path: root/test/regress/regress1/ho/NUM925^1.p
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/regress/regress1/ho/NUM925^1.p')
1 files changed, 638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/ho/NUM925^1.p b/test/regress/regress1/ho/NUM925^1.p
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2977ddb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/ho/NUM925^1.p
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+% COMMAND-LINE: --uf-ho
+% EXPECT: % SZS status Theorem for NUM925^1
+% File : NUM925^1 : TPTP v7.2.0. Released v5.3.0.
+% Domain : Number Theory
+% Problem : Sum of two squares line 192, 100 axioms selected
+% Version : Especial.
+% English :
+% Refs : [BN10] Boehme & Nipkow (2010), Sledgehammer: Judgement Day
+% : [Bla11] Blanchette (2011), Email to Geoff Sutcliffe
+% Source : [Bla11]
+% Names : s2s_100_thf_l192 [Bla11]
+% Status : Theorem
+% Rating : 0.22 v7.2.0, 0.12 v7.1.0, 0.38 v7.0.0, 0.29 v6.4.0, 0.33 v6.3.0, 0.40 v6.2.0, 0.29 v6.1.0, 0.43 v5.5.0, 0.33 v5.4.0, 0.40 v5.3.0
+% Syntax : Number of formulae : 128 ( 0 unit; 21 type; 0 defn)
+% Number of atoms : 868 ( 105 equality; 251 variable)
+% Maximal formula depth : 11 ( 5 average)
+% Number of connectives : 571 ( 20 ~; 4 |; 7 &; 495 @)
+% ( 36 <=>; 9 =>; 0 <=; 0 <~>)
+% ( 0 ~|; 0 ~&)
+% Number of type conns : 18 ( 18 >; 0 *; 0 +; 0 <<)
+% Number of symbols : 23 ( 21 :; 0 =)
+% Number of variables : 118 ( 0 sgn; 118 !; 0 ?; 0 ^)
+% ( 118 :; 0 !>; 0 ?*)
+% ( 0 @-; 0 @+)
+% Comments : This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)
+% 2011-08-09 19:10:38
+%----Should-be-implicit typings (2)
+ int: $tType )).
+ nat: $tType )).
+%----Explicit typings (19)
+ one_one_int: int )).
+ one_one_nat: nat )).
+ plus_plus_int: int > int > int )).
+ plus_plus_nat: nat > nat > nat )).
+ zero_zero_int: int )).
+ zero_zero_nat: nat )).
+ bit0: int > int )).
+ bit1: int > int )).
+ pls: int )).
+ number_number_of_int: int > int )).
+ number_number_of_nat: int > nat )).
+ semiri1621563631at_int: nat > int )).
+ semiri984289939at_nat: nat > nat )).
+ ord_less_int: int > int > $o )).
+ ord_less_nat: nat > nat > $o )).
+ power_power_int: int > nat > int )).
+ power_power_nat: nat > nat > nat )).
+ n: nat )).
+ t: int )).
+%----Relevant facts (106)
+ ( ord_less_int @ zero_zero_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ n ) ) )).
+ ( ord_less_int @ one_one_int @ t )).
+ ! [X_3: int,Y_3: int] :
+ ( ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( power_power_int @ X_3 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) @ ( power_power_int @ Y_3 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) )
+ = zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( ( X_3 = zero_zero_int )
+ & ( Y_3 = zero_zero_int ) ) ) )).
+ ( ( power_power_int @ one_one_int @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )
+ = one_one_int )).
+ ( ( power_power_nat @ one_one_nat @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )
+ = one_one_nat )).
+ ( ( power_power_int @ zero_zero_int @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )
+ = zero_zero_int )).
+ ( ( power_power_nat @ zero_zero_nat @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )
+ = zero_zero_nat )).
+ ! [A_7: int] :
+ ( ( ( power_power_int @ A_7 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )
+ = zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( A_7 = zero_zero_int ) ) )).
+ ! [W_7: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ W_7 ) )
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ ( bit1 @ pls ) @ W_7 ) ) ) )).
+ ! [V_5: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ V_5 ) @ one_one_int )
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ V_5 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) )).
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ one_one_int )
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )).
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ one_one_int )
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )).
+ ( ( plus_plus_nat @ one_one_nat @ one_one_nat )
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )).
