path: root/test/regress/regress1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/regress/regress1')
4 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/dump-inst-proof.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/dump-inst-proof.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4eedc16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/dump-inst-proof.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --dump-instantiations --proof
+; EXPECT: unsat
+; EXPECT: (instantiation (forall ((x Int)) (or (P x) (Q x)) )
+; EXPECT: ( 2 )
+; EXPECT: )
+; EXPECT: (instantiation (forall ((x Int)) (or (not (S x)) (not (Q x))) )
+; EXPECT: ( 2 )
+; EXPECT: )
+(set-logic UFLIA)
+(set-info :status unsat)
+(declare-fun P (Int) Bool)
+(declare-fun Q (Int) Bool)
+(declare-fun R (Int) Bool)
+(declare-fun S (Int) Bool)
+(declare-fun W (Int) Bool)
+(declare-fun U (Int) Bool)
+(assert (forall ((x Int)) (or (P x) (Q x))))
+(assert (forall ((x Int)) (or (R x) (W x))))
+(assert (forall ((x Int)) (or (S x) (U x))))
+(assert (forall ((x Int)) (or (not (S x)) (not (Q x)))))
+(assert (and (not (R 0)) (not (R 10)) (not (S 1)) (not (P 2))))
+(assert (S 2))
+; This tests that --proof minimizes the instantiations printed out.
+; This regression should require only the 2 instantiations above, but
+; may try more.
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/lra-vts-inf.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/lra-vts-inf.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22d6455fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/lra-vts-inf.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --cbqi-use-inf-int --cbqi-use-inf-real
+; EXPECT: unsat
+(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
+(set-logic LRA)
+(set-info :source |
+ Monniaux, David; Quantifier Elimination by Lazy Model Enumeration, CAV 2010
+(set-info :category "random")
+; ./Mjollnir_examples/B5/formula_171.m
+(set-info :status unsat)
+ (forall ((|v17:0| Real) )(forall ((|v16:1| Real) )(forall ((|v15:2| Real) )(forall ((|v14:3| Real) )(forall ((|v13:4| Real) )(forall ((|v12:5| Real) )(exists ((|v11:6| Real) )(exists ((|v10:7| Real) )(exists ((|v9:8| Real) )(exists ((|v8:9| Real) )(exists ((|v7:10| Real) )(exists ((|v6:11| Real) )(forall ((|v5:12| Real) )(forall ((|v4:13| Real) )(forall ((|v3:14| Real) )(forall ((|v2:15| Real) )(forall ((|v1:16| Real) )(forall ((|v0:17| Real) )(let ((?x104 10))
+(let ((?x10 8))
+(let ((?x457 (* ?x10 |v0:17|)))
+(let ((?x538 (+ (+ (* (- 7) |v5:12|) (* 14 |v10:7|)) (* (- 19) |v15:2|))))
+(let ((?x49 19))
+(let ((?x27 (- 15)))
+(let ((?x310 (* ?x27 |v10:7|)))
+(let ((?x532 (+ (+ (+ (* 7 |v12:5|) (* (- 20) |v4:13|)) ?x310) (* 20 |v16:1|))))
+(let ((?x59 (- 16)))
+(let ((?x85 (- 13)))
+(let ((?x187 (* ?x85 |v3:14|)))
+(let ((?x524 (+ (+ (* (- 20) |v5:12|) (* 4 |v13:4|)) (* (- 10) |v2:15|))))
+(let ((?x266 18))
+(let ((?x170 (- 14)))
+(let ((?x308 (* ?x170 |v16:1|)))
+(let ((?x520 (+ (+ (+ (* (- 19) |v2:15|) (* 13 |v7:10|)) ?x308) (* (- 12) |v1:16|))))
