;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; SMT syntax and semantics (not theory-specific) ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; depends on sat.plf (declare formula type) (declare th_holds (! f formula type)) ; standard logic definitions (declare true formula) (declare false formula) (define formula_op1 (! f formula formula)) (define formula_op2 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula formula))) (define formula_op3 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! f3 formula formula)))) (declare not formula_op1) (declare and formula_op2) (declare or formula_op2) (declare impl formula_op2) (declare iff formula_op2) (declare xor formula_op2) (declare ifte formula_op3) ; terms (declare sort type) (declare term (! t sort type)) ; declared terms in formula ; standard definitions for =, ite, let and flet (declare = (! s sort (! x (term s) (! y (term s) formula)))) (declare ite (! s sort (! f formula (! t1 (term s) (! t2 (term s) (term s)))))) (declare let (! s sort (! t (term s) (! f (! v (term s) formula) formula)))) (declare flet (! f1 formula (! f2 (! v formula formula) formula))) ; We view applications of predicates as terms of sort "Bool". ; Such terms can be injected as atomic formulas using "p_app". (declare Bool sort) ; the special sort for predicates (declare p_app (! x (term Bool) formula)) ; propositional application of term ; boolean terms (declare t_true (term Bool)) (declare t_false (term Bool)) (declare t_t_neq_f (th_holds (not (= Bool t_true t_false)))) (declare pred_eq_t (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (p_app x)) (th_holds (= Bool x t_true))))) (declare pred_eq_f (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (not (p_app x))) (th_holds (= Bool x t_false))))) (declare f_to_b (! f formula (term Bool))) (declare true_preds_equal (! x1 (term Bool) (! x2 (term Bool) (! u1 (th_holds (p_app x1)) (! u2 (th_holds (p_app x2)) (th_holds (= Bool x1 x2))))))) (declare false_preds_equal (! x1 (term Bool) (! x2 (term Bool) (! u1 (th_holds (not (p_app x1))) (! u2 (th_holds (not (p_app x2))) (th_holds (= Bool x1 x2))))))) (declare pred_refl_pos (! x1 (term Bool) (! u1 (th_holds (p_app x1)) (th_holds (= Bool x1 x1))))) (declare pred_refl_neg (! x1 (term Bool) (! u1 (th_holds (not (p_app x1))) (th_holds (= Bool x1 x1))))) (declare pred_not_iff_f (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (not (iff false (p_app x)))) (th_holds (= Bool t_true x))))) (declare pred_not_iff_f_2 (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (not (iff (p_app x) false))) (th_holds (= Bool x t_true))))) (declare pred_not_iff_t (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (not (iff true (p_app x)))) (th_holds (= Bool t_false x))))) (declare pred_not_iff_t_2 (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (not (iff (p_app x) true))) (th_holds (= Bool x t_false))))) (declare pred_iff_f (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (iff false (p_app x))) (th_holds (= Bool t_false x))))) (declare pred_iff_f_2 (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (iff (p_app x) false)) (th_holds (= Bool x t_false))))) (declare pred_iff_t (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (iff true (p_app x))) (th_holds (= Bool t_true x))))) (declare pred_iff_t_2 (! x (term Bool) (! u (th_holds (iff (p_app x) true)) (th_holds (= Bool x t_true))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; CNF Clausification ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; binding between an LF var and an (atomic) formula (declare atom (! v var (! p formula type))) ; binding between two LF vars (declare bvatom (! sat_v var (! bv_v var type))) (declare decl_atom (! f formula (! u (! v var (! a (atom v f) (holds cln))) (holds cln)))) ;; declare atom enhanced with mapping ;; between SAT prop variable and BVSAT prop variable (declare decl_bvatom (! f formula (! u (! v var (! bv_v var (! a (atom v f) (! bva (atom bv_v f) (! vbv (bvatom v bv_v) (holds cln)))))) (holds cln)))) ; clausify a formula directly (declare clausify_form (! f formula (! v var (! a (atom v f) (! u (th_holds f) (holds (clc (pos v) cln))))))) (declare clausify_form_not (! f formula (! v var (! a (atom v f) (! u (th_holds (not f)) (holds (clc (neg v) cln))))))) (declare clausify_false (! u (th_holds false) (holds cln))) (declare th_let_pf (! f formula (! u (th_holds f) (! u2 (! v (th_holds f) (holds cln)) (holds cln))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Natural deduction rules : used for CNF ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; for eager bit-blasting (declare iff_symm (! f formula (th_holds (iff f f)))) ;; contradiction (declare contra (! f formula (! r1 (th_holds f) (! r2 (th_holds (not f)) (th_holds false))))) ; truth (declare truth (th_holds true)) ;; not not (declare not_not_intro (! f formula (! u (th_holds f) (th_holds (not (not f)))))) (declare not_not_elim (! f formula (! u (th_holds (not (not f))) (th_holds f)))) ;; or elimination (declare or_elim_1 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u1 (th_holds (not f1)) (! u2 (th_holds (or f1 f2)) (th_holds f2)))))) (declare or_elim_2 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u1 (th_holds (not f2)) (! u2 (th_holds (or f1 f2)) (th_holds f1)))))) (declare not_or_elim (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u2 (th_holds (not (or f1 f2))) (th_holds (and (not