+ ! [X_3: int] :
+ ( ( power_power_int @ ( power_power_int @ X_3 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )
+ = ( power_power_int @ X_3 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) ) ) )).
+ ! [W_6: int] :
+ ( ( ( ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 )
+ = zero_zero_nat )
+ => ( ( power_power_int @ zero_zero_int @ ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 ) )
+ = one_one_int ) )
+ & ( ( ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 )
+ != zero_zero_nat )
+ => ( ( power_power_int @ zero_zero_int @ ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 ) )
+ = zero_zero_int ) ) ) )).
+ ! [W_6: int] :
+ ( ( ( ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 )
+ = zero_zero_nat )
+ => ( ( power_power_nat @ zero_zero_nat @ ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 ) )
+ = one_one_nat ) )
+ & ( ( ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 )
+ != zero_zero_nat )
+ => ( ( power_power_nat @ zero_zero_nat @ ( number_number_of_nat @ W_6 ) )
+ = zero_zero_nat ) ) ) )).
+ ( one_one_int
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) )).
+ ( ( number_number_of_int @ ( bit1 @ pls ) )
+ = one_one_int )).
+ ( ord_less_nat @ zero_zero_nat @ n )).
+ ! [X_3: int,Y_3: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ X_3 @ Y_3 )
+ | ( X_3 = Y_3 )
+ | ( ord_less_int @ Y_3 @ X_3 ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ K ) @ ( number_number_of_int @ L ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K @ L ) ) )).
+ ! [V_3: int,W_4: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ V_3 ) @ ( number_number_of_int @ W_4 ) )
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ V_3 @ W_4 ) ) ) )).
+ ! [X_6: int,Y_5: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ X_6 ) @ ( number_number_of_int @ Y_5 ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ X_6 @ Y_5 ) ) )).
+ ( zero_zero_int
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ pls ) )).
+ ! [M: nat,N_1: nat] :
+ ( ( power_power_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ M ) @ N_1 )
+ = ( semiri1621563631at_int @ ( power_power_nat @ M @ N_1 ) ) ) )).
+ ! [M: nat,N_1: nat] :
+ ( ( semiri1621563631at_int @ ( power_power_nat @ M @ N_1 ) )
+ = ( power_power_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ M ) @ N_1 ) ) )).
+ ! [M: nat,N_1: nat,Z: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ M ) @ ( plus_plus_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ N_1 ) @ Z ) )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ ( plus_plus_nat @ M @ N_1 ) ) @ Z ) ) )).
+ ! [M: nat,N_1: nat] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ M ) @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ N_1 ) )
+ = ( semiri1621563631at_int @ ( plus_plus_nat @ M @ N_1 ) ) ) )).
+ ( ( semiri1621563631at_int @ one_one_nat )
+ = one_one_int )).
+ ( ( number_number_of_nat @ pls )
+ = zero_zero_nat )).
+ ( zero_zero_nat
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ pls ) )).
+ ! [N_1: nat] :
+ ( ( ( semiri1621563631at_int @ N_1 )
+ = zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( N_1 = zero_zero_nat ) ) )).
+ ( ( semiri1621563631at_int @ zero_zero_nat )
+ = zero_zero_int )).
+ ( ( plus_plus_nat @ one_one_nat @ one_one_nat )
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )).
+ ! [K1: int,K2: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit1 @ K1 ) @ ( bit1 @ K2 ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K1 @ K2 ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit1 @ K ) @ ( bit1 @ L ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K @ L ) ) )).
+ ~ ( ord_less_int @ pls @ pls ) )).
+ ! [K1: int,K2: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit0 @ K1 ) @ ( bit0 @ K2 ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K1 @ K2 ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit0 @ K ) @ ( bit0 @ L ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K @ L ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,I: int,J: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ I @ J )
+ => ( ord_less_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ I @ K ) @ ( plus_plus_int @ J @ K ) ) ) )).
+ ! [V_4: int,V_3: int] :
+ ( ( ( ord_less_int @ V_3 @ pls )
+ => ( ( plus_plus_nat @ ( number_number_of_nat @ V_3 ) @ ( number_number_of_nat @ V_4 ) )
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ V_4 ) ) )
+ & ( ~ ( ord_less_int @ V_3 @ pls )
+ => ( ( ( ord_less_int @ V_4 @ pls )
+ => ( ( plus_plus_nat @ ( number_number_of_nat @ V_3 ) @ ( number_number_of_nat @ V_4 ) )
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ V_3 ) ) )
+ & ( ~ ( ord_less_int @ V_4 @ pls )
+ => ( ( plus_plus_nat @ ( number_number_of_nat @ V_3 ) @ ( number_number_of_nat @ V_4 ) )
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ ( plus_plus_int @ V_3 @ V_4 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )).
