path: root/src
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3 files changed, 424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/smt/proof_manager.cpp b/src/smt/proof_manager.cpp
index d82e22736..b8f68af88 100644
--- a/src/smt/proof_manager.cpp
+++ b/src/smt/proof_manager.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ PfManager::PfManager(context::UserContext* u, SmtEngine* smte)
+ d_pfpp->setEliminateRule(PfRule::MACRO_RESOLUTION);
if (options::proofGranularityMode()
!= options::ProofGranularityMode::REWRITE)
diff --git a/src/smt/proof_post_processor.cpp b/src/smt/proof_post_processor.cpp
index 049eb02c0..a620a4d22 100644
--- a/src/smt/proof_post_processor.cpp
+++ b/src/smt/proof_post_processor.cpp
@@ -130,6 +130,246 @@ bool ProofPostprocessCallback::updateInternal(Node res,
return update(res, id, children, args, cdp, continueUpdate);
+Node ProofPostprocessCallback::eliminateCrowdingLits(
+ const std::vector<Node>& clauseLits,
+ const std::vector<Node>& targetClauseLits,
+ const std::vector<Node>& children,
+ const std::vector<Node>& args,
+ CDProof* cdp)
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ Node trueNode = nm->mkConst(true);
+ // get crowding lits and the position of the last clause that includes
+ // them. The factoring step must be added after the last inclusion and before
+ // its elimination.
+ std::unordered_set<TNode, TNodeHashFunction> crowding;
+ std::vector<std::pair<Node, size_t>> lastInclusion;
+ // positions of eliminators of crowding literals, which are the positions of
+ // the clauses that eliminate crowding literals *after* their last inclusion
+ std::vector<size_t> eliminators;
+ for (size_t i = 0, size = clauseLits.size(); i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!crowding.count(clauseLits[i])
+ && std::find(
+ targetClauseLits.begin(), targetClauseLits.end(), clauseLits[i])
+ == targetClauseLits.end())
+ {
+ Node crowdLit = clauseLits[i];
+ crowding.insert(crowdLit);
+ // found crowding lit, now get its last inclusion position, which is the
+ // position of the last resolution link that introduces the crowding
+ // literal. Note that this position has to be *before* the last link, as a
+ // link *after* the last inclusion must eliminate the crowding literal.
+ size_t j;
+ for (j = children.size() - 1; j > 0; --j)
+ {
+ // notice that only non-unit clauses may be introducing the crowding
+ // literal, so we don't need to differentiate unit from non-unit
+ if (children[j - 1].getKind() != kind::OR)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (std::find(children[j - 1].begin(), children[j - 1].end(), crowdLit)
+ != children[j - 1].end())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(j > 0);
+ lastInclusion.emplace_back(crowdLit, j - 1);
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2") << "crowding lit " << crowdLit << "\n";
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2") << "last inc " << j - 1 << "\n";
+ // get elimination position, starting from the following link as the last
+ // inclusion one. The result is the last (in the chain, but first from
+ // this point on) resolution link that eliminates the crowding literal. A
+ // literal l is eliminated by a link if it contains a literal l' with
+ // opposite polarity to l.
+ for (; j < children.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ bool posFirst = args[(2 * j) - 1] == trueNode;
+ Node pivot = args[(2 * j)];
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2")
+ << "\tcheck w/ args " << posFirst << " / " << pivot << "\n";
+ // To eliminate the crowding literal (crowdLit), the clause must contain
+ // it with opposite polarity. There are three successful cases,
+ // according to the pivot and its sign
+ //
+ // - crowdLit is the same as the pivot and posFirst is true, which means
+ // that the clause contains its negation and eliminates it
+ //
+ // - crowdLit is the negation of the pivot and posFirst is false, so the
+ // clause contains the node whose negation is crowdLit. Note that this
+ // case may either be crowdLit.notNode() == pivot or crowdLit ==
+ // pivot.notNode().
