############################################################################### # Top contributors (to current version): # Gereon Kremer, Mathias Preiner # # This file is part of the cvc5 project. # # Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS # in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations. # All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source # directory for licensing information. # ############################################################################# # # Find CaDiCaL # CaDiCaL_FOUND - system has CaDiCaL lib # CaDiCaL_INCLUDE_DIR - the CaDiCaL include directory # CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed to use CaDiCaL ## include(deps-helper) find_path(CaDiCaL_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES cadical.hpp) find_library(CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES NAMES cadical) set(CaDiCaL_FOUND_SYSTEM FALSE) if(CaDiCaL_INCLUDE_DIR AND CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES) set(CaDiCaL_FOUND_SYSTEM TRUE) # Unfortunately it is not part of the headers find_library(CaDiCaL_BINARY NAMES cadical) if(CaDiCaL_BINARY) execute_process( COMMAND ${CaDiCaL_BINARY} --version OUTPUT_VARIALE CaDiCaL_VERSION ) else() set(CaDiCaL_VERSION "") endif() check_system_version("CaDiCaL") endif() if(NOT CaDiCaL_FOUND_SYSTEM) check_ep_downloaded("CaDiCaL-EP") if(NOT CaDiCaL-EP_DOWNLOADED) check_auto_download("CaDiCaL" "--no-cadical") endif() include(CheckSymbolExists) include(ExternalProject) set(CaDiCaL_VERSION "rel-1.4.1") # avoid configure script and instantiate the makefile manually the configure # scripts unnecessarily fails for cross compilation thus we do the bare # minimum from the configure script here set(CXXFLAGS "-fPIC -O3 -DNDEBUG -DQUIET -std=c++11") # check for getc_unlocked check_symbol_exists("getc_unlocked" "cstdio" HAVE_UNLOCKED_IO) if(NOT HAVE_UNLOCKED_IO) set(CXXFLAGS "${CXXFLAGS} -DNUNLOCKED") endif() if("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" STREQUAL "Unix Makefiles") # use $(MAKE) instead of "make" to allow for parallel builds set(make_cmd "$(MAKE)") else() # $(MAKE) does not work with ninja set(make_cmd "make") endif() ExternalProject_Add( CaDiCaL-EP ${COMMON_EP_CONFIG} BUILD_IN_SOURCE ON URL https://github.com/arminbiere/cadical/archive/${CaDiCaL_VERSION}.tar.gz URL_HASH SHA1=ad3be225f20e5c5b3883290478282698624c14a5 CONFIGURE_COMMAND mkdir -p /build # avoid configure script, prepare the makefile manually COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy /makefile.in /build/makefile COMMAND sed -i.orig -e "s,@CXX@,${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}," -e "s,@CXXFLAGS@,${CXXFLAGS}," -e "s,@MAKEFLAGS@,," /build/makefile BUILD_COMMAND ${make_cmd} -C /build libcadical.a INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy /build/libcadical.a /lib/libcadical.a COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy /src/cadical.hpp /include/cadical.hpp BUILD_BYPRODUCTS /lib/libcadical.a ) set(CaDiCaL_INCLUDE_DIR "${DEPS_BASE}/include/") set(CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES "${DEPS_BASE}/lib/libcadical.a") endif() set(CaDiCaL_FOUND TRUE) add_library(CaDiCaL STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_target_properties( CaDiCaL PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES}" ) set_target_properties( CaDiCaL PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CaDiCaL_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) if (WIN32) # The Windows version of CaDiCaL calls GetProcessMemoryInfo(), which is # defined in the Process Status API (psapi), so we declare it as a dependency # of the CaDiCaL library (without this, linking a static cvc5 executable # fails). set_target_properties( CaDiCaL PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES psapi ) endif () mark_as_advanced(CaDiCaL_FOUND) mark_as_advanced(CaDiCaL_FOUND_SYSTEM) mark_as_advanced(CaDiCaL_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES) if(CaDiCaL_FOUND_SYSTEM) message(STATUS "Found CaDiCaL ${CaDiCaL_VERSION}: ${CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES}") else() message(STATUS "Building CaDiCaL ${CaDiCaL_VERSION}: ${CaDiCaL_LIBRARIES}") add_dependencies(CaDiCaL CaDiCaL-EP) endif()