+(let (($x542 (and (and (<= ?x520 ?x266) (<= (+ ?x524 ?x187) ?x59)) (and (<= ?x532 ?x49) (<= (+ ?x538 ?x457) ?x104)))))
+(let ((?x158 (- 11)))
+(let ((?x79 6))
+(let ((?x290 (* ?x79 |v3:14|)))
+(let ((?x512 (+ (+ (+ (* (- 8) |v9:8|) (* (- 9) |v0:17|)) ?x290) (* (- 18) |v8:9|))))
+(let ((?x504 (+ (+ (* (- 18) |v12:5|) (* (- 18) |v10:7|)) (* 15 |v5:12|))))
+(let ((?x14 (- 18)))
+(let ((?x100 7))
+(let ((?x471 (* ?x100 |v6:11|)))
+(let (($x499 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* (- 8) |v6:11|) (* ?x100 |v2:15|)) |v17:0|) ?x471) ?x14)))
+(let ((?x177 (- 3)))
+(let ((?x490 (+ (+ (* (- 19) |v14:3|) (* (- 8) |v13:4|)) (* ?x158 |v16:1|))))
+(let (($x515 (and (or (<= (+ ?x490 (* (- 7) |v10:7|)) ?x177) $x499) (or (<= (+ ?x504 (* ?x79 |v0:17|)) ?x266) (<= ?x512 ?x158)))))
+(let ((?x479 (+ (+ (* 13 |v4:13|) (* (- 17) |v4:13|)) (* 11 |v3:14|))))
+(let ((?x110 3))
+(let ((?x33 (* ?x14 |v9:8|)))
+(let (($x474 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x110 |v0:17|) (* 16 |v7:10|)) ?x471) ?x33) ?x110)))
+(let ((?x233 1))
+(let ((?x464 (+ (+ (* ?x158 |v17:0|) (* 4 |v4:13|)) (* (- 5) |v8:9|))))
+(let ((?x24 12))
+(let ((?x458 (+ (+ (+ (* (- 12) |v5:12|) (* 14 |v16:1|)) |v3:14|) ?x457)))
+(let (($x484 (or (and (<= ?x458 ?x24) (<= (+ ?x464 (* (- 12) |v4:13|)) ?x233)) (and $x474 (<= (+ ?x479 (* (- 4) |v12:5|)) ?x59)))))
+(let ((?x447 (+ (+ (* (- 20) |v14:3|) (* (- 19) |v16:1|)) (* 2 |v2:15|))))
+(let ((?x439 (+ (+ (* ?x10 |v13:4|) (* 4 |v13:4|)) (* (- 7) |v11:6|))))
+(let (($x451 (or (<= (+ ?x439 (* (- 5) |v7:10|)) ?x24) (<= (+ ?x447 (* ?x170 |v14:3|)) ?x110))))
+(let ((?x62 (- 17)))
+(let ((?x430 (+ (+ (* (- 1) |v11:6|) (* 5 |v14:3|)) (* ?x104 |v17:0|))))
+(let ((?x190 11))
+(let ((?x424 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x190 |v5:12|) (* (- 10) |v5:12|)) (* ?x27 |v14:3|)) (* 2 |v12:5|))))
+(let (($x485 (or (and (and (<= ?x424 ?x190) (<= (+ ?x430 (* ?x24 |v16:1|)) ?x62)) $x451) $x484)))
+(let ((?x164 4))
+(let ((?x415 (+ (+ (* ?x104 |v15:2|) (* (- 6) |v7:10|)) (* 17 |v1:16|))))
+(let ((?x407 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x59 |v11:6|) (* ?x10 |v14:3|)) (* ?x10 |v7:10|)) (* (- 6) |v8:9|))))
+(let ((?x52 16))
+(let ((?x395 (+ (+ (* (- 5) |v12:5|) (* ?x104 |v15:2|)) (* (- 7) |v1:16|))))
+(let ((?x121 (- 8)))
+(let ((?x389 (+ (+ (+ (* (- 9) |v13:4|) (* ?x110 |v0:17|)) (* ?x59 |v17:0|)) (* ?x190 |v4:13|))))
+(let ((?x346 (* ?x27 |v16:1|)))
+(let ((?x381 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x158 |v12:5|) (* ?x121 |v16:1|)) (* 5 |v0:17|)) ?x346)))
+(let (($x410 (and (or (<= ?x381 ?x104) (<= ?x389 ?x121)) (or (<= (+ ?x395 (* 9 |v9:8|)) ?x52) (<= ?x407 ?x110)))))
+(let ((?x370 (+ (+ (* (- 2) |v14:3|) (* (- 1) |v15:2|)) (* ?x85 |v6:11|))))
+(let ((?x97 (- 2)))
+(let ((?x361 (+ (+ (* ?x27 |v15:2|) (* (- 20) |v4:13|)) (* 20 |v9:8|))))
+(let (($x374 (or (<= (+ ?x361 (* (- 9) |v7:10|)) ?x97) (<= (+ ?x370 (* (- 19) |v17:0|)) ?x52))))
+(let ((?x195 20))
