Kind ==== Every :cpp:class:`Term ` has a kind which represents its type, for example whether it is an equality (:cpp:enumerator:`EQUAL `), a conjunction (:cpp:enumerator:`AND `), or a bitvector addition (:cpp:enumerator:`BITVECTOR_PLUS `). #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP Note that the API type :cpp:enum:`cvc5::api::Kind` roughly corresponds to :cpp:enum:`cvc5::Kind`, but is a different type. It hides internal kinds that should not be exported to the API, and maps all kinds that we want to export to its corresponding internal kinds. #endif .. doxygenenum:: cvc5::api::Kind :project: cvc5 .. doxygenstruct:: std::hash< cvc5::api::Kind > :project: std :members: :undoc-members: