id = "PRINTER" name = "Printing" header = "options/printer_options.h" [[option]] name = "modelFormatMode" category = "regular" long = "model-format=MODE" type = "ModelFormatMode" default = "DEFAULT" help = "print format mode for models, see --model-format=help" help_mode = "Model format modes." [[option.mode.DEFAULT]] name = "default" help = "Print model as expressions in the output language format." [[option.mode.TABLE]] name = "table" help = "Print functional expressions over finite domains in a table format." [[option]] name = "instFormatMode" category = "regular" long = "inst-format=MODE" type = "InstFormatMode" default = "InstFormatMode::DEFAULT" handler = "stringToInstFormatMode" includes = ["options/printer_modes.h"] help = "print format mode for instantiations, see --inst-format=help" # InstFormatMode is currently exported as public so we can't auto genenerate # the enum. # help_mode = "Inst format modes." #[[option.mode.DEFAULT]] # name = "default" # help = "Print instantiations as a list in the output language format." #[[option.mode.SZS]] # name = "szs" # help = "Print instantiations as SZS compliant proof." [[option]] name = "flattenHOChains" category = "regular" long = "flatten-ho-chains" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "print (binary) application chains in a flattened way, e.g. (a b c) rather than ((a b) c)" [[option]] name = "printInstMode" category = "regular" long = "print-inst=MODE" type = "PrintInstMode" default = "LIST" help = "print format for printing instantiations" help_mode = "Print format for printing instantiations." [[option.mode.LIST]] name = "list" help = "Print the list of instantiations per quantified formula, when non-empty." [[option.mode.NUM]] name = "num" help = "Print the total number of instantiations per quantified formula, when non-zero." [[option]] name = "printInstFull" category = "regular" long = "print-inst-full" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "print instantiations for formulas that do not have given identifiers"