include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src) include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/include) include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src) # Some of the examples require boost. Enable these examples if boost is # installed. find_package(Boost 1.50.0) set(EXAMPLES_BIN_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/examples) # Create target examples. # # Only builds the examples, but does not run them. To run and build all # examples, use target runexamples (below). # Use macro cvc4_add_example to add examples. add_custom_target(examples) # Create target runexamples. # Builds and runs all examples. add_custom_target(runexamples COMMAND ctest --output-on-failure -L "example" -j${NTHREADS} $(ARGS) DEPENDS examples) # Add example target and create test to run example with ctest. # # > name: The name of the example # > src_files: The list of source files passed as string "src1 src2 ..." # (alternative: "src1;src2;..."). If empty, .cpp is assumed. # > libs: The list of libraries to link the example against, passed as either # - a list variable: set( ...) and pass # as "${}" # - a string: pass as "lib1 lib2 ..." (alternative: "lib1;lib2;...") # > output_dir: Determines the examples subdirectory and is empty (passed as # empty string) for the examples root directory (this) # > ARGN: Any additional arguments passed to the macro are interpreted as # as arguments to the test executable. macro(cvc4_add_example name src_files libs output_dir) # The build target is created without the path prefix (not supported), # e.g., for '/myexample.cpp' # we create build target 'myexample' # and build it with 'make myexample'. # As a consequence, all build target names must be globally unique. if("${src_files}" STREQUAL "") set(src_files_list ${name}.cpp) else() string(REPLACE " " ";" src_files_list "${src_files}") endif() add_executable(${name} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${src_files_list}) string(REPLACE " " ";" libs_list "${libs_list}") target_link_libraries(${name} ${libs}) add_dependencies(examples ${name}) # The test target is prefixed with test identifier 'example/' and the path, # e.g., for '/myexample.cpp' # we create test target 'example//myexample' # and run it with 'ctest -R "example//myunittest"'. set(example_bin_dir ${EXAMPLES_BIN_DIR}/${output_dir}) if("${output_dir}" STREQUAL "") set(example_test example/${name}) else() set(example_test example/${output_dir}/${name}) endif() set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${example_bin_dir}) add_test(${example_test} ${example_bin_dir}/${name} ${ARGN}) set_tests_properties(${example_test} PROPERTIES LABELS "example") endmacro() set(EXAMPLES_LINK_LIBS cvc4 cvc4parser) cvc4_add_example(simple_vc_cxx "" "${EXAMPLES_LINK_LIBS}" "") cvc4_add_example(simple_vc_quant_cxx "" "${EXAMPLES_LINK_LIBS}" "") cvc4_add_example(translator "" "${EXAMPLES_LINK_LIBS}" "" # argument to binary (for testing) ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/translator-example-input.smt2) if(BUILD_BINDINGS_JAVA) find_package(Java REQUIRED) set(EXAMPLES_JAVA_CLASSPATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/bindings/java/CVC4.jar") add_custom_target(SimpleVCjava COMMAND ${Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE} -cp ${EXAMPLES_JAVA_CLASSPATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ -d ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/examples DEPENDS cvc4jar) add_dependencies(examples SimpleVCjava) add_test( NAME example/SimpleVCjava COMMAND ${Java_JAVA_EXECUTABLE} -Djava.library.path=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/bindings/java/ -cp "${EXAMPLES_JAVA_CLASSPATH}:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/examples/" SimpleVC ) set_tests_properties(example/SimpleVCjava PROPERTIES LABELS "example") endif() add_subdirectory(api) add_subdirectory(hashsmt) add_subdirectory(nra-translate) add_subdirectory(sets-translate)