#!/bin/bash # # usage: new-theory [--alternate existing-theory] new-theory-dir-name # cd "`dirname "$0"`/.." if ! perl -v &>/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: perl is required to run this script." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -e src/theory/theory_engine.h ]; then echo "ERROR: This script doesn't appear to be the contrib/ subdirectory" >&2 echo "ERROR: of the CVC4 source tree." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ $# -ge 1 -a "$1" = --alternate ]; then shift alternate=true alttheory="$1" shift else alternate=false fi if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: new-theory [--alternate existing-theory] new-theory-dir-name" >&2 echo "e.g.: new-theory arrays" >&2 echo "e.g.: new-theory sets" >&2 echo "e.g.: new-theory rewrite_rules" >&2 echo "e.g.: new-theory --alternate arith difference-logic" >&2 echo >&2 echo "This tool will create a new src/theory/" >&2 echo "directory and fill in some infrastructural files in that directory." >&2 echo "It also will incorporate that directory into the build process." >&2 echo "Please refer to the file README.WHATS-NEXT file created in that" >&2 echo "directory for tips on what to do next." >&2 echo >&2 echo "Theories with multiple words (e.g. \"rewrite_rules\") should have" >&2 echo "directories and namespaces separated by an underscore (_). The" >&2 echo "resulting class names created by this script will be in CamelCase" >&2 echo "(e.g. RewriteRules) if that convention is followed." >&2 echo >&2 echo "With --alternate, create a new theory directory that is declared as" >&2 echo "an alternate implementation of an existing host theory. Such" >&2 echo "\"alternates\" share preprocessing, typechecking, rewriting (i.e.," >&2 echo "normal form), and expression kinds with their host theories, but" >&2 echo "differ in decision procedure implementation. They are selectable" >&2 echo "at runtime with --use-theory." >&2 exit 1 fi dir="$1" if [ -e "src/theory/$dir" ]; then echo "ERROR: Theory \"$dir\" already exists." >&2 echo "ERROR: Please choose a new directory name (or move that one aside)." >&2 echo "ERROR: Or, if you'd like to create an alternate implementation of" >&2 echo "ERROR: $dir, use this program this way:" >&2 echo "ERROR: new-theory --alternate $dir new-implementation-name" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! expr "$dir" : '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$' &>/dev/null || expr "$dir" : '_$' &>/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: \"$dir\" is not a valid theory name." >&2 echo "ERROR:" >&2 echo "ERROR: Theory names must start with a letter and be composed of" >&2 echo "ERROR: letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character; an" >&2 echo "ERROR: underscore cannot be the final character." >&2 exit 1 fi if $alternate; then if ! [ -d "src/theory/$alttheory" -a -f "src/theory/$alttheory/kinds" ]; then echo "ERROR: Theory \"$alttheory\" doesn't exist, or cannot read its kinds file." >&2 exit 1 fi alt_id="$( function theory() { echo $1 | sed 's,^THEORY_,,'; exit; } source "src/theory/$alttheory/kinds" )" fi id="`echo "$dir" | tr a-z A-Z`" # convoluted, but should be relatively portable and give a CamelCase # representation for a string. (e.g. "foo_bar" becomes "FooBar") camel="`echo "$dir" | awk 'BEGIN { RS="_";ORS="";OFS="" } // {print toupper(substr($1,1,1)),substr($1,2,length($1))} END {print "\n"}'`" if ! mkdir "src/theory/$dir"; then echo "ERROR: encountered an error creating directory src/theory/$dir" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Theory