path: root/src/theory/sets/cardinality_extension.h
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+/********************* */
+/*! \file cardinality_extension.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Andrew Reynolds
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief An extension of the theory sets for handling cardinality constraints
+ **/
+#include "cvc4_private.h"
+#include "context/cdhashset.h"
+#include "context/context.h"
+#include "theory/sets/inference_manager.h"
+#include "theory/sets/solver_state.h"
+#include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace theory {
+namespace sets {
+ * This class implements a variant of the procedure from Bansal et al, IJCAR
+ * 2016. It is used during a full effort check in the following way:
+ * reset(); { registerTerm(n,lemmas); | n in CardTerms } check();
+ * where CardTerms is the set of all applications of CARD in the current
+ * context.
+ *
+ * The remaining public methods are used during model construction, i.e.
+ * the collectModelInfo method of the theory of sets.
+ *
+ * The procedure from Bansal et al IJCAR 2016 introduces the notion of a
+ * "cardinality graph", where the nodes of this graph are sets and (directed)
+ * edges connect sets to their Venn regions wrt to other sets. For example,
+ * if (A \ B) is a term in the current context, then the node A is
+ * connected via an edge to child (A \ B). The node (A ^ B) is a child
+ * of both A and B. The notion of a cardinality graph is loosely followed
+ * in the procedure implemented by this class.
+ *
+ * The main difference wrt Bansal et al IJCAR 2016 is that the nodes of the
+ * cardinality graph considered by this class are not arbitrary set terms, but
+ * are instead representatives of equivalence classes. For more details, see
+ * documentation of the inference schemas in the private methods of this class.
+ *
+ * This variant of the procedure takes inspiration from the procedure
+ * for word equations in Liang et al, CAV 2014. In that procedure, "normal
+ * forms" are generated for String terms by recursively expanding
+ * concatentations modulo equality. This procedure similarly maintains
+ * normal forms, where the normal form for Set terms is a set of (equivalence
+ * class representatives of) Venn regions that do not contain the empty set.
+ */
+class CardinalityExtension
+ typedef context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeSet;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new instance of the cardinality solver w.r.t. the provided
+ * contexts.
+ */
+ CardinalityExtension(SolverState& s,
+ InferenceManager& im,
+ eq::EqualityEngine& e,
+ context::Context* c,
+ context::UserContext* u);
+ ~CardinalityExtension() {}
+ /** reset
+ *
+ * Called at the beginning of a full effort check. This resets the data
+ * structures used by this class during a full effort check.
+ */
+ void reset();
+ /** register term
+ *
+ * Register that the term n exists in the current context, where n is an
+ * application of CARD.
+ */
+ void registerTerm(Node n);
+ /** check
+ *
+ * Invoke a full effort check of the cardinality solver. At a high level,
+ * this asserts inferences via the inference manager object d_im. If no
+ * inferences are made, then the current set of assertions is satisfied
+ * with respect to constraints involving set cardinality.
+ *
+ * This method applies various inference schemas in succession until an
+ * inference is made. These inference schemas are given in the private
+ * methods of this class (e.g. checkMinCard, checkCardBuildGraph, etc.).
+ */
+ void check();
+ /** Is model value basic?
+ *
+ * This returns true if equivalence class eqc is a "leaf" in the cardinality
+ * graph.
+ */
+ bool isModelValueBasic(Node eqc);
+ /** get model elements
+ *
+ * This method updates els so that it is the set of elements that occur in
+ * an equivalence class (whose representative is eqc) in the model we are
+ * building. Notice that els may already have elements in it (from explicit
+ * memberships from the base set solver for leaf nodes of the cardinality
+ * graph). This method is used during the collectModelInfo method of theory
+ * of sets.
+ *
+ * The argument v is the Valuation utility of the theory of sets, which is
+ * used by this method to query the value assigned to cardinality terms by
+ * the theory of arithmetic.
+ *
+ * The argument mvals maps set equivalence classes to their model values.
+ * Due to our model construction algorithm, it can be assumed that all
+ * sets in the normal form of eqc occur in the domain of mvals by the order
+ * in which sets are assigned.
+ */
+ void mkModelValueElementsFor(Valuation& v,
+ Node eqc,
+ std::vector<Node>& els,
+ const std::map<Node, Node>& mvals);
+ /** get ordered sets equivalence classes
+ *
+ * Get the ordered set of equivalence classes computed by this class. This
+ * ordering ensures the invariant mentioned above mkModelValueElementsFor.
+ *
+ * This ordering ensures that all children of a node in the cardinality
+ * graph computed by this class occur before it in this list.
