; Depends On: th_smt.plf (declare Real sort) (define arithpred_Real (! x (term Real) (! y (term Real) formula))) (declare >_Real arithpred_Real) (declare >=_Real arithpred_Real) (declare <_Real arithpred_Real) (declare <=_Real arithpred_Real) (define arithterm_Real (! x (term Real) (! y (term Real) (term Real)))) (declare +_Real arithterm_Real) (declare -_Real arithterm_Real) (declare *_Real arithterm_Real) ; is * ok to use? (declare /_Real arithterm_Real) ; is / ok to use? ; a constant term (declare a_real (! x mpq (term Real))) (declare >=0_Real (! x (term Real) formula)) (declare =0_Real (! x (term Real) formula)) (declare >0_Real (! x (term Real) formula)) (declare distinct0_Real (! x (term Real) formula)) ; unary negation (declare u-_Real (! t (term Real) (term Real)))