/********************* -*- C++ -*- */ /** expr_value.cpp ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype. ** Copyright (c) 2009 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys) ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences ** New York University ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing ** information. ** ** An expression node. ** ** Instances of this class are generally referenced through ** cvc4::Node rather than by pointer; cvc4::Node maintains the ** reference count on ExprValue instances and **/ #include "expr_value.h" #include using namespace std; namespace CVC4 { size_t ExprValue::next_id = 1; ExprValue::ExprValue() : d_id(0), d_rc(MAX_RC), d_kind(NULL_EXPR), d_nchildren(0) { } uint64_t ExprValue::hash() const { return computeHash(d_kind, begin(), end()); } ExprValue* ExprValue::inc() { // FIXME multithreading if(d_rc < MAX_RC) ++d_rc; return this; } ExprValue* ExprValue::dec() { // FIXME multithreading if(d_rc < MAX_RC) if(--d_rc == 0) { // FIXME gc return 0; } return this; } ExprValue::iterator ExprValue::begin() { return d_children; } ExprValue::iterator ExprValue::end() { return d_children + d_nchildren; } ExprValue::iterator ExprValue::rbegin() { return d_children + d_nchildren - 1; } ExprValue::iterator ExprValue::rend() { return d_children - 1; } ExprValue::const_iterator ExprValue::begin() const { return d_children; } ExprValue::const_iterator ExprValue::end() const { return d_children + d_nchildren; } ExprValue::const_iterator ExprValue::rbegin() const { return d_children + d_nchildren - 1; } ExprValue::const_iterator ExprValue::rend() const { return d_children - 1; } string ExprValue::toString() const { stringstream ss; toStream(ss); return ss.str(); } void ExprValue::toStream(std::ostream& out) const { out << "(" << Kind(d_kind); if(d_kind == VARIABLE) { out << ":" << this; } else { for(const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { if(i != end()) out << " "; out << *i; } } out << ")"; } }/* CVC4 namespace */