+ if ((crowdLit == pivot && posFirst)
+ || (crowdLit.notNode() == pivot && !posFirst)
+ || (pivot.notNode() == crowdLit && !posFirst))
+ {
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2") << "\t\tfound it!\n";
+ eliminators.push_back(j);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(j < children.size());
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(!lastInclusion.empty());
+ // order map so that we process crowding literals in the order of the clauses
+ // that last introduce them
+ auto cmp = [](std::pair<Node, size_t>& a, std::pair<Node, size_t>& b) {
+ return a.second < b.second;
+ };
+ std::sort(lastInclusion.begin(), lastInclusion.end(), cmp);
+ // order eliminators
+ std::sort(eliminators.begin(), eliminators.end());
+ if (Trace.isOn("smt-proof-pp-debug"))
+ {
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug") << "crowding lits last inclusion:\n";
+ for (const auto& pair : lastInclusion)
+ {
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug")
+ << "\t- [" << pair.second << "] : " << pair.first << "\n";
+ }
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug") << "eliminators:";
+ for (size_t elim : eliminators)
+ {
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug") << " " << elim;
+ }
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug") << "\n";
+ }
+ // TODO (cvc4-wishues/issues/77): implement also simpler version and compare
+ //
+ // We now start to break the chain, one step at a time. Naively this breaking
+ // down would be one resolution/factoring to each crowding literal, but we can
+ // merge some of the cases. Effectively we do the following:
+ //
+ //
+ // lastClause children[start] ... children[end]
+ // ---------------------------------------------- CHAIN_RES
+ // C
+ // ----------- FACTORING
+ // lastClause' children[start'] ... children[end']
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------- CHAIN_RES
+ // ...
+ //
+ // where
+ // lastClause_0 = children[0]
+ // start_0 = 1
+ // end_0 = eliminators[0] - 1
+ // start_i+1 = nextGuardedElimPos - 1
+ //
+ // The important point is how end_i+1 is computed. It is based on what we call
+ // the "nextGuardedElimPos", i.e., the next elimination position that requires
+ // removal of duplicates. The intuition is that a factoring step may eliminate
+ // the duplicates of crowding literals l1 and l2. If the last inclusion of l2
+ // is before the elimination of l1, then we can go ahead and also perform the
+ // elimination of l2 without another factoring. However if another literal l3
+ // has its last inclusion after the elimination of l2, then the elimination of
+ // l3 is the next guarded elimination.
+ //
+ // To do the above computation then we determine, after a resolution/factoring
+ // step, the first crowded literal to have its last inclusion after "end". The
+ // first elimination position to be bigger than the position of that crowded
+ // literal is the next guarded elimination position.
+ size_t lastElim = 0;
+ Node lastClause = children[0];
+ std::vector<Node> childrenRes;
+ std::vector<Node> childrenResArgs;
+ Node resPlaceHolder;
+ size_t nextGuardedElimPos = eliminators[0];
+ do
+ {
+ size_t start = lastElim + 1;
+ size_t end = nextGuardedElimPos - 1;
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2")
+ << "res with:\n\tlastClause: " << lastClause << "\n\tstart: " << start
+ << "\n\tend: " << end << "\n";
+ childrenRes.push_back(lastClause);
+ // note that the interval of insert is exclusive in the end, so we add 1
+ childrenRes.insert(childrenRes.end(),
+ children.begin() + start,
+ children.begin() + end + 1);
+ childrenResArgs.insert(childrenResArgs.end(),
+ args.begin() + (2 * start) - 1,
+ args.begin() + (2 * end) + 1);
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2") << "res children: " << childrenRes << "\n";
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2") << "res args: " << childrenResArgs << "\n";
+ resPlaceHolder = d_pnm->getChecker()->checkDebug(PfRule::CHAIN_RESOLUTION,
+ childrenRes,
+ childrenResArgs,
+ Node::null(),
+ "");
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2")
+ << "resPlaceHorder: " << resPlaceHolder << "\n";
+ cdp->addStep(
+ resPlaceHolder, PfRule::CHAIN_RESOLUTION, childrenRes, childrenResArgs);
+ // I need to add factoring if end < children.size(). Otherwise, this is
+ // to be handled by the caller
+ if (end < children.size() - 1)
+ {
+ lastClause = d_pnm->getChecker()->checkDebug(
+ PfRule::FACTORING, {resPlaceHolder}, {}, Node::null(), "");
+ if (!lastClause.isNull())
+ {
