#ifndef sc2__expr_h #define sc2__expr_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chunking_memory_management.h" #include "gmp.h" #define USE_FLAT_APP //AJR: off deprecated #define MARKVAR_32 //#define DEBUG_SYM_NAMES //#define DEBUG_SYMS // Expr class enum { CEXPR = 0, INT_EXPR, RAT_EXPR, HOLE_EXPR, SYM_EXPR, SYMS_EXPR }; // operators for CExprs enum { NOT_CEXPR = 0, // for INT_EXPR, HOLE_EXPR, SYM_EXPR, SYMS_EXPR APP, PI, LAM, TYPE, KIND, ASCRIBE, MPZ, MPQ, PROG, PROGVARS, MATCH, CASE, PAT, DO, ADD, MUL, DIV, NEG, IFNEG, IFZERO, LET, RUN, FAIL, MARKVAR, IFMARKED, COMPARE }; class Expr; class SymExpr; namespace __gnu_cxx { template <> struct hash { size_t operator()(const Expr *x) const { return reinterpret_cast(x); } }; } struct eqExprPtr { bool operator()(const Expr *e1, const Expr *e2) const { return e1 == e2; } }; typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_set, eqExprPtr> expr_ptr_set_t; class Expr { protected: /* bits 0-2: Expr class bits 3-7: operator bit 8: a flag for already cloned, free_in calculation bits 9-31: ref count*/ int data; enum { INC, DEC, CREATE }; void debugrefcnt(int ref, int what) { std::cout << "["; debug(); switch(what) { case INC: std::cout << " inc to "; break; case DEC: std::cout << " dec to "; break; case CREATE: std::cout << " creating]\n"; return; } char tmp[10]; sprintf(tmp,"%d",ref); std::cout << tmp << "]\n"; } Expr(int _class, int _op) : data(1 << 9 /* refcount 1, not cloned */| (_op << 3) | _class) { } bool _free_in(Expr *x, expr_ptr_set_t *visited); public: virtual ~Expr() {} static int markedCount; inline Expr* followDefs(); inline int getclass() const { return data & 7; } int getexmark() const { return data & 256; } void setexmark() { data |= 256; } void clearexmark() { data &= ~256; } inline int getop() const { return (data >> 3) & 31; } int cloned() const { return data & 256; } void setcloned() { data |= 256; } inline int getrefcnt() { return data >> 9; } inline void inc() { int ref = getrefcnt(); //static int iCounter = 0; //iCounter++; //if( iCounter%10000==0 ){ // //print( std::cout ); // std::cout << " " << ref << std::endl; //} ref = ref<4194303 ? ref + 1 : ref; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(ref,INC); #endif data = (ref << 9) | (data & 511); } static void destroy(Expr *, bool); inline void dec(bool dec_kids = true) { int ref = getrefcnt(); ref = ref - 1; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(ref,DEC); #endif if (ref == 0) destroy(this,dec_kids); else data = (ref << 9) | (data & 511); } //must pass statType (the expr representing "type") to this function bool isType( Expr* statType ); inline bool isDatatype() const { return getclass() == SYMS_EXPR || getop() == MPZ || getop() == MPQ; } inline bool isArithTerm() const { return getop() == ADD || getop() == NEG; } inline bool isSymbolic() const { return getclass() == SYM_EXPR || getclass() == SYMS_EXPR; } static Expr *build_app(Expr *hd, const std::vector &args, int start = 0); static Expr *make_app(Expr* e1, Expr* e2 ); /* if this is an APP, return the head, and store the args in args. If follow_defs is true, we proceed through defined heads; otherwise not. */ Expr *collect_args(std::vector &args, bool follow_defs = true); Expr *get_head(bool follow_defs = true) const; Expr *get_body(int op = PI, bool follow_defs = true) const; std::string toString(); void print(std::ostream &); void debug(); /* check whether or not this expr is alpha equivalent to e. If this expr contains unfilled holes, fill them as we go. We do not fill holes in e. We do not take responsibility for the reference to this nor the reference to e. */ bool defeq(Expr *e); /* return a clone of this expr. All abstractions are really duplicated in memory. Other expressions may not actually be duplicated in memory, but their refcounts will be incremented. */ Expr *clone(); // x can be a SymExpr or a HoleExpr. bool free_in(Expr *x) { expr_ptr_set_t visited; return _free_in(x, &visited); } bool get_free_in() const { return data & 256; } void calc_free_in(); static int cargCount; static int fiCounter; }; class CExpr : public Expr { public: