path: root/src/util/options.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/options.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 615 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/options.h b/src/util/options.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d393e88..000000000
--- a/src/util/options.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/********************* */
-/*! \file options.h
- ** \verbatim
- ** Original author: mdeters
- ** Major contributors: taking, cconway
- ** Minor contributors (to current version): dejan
- ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
- ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
- ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
- ** New York University
- ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
- ** information.\endverbatim
- **
- ** \brief Global (command-line, set-option, ...) parameters for SMT.
- **
- ** Global (command-line, set-option, ...) parameters for SMT.
- **/
-#include "cvc4_public.h"
-#ifndef __CVC4__OPTIONS_H
-#define __CVC4__OPTIONS_H
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/exception.h"
-#include "util/language.h"
-#include "util/tls.h"
-#include "theory/theoryof_mode.h"
-#include <vector>
-namespace CVC4 {
-class ExprStream;
-class LemmaInputChannel;
-class LemmaOutputChannel;
-/** Class representing an option-parsing exception. */
-class CVC4_PUBLIC OptionException : public CVC4::Exception {
- OptionException(const std::string& s) throw() :
- CVC4::Exception("Error in option parsing: " + s) {
- }
-};/* class OptionException */
-struct CVC4_PUBLIC Options {
- /** The current Options in effect */
- static CVC4_THREADLOCAL(const Options*) s_current;
- /** Get the current Options in effect */
- static inline const Options* current() {
- return s_current;
- }
- /** The name of the binary (e.g. "cvc4") */
- std::string binary_name;
- /** Whether to collect statistics during this run */
- bool statistics;
- std::istream* in; /*< The input stream to use */
- std::ostream* out; /*< The output stream to use */
- std::ostream* err; /*< The error stream to use */
- /* -1 means no output */
- /* 0 is normal (and default) -- warnings only */
- /* 1 is warnings + notices so the user doesn't get too bored */
- /* 2 is chatty, giving statistical things etc. */
- /* with 3, the solver is slowed down by all the scrolling */
- int verbosity;
- /** The input language */
- InputLanguage inputLanguage;
- /** The output language */
- OutputLanguage outputLanguage;
- /** Should we print the help message? */
- bool help;
- /** Should we print the release information? */
- bool version;
- /** Should we print the language help information? */
- bool languageHelp;
- /** Should we exit after parsing? */
- bool parseOnly;
- /** Should we exit after preprocessing? */
- bool preprocessOnly;
- /** Should the parser do semantic checks? */
- bool semanticChecks;
- /** Should the TheoryEngine do theory registration? */
- bool theoryRegistration;
- /** Should the parser memory-map file input? */
- bool memoryMap;
- /** Should we strictly enforce the language standard while parsing? */
- bool strictParsing;
- /** Should we expand function definitions lazily? */
- bool lazyDefinitionExpansion;
- /** Parallel Only: Whether the winner is printed at the end or not. */
- bool printWinner;
- /** The default expression depth to print on ostreams. */
- int defaultExprDepth;
- /** Enumeration of simplification modes (when to simplify). */
- typedef enum {
- /** Simplify the assertions as they come in */
- /** Simplify the assertions all together once a check is requested */
- /** Don't do simplification */
- } SimplificationMode;
- /** When/whether to perform nonclausal simplifications. */
- SimplificationMode simplificationMode;
- /** Whether the user set the nonclausal simplification mode. */
- bool simplificationModeSetByUser;
- /** Enumeration of decision strategies */
- typedef enum {
- /**
- * Decision engine doesn't do anything. Use sat solver's internal
- * heuristics
- */
- /**
- * Use the justification heuristic
- */
- } DecisionMode;
- /** When/whether to use any decision strategies */
- DecisionMode decisionMode;
- /** Whether the user set the decision strategy */
- bool decisionModeSetByUser;
- /**
- * Extra settings for decision stuff, varies by strategy enabled
- * > Least significant bit: true if one should only decide on leaves
- */
- /** DecisionOption along */
- struct DecisionOptions {
- bool relevancyLeaves;
- unsigned short maxRelTimeAsPermille; /* permille = part per thousand */
- bool computeRelevancy; /* if false, do justification stuff using relevancy.h */
- bool mustRelevancy; /* use the must be relevant */
- bool stopOnly; /* only use decision stuff to stop early, not to decide */
- };
- DecisionOptions decisionOptions;
- /** Whether to perform the static learning pass. */
- bool doStaticLearning;
- /** Whether to do the ite-simplification pass */
- bool doITESimp;
- /**
- * Whether the user explicitly requested ite simplification
- */
- bool doITESimpSetByUser;
- /** Whether to do the unconstrained simplification pass */
- bool unconstrainedSimp;
- /**
- * Whether the user explicitly requested unconstrained simplification
- */
- bool unconstrainedSimpSetByUser;
- /** Whether to do multiple rounds of nonclausal simplification */
- bool repeatSimp;
- /**
- * Whether the user explicitly requested multiple rounds of nonclausal simplification
- */
- bool repeatSimpSetByUser;
- /** Whether we're in interactive mode or not */
- bool interactive;
- /**
- * Whether we're in interactive mode (or not) due to explicit user
- * setting (if false, we inferred the proper default setting).