+ cdp->addStep(lastClause, PfRule::FACTORING, {resPlaceHolder}, {});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lastClause = resPlaceHolder;
+ }
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2") << "lastClause: " << lastClause << "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lastClause = resPlaceHolder;
+ break;
+ }
+ // update for next round
+ childrenRes.clear();
+ childrenResArgs.clear();
+ lastElim = end;
+ // find the position of the last inclusion of the next crowded literal
+ size_t nextCrowdedInclusionPos = lastInclusion.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0, size = lastInclusion.size(); i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ if (lastInclusion[i].second > lastElim)
+ {
+ nextCrowdedInclusionPos = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2")
+ << "nextCrowdedInclusion/Pos: "
+ << lastInclusion[nextCrowdedInclusionPos].second << "/"
+ << nextCrowdedInclusionPos << "\n";
+ // if there is none, then the remaining literals will be used in the next
+ // round
+ if (nextCrowdedInclusionPos == lastInclusion.size())
+ {
+ nextGuardedElimPos = children.size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nextGuardedElimPos = children.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0, size = eliminators.size(); i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ // nextGuardedElimPos is the largest element of
+ // eliminators bigger the next crowded literal's last inclusion
+ if (eliminators[i] > lastInclusion[nextCrowdedInclusionPos].second)
+ {
+ nextGuardedElimPos = eliminators[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(nextGuardedElimPos < children.size());
+ }
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug2")
+ << "nextGuardedElimPos: " << nextGuardedElimPos << "\n";
+ } while (true);
+ return lastClause;
Node ProofPostprocessCallback::expandMacros(PfRule id,
const std::vector<Node>& children,
const std::vector<Node>& args,
@@ -375,6 +615,111 @@ Node ProofPostprocessCallback::expandMacros(PfRule id,
cdp->addStep(args[0], PfRule::EQ_RESOLVE, {children[0], eq}, {});
return args[0];
+ else if (id == PfRule::MACRO_RESOLUTION)
+ {
+ // first generate the naive chain_resolution
+ std::vector<Node> chainResArgs{args.begin() + 1, args.end()};
+ Node chainConclusion = d_pnm->getChecker()->checkDebug(
+ PfRule::CHAIN_RESOLUTION, children, chainResArgs, Node::null(), "");
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug") << "Original conclusion: " << args[0] << "\n";
+ Trace("smt-proof-pp-debug")
+ << "chainRes conclusion: " << chainConclusion << "\n";
+ // There are n cases:
+ // - if the conclusion is the same, just replace
+ // - if they have the same literals but in different quantity, add a
+ // FACTORING step
+ // - if the order is not the same, add a REORDERING step
+ // - if there are literals in chainConclusion that are not in the original
+ // conclusion, we need to transform the MACRO_RESOLUTION into a series of
+ // CHAIN_RESOLUTION + FACTORING steps, so that we explicitly eliminate all
+ // these "crowding" literals. We do this via FACTORING so we avoid adding
+ // an exponential number of premises, which would happen if we just
+ // repeated in the premises the clauses needed for eliminating crowding
+ // literals, which could themselves add crowding literals.
+ if (chainConclusion == args[0])
+ {
+ cdp->addStep(
+ chainConclusion, PfRule::CHAIN_RESOLUTION, children, chainResArgs);
+ return chainConclusion;
+ }
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ // If we got here, then chainConclusion is NECESSARILY an OR node
+ Assert(chainConclusion.getKind() == kind::OR);
+ // get the literals in the chain conclusion
+ std::vector<Node> chainConclusionLits{chainConclusion.begin(),
+ chainConclusion.end()};
+ std::set<Node> chainConclusionLitsSet{chainConclusion.begin(),
+ chainConclusion.end()};
+ // is args[0] a unit clause? If it's not an OR node, then yes. Otherwise,
+ // it's only a unit if it occurs in chainConclusionLitsSet
+ std::vector<Node> conclusionLits;
+ // whether conclusion is unit
+ if (chainConclusionLitsSet.count(args[0]))
+ {
+ conclusionLits.push_back(args[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(args[0].getKind() == kind::OR);
+ conclusionLits.insert(
+ conclusionLits.end(), args[0].begin(), args[0].end());
+ }
+ std::set<Node> conclusionLitsSet{conclusionLits.begin(),
+ conclusionLits.end()};
+ // If the sets are different, there are "crowding" literals, i.e. literals
+ // that were removed by implicit multi-usage of premises in the resolution
+ // chain.
