; Depends On: th_lira.plf ;; Proof (from predicates on linear polynomials) that the following imply bottom ; ; -x - 1/2 y + 2 >= 0 ; x + y - 8 >= 0 ; x - y + 0 >= 0 ; (check ; Variables (% x real_var (% y real_var ; linear combinations (@ m1 (lc_cons (~ 1/1) (av_from_real x) (lc_cons (~ 1/2) (av_from_real y) lc_null)) (@ m2 (lc_cons 1/1 (av_from_real x) (lc_cons 1/1 (av_from_real y) lc_null)) (@ m3 (lc_cons 1/1 (av_from_real x) (lc_cons (~ 1/1) (av_from_real y) lc_null)) ; affine functions (@ p1 (aff_cons 2/1 m1) (@ p2 (aff_cons (~ 8/1) m2) (@ p3 (aff_cons 0/1 m3) ; Proofs of affine bounds (% pf_nonneg_1 (th_holds (bounded_aff p1 bound_non_neg)) (% pf_nonneg_2 (th_holds (bounded_aff p2 bound_non_neg)) (% pf_nonneg_3 (th_holds (bounded_aff p3 bound_non_neg)) (: (th_holds false) (bounded_aff_contra _ _ (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 4/1 pf_nonneg_1) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 3/1 pf_nonneg_2) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 pf_nonneg_3) bounded_aff_ax_0_>=_0))))) ))))) )))) )) ) ;; Proof (from predicates on real terms) that the following imply bottom ; ; -x - 1/2 y >= 2 ; x + y >= 8 ; x - y >= 0 ; (check ; Declarations ; Variables (% x real_var (% y real_var ; real predicates (@ f1 (>=_Real (+_Real (*_Real (a_real (~ 1/1)) (term_real_var x)) (*_Real (a_real (~ 1/2)) (term_real_var y))) (a_real (~ 2/1))) (@ f2 (>=_Real (+_Real (*_Real (a_real 1/1) (term_real_var x)) (*_Real (a_real 1/1) (term_real_var y))) (a_real 8/1)) (@ f3 (>=_Real (+_Real (*_Real (a_real 1/1) (term_real_var x)) (*_Real (a_real (~ 1/1)) (term_real_var y))) (a_real 0/1)) ; proof of real predicates (% pf_f1 (th_holds f1) (% pf_f2 (th_holds f2) (% pf_f3 (th_holds f3) ; Normalization ; real term -> linear polynomial normalization witnesses (@ n1 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/1) (is_aff_var_real x)) (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/2) (is_aff_var_real y))) (is_aff_const (~ 2/1))) pf_f1) (@ n2 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ 1/1 (is_aff_var_real x)) (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ 1/1 (is_aff_var_real y))) (is_aff_const 8/1)) pf_f2) (@ n3 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ 1/1 (is_aff_var_real x)) (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/1) (is_aff_var_real y))) (is_aff_const 0/1)) pf_f3) ; derivation of a contradiction using farkas coefficients (: (th_holds false) (bounded_aff_contra _ _ (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 4/1 n1) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 3/1 n2) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n3) bounded_aff_ax_0_>=_0))))) ))) ))) ))) )) ) ;; Term proof, 2 premises of the form (>=), one of the form (not >=) ;; Proof (from predicates on real terms) that the following imply bottom ; ; -x + y >= 2 ; x + y >= 2 ; not[ y >= -2] => [y < -2] => [-y > 2] ; (check ; Declarations ; Variables (% x real_var (% y real_var ; real predicates (@ f1 (>=_Real (+_Real (*_Real (a_real (~ 1/1)) (term_real_var x)) (term_real_var y)) (a_real 2/1)) (@ f2 (>=_Real (+_Real (term_real_var x) (term_real_var y)) (a_real 2/1)) (@ f3 (not (>=_Real (term_real_var y) (a_real (~ 2/1)))) ; Normalization ; proof of real predicates (% pf_f1 (th_holds f1) (% pf_f2 (th_holds f2) (% pf_f3 (th_holds f3) ; real term -> linear polynomial normalization witnesses (@ n1 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/1) (is_aff_var_real x)) (is_aff_var_real y)) (is_aff_const 2/1)) pf_f1) (@ n2 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_var_real x) (is_aff_var_real y)) (is_aff_const 2/1)) pf_f2) (@ n3 (aff_>_from_term _ _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_var_real y) (is_aff_const (~ 2/1))) pf_f3) ; derivation of a contradiction using farkas coefficients (: (th_holds false) (bounded_aff_contra _ _ (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n1) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n2) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 2/1 n3) bounded_aff_ax_0_>=_0))))) ))) ))) ))) )) ) ;; Term proof, 2 premises of the form (>=), one of the form (not >=) ;; x is a real, ;; y is an integer ;; Proof (from predicates on real terms) that the following imply bottom ; ; -x + y >= 2 ; x + y >= 2 ; not[ y >= -2] => [y < -2] => [-y > 