##################### ## FindCLN.cmake ## Top contributors (to current version): ## Mathias Preiner ## This file is part of the CVC4 project. ## Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS ## in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations. ## All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source ## directory for licensing information. ## # Find CLN # CLN_FOUND - system has CLN lib # CLN_INCLUDE_DIR - the CLN include directory # CLN_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed to use CLN include(deps-helper) find_path(CLN_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES cln/cln.h) find_library(CLN_LIBRARIES NAMES cln) set(CLN_FOUND_SYSTEM FALSE) if(CLN_INCLUDE_DIR AND CLN_LIBRARIES) set(CLN_FOUND_SYSTEM TRUE) file(STRINGS ${CLN_INCLUDE_DIR}/cln/version.h CLN_VERSION REGEX "^#define[\t ]+CL_VERSION .*" ) string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" CLN_VERSION "${CLN_VERSION}") check_system_version("CLN") endif() if(NOT CLN_FOUND_SYSTEM) include(ExternalProject) fail_if_cross_compiling("Windows" "" "CLN" "autoconf fails") fail_if_cross_compiling("" "arm" "CLN" "syntax error in configure") set(CLN_VERSION "1.3.6") string(REPLACE "." "-" CLN_TAG ${CLN_VERSION}) find_program(AUTORECONF autoreconf) if(NOT AUTORECONF) message(SEND_ERROR "Can not build CLN, missing binary for autoreconf") endif() ExternalProject_Add( CLN-EP ${COMMON_EP_CONFIG} URL "https://www.ginac.de/CLN/cln.git/?p=cln.git\\\;a=snapshot\\\;h=cln_${CLN_TAG}\\\;sf=tgz" URL_HASH SHA1=71d02b90ef0575f06b7bafb8690f73e8064d8228 DOWNLOAD_NAME cln.tgz CONFIGURE_COMMAND cd && ./autogen.sh && autoreconf -iv COMMAND /configure --prefix= --disable-shared --enable-static --with-pic BUILD_BYPRODUCTS /lib/libcln.a ) add_dependencies(CLN-EP GMP) set(CLN_INCLUDE_DIR "${DEPS_BASE}/include/") set(CLN_LIBRARIES "${DEPS_BASE}/lib/libcln.a") endif() set(CLN_FOUND TRUE) add_library(CLN STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_target_properties(CLN PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${CLN_LIBRARIES}") set_target_properties( CLN PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CLN_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) mark_as_advanced(AUTORECONF) mark_as_advanced(CLN_FOUND) mark_as_advanced(CLN_FOUND_SYSTEM) mark_as_advanced(CLN_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(CLN_LIBRARIES) if(CLN_FOUND_SYSTEM) message(STATUS "Found CLN ${CLN_VERSION}: ${CLN_LIBRARIES}") else() message(STATUS "Building CLN ${CLN_VERSION}: ${CLN_LIBRARIES}") add_dependencies(CLN CLN-EP) endif()