id = "ARITH" name = "Arithmetic theory" header = "options/arith_options.h" [[option]] name = "arithUnateLemmaMode" category = "regular" long = "unate-lemmas=MODE" type = "ArithUnateLemmaMode" default = "ALL_PRESOLVE_LEMMAS" handler = "stringToArithUnateLemmaMode" includes = ["options/arith_unate_lemma_mode.h"] read_only = true help = "determines which lemmas to add before solving (default is 'all', see --unate-lemmas=help)" [[option]] name = "arithPropagationMode" category = "regular" long = "arith-prop=MODE" type = "ArithPropagationMode" default = "BOTH_PROP" handler = "stringToArithPropagationMode" includes = ["options/arith_propagation_mode.h"] read_only = true help = "turns on arithmetic propagation (default is 'old', see --arith-prop=help)" # The maximum number of difference pivots to do per invocation of simplex. # If this is negative, the number of pivots done is the number of variables. # If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different # defaults. [[option]] name = "arithHeuristicPivots" category = "regular" long = "heuristic-pivots=N" type = "int16_t" default = "0" help = "the number of times to apply the heuristic pivot rule; if N < 0, this defaults to the number of variables; if this is unset, this is tuned by the logic selection" # The maximum number of variable order pivots to do per invocation of simplex. # If this is negative, the number of pivots done is unlimited. # If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different # defaults. [[option]] name = "arithStandardCheckVarOrderPivots" category = "expert" long = "standard-effort-variable-order-pivots=N" type = "int16_t" default = "-1" help = "limits the number of pivots in a single invocation of check() at a non-full effort level using Bland's pivot rule" [[option]] name = "arithErrorSelectionRule" category = "regular" long = "error-selection-rule=RULE" type = "ErrorSelectionRule" default = "MINIMUM_AMOUNT" handler = "stringToErrorSelectionRule" includes = ["options/arith_heuristic_pivot_rule.h"] read_only = true help = "change the pivot rule for the basic variable (default is 'min', see --pivot-rule help)" # The number of pivots before simplex rechecks every basic variable for a conflict [[option]] name = "arithSimplexCheckPeriod" category = "regular" long = "simplex-check-period=N" type = "uint16_t" default = "200" read_only = true help = "the number of pivots to do in simplex before rechecking for a conflict on all variables" # This is the pivots per basic variable that can be done using heuristic choices # before variable order must be used. # If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different # defaults. [[option]] name = "arithPivotThreshold" category = "regular" long = "pivot-threshold=N" type = "uint16_t" default = "2" help = "sets the number of pivots using --pivot-rule per basic variable per simplex instance before using variable order" [[option]] name = "arithPropagateMaxLength" category = "regular" long = "prop-row-length=N" type = "uint16_t" default = "16" read_only = true help = "sets the maximum row length to be used in propagation" [[option]] name = "arithDioSolver" category = "regular" long = "dio-solver" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "turns on Linear Diophantine Equation solver (Griggio, JSAT 2012)" # Whether to split (= x y) into (and (<= x y) (>= x y)) in # arithmetic preprocessing. [[option]] name = "arithRewriteEq" category = "regular" long = "arith-rewrite-equalities" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "turns on the preprocessing rewrite turning equalities into a conjunction of inequalities" [[option]] name = "arithMLTrick" smt_name = "miplib-trick" category = "regular" long = "miplib-trick" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "turns on the preprocessing step of attempting to infer bounds on miplib problems" [[option]] name = "arithMLTrickSubstitutions" smt_name = "miplib-trick-subs" category = "regular" long = "miplib-trick-subs=N" type = "unsigned" default = "1" read_only = true help = "do substitution for miplib 'tmp' vars if defined in <= N eliminated vars" [[option]] name = "doCutAllBounded" category = "regular" long = "cut-all-bounded" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "turns on the integer solving step of periodically cutting all integer variables that have both upper and lower bounds" [[option]] name = "maxCutsInContext" category = "regular" long = "maxCutsInContext=N" type = "unsigned" default = "65535" read_only = true help = "maximum cuts in a given context before signalling a restart" [[option]] name = "revertArithModels" category = "regular" long = "revert-arith-models-on-unsat" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "revert the arithmetic model to a known safe model on unsat if one is cached" [[option]] name = "havePenalties" category = "regular" long = "fc-penalties" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "turns on degenerate pivot penalties" [[option]] name = "useFC" category = "regular" long = "use-fcsimplex" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "use focusing and converging simplex (FMCAD 2013 submission)" [[option]] name = "useSOI" category = "regular" long = "use-soi" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "use sum of infeasibility simplex (FMCAD 2013 submission)" [[option]] name = "restrictedPivots" category = "regular" long = "restrict-pivots" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "have a pivot cap for simplex at effort levels below fullEffort" [[option]] name = "collectPivots" category = "regular" long = "collect-pivot-stats" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "collect the pivot history" [[option]] name = "useApprox" category = "regular" long = "use-approx" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "attempt to use an approximate solver" [[option]] name = "maxApproxDepth" category = "regular" long = "approx-branch-depth=N" type = "int16_t" default = "200" help = "maximum branch depth the approximate solver is allowed to take" [[option]] name = "exportDioDecompositions" category = "regular" long = "dio-decomps" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "let skolem variables for integer divisibility constraints leak from the dio solver" [[option]] name = "newProp" category = "regular" long = "new-prop" type = "bool" default = "true" help = "use the new row propagation system" [[option]] name = "arithPropAsLemmaLength" category = "regular" long = "arith-prop-clauses=N" type = "uint16_t" default = "8" help = "rows shorter than this are propagated as clauses" [[option]] name = "soiQuickExplain" category = "regular" long = "soi-qe" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "use quick explain to minimize the sum of infeasibility conflicts" [[option]] name = "rewriteDivk" category = "regular" long = "rewrite-divk" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "rewrite division and mod when by a constant into linear terms" [[option]] name = "trySolveIntStandardEffort" category = "regular" long = "se-solve-int" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "attempt to use the approximate solve integer method on standard effort" [[option]] name = "replayFailureLemma" category = "regular" long = "lemmas-on-replay-failure" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "attempt to use external lemmas if approximate solve integer failed" [[option]] name = "dioSolverTurns" category = "regular" long = "dio-turns=N" type = "int" default = "10" read_only = true help = "turns in a row dio solver cutting gets" [[option]] name = "rrTurns" category = "regular" long = "rr-turns=N" type = "int" default = "3" read_only = true help = "round robin turn" [[option]] name = "dioRepeat" category = "regular" long = "dio-repeat" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "handle dio solver constraints in mass or one at a time" [[option]] name = "replayEarlyCloseDepths" category = "regular" long = "replay-early-close-depth=N" type = "int" default = "1" read_only = true help = "multiples of the depths to try to close the approx log eagerly" [[option]] name = "replayFailurePenalty" category = "regular" long = "replay-failure-penalty=N" type = "int" default = "100" read_only = true help = "number of solve integer attempts to skips after a numeric failure" [[option]] name = "replayNumericFailurePenalty" category = "regular" long = "replay-num-err-penalty=N" type = "int" default = "4194304" read_only = true help = "number of solve integer attempts to skips after a numeric failure" [[option]] name = "replayRejectCutSize" category = "regular" long = "replay-reject-cut=N" type = "unsigned" default = "25500" read_only = true help = "maximum complexity of any coefficient while replaying cuts" [[option]] name = "lemmaRejectCutSize" category = "regular" long = "replay-lemma-reject-cut=N" type = "unsigned" default = "25500" read_only = true help = "maximum complexity of any coefficient while outputting replaying cut lemmas" [[option]] name = "soiApproxMajorFailure" category = "regular" long = "replay-soi-major-threshold=T" type = "double" default = ".01" read_only = true help = "threshold for a major tolerance failure by the approximate solver" [[option]] name = "soiApproxMajorFailurePen" category = "regular" long = "replay-soi-major-threshold-pen=N" type = "int" default = "50" read_only = true help = "threshold for a major tolerance failure by the approximate solver" [[option]] name = "soiApproxMinorFailure" category = "regular" long = "replay-soi-minor-threshold=T" type = "double" default = ".0001" read_only = true help = "threshold for a minor tolerance failure by the approximate solver" [[option]] name = "soiApproxMinorFailurePen" category = "regular" long = "replay-soi-minor-threshold-pen=N" type = "int" default = "10" read_only = true help = "threshold for a minor tolerance failure by the approximate solver" [[option]] name = "ppAssertMaxSubSize" category = "regular" long = "pp-assert-max-sub-size=N" type = "unsigned" default = "2" read_only = true help = "threshold for substituting an equality in ppAssert" [[option]] name = "arithNoPartialFun" category = "regular" long = "arith-no-partial-fun" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "do not use partial function semantics for arithmetic (not SMT LIB compliant)" [[option]] name = "pbRewrites" category = "regular" long = "pb-rewrites" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "apply pseudo boolean rewrites" [[option]] name = "sNormInferEq" category = "regular" long = "snorm-infer-eq" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "infer equalities based on Shostak normalization" [[option]] name = "nlExt" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "extended approach to non-linear" [[option]] name = "nlExtResBound" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-rbound" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "use resolution-style inference for inferring new bounds" [[option]] name = "nlExtFactor" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-factor" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "use factoring inference in non-linear solver" [[option]] name = "nlExtTangentPlanes" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-tplanes" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "use non-terminating tangent plane strategy for non-linear" [[option]] name = "nlExtTangentPlanesInterleave" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-tplanes-interleave" type = "bool" default = "false" help = "interleave tangent plane strategy for non-linear" [[option]] name = "nlExtTfTangentPlanes" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-tf-tplanes" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "use non-terminating tangent plane strategy for transcendental functions for non-linear" [[option]] name = "nlExtEntailConflicts" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-ent-conf" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "check for entailed conflicts in non-linear solver" [[option]] name = "nlExtRewrites" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-rewrite" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "do rewrites in non-linear solver" [[option]] name = "nlExtPurify" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-purify" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "purify non-linear terms at preprocess" [[option]] name = "nlExtSplitZero" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-split-zero" type = "bool" default = "false" read_only = true help = "initial splits on zero for all variables" [[option]] name = "nlExtTfTaylorDegree" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-tf-taylor-deg=N" type = "int16_t" default = "4" help = "initial degree of polynomials for Taylor approximation" [[option]] name = "nlExtIncPrecision" category = "regular" long = "nl-ext-inc-prec" type = "bool" default = "true" read_only = true help = "whether to increment the precision for irrational function constraints"