+(let ((?x354 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x49 |v11:6|) (* ?x59 |v2:15|)) (* 17 |v8:9|)) |v17:0|)))
+(let ((?x347 (+ (+ (+ (* (- 7) |v7:10|) (* ?x104 |v10:7|)) (* ?x104 |v6:11|)) ?x346)))
+(let (($x419 (or (and (or (or (<= ?x347 ?x100) (<= ?x354 ?x195)) $x374) $x410) (<= (+ ?x415 (* ?x27 |v1:16|)) ?x164))))
+(let ((?x151 (- 20)))
+(let ((?x333 (* ?x151 |v5:12|)))
+(let (($x335 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x104 |v9:8|) (* ?x151 |v3:14|)) (* ?x110 |v13:4|)) ?x333) ?x151)))
+(let ((?x327 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x158 |v5:12|) (* ?x266 |v14:3|)) (* (- 12) |v14:3|)) (* 5 |v1:16|))))
+(let ((?x314 (* ?x14 |v13:4|)))
+(let (($x319 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* (- 19) |v4:13|) ?x314) (* ?x62 |v15:2|)) ?x314) ?x164)))
+(let ((?x311 (+ (+ (+ (* (- 19) |v6:11|) (* 17 |v0:17|)) ?x308) ?x310)))
+(let ((?x302 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x121 |v9:8|) (* ?x97 |v3:14|)) (* ?x59 |v11:6|)) (* ?x158 |v9:8|))))
+(let ((?x135 (- 10)))
+(let ((?x293 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x27 |v14:3|) (* ?x190 |v7:10|)) ?x290) (* (- 5) |v3:14|))))
+(let ((?x88 (- 5)))
+(let (($x288 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x177 |v1:16|) (* ?x135 |v4:13|)) (* ?x135 |v7:10|)) |v14:3|) ?x88)))
+(let (($x338 (and (and (and $x288 (<= ?x293 ?x135)) (<= ?x302 ?x59)) (and (or (<= ?x311 ?x158) $x319) (or (<= ?x327 ?x233) $x335)))))
+(let ((?x278 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x27 |v12:5|) (* ?x85 |v9:8|)) (* ?x49 |v5:12|)) (* ?x49 |v15:2|))))
+(let ((?x270 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x10 |v14:3|) (* 17 |v6:11|)) (* ?x266 |v7:10|)) (* ?x24 |v9:8|))))
+(let ((?x41 (- 4)))
+(let ((?x259 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x100 |v8:9|) (* ?x177 |v6:11|)) (* 2 |v4:13|)) (* 13 |v12:5|))))
+(let ((?x249 (+ (+ (* 13 |v1:16|) (* ?x151 |v3:14|)) (* 17 |v15:2|))))
+(let (($x281 (and (and (<= (+ ?x249 (* ?x62 |v1:16|)) ?x110) (<= ?x259 ?x41)) (and (<= ?x270 ?x104) (<= ?x278 ?x24)))))
+(let ((?x228 15))
+(let ((?x241 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x88 |v5:12|) (* ?x49 |v10:7|)) (* ?x27 |v14:3|)) (* 17 |v7:10|))))
+(let ((?x232 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x24 |v17:0|) (* ?x135 |v4:13|)) (* ?x228 |v17:0|)) (* ?x88 |v1:16|))))
+(let ((?x117 (- 19)))
+(let ((?x220 (* ?x117 |v2:15|)))
+(let (($x222 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x121 |v17:0|) (* ?x190 |v5:12|)) (* ?x190 |v7:10|)) ?x220) ?x104)))
+(let ((?x114 (- 1)))
+(let ((?x115 (* ?x114 |v1:16|)))
+(let ((?x212 (+ (+ (* 0 |v15:2|) (* 5 |v8:9|)) (* ?x110 |v10:7|))))
+(let (($x244 (and (and (<= (+ ?x212 ?x115) ?x10) $x222) (and (<= ?x232 ?x233) (<= ?x241 ?x228)))))
+(let ((?x128 2))
+(let ((?x202 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x195 |v10:7|) (* ?x121 |v10:7|)) (* ?x135 |v4:13|)) (* 17 |v12:5|))))
+(let (($x193 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x151 |v12:5|) (* ?x114 |v4:13|)) ?x187) (* ?x190 |v12:5|)) ?x110)))