+ if (chainConclusionLitsSet != conclusionLitsSet)
+ {
+ chainConclusion = eliminateCrowdingLits(
+ chainConclusionLits, conclusionLits, children, args, cdp);
+ // update vector of lits. Note that the set is no longer used, so we don't
+ // need to update it
+ chainConclusionLits.clear();
+ chainConclusionLits.insert(chainConclusionLits.end(),
+ chainConclusion.begin(),
+ chainConclusion.end());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cdp->addStep(
+ chainConclusion, PfRule::CHAIN_RESOLUTION, children, chainResArgs);
+ }
+ // Placeholder for running conclusion
+ Node n = chainConclusion;
+ // factoring
+ if (chainConclusionLits.size() != conclusionLits.size())
+ {
+ // We build it rather than taking conclusionLits because the order may be
+ // different
+ std::vector<Node> factoredLits;
+ std::unordered_set<TNode, TNodeHashFunction> clauseSet;
+ for (size_t i = 0, size = chainConclusionLits.size(); i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ if (clauseSet.count(chainConclusionLits[i]))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ factoredLits.push_back(n[i]);
+ clauseSet.insert(n[i]);
+ }
+ Node factored = factoredLits.empty()
+ ? nm->mkConst(false)
+ : factoredLits.size() == 1
+ ? factoredLits[0]
+ : nm->mkNode(kind::OR, factoredLits);
+ cdp->addStep(factored, PfRule::FACTORING, {n}, {});
+ n = factored;
+ }
+ // either same node or n as a clause
+ Assert(n == args[0] || n.getKind() == kind::OR);
+ // reordering
+ if (n != args[0])
+ {
+ cdp->addStep(args[0], PfRule::REORDERING, {n}, {args[0]});
+ }
+ return args[0];
+ }
else if (id == PfRule::SUBS)
NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
diff --git a/src/smt/proof_post_processor.h b/src/smt/proof_post_processor.h
index 885608b38..de74d4869 100644
--- a/src/smt/proof_post_processor.h
+++ b/src/smt/proof_post_processor.h
@@ -149,6 +149,84 @@ class ProofPostprocessCallback : public ProofNodeUpdaterCallback
bool addToTransChildren(Node eq,
std::vector<Node>& tchildren,
bool isSymm = false);
+ /**
+ * When given children and args lead to different sets of literals in a
+ * conclusion depending on whether macro resolution or chain resolution is
+ * applied, the literals that appear in the chain resolution result, but not
+ * in the macro resolution result, from now on "crowding literals", are
+ * literals removed implicitly by macro resolution. For example
+ *
+ * l0 v l0 v l0 v l1 v l2 ~l0 v l1 ~l1
+ * (1) ----------------------------------------- MACRO_RES
+ * l2
+ *
+ * but
+ *
+ * l0 v l0 v l0 v l1 v l2 ~l0 v l1 ~l1
+ * (2) ---------------------------------------- CHAIN_RES
+ * l0 v l0 v l1 v l2
+ *
+ * where l0 and l1 are crowding literals in the second proof.
+ *
+ * There are two views for how MACRO_RES implicitly removes the crowding
+ * literal, i.e., how MACRO_RES can be expanded into CHAIN_RES so that
+ * crowding literals are removed. The first is that (1) becomes
+ *
+ * l0 v l0 v l0 v l1 v l2 ~l0 v l1 ~l0 v l1 ~l0 v l1 ~l1 ~l1 ~l1 ~l1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------- CHAIN_RES
+ * l2
+ *
+ * via the repetition of the premise responsible for removing more than one
+ * occurrence of the crowding literal. The issue however is that this
+ * expansion is exponential. Note that (2) has two occurrences of l0 and one
+ * of l1 as crowding literals. However, by repeating ~l0 v l1 two times to
+ * remove l0, the clause ~l1, which would originally need to be repeated only
+ * one time, now has to be repeated two extra times on top of that one. With
+ * multiple crowding literals and their elimination depending on premises that
+ * themselves add crowding literals one can easily end up with resolution
+ * chains going from dozens to thousands of premises. Such examples do occur
+ * in practice, even in our regressions.
+ *
+ * The second way of expanding MACRO_RES, which avoids this exponential
+ * behavior, is so that (1) becomes
+ *
+ * l0 v l0 v l0 v l1 v l2
+ * (4) ---------------------- FACTORING
+ * l0 v l1 v l2 ~l0 v l1
+ * ------------------------------------------- CHAIN_RES
+ * l1 v l1 v l2
+ * ------------- FACTORING
+ * l1 v l2 ~l1
+ * ------------------------------ CHAIN_RES
+ * l2
+ *
+ * This method first determines what are the crowding literals by checking
+ * what literals occur in clauseLits that do not occur in targetClauseLits
+ * (the latter contains the literals from the original MACRO_RES conclusion
+ * while the former the literals from a direct application of CHAIN_RES). Then
+ * it builds a proof such as (4) and adds the steps to cdp. The final
+ * conclusion is returned.
+ *
+ * Note that in the example the CHAIN_RES steps introduced had only two
+ * premises, and could thus be replaced by a RESOLUTION step, but since we
+ * general there can be more than two premises we always use CHAIN_RES.
+ *
+ * @param clauseLits literals in the conclusion of a CHAIN_RESOLUTION step
+ * with children and args[1:]
+ * @param clauseLits literals in the conclusion of a MACRO_RESOLUTION step
+ * with children and args
+ * @param children a list of clauses
+ * @param args a list of arguments to a MACRO_RESOLUTION step
+ * @param cdp a CDProof
+ * @return The resulting node of transforming MACRO_RESOLUTION into
+ * CHAIN_RESOLUTION according to the above idea.
+ */
+ Node eliminateCrowdingLits(const std::vector<Node>& clauseLits,
+ const std::vector<Node>& targetClauseLits,
+ const std::vector<Node>& children,
+ const std::vector<Node>& args,
+ CDProof* cdp);
/** Final callback class, for stats and pedantic checking */
generated by cgit on debian on lair
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