# # Option specification file for CVC4 # See src/options/base_options for a description of this file format # module STRINGS "options/strings_options.h" Strings theory option stringExp strings-exp --strings-exp bool :default false :read-write experimental features in the theory of strings # :predicate-include "smt/smt_engine.h" option stringLB strings-lb --strings-lb=N unsigned :default 0 :predicate unsignedLessEqual2 the strategy of LB rule application: 0-lazy, 1-eager, 2-no # :predicate-include "smt/smt_engine.h" option stdASCII strings-std-ascii --strings-std-ascii bool :default true :predicate unsignedLessEqual2 the alphabet contains only characters from the standard ASCII or the extended one option stringFMF strings-fmf --strings-fmf bool :default false :read-write the finite model finding used by the theory of strings option stringEager strings-eager --strings-eager bool :default false strings eager check option stringEIT strings-eit --strings-eit bool :default false the eager intersection used by the theory of strings option stringOpt1 strings-opt1 --strings-opt1 bool :default true internal option1 for strings: normal form option stringOpt2 strings-opt2 --strings-opt2 bool :default false internal option2 for strings: constant regexp splitting option stringIgnNegMembership strings-inm --strings-inm bool :default false internal for strings: ignore negative membership constraints (fragment checking is needed, left to users for now) #expert-option stringCharCardinality strings-alphabet-card --strings-alphabet-card=N int16_t :default 128 :read-write # the cardinality of the characters used by the theory of strings, default 128 (for standard ASCII) or 256 (for extended ASCII) option stringLazyPreproc strings-lazy-pp --strings-lazy-pp bool :default true perform string preprocessing lazily upon assertion option stringLazyPreproc2 strings-lazy-pp2 --strings-lazy-pp2 bool :default true perform string preprocessing lazily upon failure to reduce option stringLenGeqZ strings-len-geqz --strings-len-geqz bool :default false strings length greater than zero lemmas option stringLenNorm strings-len-norm --strings-len-norm bool :default true strings length normalization lemma option stringSplitEmp strings-sp-emp --strings-sp-emp bool :default true strings split on empty string option stringInferSym strings-infer-sym --strings-infer-sym bool :default true strings split on empty string option stringEagerLen strings-eager-len --strings-eager-len bool :default true strings eager length lemmas endmodule