# # Option specification file for CVC4 # See src/options/base_options for a description of this file format # module DECISION "decision/options.h" Decision heuristics # When/whether to use any decision strategies option decisionMode --decision=MODE decision::DecisionMode :handler CVC4::decision::stringToDecisionMode :default decision::DECISION_STRATEGY_INTERNAL :read-write :include "decision/decision_mode.h" :handler-include "decision/options_handlers.h" choose decision mode, see --decision=help option decisionRelevancyLeaves bool # permille = part per thousand option decisionMaxRelTimeAsPermille --decision-budget=N "unsigned short" :read-write :predicate less_equal(1000L) :predicate CVC4::decision::checkDecisionBudget :predicate-include "decision/options_handlers.h" impose a budget for relevancy heuristic which increases linearly with each decision. N between 0 and 1000. (default: 1000, no budget) # if false, do justification stuff using relevancy.h option decisionComputeRelevancy bool # use the must be relevant option decisionMustRelevancy bool # only use DE to determine when to stop, not to make decisions option decisionStopOnly bool endmodule