+ ( one_one_int
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) )).
+ ( ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit1 @ pls ) )
+ = one_one_nat )).
+ ( one_one_nat
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) )).
+ ! [X_5: int,Y_4: int] :
+ ( ( ( number_number_of_int @ X_5 )
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ Y_4 ) )
+ <=> ( X_5 = Y_4 ) ) )).
+ ! [W_5: int,X_4: nat] :
+ ( ( ( number_number_of_nat @ W_5 )
+ = X_4 )
+ <=> ( X_4
+ = ( number_number_of_nat @ W_5 ) ) ) )).
+ ! [W_5: int,X_4: int] :
+ ( ( ( number_number_of_int @ W_5 )
+ = X_4 )
+ <=> ( X_4
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ W_5 ) ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( ( bit1 @ K )
+ = ( bit1 @ L ) )
+ <=> ( K = L ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( ( bit0 @ K )
+ = ( bit0 @ L ) )
+ <=> ( K = L ) ) )).
+ ! [A_6: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ A_6 @ A_6 ) @ zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ A_6 @ zero_zero_int ) ) )).
+ ! [Z1: int,Z2: int,Z3: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ Z1 @ Z2 ) @ Z3 )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ Z1 @ ( plus_plus_int @ Z2 @ Z3 ) ) ) )).
+ ! [X_3: int,Y_3: int,Z: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ X_3 @ ( plus_plus_int @ Y_3 @ Z ) )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ Y_3 @ ( plus_plus_int @ X_3 @ Z ) ) ) )).
+ ! [Z: int,W_4: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ Z @ W_4 )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ W_4 @ Z ) ) )).
+ ! [M: nat,N_1: nat] :
+ ( ( ( semiri1621563631at_int @ M )
+ = ( semiri1621563631at_int @ N_1 ) )
+ <=> ( M = N_1 ) ) )).
+ ! [X_2: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ X_2 ) @ zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ X_2 @ pls ) ) )).
+ ! [Y_2: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ zero_zero_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ Y_2 ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ pls @ Y_2 ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit1 @ K ) @ pls )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K @ pls ) ) )).
+ ! [K1: int,K2: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit1 @ K1 ) @ ( bit0 @ K2 ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K1 @ K2 ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit1 @ K ) @ ( bit0 @ L ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K @ L ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit0 @ K ) @ pls )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ K @ pls ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ pls @ ( bit0 @ K ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ pls @ K ) ) )).
+ ! [W_4: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit1 @ W_4 ) @ zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ W_4 @ zero_zero_int ) ) )).
+ ~ ( ord_less_int @ pls @ zero_zero_int ) )).
+ ! [W_4: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( bit0 @ W_4 ) @ zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ W_4 @ zero_zero_int ) ) )).
+ ( ord_less_int @ zero_zero_int @ one_one_int )).
+ ! [W_4: int,Z: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ W_4 @ ( plus_plus_int @ Z @ one_one_int ) )
+ <=> ( ( ord_less_int @ W_4 @ Z )
+ | ( W_4 = Z ) ) ) )).
+ ! [K: nat] :
+ ~ ( ord_less_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ K ) @ zero_zero_int ) )).
+ ! [X_1: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ X_1 ) @ one_one_int )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ X_1 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )).
+ ! [Y_1: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ one_one_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ Y_1 ) )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ ( bit1 @ pls ) @ Y_1 ) ) )).
+ ! [Z: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ Z ) @ Z ) @ zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( ord_less_int @ Z @ zero_zero_int ) ) )).
+ ! [A_5: int] :
+ ( ( ( plus_plus_int @ A_5 @ A_5 )
+ = zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( A_5 = zero_zero_int ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( bit1 @ K )
+ != pls ) )).
+ ! [L: int] :
+ ( pls
+ != ( bit1 @ L ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( bit1 @ K )
+ != ( bit0 @ L ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( bit0 @ K )
+ != ( bit1 @ L ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( ( bit0 @ K )
+ = pls )
+ <=> ( K = pls ) ) )).
