#ifndef _java__cvc3__jni_utils_h_ #define _java__cvc3__jni_utils_h_ #include #include #include #include #include "compat/cvc3_compat.h" //#include "vcl.h" //#include "hash_map.h" //#include "exception.h" namespace Java_cvc3_JniUtils { /// Embedding of c++ objects in java objects // generic delete function for any type T template class DeleteEmbedded { public: static void deleteEmbedded(void* cobj) { delete (T*) cobj; } }; typedef void (*TDeleteEmbedded)(void*); // Encapsulates a c++ object so that: // - (un)embedding casting is type safe // - deallocation is automatic (if needed) // This has probably quit a bit of overhead, because now for each // wrapper object (even if only a temporary reference) an instance // of Embedded is created. // But considering the above two benefits it should be worth it // because it should simplify maintenance quite a bit, // as changes in the cvc API should lead to assertion failures // instead of strange bugs. class Embedded { private: // the actual embedded c++ object, // as void* to make Embedded independent of its type void* d_cobj; // the type info of d_cobj, // to make sure that later unembeddings are type safe // actually only needed in debugging, so might be guarded with IF_DEBUG const std::type_info& d_typeInfo; // the type correct delete function for d_cobj, // or NULL if this embedding is merely a reference // and not responsible for its deallocation TDeleteEmbedded d_delete; public: Embedded(void* cobj, const std::type_info& ti, TDeleteEmbedded del) : d_cobj(cobj), d_typeInfo(ti), d_delete(del) { assert(d_cobj != NULL); } ~Embedded() { assert(d_cobj != NULL); if (d_delete != NULL) d_delete(d_cobj); } const void* getCObj() const { return d_cobj; } const std::type_info& getType() const { return d_typeInfo; } }; // embed functions // embeds a c++ object of type T into a jobject // by first wrapping it into an Embedded object. template jobject embed(JNIEnv* env, T* cobj, const std::type_info& ti, TDeleteEmbedded del) { DebugAssert(cobj != NULL, "JniUtils::embed: null object given"); Embedded* embedded = new Embedded((void*)cobj, ti, del); return (jobject)env->NewDirectByteBuffer(embedded, sizeof(Embedded)); } // embeds a constant reference to a c++ object into a jobject template jobject embed_const_ref(JNIEnv* env, const T* cobj) { DebugAssert(cobj != NULL, "JniUtils::embed_const: null object given"); return embed(env, (T*) cobj, typeid(cobj), NULL); } // embeds a mutable reference to a c++ object into a jobject template jobject embed_mut_ref(JNIEnv* env, T* cobj) { DebugAssert(cobj != NULL, "JniUtils::embed_mut_ref: null object given"); return embed(env, (T*) cobj, typeid(cobj), NULL); } // embeds a fresh copy of a (probably temporary) c++ object into a jobject template jobject embed_copy(JNIEnv* env, const T& cobj) { DebugAssert(&cobj != NULL, "JniUtils::embed_copy: null object given"); T* copy = new T(cobj); assert(copy != NULL); return embed(env, copy, typeid(copy), &DeleteEmbedded::deleteEmbedded); } // embeds a c++ object into a jobject, // and takes over the responsibility to deallocate it template jobject embed_own(JNIEnv* env, T* cobj) { DebugAssert(&cobj != NULL, "JniUtils::embed_own: null object given"); return embed(env, cobj, typeid(cobj), &DeleteEmbedded::deleteEmbedded); } // unembed functions // extract Embedded* from a jobject Embedded* unembed(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj); // extract a constant c++ object of type T from a jobject template const T* unembed_const(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj) { Embedded* embedded = unembed(env, jobj); return (const T*) embedded->getCObj(); } // extract a mutable c++ object of type T from a jobject template T* unembed_mut(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj) { Embedded* embedded = unembed(env, jobj); // check that the wrapped object is not const DebugAssert(embedded->getType() == typeid(T*), "JniUtils::unembed_mut: type mismatch"); return (T*) embedded->getCObj(); } // delete embedded // delete the Embedded object contained in a jobject, // and also destruct the wrapped c++ object if necessary. void deleteEmbedded(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj); /// Conversions