C_MACROS__ADD_CHUNKING_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_H(CExpr,kids); Expr **kids; virtual ~CExpr() { delete[] kids; } CExpr(int _op) : Expr(CEXPR, _op), kids() { kids = new Expr *[1]; kids[0] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } CExpr(int _op, Expr *e1) : Expr(CEXPR, _op), kids() { kids = new Expr *[2]; kids[0] = e1; kids[1] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } CExpr(int _op, Expr *e1, Expr *e2) : Expr(CEXPR, _op), kids() { kids = new Expr *[3]; kids[0] = e1; kids[1] = e2; kids[2] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } CExpr(int _op, Expr *e1, Expr *e2, Expr *e3) : Expr(CEXPR, _op), kids() { kids = new Expr *[4]; kids[0] = e1; kids[1] = e2; kids[2] = e3; kids[3] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } CExpr(int _op, Expr *e1, Expr *e2, Expr *e3, Expr *e4) : Expr(CEXPR, _op), kids() { kids = new Expr *[5]; kids[0] = e1; kids[1] = e2; kids[2] = e3; kids[3] = e4; kids[4] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } CExpr(int _op, const std::vector &_kids) : Expr(CEXPR, _op), kids() { int i, iend = _kids.size(); kids = new Expr *[iend + 1]; for (i = 0; i < iend; i++) kids[i] = _kids[i]; kids[i] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } // _kids must be null-terminated. CExpr(int _op, bool dummy, Expr **_kids) : Expr(CEXPR, _op), kids(_kids) { (void)dummy; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } Expr *whr(); static Expr* convert_to_tree_app( Expr* ce ); static Expr* convert_to_flat_app( Expr* ce ); }; class IntExpr : public Expr { public: mpz_t n; virtual ~IntExpr() { mpz_clear(n); } IntExpr(mpz_t _n) : Expr(INT_EXPR, 0), n() { mpz_init_set(n,_n); #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } IntExpr(signed long int _n ) : Expr(INT_EXPR, 0), n() { mpz_init_set_si( n, _n ); } unsigned long int get_num() { return mpz_get_ui( n ); } }; class RatExpr : public Expr { public: mpq_t n; virtual ~RatExpr() { mpq_clear(n); } RatExpr(mpq_t _n) : Expr(RAT_EXPR, 0), n() { mpq_init( n ); mpq_set(n,_n); #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif mpq_canonicalize( n ); } RatExpr(signed long int _n1, unsigned long int _n2 ) : Expr(RAT_EXPR, 0), n() { mpq_init( n ); mpq_set_si( n, _n1, _n2 ); mpq_canonicalize( n ); } }; class SymExpr : public Expr { public: Expr *val; // may be set by beta-reduction and clone(). static int symmCount; SymExpr(std::string _s, int theclass = SYM_EXPR) : Expr(theclass, 0), val(0) { (void)_s; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT if (theclass == SYM_EXPR) debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } SymExpr(const SymExpr &e, int theclass = SYM_EXPR) : Expr(theclass, 0), val(0) { (void)e; #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT if (theclass == SYM_EXPR) debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } virtual ~SymExpr() {} #ifdef MARKVAR_32 private: int mark(); void smark( int m ); public: int getmark( int i = 0 ) { return (mark() >> i)&1; } void setmark( int i = 0 ) { smark( mark() | (1 << i) ); } void clearmark( int i = 0 ) { smark( mark() & ~(1 << i) ); } #endif }; class SymSExpr : public SymExpr { public: std::string s; SymSExpr(std::string _s, int theclass = SYMS_EXPR) : SymExpr(_s, theclass), s(_s) { #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } SymSExpr(const SymSExpr &e, int theclass = SYMS_EXPR) : SymExpr(e, theclass), s(e.s) { #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } virtual ~SymSExpr() {} }; class HoleExpr : public Expr { static int next_id; public: #ifdef DEBUG_HOLE_NAMES int id; #endif HoleExpr() : Expr(HOLE_EXPR, 0), val(0) { #ifdef DEBUG_HOLE_NAMES id = next_id++; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_REFCNT debugrefcnt(1,CREATE); #endif } Expr *val; // may be set during subst(), defeq(), and clone(). }; inline Expr * Expr::followDefs() { switch(getclass()) { case HOLE_EXPR: { HoleExpr *h = (HoleExpr *)this; if (h->val) return h->val->followDefs(); break; } case SYMS_EXPR: case SYM_EXPR: { SymExpr *h = (SymExpr *)this; if (h->val) return h->val->followDefs(); break; } } return this; } #endif