; Depends on lrat.plf ; ; Implementation of DRAT checking. ; ; Unfortunately, there are **two** different notions of DRAT floating around in ; the world: ; * Specified DRAT : This is a reasonable proof format ; * Operational DRAT : This is a variant of specified DRAT warped by the ; details of common SAT solver architectures. ; ; Both are detailed in this paper, along with their differences: ; http://fmv.jku.at/papers/RebolaPardoBiere-POS18.pdf ; ; This signature checks **Specified DRAT**. ; A DRAT proof itself: a list of addition or deletion instructions. (declare DRATProof type) (declare DRATProofn DRATProof) (declare DRATProofa (! c clause (! p DRATProof DRATProof))) (declare DRATProofd (! c clause (! p DRATProof DRATProof))) ; ==================== ; ; Functional Programs ; ; ==================== ; ; Are two clauses equal (in the set sense) ; ; Assumes that marks 1,2,3,4 are clear for the constituent variables, and ; leaves them clear afterwards. ; ; Since clauses are sets, it is insufficient to do list equality. ; We could sort them, but that would require defining an order on our variables, ; and incurring the cost of sorting. ; ; ; Instead, we do the following: ; 1. Sweep the first clause, marking variables with flags 1,3 (pos) and 2,4 (neg) ; 2. Sweep the second clause, erasing marks 1,2. Returning FALSE if no mark 3,4. ; 3. Unsweep the first clause, returning FALSE on marks 1,2. ; Also unmarking 3,4, and 1,2 if needed ; ; So the mark 1 means (seen as + in c1, but not yet in c2) ; the mark 3 means (seen as + in c1) ; the mark 2 means (seen as - in c1, but not yet in c2) ; the mark 4 means (seen as - in c1) ; ; This implementation is robust to literal order, repeated literals, and ; literals of opposite polarity in the same clause. It is true equality on sets ; literals. ; ; TODO(aozdemir) This implementation could be further optimized b/c once c1 is ; drained, we need not continue to pattern match on it. (program clause_eq ((c1 clause) (c2 clause)) bool (match c1 (cln (match c2 (cln tt) ((clc c2h c2t) (match c2h ((pos v) (ifmarked1 v (do (markvar1 v) (clause_eq c1 c2t)) (ifmarked3 v (clause_eq c1 c2t) ff))) ((neg v) (ifmarked2 v (do (markvar2 v) (clause_eq c1 c2t)) (ifmarked4 v (clause_eq c1 c2t) ff))))))) ((clc c1h c1t) (match c1h ((pos v) (ifmarked3 v (clause_eq c1t c2) (do (markvar3 v) (do (markvar1 v) (let res (clause_eq c1t c2) (do (markvar3 v) (ifmarked1 v (do (markvar1 v) ff) res))))))) ((neg v) (ifmarked4 v (clause_eq c1t c2) (do (markvar4 v) (do (markvar2 v) (let res (clause_eq c1t c2) (do (markvar4 v) (ifmarked2 v (do (markvar2 v) ff) res))))))))))) ; Does this formula contain bottom as one of its clauses? (program cnf_has_bottom ((cs cnf)) bool (match cs (cnfn ff) ((cnfc c rest) (match c (cln tt) ((clc l c') (cnf_has_bottom rest)))))) ; Return a new cnf with one copy of this clause removed. (program cnf_remove_clause ((c clause) (cs cnf)) cnf (match cs (cnfn (fail cnf)) ((cnfc c' cs') (match (clause_eq c c') (tt cs') (ff (cnfc c' (cnf_remove_clause c cs'))))))) ; return (c1 union (c2 \ ~l)) ; Significant for how a RAT is defined. (program clause_pseudo_resolvent ((c1 clause) (c2 clause)) clause (clause_dedup (clause_append c1 (clause_remove_all (lit_flip (clause_head c1)) c2)))) ; Given a formula, `cs` and a clause `c`, return all pseudo resolvents, i.e. all ; (c union (c' \ ~head(c))) ; for c' in cs, where c' contains ~head(c) (program collect_pseudo_resolvents ((cs cnf) (c clause)) cnf (match cs (cnfn cnfn) ((cnfc c' cs') (let rest_of_resolvents (collect_pseudo_resolvents cs' c) (match (clause_contains_lit c' (lit_flip (clause_head c))) (tt (cnfc (clause_pseudo_resolvent c c') rest_of_resolvents)) (ff rest_of_resolvents)))))) ; =============================================================== ; ; Unit Propegation implementation (manipulates global