path: root/test/regress/regress0/fmf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/regress/regress0/fmf')
2 files changed, 33 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/regress/regress0/fmf/ForElimination-scala-9.smt2 b/test/regress/regress0/fmf/ForElimination-scala-9.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36bb915f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress0/fmf/ForElimination-scala-9.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --finite-model-find --uf-ss=no-minimal
+; EXPECT: unsat
+(set-logic ALL_SUPPORTED)
+(declare-datatypes () ((Statement!1556 (Assign!1557 (varID!1558 (_ BitVec 32)) (expr!1559 Expression!1578)) (Block!1560 (body!1561 List!1617)) (For!1562 (init!1563 Statement!1556) (expr!1564 Expression!1578) (step!1565 Statement!1556) (body!1566 Statement!1556)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 Expression!1578) (then!1569 Statement!1556) (elze!1570 Statement!1556)) (Print!1571 (msg!1572 (_ BitVec 32)) (varID!1573 (_ BitVec 32))) (Skip!1574) (While!1575 (expr!1576 Expression!1578) (body!1577 Statement!1556)))
+(Expression!1578 (And!1579 (lhs!1580 Expression!1578) (rhs!1581 Expression!1578)) (Division!1582 (lhs!1583 Expression!1578) (rhs!1584 Expression!1578)) (Equals!1585 (lhs!1586 Expression!1578) (rhs!1587 Expression!1578)) (GreaterThan!1588 (lhs!1589 Expression!1578) (rhs!1590 Expression!1578)) (IntLiteral!1591 (value!1592 (_ BitVec 32))) (LessThan!1593 (lhs!1594 Expression!1578) (rhs!1595 Expression!1578)) (Minus!1596 (lhs!1597 Expression!1578) (rhs!1598 Expression!1578)) (Modulo!1599 (lhs!1600 Expression!1578) (rhs!1601 Expression!1578)) (Neg!1602 (expr!1603 Expression!1578)) (Not!1604 (expr!1605 Expression!1578)) (Or!1606 (lhs!1607 Expression!1578) (rhs!1608 Expression!1578)) (Plus!1609 (lhs!1610 Expression!1578) (rhs!1611 Expression!1578)) (Times!1612 (lhs!1613 Expression!1578) (rhs!1614 Expression!1578)) (Var!1615 (varID!1616 (_ BitVec 32))))
+(List!1617 (Cons!1618 (head!1619 Statement!1556) (tail!1620 List!1617)) (Nil!1621))
+(declare-fun error_value!1622 () Bool)
+(declare-fun ifree (Statement!1556) Bool)
+(declare-fun isForFreeList!223 (List!1617) Bool)
+(declare-fun error_value!1623 () List!1617)
+(declare-fun efll (List!1617) List!1617)
+(declare-fun efl (Statement!1556) Statement!1556)
+(declare-sort I_ifree 0)
+(set-info :notes "ifree_arg_0_1 is op created during fun def fmf")
+(declare-fun ifree_arg_0_1 (I_ifree) Statement!1556)
+(declare-sort I_isForFreeList!223 0)
+(set-info :notes "isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 is op created during fun def fmf")
+(declare-fun isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 (I_isForFreeList!223) List!1617)
+(declare-sort I_efll 0)
+(set-info :notes "efll_arg_0_3 is op created during fun def fmf")
+(declare-fun efll_arg_0_3 (I_efll) List!1617)
+(declare-sort I_efl 0)
+(set-info :notes "efl_arg_0_4 is op created during fun def fmf")
+(declare-fun efl_arg_0_4 (I_efl) Statement!1556)
+(assert (forall ((?i I_ifree)) (and (= (ifree (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)) (ite (is-Block!1560 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)) (isForFreeList!223 (body!1561 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)) (and (ifree (elze!1570 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i))) (ifree (then!1569 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)) (ifree (body!1577 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i))) (not (is-For!1562 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i))))))) (ite (is-Block!1560 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)) (not (forall ((?z I_isForFreeList!223)) (not (= (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?z) (body!1561 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)))) )) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (elze!1570 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (then!1569 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)))) ))) (ite (is-While!1575 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)) (not (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (body!1577 (ifree_arg_0_1 ?i)))) )) true)))) ))
+(assert (forall ((?i I_isForFreeList!223)) (and (= (isForFreeList!223 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)) (ite (is-Nil!1621 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)) true (ite (is-Cons!1618 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)) (and (isForFreeList!223 (tail!1620 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i))) (ifree (head!1619 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)))) error_value!1622))) (ite (is-Nil!1621 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)) true (ite (is-Cons!1618 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_isForFreeList!223)) (not (= (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?z) (tail!1620 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (head!1619 (isForFreeList!223_arg_0_2 ?i)))) ))) true))) ))
+(assert (forall ((?i I_efll)) (and (= (efll (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)) (ite (is-Nil!1621 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)) Nil!1621 (ite (is-Cons!1618 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)) (Cons!1618 (efl (head!1619 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i))) (efll (tail!1620 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)))) error_value!1623))) (ite (is-Nil!1621 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)) true (ite (is-Cons!1618 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (head!1619 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efll)) (not (= (efll_arg_0_3 ?z) (tail!1620 (efll_arg_0_3 ?i)))) ))) true))) ))
