# Fix Travis write errors on Clang builds. These write errors occurred after # a Travis update to new Trusty images on Dec. 12th 2017. The reason for these # write errors is unknown. Using the deprecated builds did not fix the problem. # Setting 'filter_secrets: false' as suggested here # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/4704#issuecomment-321777557 # fixes the problem. filter_secrets: false language: cpp cache: - apt - ccache # We need more than 4G memory for compiling CVC4. Hence, we cannot switch # to container-based virtualization environments since they only provide 4G of # memory. We will stick with the VM-based environments for now. sudo: required dist: trusty env: global: # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created # via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key - secure: "fRfdzYwV10VeW5tVSvy5qpR8ZlkXepR7XWzCulzlHs9SRI2YY20BpzWRjyMBiGu2t7IeJKT7qdjq/CJOQEM8WS76ON7QJ1iymKaRDewDs3OhyPJ71fsFKEGgLky9blk7I9qZh23hnRVECj1oJAVry9IK04bc2zyIEjUYpjRkUAQ=" - TEST_GROUPS=2 - CCACHE_COMPRESS=1 addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: &common_deps - libgmp-dev - libboost-dev - libboost-thread-dev - swig - libcln-dev - openjdk-7-jdk - antlr3 - libantlr3c-dev - ant-optional - cxxtest - libreadline-dev - moreutils before_install: - eval "${MATRIX_EVAL}" # Clang does not play nice with ccache (at least the versions offered by # Travis), use a workaround: # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/5383#issuecomment-224630584 - | if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ] && [ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]; then export CFLAGS="-Qunused-arguments" export CXXFLAGS="-Qunused-arguments" sudo ln -s $(which ccache) /usr/lib/ccache/clang sudo ln -s $(which ccache) /usr/lib/ccache/clang++ fi before_script: - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64 - export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin - export JAVA_CPPFLAGS=-I$JAVA_HOME/include - ./autogen.sh script: - ccache -M 1G - ccache -z - ${CC} --version - ${CXX} --version - | echo "travis_fold:start:load_script" normal="$(echo -e '\033[0m')" red="$normal$(echo -e '\033[01;31m')" green="$normal$(echo -e '\033[01;32m')" configureCVC4() { echo "CVC4 config - $TRAVIS_CVC4_CONFIG"; ./configure --enable-unit-testing $TRAVIS_CVC4_CONFIG || (echo; echo "Trying to print config.log"; cat builds/config.log; error "CONFIGURE FAILED"); } error() { echo; echo "${red}${1}${normal}"; echo; exit 1; } makeDistcheck() { make V=1 -j2 distcheck CVC4_REGRESSION_ARGS='--no-early-exit' || error "DISTCHECK (WITH NEWTHEORY TESTS) FAILED"; } makeCheck() { make V=1 -j2 check CVC4_REGRESSION_ARGS='--no-early-exit' |& ts; } makeExamples() { make V=1 -j2 examples || error "COULD NOT BUILD EXAMPLES${normal}"; } addNewTheoryTest() { contrib/new-theory test_newtheory || error "NEWTHEORY FAILED"; grep -q '^THEORIES *=.* test_newtheory' src/Makefile.theories || error "NEWTHEORY FAILED"; contrib/new-theory --alternate test_newtheory test_newalttheory || error "NEWTHEORY-ALTERNATE FAILED"; grep -q '^THEORIES *=.* test_newalttheory' src/Makefile.theories || error "NEWTHEORY-ALTERNATE FAILED"; } run() { echo "travis_fold:start:$1" echo "Running $1" $1 || exit 1 echo "travis_fold:end:$1" } [ -n "$TRAVIS_CVC4" ] && [ -n "$TRAVIS_WITH_LFSC" ] && run contrib/get-lfsc-checker [ -n "$TRAVIS_CVC4" ] && [ -n "$TRAVIS_CVC4_DISTCHECK" ] && run addNewTheoryTest [ -n "$TRAVIS_CVC4" ] && run configureCVC4 [ -n "$TRAVIS_CVC4" ] && [ -n "$TRAVIS_CVC4_DISTCHECK" ] && run makeDistcheck [ -n "$TRAVIS_CVC4" ] && [ -z "$TRAVIS_CVC4_DISTCHECK" ] && run makeCheck && run makeExamples [ -n "$TRAVIS_COVERITY" ] && echo "Running coverity. Skipping the normal build." [ -z "$TRAVIS_CVC4" ] && [ -z "$TRAVIS_COVERITY" ] && error "Unknown Travis-CI configuration" echo "travis_fold:end:load_script" - echo; echo "${green}EVERYTHING SEEMED TO PASS!${normal}" - ccache -s matrix: fast_finish: true include: # Test with GCC - compiler: gcc env: - TRAVIS_CVC4=yes TRAVIS_WITH_LFSC=yes TRAVIS_CVC4_CONFIG='production --enable-language-bindings=java,c --with-lfsc' - compiler: gcc env: - TRAVIS_CVC4=yes TRAVIS_WITH_LFSC=yes TRAVIS_CVC4_CONFIG='debug --with-lfsc --disable-debug-symbols' # # Test with Clang - compiler: clang env: - TRAVIS_CVC4=yes TRAVIS_WITH_LFSC=yes TRAVIS_CVC4_CONFIG='debug --with-cln --enable-gpl --disable-debug-symbols --disable-proof' - compiler: clang env: - TRAVIS_CVC4=yes TRAVIS_CVC4_DISTCHECK=yes TRAVIS_CVC4_CONFIG='--enable-proof' # Rule for running Coverity Scan. - os: linux compiler: gcc env: - TRAVIS_COVERITY=yes CVC4_REGRESSION_ARGS='--no-early-exit' addons: # Need to duplicate as addons will be over written. apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - *common_deps coverity_scan: project: name: "CVC4/CVC4" description: "Build submitted via Travis CI" notification_email: timothy.alan.king@gmail.com build_command_prepend: "./autogen.sh; ./configure --enable-unit-testing --enable-proof" build_command: "make V=1 -j4" branch_pattern: coverity_scan after_failure: - cat /home/travis/build/CVC4/CVC4/cov-int/build-log.txt notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: always