assignment) ; ; =============================================================== ; ; See the lrat file for a description of the global assignment. ; The result of search for a unit clause in (declare UnitSearchResult type) ; There was a unit, and ; this is the (previously floating) literal that is now satisfied. ; this is a version of the input cnf with satisfied clauses removed. (declare USRUnit (! l lit (! f cnf UnitSearchResult))) ; There was an unsat clause (declare USRBottom UnitSearchResult) ; There was no unit. (declare USRNoUnit UnitSearchResult) ; If a UnitSearchResult is a Unit, containing a cnf, adds this clause to that ; cnf. Otherwise, returns the UnitSearchResult unmodified. (program USR_add_clause ((c clause) (usr UnitSearchResult)) UnitSearchResult (match usr ((USRUnit l f) (USRUnit l (cnfc c f))) (USRBottom USRBottom) (USRNoUnit USRNoUnit))) ; Searches through the clauses, looking for a unit clause. ; Reads the global assignment. Possibly assigns one variable. ; Returns ; USRBottom if there is an unsat clause ; (USRUnit l f) if there is a unit, with lit l, and ; f is the cnf with some SAT clauses removed. ; USRNoUnit if there is no unit (program unit_search ((f cnf)) UnitSearchResult (match f (cnfn USRNoUnit) ((cnfc c f') (match (clause_check_unit_and_maybe_mark c) (MRSat (unit_search f')) ((MRUnit l) (USRUnit l f')) (MRUnsat USRBottom) (MRNotUnit (USR_add_clause c (unit_search f'))))))) ; Given the current global assignment, does the formula `f` imply bottom via ; unit propegation? Leaves the global assignment in the same state that it was ; initially. (program unit_propegates_to_bottom ((f cnf)) bool (match (unit_search f) (USRBottom tt) ((USRUnit l f') (let result (unit_propegates_to_bottom f') (do (lit_un_mk_sat l) result))) (USRNoUnit ff))) ; ================================== ; ; High-Level DRAT checking functions ; ; ================================== ; ; Is this clause an AT? (program is_at ((cs cnf) (c clause)) bool (match (is_t c) (tt tt) (ff (do (clause_mk_all_unsat c) (let r (unit_propegates_to_bottom cs) (do (clause_un_mk_all_unsat c) r)))))) ; Are all of these clauses ATs? (program are_all_at ((cs cnf) (clauses cnf)) bool (match clauses (cnfn tt) ((cnfc c clauses') (match (is_at cs c) (tt (are_all_at cs clauses')) (ff ff))))) ; Is the clause `c` a RAT for the formula `cs`? (program is_rat ((cs cnf) (c clause)) bool (match (is_t c) (tt tt) (ff (match (is_at cs c) (tt tt) (ff (are_all_at cs (collect_pseudo_resolvents cs c))))))) ; Is this proof a valid DRAT proof of bottom? (program is_specified_drat_proof ((f cnf) (proof DRATProof)) bool (match proof (DRATProofn (cnf_has_bottom f)) ((DRATProofa c p) (match (is_rat f c) (tt (is_specified_drat_proof (cnfc c f) p)) (ff ff))) ((DRATProofd c p) (is_specified_drat_proof (cnf_remove_clause c f) p)))) ; =============================== ; ; Operational DRAT implementation ; ; =============================== ; ; Operation DRAT is defined in the paper "Two Flavors of DRAT". ; Below is an extension of the DRAT signature to handle it. ; Notes on types. ; For operational DRAT it is useful to manifest partial assignments in values ; (although we still use the global assignment in some places). To this end, ; literals are used to represent single-variable assignments ((pos v) denotes ; {v maps to true}) and clauses are partial assignments by way of being ; literal lists. ; Copy the partial assignment represented by a clause into the global ; assignment. Fails if that clause represents an inconsistent partial ; assignment (e.g. v is both true and false) (program clause_into_global ((a clause)) Unit (match a (cln unit) ((clc l rest) (do (lit_mk_sat l) (clause_into_global rest))))) ; Remove the partial assignment represented by c from the global assignment (program clause_undo_into_global ((a clause)) Unit (match a (cln unit) ((clc