+ ! [L: int] :
+ ( ( pls
+ = ( bit0 @ L ) )
+ <=> ( pls = L ) ) )).
+ ( ( bit0 @ pls )
+ = pls )).
+ pls = zero_zero_int )).
+ zero_zero_int != one_one_int )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ K @ pls )
+ = K ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ pls @ K )
+ = K ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( bit0 @ K ) @ ( bit0 @ L ) )
+ = ( bit0 @ ( plus_plus_int @ K @ L ) ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( bit0 @ K )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ K @ K ) ) )).
+ ! [Z: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ Z @ zero_zero_int )
+ = Z ) )).
+ ! [Z: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ zero_zero_int @ Z )
+ = Z ) )).
+ ( ( number_number_of_int @ pls )
+ = zero_zero_int )).
+ ( ( number_number_of_nat @ pls )
+ = zero_zero_nat )).
+ ( ( number_number_of_int @ pls )
+ = zero_zero_int )).
+ ( zero_zero_int
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ pls ) )).
+ ! [A_4: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ pls ) @ A_4 )
+ = A_4 ) )).
+ ! [A_3: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ A_3 @ ( number_number_of_int @ pls ) )
+ = A_3 ) )).
+ ! [A_2: int,W_3: int] :
+ ( ( ( power_power_int @ A_2 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ W_3 ) )
+ = zero_zero_int )
+ <=> ( ( A_2 = zero_zero_int )
+ & ( ( number_number_of_nat @ W_3 )
+ != zero_zero_nat ) ) ) )).
+ ! [A_2: nat,W_3: int] :
+ ( ( ( power_power_nat @ A_2 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ W_3 ) )
+ = zero_zero_nat )
+ <=> ( ( A_2 = zero_zero_nat )
+ & ( ( number_number_of_nat @ W_3 )
+ != zero_zero_nat ) ) ) )).
+ ! [V_2: int,W_2: int,Z_1: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ V_2 ) @ ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ W_2 ) @ Z_1 ) )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ V_2 @ W_2 ) ) @ Z_1 ) ) )).
+ ! [V_1: int,W_1: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ V_1 ) @ ( number_number_of_int @ W_1 ) )
+ = ( number_number_of_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ V_1 @ W_1 ) ) ) )).
+ ! [V: int,W: int] :
+ ( ( number_number_of_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ V @ W ) )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ ( number_number_of_int @ V ) @ ( number_number_of_int @ W ) ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( bit1 @ K ) @ ( bit0 @ L ) )
+ = ( bit1 @ ( plus_plus_int @ K @ L ) ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int,L: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( bit0 @ K ) @ ( bit1 @ L ) )
+ = ( bit1 @ ( plus_plus_int @ K @ L ) ) ) )).
+ ! [K: int] :
+ ( ( bit1 @ K )
+ = ( plus_plus_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ K ) @ K ) ) )).
+ ! [Z: int] :
+ ( ( plus_plus_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ Z ) @ Z )
+ != zero_zero_int ) )).
+ ! [N: nat] :
+ ( ( number_number_of_nat @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ N ) )
+ = ( semiri984289939at_nat @ N ) ) )).
+ ! [N: nat] :
+ ( ( number_number_of_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ N ) )
+ = ( semiri1621563631at_int @ N ) ) )).
+ ! [A_1: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ zero_zero_int @ ( power_power_int @ A_1 @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) )
+ <=> ( A_1 != zero_zero_int ) ) )).
+ ! [A: int] :
+ ~ ( ord_less_int @ ( power_power_int @ A @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) @ zero_zero_int ) )).
+ ! [X: int,Y: int] :
+ ( ( ord_less_int @ zero_zero_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ ( power_power_int @ X @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) @ ( power_power_int @ Y @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) ) ) )
+ <=> ( ( X != zero_zero_int )
+ | ( Y != zero_zero_int ) ) ) )).
+%----Conjectures (1)
+ ( power_power_int @ ( plus_plus_int @ one_one_int @ ( semiri1621563631at_int @ n ) ) @ ( number_number_of_nat @ ( bit0 @ ( bit1 @ pls ) ) ) )
+ != zero_zero_int )).
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback