ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing ** information. ** ** Parser for SMT-LIB input language. **/ header "post_include_hpp" { #include "parser/antlr_parser.h" #include "util/command.h" } header "post_include_cpp" { #include using namespace std; using namespace CVC4; using namespace CVC4::parser; } options { language = "Cpp"; // C++ output for antlr namespaceStd = "std"; // Cosmetic option to get rid of long defines in generated code namespaceAntlr = "antlr"; // Cosmetic option to get rid of long defines in generated code namespace = "CVC4::parser"; // Wrap everything in the smtparser namespace } /** * AntlrSmtParser class is the parser for the SMT-LIB files. */ class AntlrSmtParser extends Parser("AntlrParser"); options { genHashLines = true; // Include line number information importVocab = SmtVocabulary; // Import the common vocabulary defaultErrorHandler = false; // Skip the defaul error handling, just break with exceptions k = 2; } /** * Parses an expression. * @return the parsed expression */ parseExpr returns [CVC4::Expr expr] : expr = annotatedFormula | EOF ; /** * Parses a command (the whole benchmark) * @return the command of the benchmark */ parseCommand returns [CVC4::Command* cmd] : cmd = benchmark ; /** * Matches the whole SMT-LIB benchmark. * @return the sequence command containing the whole problem */ benchmark returns [Command* cmd] : LPAREN BENCHMARK IDENTIFIER cmd = benchAttributes RPAREN | EOF { cmd = 0; } ; /** * Matches a sequence of benchmark attributes and returns a pointer to a * command sequence. * @return the command sequence */ benchAttributes returns [CVC4::CommandSequence* cmd_seq = new CommandSequence()] { Command* cmd; } : (cmd = benchAttribute { if (cmd) cmd_seq->addCommand(cmd); } )+ ; /** * Matches a benchmark attribute, sucha as ':logic', ':formula', and returns * a corresponding command * @retrurn a command corresponding to the attribute */ benchAttribute returns [Command* smt_command = 0] { Expr formula; string logic; SetBenchmarkStatusCommand::BenchmarkStatus b_status = SetBenchmarkStatusCommand::SMT_UNKNOWN; } : LOGIC_ATTR logic = identifier { smt_command = new SetBenchmarkLogicCommand(logic); } | ASSUMPTION_ATTR formula = annotatedFormula { smt_command = new AssertCommand(formula); } | FORMULA_ATTR formula = annotatedFormula { smt_command = new CheckSatCommand(formula); } | STATUS_ATTR b_status = status { smt_command = new SetBenchmarkStatusCommand(b_status); } | EXTRAFUNS_ATTR LPAREN (functionDeclaration)+ RPAREN | EXTRAPREDS_ATTR LPAREN (predicateDeclaration)+ RPAREN | EXTRASORTS_ATTR LPAREN (sortDeclaration)+ RPAREN | NOTES_ATTR STRING_LITERAL | annotation ; /** * Matches an identifier and returns a string. * @param check what kinds of check to do on the symbol * @return the id string */ identifier[DeclarationCheck check = CHECK_NONE] returns [std::string id] : x:IDENTIFIER { id = x->getText(); } { checkDeclaration(id, check) }? exception catch [antlr::SemanticException& ex] { switch (check) { case CHECK_DECLARED: rethrow(ex, "Symbol " + id + " not declared"); case CHECK_UNDECLARED: rethrow(ex, "Symbol " + id + " already declared"); default: throw ex; } } ; /** * Matches an annotated formula. * @return the expression representing the formula */ annotatedFormula returns [CVC4::Expr formula] { Kind kind; vector children; } : formula = annotatedAtom | LPAREN kind = boolConnective annotatedFormulas[children] RPAREN { formula = mkExpr(kind, children); } /* TODO: let, flet, quantifiers */ ; /** * Matches a sequence of annotaed formulas and puts them into the formulas * vector. * @param formulas the vector to fill with formulas */ annotatedFormulas[std::vector& formulas] { Expr f; } : ( f = annotatedFormula { formulas.push_back(f); } )+ ; /** * Matches an annotated proposition atom, which is either a propositional atom * or built of other atoms using a predicate symbol. * @return expression representing the atom */ annotatedAtom returns [CVC4::Expr atom] { Kind kind; string predName; Expr pred; vector children; } : atom = propositionalAtom | LPAREN kind = arithPredicate annotatedTerms[children] RPAREN { atom = mkExpr(kind,children); } | LPAREN pred = predicateSymbol { children.push_back(pred); } annotatedTerms[children] RPAREN { atom = mkExpr(CVC4::APPLY,children); } ; /** * Matches an annotated term. * @return the expression representing the term */ annotatedTerm returns [CVC4::Expr term] { Kind kind; Expr f, t1, t2; vector children; } : term = baseTerm | LPAREN f = functionSymbol { children.push_back(f); } annotatedTerms[children] RPAREN { term = mkExpr(CVC4::APPLY, children); } // | LPAREN kind = arithFunction annotatedTerms[children] RPAREN // { term = mkExpr(kind,children); } | LPAREN ITE f = annotatedFormula t1 = annotatedTerm t2 = annotatedTerm RPAREN { term = mkExpr(CVC4::ITE, f, t1, t2); } ; /** * Matches a sequence of annotaed formulas and puts them into the formulas * vector. * @param formulas the vector to fill with formulas */ annotatedTerms[std::vector& terms] { Expr t; } : ( t = annotatedFormula { terms.push_back(t); } )+ ; baseTerm returns [CVC4::Expr term] { string name; } : name = identifier[CHECK_DECLARED] { term = getVariable(name); } /* TODO: constants */ ; /** * Matches on of the unary Boolean connectives. * @return the kind of the Bollean connective */ boolConnective returns [CVC4::Kind kind] : NOT { kind = CVC4::NOT; } | IMPLIES { kind = CVC4::IMPLIES; } | AND { kind = CVC4::AND; } | OR { kind = CVC4::OR; } | XOR { kind = CVC4::XOR; } | IFF { kind = CVC4::IFF; } ; /** * Matches a propositional atom and returns the expression of the atom. * @return atom the expression of the atom */ propositionalAtom returns [CVC4::Expr atom] { std::string p; } : atom = predicateSymbol | TRUE { atom = getTrueExpr(); } | FALSE { atom = getFalseExpr(); } ; arithPredicate returns [CVC4::Kind kind] : EQUAL { kind = CVC4::EQUAL; } /* TODO: lt, gt */ ; /** * Matches a (possibly undeclared) predicate identifier (returning the string). * @param check what kind of check to do with the symbol */ predicateName[DeclarationCheck check = CHECK_NONE] returns [std::string p] : p = identifier[check] ; /** * Matches an previously declared predicate symbol (returning an Expr) */ predicateSymbol returns [CVC4::Expr pred] { string name; } : name = predicateName[CHECK_DECLARED] { pred = getVariable(name); } ; /** * Matches a (possibly undeclared) function identifier (returning the string) * @param check what kind of check to do with the symbol */ functionName[DeclarationCheck check = CHECK_NONE] returns [std::string name] : name = identifier[check] ; /** * Matches an previously declared function symbol (returning an Expr) */ functionSymbol returns [CVC4::Expr fun] { string name; } : name = functionName[CHECK_DECLARED] { fun = getVariable(name); } ; /** * Matches an attribute name from the input (:attribute_name). */ attribute : C_IDENTIFIER ; /** * Matches the sort symbol, which can be an arbitrary identifier. * @param check the check to perform on the name */ sortName[DeclarationCheck check = CHECK_NONE] returns [std::string name] : name = identifier[CHECK_NONE] /* We pass CHECK_NONE to identifier, because identifier checks in the variable namespace, not the sorts namespace. */ { checkSort(name,check) }? ; functionDeclaration { string name; vector sorts; } : LPAREN name = functionName[CHECK_UNDECLARED] sortNames[sorts, CHECK_DECLARED] RPAREN { newFunction(name, sorts); } ; /** * Matches the declaration of a predicate and declares it */ predicateDeclaration { string p_name; vector p_sorts; } : LPAREN p_name = predicateName[CHECK_UNDECLARED] sortNames[p_sorts, CHECK_DECLARED] RPAREN { newPredicate(p_name, p_sorts); } ; sortDeclaration { string name; } : name = sortName[CHECK_UNDECLARED] { newSort(name); } ; /** * Matches a sequence of sort symbols and fills them into the given vector. */ sortNames[std::vector& sorts,DeclarationCheck check = CHECK_NONE] { std::string name; } : ( name = sortName[check] { sorts.push_back(name); })* ; /** * Matches the status of the benchmark, one of 'sat', 'unsat' or 'unknown'. */ status returns [ SetBenchmarkStatusCommand::BenchmarkStatus status ] : SAT { status = SetBenchmarkStatusCommand::SMT_SATISFIABLE; } | UNSAT { status = SetBenchmarkStatusCommand::SMT_UNSATISFIABLE; } | UNKNOWN { status = SetBenchmarkStatusCommand::SMT_UNKNOWN; } ; /** * Matches an annotation, which is an attribute name, with an optional user */ annotation : attribute (USER_VALUE)? 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