l rest) (do (lit_un_mk_sat l) (clause_undo_into_global rest))))) ; Does this clause have no floating literals w.r.t. the global assignment? (program clause_no_floating ((c clause)) bool (match c (cln tt) ((clc l rest) (match (lit_is_floating l) (tt ff) (ff (clause_no_floating rest)))))) ; Does this clause have no sat literals w.r.t. the global assignment? (program clause_no_sat ((c clause)) bool (match c (cln tt) ((clc l rest) (match (lit_is_sat l) (tt ff) (ff (clause_no_sat rest)))))) ; Does this clause have one sat literal w.r.t. the global assignment? (program clause_one_sat ((c clause)) bool (match c (cln ff) ((clc l rest) (match (lit_is_sat l) (tt (clause_no_sat rest)) (ff (clause_one_sat rest)))))) ; Is this clause a unit clause w.r.t. the global assignment? ; This notion is defined as: ; * A clause where no literals are floating, and exactly one is sat. (program clause_is_unit_wrt_up_model ((c clause) (up_model clause)) bool (let c' (clause_dedup c) (do (clause_into_global up_model) (let result (match (clause_no_floating c') (tt (clause_one_sat c')) (ff ff)) (do (clause_undo_into_global up_model) result))))) ; Result from constructing a UP model (defined in "Two Flavors of DRAT") ; Technically, we're constructing the shared UP model -- the intersection of all ; UP models. ; Informally, this is just the partial assignment implied by UP. ; ; This type is necessary, because constructing a UP model can reveal an ; inconsistent UP model -- one which assigns some variable to true and false. ; This would break our machinery, so we special case it. (declare UPConstructionResult type) ; An actual model (declare UPCRModel (! up_model clause UPConstructionResult)) ; Bottom is implied! (declare UPCRBottom UPConstructionResult) ; Do unit propagation on `f`, constructing a UP model for it. (program build_up_model ((f cnf)) clause (match (unit_search f) (USRBottom UPCRBottom) (USRNoUnit (UPCRModel cln)) ((USRUnit l f') (let result (build_up_model f') (do (lit_un_mk_sat l) (match result (UPCRBottom UPCRBottom) ((UPCRModel model) (UPCRModel (clc l model))))))))) ; Given some starting assignment (`up_model`), continue UP to construct a larger ; model. (program extend_up_model ((f cnf) (up_model clause)) clause (do (clause_into_global up_model) (let result (build_up_model f) (do (clause_undo_into_global up_model) (match result (UPCRBottom UPCRBottom) ((UPCRModel up_model') (UPCRModel (clause_append up_model up_model')))))))) ; Helper for `is_operational_drat_proof` which takes a UP model for the working ; formula. The UP model is important for determining which clause deletions ; actually are executed in operational DRAT. Passing the UP model along ; prevents it from being fully recomputed everytime. (program is_operational_drat_proof_h ((f cnf) (up_model clause) (pf DRATProof)) bool (match pf (DRATProofn (cnf_has_bottom f)) ((DRATProofd c pf') (match (clause_is_unit_wrt_up_model c up_model) (tt (is_operational_drat_proof_h f up_model pf')) (ff (is_operational_drat_proof_h (cnf_remove_clause c f) up_model pf')))) ((DRATProofa c pf') (let f' (cnfc c f) (match (is_rat f c) (tt (match (extend_up_model f' up_model) (UPCRBottom tt) ((UPCRModel up_model') (is_operational_drat_proof_h f' up_model' pf')))) (ff ff)))))) ; Is this an operational DRAT proof of bottom for this formula? (program is_operational_drat_proof ((f cnf) (pf DRATProof)) bool (match (build_up_model f) (UPCRBottom tt) ((UPCRModel model) (is_operational_drat_proof_h f model pf)))) ; Is this a specified or operational DRAT proof of bottom for this formula? (program is_drat_proof ((f cnf) (pf DRATProof)) bool (match (is_specified_drat_proof f pf) (tt tt) (ff (is_operational_drat_proof f pf)))) (declare drat_proof_of_bottom (! f cnf (! proof_of_formula (cnf_holds f) (! proof DRATProof (! sc (^ (is_drat_proof f proof) tt) bottom)))))