#!/bin/bash # # usage: cut-release [-n] version-designation [make-args...] # function isthatright { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -n "Does that look right? [y/n] " else echo -n "$1? [y/n] " fi while read yn; do if [ "$yn" = y -o "$yn" = Y -o "$yn" = yes -o "$yn" = YES -o "$yn" = Yes ]; then break elif [ "$yn" = n -o "$yn" = N -o "$yn" = no -o "$yn" = NO -o "$yn" = No ]; then echo "Aborting as per user request." >&2 exit 1 else echo -n "[y/n] " fi done } if [ "$1" = -n ]; then dryrun=true shift else dryrun=false fi if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") [-n] version-designation [make-args...]" >&2 echo "-n does a dry run (i.e., do sanity checks and build but don't touch the repository)" exit 1 fi if ! [ -e src/expr/node.h -a -e .svn ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: You should run this from the top-level of a CVC4 subversion working directory" >&2 exit 1 fi version="$1" shift if echo "$version" | grep '[^a-zA-Z0-9_.+(){}^%#-]' &>/dev/null; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: Version designation \`$version' contains illegal characters" >&2 exit 1 fi eval "declare -a vs=($(echo "$version" | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\(\.\([0-9]*\)\)\?\(.*\),[0]=\1 [1]=\2 [2]=\4 [3]=\5,'))" major=${vs[0]} minor=${vs[1]}; if [ -z "$minor" ]; then minor=0; fi release=${vs[2]}; if [ -z "$release" ]; then release=0; fi extra=${vs[3]} echo echo "Major : $major" echo "Minor : $minor" echo "Release: $release" echo "Extra : $extra" echo version="$major.$minor" if [ "$release" != 0 ]; then version="$version.$release" fi version="$version$extra" echo "Version: $version" echo isthatright echo "Checking whether release \`$version' already exists..." if ! svn ls "https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/tags/releases/$version" 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep non-existent >/dev/null; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: Subversion repo already contains a release \`$version'" >&2 $dryrun || exit 1 fi echo "Checking working directory for local modifications..." if $dryrun; then if [ -n "$(svn status -q configure.ac)" ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: In dry-run mode, cannot operate properly with local modifications to \"configure.ac\", sorry" >&2 exit 1 fi elif [ -n "$(svn status -q | grep -v '^M *[0-9]* *NEWS$')" ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: \"svn status\" indicates there are local modifications; please commit first" >&2 exit 1 fi root="$(svn info | grep "^Repository Root: https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/.*" | cut -f3 -d' ')" if [ -z "$root" ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: Can't get repository root URL" 2>&1 $dryrun || exit 1 fi echo "Checking repo for unmerged updates..." if [ `svn -uq status | grep -v '^M *[0-9]* *NEWS$' | wc -l` -ne 1 ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: This working directory isn't up to date" 2>&1 $dryrun || exit 1 fi echo "Checking sources for broken public headers..." suspect_files="\ $(grep -r --exclude-dir=.svn '^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*"[^/]*"' src | grep -v '"cvc4parser_public\.h"' | grep -v '"cvc4_public\.h"' | grep -v '"cvc4_private\.h"' | grep -v '"cvc4autoconfig\.h"' | grep -v '"cvc4parser_private\.h"' | cut -f1 -d: | sort -u | xargs grep -l '^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*"cvc4.*public\.h"' | xargs echo)" if [ -n "$suspect_files" ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: The following publicly-installed headers appear" 2>&1 echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: to have relative #includes and may be broken up" 2>&1 echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: on install: $suspect_files" 2>&1 $dryrun || exit 1 fi echo "Checking NEWS file for recent updates..." if [ -n "$(svn status -q NEWS)" ]; then echo "+ It's locally modified." else echo -n "+ " svn info NEWS | grep '^Last Changed Date: ' echo echo "You should probably make sure to put some notes in the NEWS file" echo "for this release, indicating the most important changes from the" echo "last release." echo isthatright "Continue without updating NEWS" fi echo "Adjusting version info lines in configure.ac..." if ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_MAJOR, *[0-9][0-9]* *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null || ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_MINOR, *[0-9][0-9]* *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null || ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_RELEASE, *[0-9][0-9]* *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null || ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_EXTRAVERSION, *\[.