f1) (not f2))))))) ;; and elimination (declare and_elim_1 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u (th_holds (and f1 f2)) (th_holds f1))))) (declare and_elim_2 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u (th_holds (and f1 f2)) (th_holds f2))))) (declare not_and_elim (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u2 (th_holds (not (and f1 f2))) (th_holds (or (not f1) (not f2))))))) ;; impl elimination (declare impl_intro (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! i1 (! u (th_holds f1) (th_holds f2)) (th_holds (impl f1 f2)))))) (declare impl_elim (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u2 (th_holds (impl f1 f2)) (th_holds (or (not f1) f2)))))) (declare not_impl_elim (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u (th_holds (not (impl f1 f2))) (th_holds (and f1 (not f2))))))) ;; iff elimination (declare iff_elim_1 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u1 (th_holds (iff f1 f2)) (th_holds (or (not f1) f2)))))) (declare iff_elim_2 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u1 (th_holds (iff f1 f2)) (th_holds (or f1 (not f2))))))) (declare not_iff_elim (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u2 (th_holds (not (iff f1 f2))) (th_holds (iff f1 (not f2))))))) ; xor elimination (declare xor_elim_1 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u1 (th_holds (xor f1 f2)) (th_holds (or (not f1) (not f2))))))) (declare xor_elim_2 (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u1 (th_holds (xor f1 f2)) (th_holds (or f1 f2)))))) (declare not_xor_elim (! f1 formula (! f2 formula (! u2 (th_holds (not (xor f1 f2))) (th_holds (iff f1 f2)))))) ;; ite elimination (declare ite_elim_1 (! a formula (! b formula (! c formula (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c)) (th_holds (or (not a) b))))))) (declare ite_elim_2 (! a formula (! b formula (! c formula (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c)) (th_holds (or a c))))))) (declare ite_elim_3 (! a formula (! b formula (! c formula (! u2 (th_holds (ifte a b c)) (th_holds (or b c))))))) (declare not_ite_elim_1 (! a formula (! b formula (! c formula (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c))) (th_holds (or (not a) (not b)))))))) (declare not_ite_elim_2 (! a formula (! b formula (! c formula (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c))) (th_holds (or a (not c)))))))) (declare not_ite_elim_3 (! a formula (! b formula (! c formula (! u2 (th_holds (not (ifte a b c))) (th_holds (or (not b) (not c)))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; For theory lemmas ; - make a series of assumptions and then derive a contradiction (or false) ; - then the assumptions yield a formula like "v1 -> v2 -> ... -> vn -> false" ; - In CNF, it becomes a clause: "~v1, ~v2, ..., ~vn" ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (declare ast (! v var (! f formula (! C clause (! r (atom v f) ;this is specified (! u (! o (th_holds f) (holds C)) (holds (clc (neg v) C)))))))) (declare asf (! v var (! f formula (! C clause (! r (atom v f) (! u (! o (th_holds (not f)) (holds C)) (holds (clc (pos v) C)))))))) ;; Bitvector lemma constructors to assume ;; the unit clause containing the assumptions ;; it also requires the mapping between bv_v and v ;; The resolution proof proving false will use bv_v as the definition clauses use bv_v ;; but the Problem clauses in the main SAT solver will use v so the learned clause is in terms of v (declare bv_asf (! v var (! bv_v var (! f formula (! C clause (! r (atom v f) ;; passed in (! x (bvatom v bv_v) ; establishes the equivalence of v to bv_ (! u (! o (holds (clc (neg bv_v) cln)) ;; l binding to be used in proof (holds C)) (holds (clc (pos v) C)))))))))) (declare bv_ast (! v var (! bv_v var (! f formula (! C clause (! r (atom v f) ; this is specified (! x (bvatom v bv_v) ; establishes the equivalence of v to bv_v (! u (! o (holds (clc (pos bv_v) cln)) (holds C)) (holds (clc (neg v) C)))))))))) ;; Example: ;; ;; Given theory literals (F1....Fn), and an input formula A of the form (th_holds (or F1 (or F2 .... (or F{n-1} Fn))))). ;; ;; We introduce atoms (a1,...,an) to map boolean literals (v1,...,vn) top literals (F1,...,Fn). ;; Do this at the beginning of the proof: ;; ;; (decl_atom F1 (\ v1 (\ a1 ;; (decl_atom F2 (\ v2 (\ a2 ;; .... ;; (decl_atom Fn (\ vn (\ an ;; ;; A is then clausified by the following proof: ;; ;;(satlem _ _ ;;(asf _ _ _ a1 (\ l1 ;;(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2 ;;... ;;(asf _ _ _ an (\ ln ;;(clausify_false ;; ;; (contra _ ;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l{n-1} ;; ... ;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l2 ;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l1 A))))) ln) ;; ;;))))))) (\ C ;; ;; We now have the free variable C, which should be the clause (v1 V ... V vn). ;; ;; Polarity of literals should be considered, say we have A of the form (th_holds (or (not F1) (or F2 (not F3)))). ;; Where necessary, we use "ast" instead of "asf", introduce negations by "not_not_intro" for pattern matching, and flip ;; the arguments of contra: ;; ;;(satlem _ _ ;;(ast _ _ _ a1 (\ l1 ;;(asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2 ;;(ast _ _ _ a3 (\ l3 ;;(clausify_false ;; ;; (contra _ l3 ;; (or_elim_1 _ _ l2 ;; (or_elim_1 _ _ (not_not_intro l1) A)))) ;; ;;))))))) (\ C ;; ;; C should be the clause (~v1 V v2 V ~v3 )