+ */
+ const std::vector<Node>& getOrderedSetsEqClasses() { return d_oSetEqc; }
+ private:
+ /** constants */
+ Node d_zero;
+ /** the empty vector */
+ std::vector<Node> d_emp_exp;
+ /** Reference to the state object for the theory of sets */
+ SolverState& d_state;
+ /** Reference to the inference manager for the theory of sets */
+ InferenceManager& d_im;
+ /** Reference to the equality engine of theory of sets */
+ eq::EqualityEngine& d_ee;
+ /** register cardinality term
+ *
+ * This method add lemmas corresponding to the definition of
+ * the cardinality of set term n. For example, if n is A^B (denoting set
+ * intersection as ^), then we consider the lemmas card(A^B)>=0,
+ * card(A) = card(A\B) + card(A^B) and card(B) = card(B\A) + card(A^B).
+ *
+ * The exact form of this lemma is modified such that proxy variables are
+ * introduced for set terms as needed (see SolverState::getProxy).
+ */
+ void registerCardinalityTerm(Node n);
+ /** check register
+ *
+ * This ensures that all (non-redundant, relevant) non-variable set terms in
+ * the current context have been passed to registerCardinalityTerm. In other
+ * words, this ensures that the cardinality graph for these terms can be
+ * constructed since the cardinality relationships for these terms have been
+ * elaborated as lemmas.
+ *
+ * Notice a term is redundant in a context if it is congruent to another
+ * term that is already in the context; it is not relevant if no cardinality
+ * constraints exist for its type.
+ */
+ void checkRegister();
+ /** check minimum cardinality
+ *
+ * This adds lemmas to the argument of the method of the form
+ * distinct(x1,...,xn) ^ member(x1,S) ^ ... ^ member(xn,S) => card(S) >= n
+ * This lemma enforces the rules GUESS_LOWER_BOUND and PROPAGATE_MIN_SIZE
+ * from Bansal et. al IJCAR 2016.
+ *
+ * Notice that member(x1,S) is implied to hold in the current context. This
+ * means that it may be the case that member(x,T) ^ T = S are asserted
+ * literals. Furthermore, x1, ..., xn reside in distinct equivalence classes
+ * but are not necessarily entailed to be distinct.
+ */
+ void checkMinCard();
+ /** check cardinality cycles
+ *
+ * The purpose of this inference schema is to construct two data structures:
+ *
+ * (1) d_card_parent, which maps set terms (A op B) for op in { \, ^ } to
+ * equivalence class representatives of their "parents", where:
+ * parent( A ^ B ) = A, B
+ * parent( A \ B ) = A
+ * Additionally, (A union B) is a parent of all three of the above sets
+ * if it exists as a term in the current context. As exceptions,
+ * if A op B = A, then A is not a parent of A ^ B and similarly for B.
+ * If A ^ B is empty, then it has no parents.
+ *
+ * We say the cardinality graph induced by the current set of equalities
+ * is an (irreflexive, acyclic) graph whose nodes are equivalence classes and
+ * which contains a (directed) edge r1 to r2 if there exists a term t2 in r2
+ * that has some parent t1 in r1.
+ *
+ * (2) d_oSetEqc, an ordered set of equivalence classes whose types are set.
+ * These equivalence classes have the property that if r1 is a descendant
+ * of r2 in the cardinality graph, then r1 must come before r2 in d_oSetEqc.
+ *
+ * This inference schema may make various inferences while building these
+ * two data structures if the current equality arrangement of sets is not
+ * as expected. For example, it will infer equalities between sets based on
+ * the emptiness and equalities of sets in adjacent children in the
+ * cardinality graph, to give some examples:
+ * (A \ B = empty) => A = A ^ B
+ * A^B = B => B \ A = empty
+ * A union B = A ^ B => A \ B = empty AND B \ A = empty
+ * and so on.
+ *
+ * It will also recognize when a cycle occurs in the cardinality graph, in
+ * which case an equality chain between sets can be inferred. For an example,
+ * see checkCardCyclesRec below.
+ *
+ * This method is inspired by the checkCycles inference schema in the theory
+ * of strings.
+ */
+ void checkCardCycles();
+ /**
+ * Helper function for above. Called when wish to process equivalence class
+ * eqc.
+ *
+ * Argument curr contains the equivalence classes we are currently processing,
+ * which are descendants of eqc in the cardinality graph, where eqc is the
+ * representative of some equivalence class.
+ *
+ * Argument exp contains an explanation of why the chain of children curr
+ * are descedants of . For example, say we are in context with equivalence
+ * classes:
+ * { A, B, C^D }, { D, B ^ C, A ^ E }
+ * We may recursively call this method via the following steps:
+ * eqc = D, curr = {}, exp = {}
+ * eqc = A, curr = { D }, exp = { D = B^C }
+ * eqc = A, curr = { D, A }, exp = { D = B^C, A = C^D }
+ * after which we discover a cycle in the cardinality graph. We infer
+ * that A must be equal to D, where exp is an explanation of the cycle.
