id = "SMT" name = "SMT layer" header = "options/smt_options.h" [[option]] name = "dumpModeString" smt_name = "dump" category = "common" long = "dump=MODE" type = "std::string" read_only = true help = "dump preprocessed assertions, etc., see --dump=help" [[option]] name = "dumpToFileName" smt_name = "dump-to" category = "common" long = "dump-to=FILE" type = "std::string" read_only = true help = "all dumping goes to FILE (instead of stdout)" [[option]] name = "ackermann" category = "regular" long = "ackermann" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "eliminate functions by ackermannization" [[option]] name = "simplificationMode" smt_name = "simplification-mode" category = "regular" long = "simplification=MODE" type = "SimplificationMode" default = "BATCH" help = "choose simplification mode, see --simplification=help" help_mode = "Simplification modes." [[option.mode.NONE]] name = "none" help = "Do not perform nonclausal simplification." [[option.mode.BATCH]] name = "batch" help = "Save up all ASSERTions; run nonclausal simplification and clausal (MiniSat) propagation for all of them only after reaching a querying command (CHECKSAT or QUERY or predicate SUBTYPE declaration)." [[option]] name = "doStaticLearning" category = "regular" long = "static-learning" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "use static learning (on by default)" [[option]] name = "expandDefinitions" smt_name = "expand-definitions" category = "regular" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "always expand symbol definitions in output" [[option]] name = "produceModels" category = "common" short = "m" long = "produce-models" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "support the get-value and get-model commands" [[option]] name = "checkModels" category = "regular" long = "check-models" type = "bool" help = "after SAT/INVALID/UNKNOWN, check that the generated model satisfies user assertions" [[option]] name = "debugCheckModels" category = "regular" long = "debug-check-models" type = "bool" help = "after SAT/INVALID/UNKNOWN, check that the generated model satisfies user and internal assertions" [[option]] name = "dumpModels" category = "regular" long = "dump-models" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "output models after every SAT/INVALID/UNKNOWN response" [[option]] name = "modelCoresMode" category = "regular" long = "model-cores=MODE" type = "ModelCoresMode" default = "NONE" help = "mode for producing model cores" help_mode = "Model cores modes." [[option.mode.NONE]] name = "none" help = "Do not compute model cores." [[option.mode.SIMPLE]] name = "simple" help = "Only include a subset of variables whose values are sufficient to show the input formula is satisfied by the given model." [[option.mode.NON_IMPLIED]] name = "non-implied" help = "Only include a subset of variables whose values, in addition to the values of variables whose values are implied, are sufficient to show the input formula is satisfied by the given model." [[option]] name = "blockModelsMode" category = "regular" long = "block-models=MODE" type = "BlockModelsMode" default = "NONE" help = "mode for producing several models" help_mode = "Blocking models modes." [[option.mode.NONE]] name = "none" help = "Do not block models." [[option.mode.LITERALS]] name = "literals" help = "Block models based on the SAT skeleton." [[option.mode.VALUES]] name = "values" help = "Block models based on the concrete model values for the free variables." [[option]] name = "proof" category = "regular" long = "proof" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "produce proofs, support check-proofs and get-proof" [[option]] name = "dumpProofs" category = "regular" long = "dump-proofs" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "output proofs after every UNSAT/VALID response" [[option]] name = "checkProofs" category = "regular" long = "check-proofs" type = "bool" help = "after UNSAT/VALID, check the generated proof (with proof)" [[option]] name = "dumpInstantiations" category = "regular" long = "dump-instantiations" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "output instantiations of quantified formulas after every UNSAT/VALID response" [[option]] name = "sygusOut" category = "regular" long = "sygus-out=MODE" type = "SygusSolutionOutMode" default = "STATUS_AND_DEF" help = "output mode for sygus" help_mode = "Modes for sygus solution output." [[option.mode.STATUS]] name = "status" help = "Print only status for check-synth calls." [[option.mode.STATUS_AND_DEF]] name = "status-and-def" help = "Print status followed by definition corresponding to solution." [[option.mode.STATUS_OR_DEF]] name = "status-or-def" help = "Print status if infeasible, or definition corresponding to solution if feasible." [[option.mode.STANDARD]] name = "sygus-standard" help = "Print based on SyGuS standard." [[option]] name = "sygusPrintCallbacks" category = "regular" long = "sygus-print-callbacks" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "use sygus print callbacks to print sygus terms in the user-provided form (disable for debugging)" [[option]] name = "unsatCores" category = "regular" long = "produce-unsat-cores" type = "bool" predicates = ["proofEnabledBuild"] help = "turn on unsat core generation" [[option]] name = "checkUnsatCores" category = "regular" long = "check-unsat-cores" type = "bool" help = "after UNSAT/VALID, produce and check an unsat core (expensive)" [[option]] name = "checkUnsatCoresNew" category = "regular" long = "check-unsat-cores-new" type = "bool" help = "after UNSAT/VALID, produce and check an unsat core (expensive) using the new proof infrastructure" [[option]] name = "dumpUnsatCores" category = "regular" long = "dump-unsat-cores" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "output unsat cores after every UNSAT/VALID response" [[option]] name = "dumpUnsatCoresFull" category = "regular" long = "dump-unsat-cores-full" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "dump the full unsat core, including unlabeled assertions" [[option]] name = "unsatAssumptions" category = "regular" long = "produce-unsat-assumptions" type = "bool" default = "false" predicates = ["proofEnabledBuild"] read_only = true help = "turn on unsat assumptions generation" [[option]] name = "checkSynthSol" category = "regular" long = "check-synth-sol" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "checks whether produced solutions to functions-to-synthesize satisfy the conjecture" [[option]] name = "produceAssignments" category = "regular" long = "produce-assignments" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "support the get-assignment command" [[option]] name = "interactiveMode" smt_name = "interactive-mode" category = "undocumented" type = "bool" predicates = ["setProduceAssertions"] help = "deprecated name for produce-assertions" [[option]] name = "produceAssertions" category = "common" long = "produce-assertions" type = "bool" predicates = ["setProduceAssertions"] help = "keep an assertions list (enables get-assertions command)" [[option]] name = "doITESimp" category = "regular" long = "ite-simp" type = "bool" help = "turn on ite simplification (Kim (and Somenzi) et al., SAT 2009)" [[option]] name = "doITESimpOnRepeat" category = "regular" long = "on-repeat-ite-simp" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "do the ite simplification pass again if repeating simplification" [[option]] name = "extRewPrep" category = "regular" long = "ext-rew-prep" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "use extended rewriter as a preprocessing pass" [[option]] name = "extRewPrepAgg" category = "regular" long = "ext-rew-prep-agg" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "use aggressive extended rewriter as a preprocessing pass" [[option]] name = "simplifyWithCareEnabled" category = "regular" long = "simp-with-care" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "enables simplifyWithCare in ite simplificiation" [[option]] name = "compressItes" category = "regular" long = "simp-ite-compress" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "enables compressing ites after ite simplification" [[option]] name = "earlyIteRemoval" category = "experimental" long = "early-ite-removal" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "remove ITEs early in preprocessing" [[option]] name = "unconstrainedSimp" category = "regular" long = "unconstrained-simp" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "turn on unconstrained simplification (see Bruttomesso/Brummayer PhD thesis). Fully supported only in (subsets of) the logic QF_ABV." [[option]] name = "repeatSimp" category = "regular" long = "repeat-simp" type = "bool" help = "make multiple passes with nonclausal simplifier" [[option]] name = "zombieHuntThreshold" category = "regular" long = "simp-ite-hunt-zombies=N" type = "uint32_t" default = "524288" read_only = true help = "post ite compression enables zombie removal while the number of nodes is above this threshold" [[option]] name = "sortInference" category = "regular" long = "sort-inference" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "calculate sort inference of input problem, convert the input based on monotonic sorts" [[option]] name = "incrementalSolving" category = "common" short = "i" long = "incremental" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "enable