- */
- bool interactiveSetByUser;
- /** Per-query resource limit. */
- unsigned long perCallResourceLimit;
- /** Cumulative resource limit. */
- unsigned long cumulativeResourceLimit;
- /** Per-query time limit in milliseconds. */
- unsigned long perCallMillisecondLimit;
- /** Cumulative time limit in milliseconds. */
- unsigned long cumulativeMillisecondLimit;
- /** Whether we should "spin" on a SIG_SEGV. */
- bool segvNoSpin;
- /** Whether we support SmtEngine::getValue() for this run. */
- bool produceModels;
- /** Whether we produce proofs. */
- bool proof;
- /** Whether we support SmtEngine::getAssignment() for this run. */
- bool produceAssignments;
- /** Whether we do typechecking at all. */
- bool typeChecking;
- /** Whether we do typechecking at Expr creation time. */
- bool earlyTypeChecking;
- /** Whether incemental solving (push/pop) */
- bool incrementalSolving;
- /** Replay file to use (for decisions); empty if no replay file. */
- std::string replayFilename;
- /** Replay stream to use (for decisions); NULL if no replay file. */
- ExprStream* replayStream;
- /** Log to write replay instructions to; NULL if not logging. */
- std::ostream* replayLog;
- /**
- * Frequency for the sat solver to make random decisions.
- * Should be between 0 and 1.
- */
- double satRandomFreq;
- /**
- * Seed for Minisat's random decision procedure.
- * If this is 0, no random decisions will occur.
- **/
- double satRandomSeed;
- /** Variable activity decay factor for Minisat */
- double satVarDecay;
- /** Clause activity decay factor for Minisat */
- double satClauseDecay;
- /** Base restart interval for Minisat */
- int satRestartFirst;
- /** Restart interval increase factor for Minisat */
- double satRestartInc;
- /** Determines the type of Arithmetic Presolve Lemmas are generated.*/
- ArithUnateLemmaMode arithUnateLemmaMode;
- /** Determines the mode of arithmetic propagation. */
- typedef enum { NO_PROP, UNATE_PROP, BOUND_INFERENCE_PROP, BOTH_PROP} ArithPropagationMode;
- ArithPropagationMode arithPropagationMode;
- /**
- * The maximum number of difference pivots to do per invocation of simplex.
- * If this is negative, the number of pivots done is the number of variables.
- * If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different
- * defaults.
- */
- int16_t arithHeuristicPivots;
- bool arithHeuristicPivotsSetByUser;
- /**
- * The maximum number of variable order pivots to do per invocation of simplex.
- * If this is negative, the number of pivots done is unlimited.
- * If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different
- * defaults.
- */
- int16_t arithStandardCheckVarOrderPivots;
- bool arithStandardCheckVarOrderPivotsSetByUser;
- /** The heuristic pivot rule for arithmetic. */
- typedef enum { MINIMUM, BREAK_TIES, MAXIMUM } ArithHeuristicPivotRule;
- ArithHeuristicPivotRule arithHeuristicPivotRule;
- /**
- * The number of pivots before simplex rechecks every basic variable for a conflict.