+ */
+ void checkCardCyclesRec(Node eqc,
+ std::vector<Node>& curr,
+ std::vector<Node>& exp);
+ /** check normal forms
+ *
+ * This method attempts to assign "normal forms" to all set equivalence
+ * classes whose types have cardinality constraints. Normal forms are
+ * defined recursively.
+ *
+ * A "normal form" of an equivalence class [r] (where [r] denotes the
+ * equivalence class whose representative is r) is a set of representatives
+ * U = { r1, ..., rn }. If there exists at least one set in [r] that has a
+ * "flat form", then all sets in the equivalence class have flat form U.
+ * If no set in U has a flat form, then U = { r } if r does not contain
+ * the empty set, and {} otherwise. Notice that the choice of representative
+ * r is determined by the equality engine.
+ *
+ * A "flat form" of a set term T is the union of the normal forms of the
+ * equivalence classes that contain sets whose parent is T.
+ *
+ * In terms of the cardinality graph, the "flat form" of term t is the set
+ * of leaves of t that are descendants of it in the cardinality graph induced
+ * by the current set of assertions. Notice a flat form is only defined if t
+ * has children. If all terms in an equivalence class E with flat forms have
+ * the same flat form, then E is added as a node to the cardinality graph with
+ * edges connecting to all equivalence classes with terms that have a parent
+ * in E.
+ *
+ * In the following inference schema, the argument intro_sets is updated to
+ * contain the set of new set terms that the procedure is requesting to
+ * introduce for the purpose of forcing the flat forms of two equivalent sets
+ * to become identical. If any equivalence class cannot be assigned a normal
+ * form, then the resulting intro_sets is guaranteed to be non-empty.
+ *
+ * As an example, say we have a context with equivalence classes:
+ * {A, D}, {C, A^B}, {E, C^D}, {C\D}, {D\C}, {A\B}, {empty, B\A},
+ * where assume the first term in each set is its representative. An ordered
+ * list d_oSetEqc for this context:
+ * A, C, E, C\D, D\C, A\B, empty, ...
+ * The normal form of {empty, B\A} is {}, since it contains the empty set.
+ * The normal forms for each of the singleton equivalence classes are
+ * themselves.
+ * The flat form of each of E and C^D does not exist, hence the normal form
+ * of {E, C^D} is {E}.
+ * The flat form of C is {E, C\D}, noting that C^D and C\D are terms whose
+ * parent is C, hence {E, C\D} is the normal form for class {C, A^B}.
+ * The flat form of A is {E, C\D, A\B} and the flat form of D is {E, D\C}.
+ * Hence, no normal form can be assigned to class {A, D}. Instead this method
+ * will e.g. add (C\D)^E to intro_sets, which will force the solver
+ * to explore a model where the Venn regions (C\D)^E (C\D)\E and E\(C\D) are
+ * considered while constructing flat forms. Splitting on whether these sets
+ * are empty will eventually lead to a model where the flat forms of A and D
+ * are the same.
+ */
+ void checkNormalForms(std::vector<Node>& intro_sets);
+ /**
+ * Called for each equivalence class, in order of d_oSetEqc, by the above
+ * function.
+ */
+ void checkNormalForm(Node eqc, std::vector<Node>& intro_sets);
+ /** element types of sets for which cardinality is enabled */
+ std::map<TypeNode, bool> d_t_card_enabled;
+ /**
+ * This maps equivalence classes r to an application of cardinality of the
+ * form card( t ), where t = r holds in the current context.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_eqc_to_card_term;
+ /**
+ * User-context-dependent set of set terms for which we have called
+ * registerCardinalityTerm on.
+ */
+ NodeSet d_card_processed;
+ /** The ordered set of equivalence classes, see checkCardCycles. */
+ std::vector<Node> d_oSetEqc;
+ /**
+ * This maps set terms to the set of representatives of their "parent" sets,
+ * see checkCardCycles.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_card_parent;
+ /**
+ * Maps equivalence classes + set terms in that equivalence class to their
+ * "flat form" (see checkNormalForms).
+ */
+ std::map<Node, std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > > d_ff;
+ /** Maps equivalence classes to their "normal form" (see checkNormalForms). */
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_nf;
+ /** The local base node map
+ *
+ * This maps set terms to the "local base node" of its cardinality graph.
+ * The local base node of S is the intersection node that is either S itself
+ * or is adjacent to S in the cardinality graph. This maps
+ *
+ * For example, the ( A ^ B ) is the local base of each of the sets (A \ B),
+ * ( A ^ B ), and (B \ A).
+ */
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_localBase;
+}; /* class CardinalityExtension */
+} // namespace sets
+} // namespace theory
+} // namespace CVC4
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