incremental solving" [[option]] name = "abstractValues" category = "regular" long = "abstract-values" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "in models, output arrays (and in future, maybe others) using abstract values, as required by the SMT-LIB standard" [[option]] name = "modelUninterpPrint" smt_name = "model-uninterp-print" category = "regular" long = "model-u-print=MODE" type = "ModelUninterpPrintMode" default = "None" read_only = true help = "determines how to print uninterpreted elements in models" help_mode = "uninterpreted elements in models printing modes." [[option.mode.DtEnum]] name = "dtenum" help = "print uninterpreted elements as datatype enumerations, where the sort is the datatype" [[option.mode.DeclSortAndFun]] name = "decl-sort-and-fun" help = "print uninterpreted elements declare-fun, and also include a declare-sort for the sort" [[option.mode.DeclFun]] name = "decl-fun" help = "print uninterpreted elements declare-fun, but don't include a declare-sort for the sort" [[option.mode.None]] name = "none" help = "(default) do not print declarations of uninterpreted elements in models." [[option]] name = "modelWitnessValue" category = "regular" long = "model-witness-value" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "in models, use a witness constant for choice functions" [[option]] name = "regularChannelName" smt_name = "regular-output-channel" category = "regular" type = "std::string" read_only = true help = "set the regular output channel of the solver" [[option]] name = "diagnosticChannelName" smt_name = "diagnostic-output-channel" category = "regular" type = "std::string" read_only = true help = "set the diagnostic output channel of the solver" [[option]] name = "cumulativeMillisecondLimit" smt_name = "tlimit" category = "common" long = "tlimit=MS" type = "unsigned long" handler = "limitHandler" read_only = true help = "enable time limiting of wall clock time (give milliseconds)" [[option]] name = "perCallMillisecondLimit" smt_name = "tlimit-per" category = "common" long = "tlimit-per=MS" type = "unsigned long" handler = "limitHandler" read_only = true help = "enable time limiting per query (give milliseconds)" [[option]] name = "cumulativeResourceLimit" smt_name = "rlimit" category = "common" long = "rlimit=N" type = "unsigned long" handler = "limitHandler" read_only = true help = "enable resource limiting (currently, roughly the number of SAT conflicts)" [[option]] name = "perCallResourceLimit" smt_name = "reproducible-resource-limit" category = "common" long = "rlimit-per=N" type = "unsigned long" handler = "limitHandler" read_only = true help = "enable resource limiting per query" [[option]] name = "arithPivotStep" category = "expert" long = "arith-pivot-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each arithmetic pivot step" [[option]] name = "arithNlLemmaStep" category = "expert" long = "arith-nl-lemma-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each arithmetic nonlinear lemma step" [[option]] name = "rewriteStep" category = "expert" long = "rewrite-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each rewrite step" [[option]] name = "theoryCheckStep" category = "expert" long = "theory-check-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each theory check call" [[option]] name = "decisionStep" category = "expert" long = "decision-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of getNext decision calls in the decision engine" [[option]] name = "bitblastStep" category = "expert" long = "bitblast-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each bitblast step" [[option]] name = "bvPropagationStep" category = "expert" long = "bv-propagation-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each BV propagation step" [[option]] name = "bvEagerAssertStep" category = "expert" long = "bv-eager-assert-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each eager BV assert step" [[option]] name = "parseStep" category = "expert" long = "parse-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each command/expression parsing" [[option]] name = "lemmaStep" category = "expert" long = "lemma-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent when adding lemmas" [[option]] name = "newSkolemStep" category = "expert" long = "new-skolem-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent when adding new skolems" [[option]] name = "restartStep" category = "expert" long = "restart-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each theory restart" [[option]] name = "cnfStep" category = "expert" long = "cnf-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each call to cnf