id = "STRINGS" name = "Strings Theory" [[option]] name = "stringExp" category = "regular" long = "strings-exp" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "experimental features in the theory of strings" [[option]] name = "stringFMF" category = "regular" long = "strings-fmf" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "the finite model finding used by the theory of strings" [[option]] name = "stringEager" category = "regular" long = "strings-eager" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "strings eager check" [[option]] name = "stringIgnNegMembership" category = "regular" long = "strings-inm" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "internal for strings: ignore negative membership constraints (fragment checking is needed, left to users for now)" [[option]] name = "stringLazyPreproc" category = "regular" long = "strings-lazy-pp" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "perform string preprocessing lazily" [[option]] name = "stringLenNorm" category = "regular" long = "strings-len-norm" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "strings length normalization lemma" [[option]] name = "stringInferSym" category = "regular" long = "strings-infer-sym" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "strings split on empty string" [[option]] name = "stringEagerLen" category = "regular" long = "strings-eager-len" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "strings eager length lemmas" [[option]] name = "stringCheckEntailLen" category = "regular" long = "strings-check-entail-len" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "check entailment between length terms to reduce splitting" [[option]] name = "stringProcessLoopMode" category = "expert" long = "strings-process-loop-mode=MODE" type = "ProcessLoopMode" default = "FULL" help = "determines how to process looping string equations" help_mode = "Loop processing modes." [[option.mode.FULL]] name = "full" help = "Perform full processing of looping word equations." [[option.mode.SIMPLE]] name = "simple" help = "Omit normal loop breaking (default with --strings-fmf)." [[option.mode.SIMPLE_ABORT]] name = "simple-abort" help = "Abort when normal loop breaking is required." [[option.mode.NONE]] name = "none" help = "Omit loop processing." [[option.mode.ABORT]] name = "abort" help = "Abort if looping word equations are encountered." [[option]] name = "stringInferAsLemmas" category = "regular" long = "strings-infer-as-lemmas" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "always send lemmas out instead of making internal inferences" [[option]] name = "stringRExplainLemmas" category = "regular" long = "strings-rexplain-lemmas" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "regression explanations for string lemmas" [[option]] name = "stringMinPrefixExplain" category = "regular" long = "strings-min-prefix-explain" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "minimize explanations for prefix of normal forms in strings" [[option]] name = "stringGuessModel" category = "regular" long = "strings-guess-model" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "use model guessing to avoid string extended function reductions" [[option]] name = "stringLenPropCsp" category = "regular" long = "strings-lprop-csp" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "do length propagation based on constant splits" [[option]] name = "regExpElim" category = "regular" long = "re-elim" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "elimination techniques for regular expressions" [[option]] name = "regExpElimAgg" category = "regular" long = "re-elim-agg" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "aggressive elimination techniques for regular expressions" [[option]] name = "stringFlatForms" category = "regular" long = "strings-ff" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "do flat form inferences" [[option]] name = "stringRegExpInterMode" category = "expert" long = "re-inter-mode=MODE" type = "RegExpInterMode" default = "CONSTANT" help = "determines which regular expressions intersections to compute" help_mode = "Regular expression intersection modes." [[option.mode.ALL]] name = "all" help = "Compute intersections for all regular expressions." [[option.mode.CONSTANT]] name = "constant" help = "Compute intersections only between regular expressions that do not contain re.allchar or re.range." [[option.mode.ONE_CONSTANT]] name = "one-constant" help = "Compute intersections only between regular expressions such that at least one side does not contain re.allchar or re.range." [[option.mode.NONE]] name = "none" help = "Do not compute intersections for regular expressions." [[option]] name = "stringUnifiedVSpt" category = "regular" long = "strings-unified-vspt" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "use a single skolem for the variable splitting rule" [[option]] name = "stringEagerEval" category = "regular" long = "strings-eager-eval" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "perform eager context-dependent evaluation for applications of string kinds"