between c++ and java // bool bool toCpp(jboolean j); // string jstring toJava(JNIEnv* env, const std::string& cstring); jstring toJava(JNIEnv* env, const char* cstring); std::string toCpp(JNIEnv* env, const jstring& string); // enums jstring toJava(JNIEnv* env, CVC3::QueryResult result); jstring toJava(JNIEnv* env, CVC3::FormulaValue result); jstring toJava(JNIEnv* env, CVC3::InputLanguage result); CVC3::InputLanguage toCppInputLanguage(JNIEnv* env, const std::string& lang); // exceptions void toJava(JNIEnv* env, const CVC3::Exception& e); // vectors template jobjectArray toJavaVCopy(JNIEnv* env, const std::vector& v) { jobjectArray jarray = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray( v.size(), env->FindClass("java/lang/Object"), NULL); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { env->SetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i, embed_copy(env, v[i])); } return jarray; } template jobjectArray toJavaVConstRef(JNIEnv* env, const std::vector& v) { jobjectArray jarray = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray( v.size(), env->FindClass("java/lang/Object"), NULL); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { env->SetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i, embed_const_ref(env, &v[i])); } return jarray; } template jobjectArray toJavaVVConstRef(JNIEnv* env, const std::vector >& v) { jobjectArray jarray = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray(v.size(), env->FindClass("[Ljava/lang/Object;"), NULL); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { env->SetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i, toJavaVConstRef(env, v[i])); } return jarray; } template std::vector toCppV(JNIEnv* env, const jobjectArray& jarray) { std::vector v; int length = env->GetArrayLength(jarray); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { v.push_back(*unembed_const(env, env->GetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i))); } return v; } template std::vector > toCppVV(JNIEnv* env, const jobjectArray& jarray) { std::vector > v; int length = env->GetArrayLength(jarray); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { jobjectArray jsub = static_cast(env->GetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i)); v.push_back(toCppV(env, jsub)); } return v; } template std::vector > > toCppVVV(JNIEnv* env, const jobjectArray& jarray) { std::vector > > v; int length = env->GetArrayLength(jarray); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { jobjectArray jsub = static_cast(env->GetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i)); v.push_back(toCppVV(env, jsub)); } return v; } // string vectors std::vector toCppV(JNIEnv* env, const jobjectArray& jarray); std::vector > toCppVV(JNIEnv* env, const jobjectArray& jarray); std::vector > > toCppVVV(JNIEnv* env, const jobjectArray& jarray); jobjectArray toJavaV(JNIEnv* env, const std::vector& v); // primitive vectors std::vector toCppV(JNIEnv* env, const jbooleanArray& jarray); // hash map template jobjectArray toJavaHCopy(JNIEnv* env, const Hash::hash_map& hm) { jobjectArray jarray = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray( hm.size() * 2, env->FindClass("java/lang/Object"), NULL); int i = 0; typename Hash::hash_map::const_iterator it; for (it = hm.begin(); it != hm.end(); ++it) { assert(i < env->GetArrayLength(jarray)); env->SetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i, embed_copy(env, it->first)); ++i; assert(i < env->GetArrayLength(jarray)); env->SetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i, embed_copy(env, it->second)); ++i; } return jarray; } template jobjectArray toJavaHCopy(JNIEnv* env, const CVC3::ExprMap& hm) { jobjectArray jarray = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray( hm.size() * 2, env->FindClass("java/lang/Object"), NULL); int i = 0; typename CVC3::ExprMap::const_iterator it; for (it = hm.begin(); it != hm.end(); ++it) { assert(i < env->GetArrayLength(jarray)); env->SetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i, embed_copy(env, it->first)); ++i; assert(i < env->GetArrayLength(jarray)); env->SetObjectArrayElement(jarray, i, embed_copy(env, it->second)); ++i; } return jarray; } } #endif