2] ; (check ; Declarations ; Variables (% x real_var (% y int_var ; real predicates (@ f1 (>=_Real (+_Real (*_Real (a_real (~ 1/1)) (term_real_var x)) (term_int_to_real (term_int_var y))) (a_real 2/1)) (@ f2 (>=_Real (+_Real (term_real_var x) (term_int_to_real (term_int_var y))) (a_real 2/1)) (@ f3 (not (>=_IntReal (term_int_var y) (a_real (~ 2/1)))) ; Normalization ; proof of real predicates (% pf_f1 (th_holds f1) (% pf_f2 (th_holds f2) (% pf_f3 (th_holds f3) ; real term -> linear polynomial normalization witnesses (@ n1 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/1) (is_aff_var_real x)) (is_aff_var_int y)) (is_aff_const 2/1)) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ pf_f1)) (@ n2 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_var_real x) (is_aff_var_int y)) (is_aff_const 2/1)) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ pf_f2)) (@ n3 (aff_>_from_term _ _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_var_int y) (is_aff_const (~ 2/1))) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ pf_f3)) ; derivation of a contradiction using farkas coefficients (: (th_holds false) (bounded_aff_contra _ _ (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n1) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n2) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 2/1 n3) bounded_aff_ax_0_>=_0))))) ))) ))) ))) )) ) ;; Term proof, 2 premises of the form (>=), one of the form (not >=) ;; x is a real, ;; y is an integer, and needs tightening ;; Proof (from predicates on real terms) that the following imply bottom ; ; -x >= -1/2 ; x + y >= 0 ; not[ y >= 0] => [y < 0] => [-y >= 1] ; (check ; Declarations ; Variables (% x real_var (% y int_var ; real predicates (@ f1 (>=_Real (*_Real (a_real (~ 1/1)) (term_real_var x)) (a_real (~ 1/2))) (@ f2 (>=_Real (+_Real (term_real_var x) (term_int_to_real (term_int_var y))) (a_real 0/1)) (@ f3 (not (>=_IntReal (*_Int (a_int 1) (term_int_var y)) (a_real 0/1))) ; Normalization ; proof of real predicates (% pf_f1 (th_holds f1) (% pf_f2 (th_holds f2) (% pf_f3 (th_holds f3) ; real term -> linear polynomial normalization witnesses (@ n1 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/1) (is_aff_var_real x)) (is_aff_const (~ 1/2))) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ pf_f1)) (@ n2 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_+ _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_var_real x) (is_aff_var_int y)) (is_aff_const 0/1)) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ pf_f2)) (@ n3 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/1) (is_aff_var_int y)) (is_aff_const 1/1)) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ (tighten_not_>=_IntReal _ _ _ _ (check_neg_of_greatest_integer_below 1 0/1) pf_f3))) ; derivation of a contradiction using farkas coefficients (: (th_holds false) (bounded_aff_contra _ _ (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n1) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n2) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n3) bounded_aff_ax_0_>=_0))))) ))) ))) ))) )) ) ;; Term proof, with integer y, that needs to be strictly and non-strictly tightened. ;; Proof (from predicates on real terms) that the following imply bottom ; y >= 1/2 => y >= 1 ; not[ y >= 0] => [y < 0] => [-y >= 1] ; (check ; Declarations ; Variables (% y int_var ; real predicates (@ f1 (>=_IntReal (*_Int (a_int 1) (term_int_var y)) (a_real 1/2)) (@ f2 (not (>=_IntReal (*_Int (a_int 1) (term_int_var y)) (a_real 0/1))) ; Normalization ; proof of real predicates (% pf_f1 (th_holds f1) (% pf_f2 (th_holds f2) ; real term -> linear polynomial normalization witnesses (@ n1 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ 1/1 (is_aff_var_int y)) (is_aff_const 1/1)) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ (tighten_>=_IntReal _ _ 1 pf_f1))) (@ n2 (aff_>=_from_term _ _ _ (is_aff_- _ _ _ _ _ (is_aff_mul_c_L _ _ _ (~ 1/1) (is_aff_var_int y)) (is_aff_const 1/1)) (pf_reified_arith_pred _ _ (tighten_not_>=_IntReal _ _ _ _ (check_neg_of_greatest_integer_below 1 0/1) pf_f2))) ; derivation of a contradiction using farkas coefficients (: (th_holds false) (bounded_aff_contra _ _ (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n1) (bounded_aff_add _ _ _ _ _ (bounded_aff_mul_c _ _ _ 1/1 n2) bounded_aff_ax_0_>=_0))) ))) ))) )) )