- */
- uint16_t arithSimplexCheckPeriod;
- /**
- * This is the pivots per basic variable that can be done using heuristic choices
- * before variable order must be used.
- * If this is not set by the user, different logics are free to chose different
- * defaults.
- */
- uint16_t arithPivotThreshold;
- bool arithPivotThresholdSetByUser;
- /**
- * The maximum row length that arithmetic will use for propagation.
- */
- uint16_t arithPropagateMaxLength;
- /**
- * Whether to do the linear diophantine equation solver
- * in Arith as described by Griggio JSAT 2012 (on by default).
- */
- bool arithDioSolver;
- /**
- * Whether to split (= x y) into (and (<= x y) (>= x y)) in
- * arithmetic preprocessing.
- */
- bool arithRewriteEq;
- /**
- * Whether the flag was set by the user
- */
- bool arithRewriteEqSetByUser;
- /**
- * Whether to do the symmetry-breaking preprocessing in UF as
- * described by Deharbe et al. in CADE 2011 (on by default).
- */
- bool ufSymmetryBreaker;
- /**
- * Whether the user explicitly requested that the symmetry
- * breaker be enabled or disabled.
- */
- bool ufSymmetryBreakerSetByUser;
- /**
- * Whether to mini-scope quantifiers.
- * For example, forall x. ( P( x ) ^ Q( x ) ) will be rewritten to
- * ( forall x. P( x ) ) ^ ( forall x. Q( x ) )
- */
- bool miniscopeQuant;
- /**
- * Whether to mini-scope quantifiers based on formulas with no free variables.
- * For example, forall x. ( P( x ) V Q ) will be rewritten to
- * ( forall x. P( x ) ) V Q
- */
- bool miniscopeQuantFreeVar;
- /**
- * Whether to prenex (nested universal) quantifiers
- */
- bool prenexQuant;
- /**
- * Whether to variable-eliminate quantifiers.
- * For example, forall x y. ( P( x, y ) V x != c ) will be rewritten to
- * forall y. P( c, y )
- */
- bool varElimQuant;
- /**
- * Whether to CNF quantifier bodies
- */
- bool cnfQuant;
- /**
- * Whether to pre-skolemize quantifier bodies.
- * For example, forall x. ( P( x ) => (exists y. f( y ) = x) ) will be rewritten to
- * forall x. P( x ) => f( S( x ) ) = x
- */
- bool preSkolemQuant;
- /**
- * Whether to use smart triggers
- */
- bool smartTriggers;
- /**
- * Whether to consider terms in the bodies of quantifiers for matching
- */
- bool registerQuantBodyTerms;
- /** Enumeration of inst_when modes (when to instantiate). */
- typedef enum {
- /** Apply instantiation round before full effort (possibly at standard effort) */
- /** Apply instantiation round at full effort or above */
- /** Apply instantiation round at full effort half the time, and last call always */
- /** Apply instantiation round at last call only */
- } InstWhenMode;
- /** When to perform instantiation round. */
- InstWhenMode instWhenMode;
- /**
- * Whether to eagerly instantiate quantifiers
- */
- bool eagerInstQuant;
- /**
- * Whether to use finite model find heuristic
- */
- bool finiteModelFind;
- /**
- * Whether to use eager splitting on demand for finite model finding
- */
- bool ufssEagerSplits;
- /**
- * Whether to use region-based approach for finite model finding
- */
- bool ufssRegions;
- /**
- * Whether to use coloring-based methods for determining whether a model of
- * currently cardinality exists.
