This is a prerelease version of CVC4; distribution is restricted. For a suggestion of editing CVC4 code with emacs, see README.emacs. To build, you'll need reasonably new automake, autoconf, and libtool installed (see below). Execute, ./ ./configure make You can then "make install" to install in the prefix you gave to the configure script (/usr/local by default). To build a source release, use "make dist"; this will include the configure script and all the bits of automake/autoconf/libtool that are necessary for an independent install. You'll find the resulting tarball in builds/cvc4-${VERSION}.tar.gz. To build documentation, use "make doc". Documentation is produced under doc/ but is not installed by "make install". *** Dependencies The following tools and libraries are required to run CVC4. Versions given are minimum versions; more recent versions should be compatible. GNU C and C++ (gcc and g++), reasonably recent versions GNU Make GMP v4.2 (GNU Multi-Precision arithmetic library) libantlr3c v3.2 (ANTLR parser generator) Optional: CLN v1.3 (Class Library for Numbers) Optional: CUDD v2.4.2 (Colorado University Decision Diagram package) CUDD, if desired, must be installed in a special manner. The default distribution from doesn't build shared objects, and names things that make it difficult to compose software dependences (e.g. a "libutil" is distributed). So we packaged our own version of cudd that changes only its build process, making it play nicely with libtool and packaging all the various cudd libraries into just a few. This version must be used for cvc4, and is available from the CVC4 apt repository by dropping the following line into your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb unstable/ The debian source package "cudd", available from the same repository, includes a diff of all changes made to cudd makefiles. *** Build dependencies The following tools and libraries are required to build CVC4 from scratch. Automake v1.11 Autoconf v2.61 Libtool v2.2 ANTLR3 v3.2