options { language = "Cpp"; // C++ output for antlr namespaceStd = "std"; // Cosmetic option to get rid of long defines in generated code namespaceAntlr = "antlr"; // Cosmetic option to get rid of long defines in generated code namespace = "CVC4::parser"; // Wrap everything in the smtparser namespace } /** * AntlrCvcLexer class is a stream tokenizer (lexer) for the CVC language. */ class AntlrCvcLexer extends Lexer; options { exportVocab = CvcVocabulary; // Name of the shared token vocabulary testLiterals = false; // Do not check for literals by default defaultErrorHandler = false; // Skip the defaul error handling, just break with exceptions k = 2; } tokens { // Types BOOLEAN = "BOOLEAN"; // Boolean oparators AND = "AND"; IF = "IF"; THEN = "THEN"; ELSE = "ELSE"; ELSEIF = "ELSIF"; ENDIF = "ENDIF"; NOT = "NOT"; OR = "OR"; TRUE = "TRUE"; FALSE = "FALSE"; XOR = "XOR"; IMPLIES = "=>"; IFF = "<=>"; // Commands ASSERT = "ASSERT"; QUERY = "QUERY"; CHECKSAT = "CHECKSAT"; PRINT = "PRINT"; EXHO = "ECHO"; PUSH = "PUSH"; POP = "POP"; POPTO = "POPTO"; } /** * Matches any letter ('a'-'z' and 'A'-'Z'). */ protected ALPHA options{ paraphrase = "a letter"; } : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ; /** * Matches the digits (0-9) */ protected DIGIT options{ paraphrase = "a digit"; } : '0'..'9' ; /** * Matches the ':' */ COLON options{ paraphrase = "a comma"; } : ':' ; /** * Matches the ',' */ COMMA options{ paraphrase = "a comma"; } : ',' ; /** * Matches an identifier from the input. An identifier is a sequence of letters, * digits and "_", "'", "." symbols, starting with a letter. */ IDENTIFIER options { paraphrase = "an identifier"; testLiterals = true; } : ALPHA (ALPHA | DIGIT | '_' | '\'' | '.')* ; /** * Matches the left bracket ('('). */ LPAREN options { paraphrase = "a left parenthesis '('"; } : '('; /** * Matches the right bracket ('('). */ RPAREN options { paraphrase = "a right parenthesis ')'"; } : ')'; /** * Matches and skips whitespace in the input and ignores it. */ WHITESPACE options { paraphrase = "whitespace"; } : (' ' | '\t' | '\f') { $setType(antlr::Token::SKIP); } ; /** * Mathces and skips the newline symbols in the input. */ NEWLINE options { paraphrase = "a newline"; } : ('\r' '\n' | '\r' | '\n') { $setType(antlr::Token::SKIP); newline(); } ; /** * Mathces the comments and ignores them */ COMMENT options { paraphrase = "comment"; } : ';' (~('\n' | '\r'))* { $setType(antlr::Token::SKIP); } ; /** * Matches a numeral from the input (non-empty sequence of digits). */ NUMERAL options { paraphrase = "a numeral"; } : (DIGIT)+ ;