- */
- bool ufssColoringSat;
- /**
- * Whether to use model-based exhaustive instantiation for finite model finding
- */
- bool fmfModelBasedInst;
- /**
- * Whether to use Inst-Gen techniques for finite model finding
- */
- bool fmfInstGen;
- /*
- * Whether to only add only instantiation per quantifier per round for finite model finding
- */
- bool fmfOneInstPerRound;
- /*
- * Whether to use instantiation engine in conjunction with finite model finding
- */
- bool fmfInstEngine;
- /*
- * Whether to compute relevant domains, in the manner of Complete Instantiation for Quantified Formulas [Ge, deMoura 09]
- */
- bool fmfRelevantDomain;
- /**
- * Whether to use efficient E-matching
- */
- bool efficientEMatching;
- /** Enumeration of literal matching modes. */
- typedef enum {
- /** Do not consider polarity of patterns */
- /** Consider polarity of boolean predicates only */
- /** Consider polarity of boolean predicates, as well as equalities */
- } LiteralMatchMode;
- /** Which literal matching mode to use. */
- LiteralMatchMode literalMatchMode;
- /**
- * Whether to do counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
- */
- bool cbqi;
- /**
- * Whether the user explicitly requested that counterexample-based
- * quantifier instantiation be enabled or disabled.
- */
- bool cbqiSetByUser;
- /**
- * Whether to convert rewrite rules to usual axioms (for debugging only)
- */
- bool rewriteRulesAsAxioms;
- /**
- * Whether to use user patterns for pattern-based instantiation
- */
- bool userPatternsQuant;
- /**
- * Whether to use flip decision (useful when cbqi=true)
- */
- bool flipDecision;
- /**
- * print details for instantiation/model engine
- */
- bool printInstEngine;
- bool printModelEngine;
- /** The output channel to receive notfication events for new lemmas */
- LemmaOutputChannel* lemmaOutputChannel;
- LemmaInputChannel* lemmaInputChannel;
- /** Total number of threads */
- int threads;
- /** Thread configuration (a string to be passed to parseOptions) */
- std::vector<std::string> threadArgv;
- /** Thread ID, for internal use in case of multi-threaded run */
- int thread_id;
- /**
- * In multi-threaded setting print output of each thread at the
- * end of run, separated by a divider ("----").
- **/
- bool separateOutput;
- /** Filter depending on length of lemma */
- int sharingFilterByLength;
- /** Bitblast eagerly to the main sat solver */
- bool bitvectorEagerBitblast;
- /** Fullcheck at each check */
- bool bitvectorEagerFullcheck;
- /** Bitblast eagerly to the main sat solver */
- bool bitvectorShareLemmas;
- /** Refine conflicts by doing another full check after a conflict */
- bool sat_refine_conflicts;
- /** Was theoryOf mode set by user */
- bool theoryOfModeSetByUser;
- /** Which theoryOf mode are we using */
- theory::TheoryOfMode theoryOfMode;
- Options();
- /**
- * Get a description of the command-line flags accepted by
- * parseOptions. The returned string will be escaped so that it is
- * suitable as an argument to printf. */
- std::string getDescription() const;
- /**
- * Print overall command-line option usage message, prefixed by
- * "msg"---which could be an error message causing the usage
- * output in the first place, e.g. "no such option --foo"
- */
- static void printUsage(const std::string msg, std::ostream& out);
- /**
- * Print command-line option usage message for only the most-commonly
- * used options. The message is prefixed by "msg"---which could be
- * an error message causing the usage output in the first place, e.g.
- * "no such option --foo"
- */
- static void printShortUsage(const std::string msg, std::ostream& out);
- /** Print help for the --lang command line option */
- static void printLanguageHelp(std::ostream& out);
- /**
- * Initialize the options based on the given command-line arguments.
- */
- int parseOptions(int argc, char* argv[]) throw(OptionException);
- /**
- * Set the output language based on the given string.
- */
- void setOutputLanguage(const char* str) throw(OptionException);
- /**
- * Set the input language based on the given string.
- */
- void setInputLanguage(const char* str) throw(OptionException);
-};/* struct Options */
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
- Options::SimplificationMode mode) CVC4_PUBLIC;
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
- Options::SimplificationMode mode) {
- switch(mode) {
- break;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- out << "SimplificationMode:UNKNOWN![" << unsigned(mode) << "]";
- }
- return out;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Options::ArithHeuristicPivotRule rule) CVC4_PUBLIC;
-}/* CVC4 namespace */
-#endif /* __CVC4__OPTIONS_H */
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