conversion" [[option]] name = "preprocessStep" category = "expert" long = "preprocess-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each preprocessing step in SmtEngine" [[option]] name = "quantifierStep" category = "expert" long = "quantifier-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for quantifier instantiations" [[option]] name = "satConflictStep" category = "expert" long = "sat-conflict-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (main sat solver)" [[option]] name = "bvSatConflictStep" category = "expert" long = "bv-sat-conflict-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (bitvectors)" [[option]] name = "bvSatPropagateStep" category = "expert" long = "bv-sat-propagate-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each sat propagate (bitvectors)" [[option]] name = "bvSatSimplifyStep" category = "expert" long = "bv-sat-simplify-step=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "amount of resources spent for each sat simplify (bitvectors)" [[option]] name = "forceNoLimitCpuWhileDump" category = "regular" long = "force-no-limit-cpu-while-dump" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "Force no CPU limit when dumping models and proofs" [[option]] name = "foreignTheoryRewrite" category = "regular" long = "foreign-theory-rewrite" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "Cross-theory rewrites" [[option]] name = "solveBVAsInt" category = "undocumented" long = "solve-bv-as-int=MODE" type = "SolveBVAsIntMode" default = "OFF" help = "mode for translating BVAnd to integer" help_mode = "solve-bv-as-int modes." [[option.mode.OFF]] name = "off" help = "Do not translate bit-vectors to integers" [[option.mode.SUM]] name = "sum" help = "Generate a sum expression for each bvand instance, based on the value in --solbv-bv-as-int-granularity" [[option.mode.IAND]] name = "iand" help = "Translate bvand to the iand operator (experimental)" [[option.mode.BV]] name = "bv" help = "Translate bvand back to bit-vectors" [[option]] name = "BVAndIntegerGranularity" category = "undocumented" long = "bvand-integer-granularity=N" type = "uint32_t" default = "1" read_only = true help = "granularity to use in --solve-bv-as-int mode and for iand operator (experimental)" [[option]] name = "iandMode" category = "undocumented" long = "iand-mode=mode" type = "IandMode" default = "VALUE" read_only = true help = "Set the refinement scheme for integer AND" help_mode = "Refinement modes for integer AND" [[option.mode.VALUE]] name = "value" help = "value-based refinement" [[option.mode.SUM]] name = "sum" help = "use sum to represent integer AND in refinement" [[option.mode.BITWISE]] name = "bitwise" help = "use bitwise comparisons on binary representation of integer for refinement (experimental)" [[option]] name = "solveIntAsBV" category = "undocumented" long = "solve-int-as-bv=N" type = "uint32_t" default = "0" read_only = true help = "attempt to solve a pure integer satisfiable problem by bitblasting in sufficient bitwidth (experimental)" [[option]] name = "solveRealAsInt" category = "undocumented" long = "solve-real-as-int" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "attempt to solve a pure real satisfiable problem as an integer problem (for non-linear)" [[option]] name = "produceInterpols" category = "undocumented" long = "produce-interpols=MODE" type = "ProduceInterpols" default = "NONE" read_only = true help = "support the get-interpol command" help_mode = "Interpolants grammar mode" [[option.mode.NONE]] name = "none" help = "don't compute interpolants" [[option.mode.DEFAULT]] name = "default" help = "use the default grammar for the theory or the user-defined grammar if given" [[option.mode.ASSUMPTIONS]] name = "assumptions" help = "use only operators that occur in the assumptions" [[option.mode.CONJECTURE]] name = "conjecture" help = "use only operators that occur in the conjecture" [[option.mode.SHARED]] name = "shared" help = "use only operators that occur both in the assumptions and the conjecture" [[option.mode.ALL]] name = "all" help = "use only operators that occur either in the assumptions or the conjecture" [[option]] name = "produceAbducts" category = "undocumented" long = "produce-abducts" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "support the get-abduct command" [[option]] name = "checkInterpols" category = "regular" long = "check-interpols" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "checks whether produced solutions to get-interpol are correct" [[option]] name = "checkAbducts" category = "regular" long = "check-abducts" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "checks whether produced solutions to get-abduct are correct"