# # Option specification file for CVC4 # See src/options/base_options for a description of this file format # module DECISION "decision/options.h" Decision heuristics # When/whether to use any decision strategies option decisionMode decision-mode --decision=MODE decision::DecisionMode :handler CVC4::decision::stringToDecisionMode :default decision::DECISION_STRATEGY_INTERNAL :read-write :include "decision/decision_mode.h" :handler-include "decision/options_handlers.h" choose decision mode, see --decision=help # only use DE to determine when to stop, not to make decisions option decisionStopOnly bool expert-option decisionThreshold --decision-threshold=N decision::DecisionWeight :default 0 :include "theory/decision_attributes.h" ignore all nodes greater than threshold in first attempt to pick decision expert-option decisionUseWeight --decision-use-weight bool :default false use the weight nodes (locally, by looking at children) to direct recursive search expert-option decisionRandomWeight --decision-random-weight=N int :default 0 assign random weights to nodes between 0 and N-1 (0: disable) expert-option decisionWeightInternal --decision-weight-internal=HOW decision::DecisionWeightInternal :handler CVC4::decision::stringToDecisionWeightInternal :default decision::DECISION_WEIGHT_INTERNAL_OFF :handler-include "decision/options_handlers.h" computer weights of internal nodes using children: off, max, sum, usr1 (meaning evolving) endmodule