/* smt_lexer.g * Original author: dejan * Major contributors: * Minor contributors (to current version): none * This file is part of the CVC4 prototype. * Copyright (c) 2009 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys) * Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences * New York University * See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing * information. * * Lexer for SMT-LIB input language. */ options { language = "Cpp"; // C++ output for antlr namespaceStd = "std"; // Cosmetic option to get rid of long defines in generated code namespaceAntlr = "antlr"; // Cosmetic option to get rid of long defines in generated code namespace = "CVC4::parser"; // Wrap everything in the smtparser namespace } /** * AntlrSmtLexer class is a stream tokenizer (lexer) for the SMT-LIB benchmark * language. */ class AntlrSmtLexer extends Lexer; options { exportVocab = SmtVocabulary; // Name of the shared token vocabulary testLiterals = false; // Do not check for literals by default defaultErrorHandler = false; // Skip the default error handling, just break with exceptions k = 2; } tokens { // Base SMT-LIB tokens DISTINCT = "distinct"; ITE = "ite"; TRUE = "true"; FALSE = "false"; NOT = "not"; IMPLIES = "implies"; IF_THEN_ELSE = "if_then_else"; AND = "and"; OR = "or"; XOR = "xor"; IFF = "iff"; EXISTS = "exists"; FORALL = "forall"; LET = "let"; FLET = "flet"; THEORY = "theory"; LOGIC = "logic"; SAT = "sat"; UNSAT = "unsat"; UNKNOWN = "unknown"; BENCHMARK = "benchmark"; // The SMT attribute tokens LOGIC_ATTR = ":logic"; ASSUMPTION_ATTR = ":assumption"; FORMULA_ATTR = ":formula"; STATUS_ATTR = ":status"; EXTRASORTS_ATTR = ":extrasorts"; EXTRAFUNS_ATTR = ":extrafuns"; EXTRAPREDS_ATTR = ":extrapreds"; C_NOTES = ":notes"; // arithmetic symbols EQUAL = "="; LESS_THAN = "<"; GREATER_THAN = ">"; AMPERSAND = "&"; AT = "@"; POUND = "#"; PLUS = "+"; MINUS = "-"; STAR = "*"; DIV = "/"; PERCENT = "%"; PIPE = "|"; TILDE = "~"; } /** * Matches any letter ('a'-'z' and 'A'-'Z'). */ protected ALPHA options { paraphrase = "a letter"; } : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ; /** * Matches the digits (0-9) */ protected DIGIT options { paraphrase = "a digit"; } : '0'..'9' ; /** * Matches an identifier from the input. An identifier is a sequence of letters, * digits and "_", "'", "." symbols, starting with a letter. */ IDENTIFIER options { paraphrase = "an identifier"; testLiterals = true; } : ALPHA (ALPHA | DIGIT | '_' | '\'' | '.')* ; /** * Matches an identifier starting with a colon. An identifier is a sequence of letters, * digits and "_", "'", "." symbols, starting with a colon. */ C_IDENTIFIER options { paraphrase = "an identifier starting with a colon"; testLiterals = true; } : ':' ALPHA (ALPHA | DIGIT | '_' | '\'' | '.')* ; /** * Matches the value of user-defined annotations or attributes. The only constraint imposed on a user-defined value is that it start with * an open brace and end with closed brace. */ USER_VALUE : '{' ( '\n' { newline(); } | ~('{' | '}' | '\n') )* '}' ; /** * Matches the question mark symbol ('?'). */ QUESTION_MARK options { paraphrase = "a question mark '?'"; } : '?' ; /** * Matches the dollar sign ('$'). */ DOLLAR_SIGN options { paraphrase = "a dollar sign '$'"; } : '$' ; /** * Matches the left bracket ('('). */ LPAREN options { paraphrase = "a left parenthesis '('"; } : '('; /** * Matches the right bracket ('('). */ RPAREN options { paraphrase = "a right parenthesis ')'"; } : ')'; /** * Matches and skips whitespace in the input. */ WHITESPACE options { paraphrase = "whitespace"; } : (' ' | '\t' | '\f') { $setType(antlr::Token::SKIP); } ; /** * Matches and skips the newline symbols in the input. */ NEWLINE options { paraphrase = "a newline"; } : ('\r' '\n' | '\r' | '\n') { $setType(antlr::Token::SKIP); newline(); } ; /** * Matches a numeral from the input (non-empty sequence of digits). */ NUMERAL options { paraphrase = "a numeral"; } : (DIGIT)+ ; /** * Matches an allowed escaped character. */ protected ESCAPE : '\\' ('"' | '\\' | 'n' | 't' | 'r') ; /** * Matches a double quoted string literal. Escaping is supported, and escape * character '\' has to be escaped. */ STRING_LITERAL options { paraphrase = "a string literal"; } : '"' (ESCAPE | ~('"'|'\\'))* '"' ; /** * Matches the comments and ignores them */ COMMENT options { paraphrase = "comment"; } : ';' (~('\n' | '\r'))* { $setType(antlr::Token::SKIP); } ; /* Arithmetic symbol tokens */ EQUAL : "="; LESS_THAN : "<"; GREATER_THAN : ">"; AMPERSAND : "&"; AT : "@"; POUND : "#"; PLUS : "+"; MINUS : "-"; STAR : "*"; DIV : "/"; PERCENT : "%"; PIPE : "|"; TILDE : "~";