of $dir" echo "Theory directory: src/theory/$dir" echo "Theory id: THEORY_$id" $alternate && echo "Alternate for theory id: THEORY_$alt_id" echo "Theory class: CVC4::theory::$dir::Theory$camel" echo function copyskel { src="$1" dest="`echo "$src" | sed "s/DIR/$dir/g"`" echo "Creating src/theory/$dir/$dest..." sed "s/\$dir/$dir/g;s/\$camel/$camel/g;s/\$id/$id/g" \ contrib/theoryskel/$src \ > "src/theory/$dir/$dest" } function copyaltskel { src="$1" dest="`echo "$src" | sed "s/DIR/$dir/g"`" echo "Creating src/theory/$dir/$dest..." sed "s/\$dir/$dir/g;s/\$camel/$camel/g;s/\$id/$id/g;s/\$alt_id/$alt_id/g" \ contrib/alttheoryskel/$src \ > "src/theory/$dir/$dest" } function copyoptions { src="$1" dest="`echo "$src" | sed "s/DIR/$dir/g"`" echo "Creating src/options/$dest..." sed "s/\$dir/$dir/g;s/\$camel/$camel/g;s/\$id/$id/g;s/\$alt_id/$alt_id/g" \ contrib/optionsskel/$src \ > "src/options/$dest" } # copy files from the skeleton, with proper replacements if $alternate; then alternate01=1 for file in `ls contrib/alttheoryskel`; do copyaltskel "$file" done else alternate01=0 for file in `ls contrib/theoryskel`; do copyskel "$file" done fi # Copy the options file independently for file in `ls contrib/optionsskel`; do copyoptions "$file" done echo echo "Adding $dir to THEORIES to src/Makefile.theories..." if grep -q '^THEORIES = .*[^a-zA-Z0-9_]'"$dir"'\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\|$\)' src/Makefile.theories &>/dev/null; then echo "NOTE: src/Makefile.theories already lists theory $dir" else awk '/^THEORIES = / {print $0,"'"$dir"'"} !/^THEORIES = / {print$0}' src/Makefile.theories > src/Makefile.theories.new-theory if ! cp -f src/Makefile.theories src/Makefile.theories~; then echo "ERROR: cannot copy src/Makefile.theories !" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! mv -f src/Makefile.theories.new-theory src/Makefile.theories; then echo "ERROR: cannot replace src/Makefile.theories !" >&2 exit 1 fi fi echo "Adding sources to src/Makefile.am..." perl -e ' while(<>) { print; last if /^libcvc4_la_SOURCES = /; } if('$alternate01') { while(<>) { if(!/\\$/) { chomp; print "$_ \\\n\ttheory/'"$dir"'/theory_'"$dir"'.h \\\n\ttheory/'"$dir"'/theory_'"$dir"'.cpp\n"; last; } else { print; } } } else { while(<>) { if(!/\\$/) { chomp; print "$_ \\\n\ttheory/'"$dir"'/theory_'"$dir"'.h \\\n\ttheory/'"$dir"'/theory_'"$dir"'.cpp \\\n\ttheory/'"$dir"'/theory_'"$dir"'_rewriter.h \\\n\ttheory/'"$dir"'/theory_'"$dir"'_type_rules.h\n"; last; } else { print; } } } while(<>) { print; last if /^EXTRA_DIST = /; } while(<>) { if(!/\\$/) { chomp; print "$_ \\\n\ttheory/'"$dir"'/kinds\n"; last; } else { print; } } while(<>) { print; }' src/Makefile.am > src/Makefile.am.new-theory if ! mv -f src/Makefile.am.new-theory src/Makefile.am; then echo "ERROR: cannot replace src/Makefile.am !" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Adding ${dir}_options.toml to src/options/Makefile.am..." if grep -q '^ ${dir}_options.toml' src/options/Makefile.am &>/dev/null; then echo "NOTE: src/options/Makefile.am already seems to link to $dir option files" else awk -v name="$dir" -f contrib/new-theory.awk src/options/Makefile.am > src/options/Makefile.am.new-theory if ! cp -f src/options/Makefile.am src/options/Makefile.am~; then echo "ERROR: cannot copy src/options/Makefile.am !" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! mv -f src/options/Makefile.am.new-theory src/options/Makefile.am; then echo "ERROR: cannot replace src/options/Makefile.am !" >&2 exit 1 fi fi echo echo "Rerunning autogen.sh..." ./autogen.sh