*\] *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null; then echo "$(basename "$0"): ERROR: Cannot locate the version info lines of configure.ac" >&2 $dryrun || exit 1 fi perl -pi -e 's/^m4_define\(_CVC4_MAJOR, ( *)[0-9]+( *)\)/m4_define(_CVC4_MAJOR, ${1}'"$major"'$2)/; s/^m4_define\(_CVC4_MINOR, ( *)[0-9]+( *)\)/m4_define(_CVC4_MINOR, ${1}'"$minor"'$2)/; s/^m4_define\(_CVC4_RELEASE, ( *)[0-9]+( *)\)/m4_define(_CVC4_RELEASE, ${1}'"$release"'$2)/; s/^m4_define\(_CVC4_EXTRAVERSION, ( *)\[.*\]( *)\)/m4_define(_CVC4_EXTRAVERSION, $1\['"$extra"'\]$2)/' configure.ac trap 'echo; echo; echo "Aborting in error."; svn revert configure.ac; echo' EXIT echo echo 'Made the following change to configure.ac:' echo svn diff configure.ac echo isthatright if ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_MAJOR, *'"$major"' *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null || ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_MINOR, *'"$minor"' *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null || ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_RELEASE, *'"$release"' *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null || ! grep '^m4_define(_CVC4_EXTRAVERSION, *\['"$extra"'\] *)' configure.ac &>/dev/null; then echo "$(basename "$0"): INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot find the modified version info lines in configure.ac, bailing..." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "$(svn status -q configure.ac)" ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): INTERNAL ERROR: \"svn status\" indicates there are no local modifications to configure.ac; I expected the ones I just made!" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Building and checking distribution \`cvc4-$version'..." if ! $SHELL -c '\ version="'$version'"; \ set -ex; \ ./autogen.sh || echo "autoconf failed; does library_versions have something to match $version?"; \ mkdir "release-$version"; \ cd "release-$version"; \ ../configure production-staticbinary --disable-shared --enable-unit-testing --without-cudd --with-readline --with-portfolio; \ make dist "$@"; \ tar xf "cvc4-$version.tar.gz"; \ cd "cvc4-$version"; \ ./configure production-staticbinary --disable-shared --enable-unit-testing --without-cudd --with-readline --with-portfolio; \ make check "$@"; \ make distcheck "$@"; \ '; then exit 1 fi if ! [ -e release-$version/cvc4-$version.tar.gz ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot find the distribution tarball I just built" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ -e release-$version/cvc4-$version/builds/src/main/cvc4 ]; then echo "$(basename "$0"): INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot find the binary I just built" >&2 exit 1 fi echo echo 'This release of CVC4 will identify itself as:' echo release-$version/cvc4-$version/builds/src/main/cvc4 --version echo isthatright echo echo 'This binary release of CVC4 will identify itself as being configured like this:' echo release-$version/cvc4-$version/builds/src/main/cvc4 --show-config echo isthatright echo echo "Signing tarball..." cp -p "release-$version/cvc4-$version.tar.gz" . gpg -b --armor "cvc4-$version.tar.gz" #echo #echo "Signing cvc4 binary..." #cp -p "release-$version/cvc4-$version/builds/src/main/cvc4" "cvc4-$version" #gpg -b --armor "cvc4-$version" #echo #echo "Signing pcvc4 binary..." #cp -p "release-$version/src/main/pcvc4" "pcvc4-$version" #gpg -b --armor "pcvc4-$version" echo echo "About to run: svn commit -m \"Cutting release $version.\"" isthatright $dryrun || svn commit -m "Cutting release $version." echo echo "About to run: svn copy -m \"Cutting release $version.\" \"$root\" \"https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/tags/releases/$version\"" isthatright $dryrun || svn copy -m "Cutting release $version." "$root" "https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/tags/releases/$version" echo if [ "$(svn info | grep '^URL: https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/trunk$')" ]; then if [ "$release" = 0 ]; then echo "About to run: svn copy -m \"Branching release $version for bugfixes.\" \"https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/tags/releases/$version\" \"https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/branches/releases/$version.x\"" isthatright $dryrun || svn copy -m "Branching release $version for bugfixes." "https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/tags/releases/$version" "https://subversive.cims.nyu.edu/cvc4/cvc4/branches/releases/$version.x" else echo "Not branching, because this is a minor release (i.e., not a \"dot-oh\"" echo "release), so I'm guessing you have a devel repository outside of trunk" echo "somewhere? You can still make a branch manually, of course." fi else echo "Not branching, because it appears there already is a branch" echo "to work with for version $version ..? (You're not on trunk.)" echo "You can still make a branch manually, of course." fi echo echo "Done. Next steps are to upload and advertise these packages and to add" echo "a $version release to Bugzilla." trap '' EXIT