+(let ((?x181 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x110 |v6:11|) (* ?x164 |v15:2|)) (* ?x177 |v11:6|)) (* ?x10 |v9:8|))))
+(let (($x173 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x164 |v10:7|) |v9:8|) (* ?x104 |v5:12|)) (* ?x170 |v6:11|)) ?x24)))
+(let ((?x161 14))
+(let ((?x160 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x151 |v8:9|) (* ?x128 |v16:1|)) (* ?x14 |v12:5|)) (* ?x158 |v0:17|))))
+(let (($x206 (and (<= ?x160 ?x161) (or (or $x173 (<= ?x181 ?x158)) (and $x193 (<= ?x202 ?x128))))))
+(let ((?x144 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x135 |v1:16|) (* ?x14 |v4:13|)) (* ?x10 |v12:5|)) (* 0 |v17:0|))))
+(let ((?x132 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x121 |v8:9|) (* 5 |v17:0|)) (* ?x128 |v13:4|)) (* 13 |v13:4|))))
+(let (($x118 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x104 |v15:2|) (* ?x41 |v7:10|)) (* ?x110 |v6:11|)) ?x115) ?x117)))
+(let ((?x98 (* ?x97 |v14:3|)))
+(let ((?x99 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x85 |v17:0|) (* ?x88 |v15:2|)) (* 0 |v1:16|)) ?x98)))
+(let ((?x78 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x14 |v7:10|) (* (- 7) |v0:17|)) |v3:14|) (* (- 12) |v17:0|))))
+(let ((?x61 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x49 |v8:9|) (* ?x52 |v10:7|)) (* ?x24 |v1:16|)) (* ?x59 |v1:16|))))
+(let ((?x36 13))
+(let (($x44 (<= (+ (+ (+ (* ?x10 |v11:6|) ?x33) (* ?x36 |v15:2|)) (* ?x41 |v2:15|)) ?x36)))
+(let ((?x26 (+ (+ (+ (* ?x10 |v16:1|) (* ?x14 |v5:12|)) (* 17 |v10:7|)) (* ?x24 |v13:4|))))
+(let (($x148 (or (and (and (<= ?x26 ?x27) $x44) (and (<= ?x61 ?x62) (<= ?x78 ?x79))) (or (and (<= ?x99 ?x100) $x118) (and (<= ?x132 ?x41) (<= ?x144 ?x104))))))
+(or (and (and $x148 $x206) (and (or $x244 $x281) $x338)) (and $x419 (or $x485 (and $x515 $x542)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/qe-partial.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/qe-partial.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f414fb2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/qe-partial.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+; SCRUBBER: sed -e 's/(not (>= (+ .* (\* (- 1) .*)) 1))$/(not (>= (+ TERMA (\* (- 1) TERMB)) 1))/'
+; EXPECT: (not (>= (+ TERMA (* (- 1) TERMB)) 1))
+(set-logic LIA)
+(set-info :status unsat)
+(declare-fun a () Int)
+(declare-fun b () Int)
+(declare-fun c () Int)
+(get-qe-disjunct (exists ((x Int)) (and (<= a x) (or (<= x b) (<= x c)))))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/qe.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/qe.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..673ece05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/quantifiers/qe.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+; EXPECT: (not (>= (+ a (* (- 1) b)) 1))
+(set-logic LIA)
+(set-info :status unsat)
+(declare-fun a () Int)
+(declare-fun b () Int)
+(get-qe (exists ((x Int)) (and (<= a x) (<= x b))))
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback