#!/bin/bash cvc4=./cvc4 bench="$1" logic=$(expr "$(grep -m1 '^[^;]*set-logic' "$bench")" : ' *(set-logic *\([A-Z_]*\) *) *$') # use: trywith [params..] # to attempt a run. Only thing printed on stdout is "sat" or "unsat", in which # case this run script terminates immediately. Otherwise, this function # returns normally and prints the output of the solver to stderr. function trywith { limit=$1; shift; result="$(ulimit -S -t "$limit";$cvc4 -L smt2.6 --no-incremental --no-type-checking --no-interactive "$@" $bench)" case "$result" in sat|unsat) echo "$result"; exit 0;; *) echo "$result" >&2;; esac } # use: finishwith [params..] # to run cvc4 and let it output whatever it will to stdout. function finishwith { $cvc4 -L smt2.6 --no-incremental --no-type-checking --no-interactive "$@" $bench } # the following is designed for a run time of 20 min. case "$logic" in QF_LRA) trywith 200 --miplib-trick --miplib-trick-subs=4 --use-approx --lemmas-on-replay-failure --replay-early-close-depth=4 --replay-lemma-reject-cut=128 --replay-reject-cut=512 --unconstrained-simp --use-soi finishwith --no-restrict-pivots --use-soi --new-prop --unconstrained-simp ;; QF_LIA) # same as QF_LRA but add --pb-rewrites finishwith --miplib-trick --miplib-trick-subs=4 --use-approx --lemmas-on-replay-failure --replay-early-close-depth=4 --replay-lemma-reject-cut=128 --replay-reject-cut=512 --unconstrained-simp --use-soi --pb-rewrites --ite-simp --simp-ite-compress ;; QF_NIA) trywith 480 --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=internal trywith 60 --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=justification trywith 60 --no-nl-ext-tplanes --decision=internal trywith 60 --no-arith-brab --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=internal # this totals up to more than 20 minutes, although notice that smaller bit-widths may quickly fail trywith 300 --solve-int-as-bv=2 --bitblast=eager --bv-sat-solver=cadical --no-bv-abstraction trywith 300 --solve-int-as-bv=4 --bitblast=eager --bv-sat-solver=cadical --no-bv-abstraction trywith 300 --solve-int-as-bv=8 --bitblast=eager --bv-sat-solver=cadical --no-bv-abstraction trywith 300 --solve-int-as-bv=16 --bitblast=eager --bv-sat-solver=cadical --no-bv-abstraction trywith 600 --solve-int-as-bv=32 --bitblast=eager --bv-sat-solver=cadical --no-bv-abstraction finishwith --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=internal ;; QF_NRA) trywith 300 --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=internal trywith 300 --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=justification --no-nl-ext-factor trywith 30 --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=internal --solve-real-as-int finishwith --nl-ext-tplanes --decision=justification ;; # all logics with UF + quantifiers should either fall under this or special cases below ALIA|AUFLIA|AUFLIRA|AUFNIRA|UF|UFIDL|UFLIA|UFLRA|UFNIA|UFDT|UFDTLIA|AUFDTLIA|AUFBVDTLIA|AUFNIA) # initial runs 1 min trywith 30 --simplification=none --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --no-e-matching --full-saturate-quant # trigger selections 3 min trywith 30 --relevant-triggers --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --trigger-sel=max --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --multi-trigger-when-single --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --multi-trigger-when-single --multi-trigger-priority --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --multi-trigger-cache --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --no-multi-trigger-linear --full-saturate-quant # other 4 min trywith 30 --pre-skolem-quant --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --inst-when=full --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --no-e-matching --no-quant-cf --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --full-saturate-quant --quant-ind trywith 30 --decision=internal --simplification=none --no-inst-no-entail --no-quant-cf --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --decision=internal --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --term-db-mode=relevant --full-saturate-quant trywith 30 --fs-interleave --full-saturate-quant # finite model find 3 min trywith 30 --finite-model-find --mbqi=none trywith 30 --finite-model-find --decision=internal trywith 30 --finite-model-find --macros-quant --macros-quant-mode=all trywith 30 --finite-model-find --uf-ss=no-minimal trywith 60 --finite-model-find --fmf-inst-engine # long runs 4 min trywith 240 --finite-model-find --decision=internal finishwith --full-saturate-quant ;; ABVFP|BVFP|FP|UFFPDTLIRA|UFFPDTNIRA) finishwith --full-saturate-quant --fp-exp ;; UFBV) # most problems in UFBV are essentially BV trywith 300 --full-saturate-quant --decision=internal trywith 300 --full-saturate-quant --cegqi-nested-qe --decision=internal trywith 30 --full-saturate-quant --no-cegqi-innermost --global-negate finishwith --finite-model-find ;; BV) trywith 120 --full-saturate-quant trywith 120 --full-saturate-quant --no-cegqi-innermost trywith 300 --full-saturate-quant --cegqi-nested-qe --decision=internal trywith 30 --full-saturate-quant --no-cegqi-bv trywith 30 --full-saturate-quant --cegqi-bv-ineq=eq-slack # finish 10min finishwith --full-saturate-quant --no-cegqi-innermost --global-negate ;; LIA|LRA|NIA|NRA) trywith 30 --full-saturate-quant --nl-ext-tplanes trywith 300 --full-saturate-quant --no-cegqi-innermost trywith 300 --full-saturate-quant --cegqi-nested-qe finishwith --full-saturate-quant --cegqi-nested-qe --decision=internal ;; QF_AUFBV) trywith 600 --ite-simp finishwith --decision=justification-stoponly --ite-simp ;; QF_ABV) trywith 50 --ite-simp --simp-with-care --repeat-simp --arrays-weak-equiv trywith 500 --arrays-weak-equiv finishwith --ite-simp --simp-with-care --repeat-simp --arrays-weak-equiv ;; QF_UFBV) # Benchmarks with uninterpreted sorts cannot be solved with eager # bit-blasting currently trywith 1200 --bitblast=eager --bv-sat-solver=cadical finishwith ;; QF_BV) finishwith --bv-div-zero-const --bitblast=eager --bv-sat-solver=cadical --no-bv-abstraction ;; QF_AUFLIA) finishwith --no-arrays-eager-index --arrays-eager-lemmas --decision=justification ;; QF_AX) finishwith --no-arrays-eager-index --arrays-eager-lemmas --decision=internal ;; QF_AUFNIA) finishwith --decision=justification --no-arrays-eager-index --arrays-eager-lemmas ;; QF_ALIA) trywith 140 --decision=justification --arrays-weak-equiv finishwith --decision=justification-stoponly --no-arrays-eager-index --arrays-eager-lemmas ;; QF_S|QF_SLIA) trywith 300 --strings-exp --rewrite-divk --strings-fmf finishwith --strings-exp --rewrite-divk ;; QF_ABVFP|QF_ABVFPLRA) finishwith --fp-exp ;; QF_BVFP|QF_BVFPLRA) finishwith --fp-exp ;; QF_FP|QF_FPLRA) finishwith --fp-exp ;; *) # just run the default finishwith ;; esac