+(assert (forall ((?i I_efl)) (and (= (efl (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (ite (is-Block!1560 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (efl (then!1569 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i))) (efl (elze!1570 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (While!1575 (expr!1576 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (efl (body!1577 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) (ite (is-For!1562 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i))) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i))) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i))) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))))) (ite (is-Block!1560 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (not (forall ((?z I_efll)) (not (= (efll_arg_0_3 ?z) (body!1561 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) )) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (then!1569 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (elze!1570 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) ))) (ite (is-While!1575 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1577 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) )) (ite (is-For!1562 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (init!1563 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1566 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (step!1565 (efl_arg_0_4 ?i)))) ))) true))))) ))
+(assert (exists ((stat!216 Statement!1556)) (not (=> (and (and (and (and (is-For!1562 stat!216) (is-For!1562 stat!216)) (and (ifree (ite (is-Block!1560 (init!1563 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 (init!1563 stat!216)))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (init!1563 stat!216)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 (init!1563 stat!216)) (efl (then!1569 (init!1563 stat!216))) (efl (elze!1570 (init!1563 stat!216)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (init!1563 stat!216)) (While!1575 (expr!1576 (init!1563 stat!216)) (efl (body!1577 (init!1563 stat!216)))) (ite (is-For!1562 (init!1563 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 (init!1563 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 (init!1563 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 (init!1563 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 (init!1563 stat!216))) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) (init!1563 stat!216)))))) (not (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (ite (is-Block!1560 (init!1563 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 (init!1563 stat!216)))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (init!1563 stat!216)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 (init!1563 stat!216)) (efl (then!1569 (init!1563 stat!216))) (efl (elze!1570 (init!1563 stat!216)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (init!1563 stat!216)) (While!1575 (expr!1576 (init!1563 stat!216)) (efl (body!1577 (init!1563 stat!216)))) (ite (is-For!1562 (init!1563 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 (init!1563 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 (init!1563 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 (init!1563 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 (init!1563 stat!216))) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) (init!1563 stat!216))))))) )) (ite (is-Block!1560 (init!1563 stat!216)) (not (forall ((?z I_efll)) (not (= (efll_arg_0_3 ?z) (body!1561 (init!1563 stat!216)))) )) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (init!1563 stat!216)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (then!1569 (init!1563 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (elze!1570 (init!1563 stat!216)))) ))) (ite (is-While!1575 (init!1563 stat!216)) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1577 (init!1563 stat!216)))) )) (ite (is-For!1562 (init!1563 stat!216)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (init!1563 (init!1563 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1566 (init!1563 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (step!1565 (init!1563 stat!216)))) ))) true)))))) (and (ifree (ite (is-Block!1560 (step!1565 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 (step!1565 stat!216)))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (step!1565 stat!216)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 (step!1565 stat!216)) (efl (then!1569 (step!1565 stat!216))) (efl (elze!1570 (step!1565 stat!216)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (step!1565 stat!216)) (While!1575 (expr!1576 (step!1565 stat!216)) (efl (body!1577 (step!1565 stat!216)))) (ite (is-For!1562 (step!1565 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 (step!1565 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 (step!1565 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 (step!1565 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 (step!1565 stat!216))) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) (step!1565 stat!216)))))) (not (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (ite (is-Block!1560 (step!1565 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 (step!1565 stat!216)))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (step!1565 stat!216)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 (step!1565 stat!216)) (efl (then!1569 (step!1565 stat!216))) (efl (elze!1570 (step!1565 stat!216)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (step!1565 stat!216)) (While!1575 (expr!1576 (step!1565 stat!216)) (efl (body!1577 (step!1565 stat!216)))) (ite (is-For!1562 (step!1565 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 (step!1565 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 (step!1565 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 (step!1565 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 (step!1565 stat!216))) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) (step!1565 stat!216))))))) )) (ite (is-Block!1560 (step!1565 stat!216)) (not (forall ((?z I_efll)) (not (= (efll_arg_0_3 ?z) (body!1561 (step!1565 stat!216)))) )) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (step!1565 stat!216)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (then!1569 (step!1565 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (elze!1570 (step!1565 stat!216)))) ))) (ite (is-While!1575 (step!1565 stat!216)) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1577 (step!1565 stat!216)))) )) (ite (is-For!1562 (step!1565 stat!216)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (init!1563 (step!1565 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1566 (step!1565 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (step!1565 (step!1565 stat!216)))) ))) true)))))) (and (ifree (ite (is-Block!1560 (body!1566 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 (body!1566 stat!216)))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (body!1566 stat!216)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 (body!1566 stat!216)) (efl (then!1569 (body!1566 stat!216))) (efl (elze!1570 (body!1566 stat!216)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (body!1566 stat!216)) (While!1575 (expr!1576 (body!1566 stat!216)) (efl (body!1577 (body!1566 stat!216)))) (ite (is-For!1562 (body!1566 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 (body!1566 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 (body!1566 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 (body!1566 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 (body!1566 stat!216))) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) (body!1566 stat!216)))))) (not (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (ite (is-Block!1560 (body!1566 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 (body!1566 stat!216)))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (body!1566 stat!216)) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 (body!1566 stat!216)) (efl (then!1569 (body!1566 stat!216))) (efl (elze!1570 (body!1566 stat!216)))) (ite (is-While!1575 (body!1566 stat!216)) (While!1575 (expr!1576 (body!1566 stat!216)) (efl (body!1577 (body!1566 stat!216)))) (ite (is-For!1562 (body!1566 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 (body!1566 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 (body!1566 stat!216)) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 (body!1566 stat!216))) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 (body!1566 stat!216))) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) (body!1566 stat!216))))))) )) (ite (is-Block!1560 (body!1566 stat!216)) (not (forall ((?z I_efll)) (not (= (efll_arg_0_3 ?z) (body!1561 (body!1566 stat!216)))) )) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 (body!1566 stat!216)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (then!1569 (body!1566 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (elze!1570 (body!1566 stat!216)))) ))) (ite (is-While!1575 (body!1566 stat!216)) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1577 (body!1566 stat!216)))) )) (ite (is-For!1562 (body!1566 stat!216)) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (init!1563 (body!1566 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1566 (body!1566 stat!216)))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (step!1565 (body!1566 stat!216)))) ))) true)))))) (or (ifree (ite (is-Block!1560 stat!216) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 stat!216))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 stat!216) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 stat!216) (efl (then!1569 stat!216)) (efl (elze!1570 stat!216))) (ite (is-While!1575 stat!216) (While!1575 (expr!1576 stat!216) (efl (body!1577 stat!216))) (ite (is-For!1562 stat!216) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 stat!216)) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 stat!216) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 stat!216)) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 stat!216)) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) stat!216))))) (forall ((?z I_ifree)) (not (= (ifree_arg_0_1 ?z) (ite (is-Block!1560 stat!216) (Block!1560 (efll (body!1561 stat!216))) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 stat!216) (IfThenElse!1567 (expr!1568 stat!216) (efl (then!1569 stat!216)) (efl (elze!1570 stat!216))) (ite (is-While!1575 stat!216) (While!1575 (expr!1576 stat!216) (efl (body!1577 stat!216))) (ite (is-For!1562 stat!216) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (init!1563 stat!216)) (Cons!1618 (While!1575 (expr!1564 stat!216) (Block!1560 (Cons!1618 (efl (body!1566 stat!216)) (Cons!1618 (efl (step!1565 stat!216)) Nil!1621)))) Nil!1621))) stat!216)))))) ) (not (ite (is-Block!1560 stat!216) (not (forall ((?z I_efll)) (not (= (efll_arg_0_3 ?z) (body!1561 stat!216))) )) (ite (is-IfThenElse!1567 stat!216) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (then!1569 stat!216))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (elze!1570 stat!216))) ))) (ite (is-While!1575 stat!216) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1577 stat!216))) )) (ite (is-For!1562 stat!216) (and (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (init!1563 stat!216))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (body!1566 stat!216))) )) (not (forall ((?z I_efl)) (not (= (efl_arg_0_4 ?z) (step!1565 stat!216))) ))) true)))))))) ))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress0/fmf/ b/test/regress/regress0/fmf/
index aa3508798..2e075176c 100644
--- a/test/regress/regress0/fmf/
+++ b/test/regress/regress0/fmf/
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ TESTS = \
am-bad-model.cvc \
nun-0208-to.smt2 \
datatypes-ufinite.smt2 \
- datatypes-ufinite-nested.smt2
+ datatypes-ufinite-nested.smt2 \
+ ForElimination-scala-9.smt2
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback