path: root/src/theory/quantifiers/options
diff options
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/src/theory/quantifiers/options b/src/theory/quantifiers/options
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index 065da0d5a..000000000
--- a/src/theory/quantifiers/options
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-# Option specification file for CVC4
-# See src/options/base_options for a description of this file format
-module QUANTIFIERS "theory/quantifiers/options.h" Quantifiers
-#### rewriter options
-# Whether to mini-scope quantifiers.
-# For example, forall x. ( P( x ) ^ Q( x ) ) will be rewritten to
-# ( forall x. P( x ) ) ^ ( forall x. Q( x ) )
-option miniscopeQuant --miniscope-quant bool :default true :read-write
- miniscope quantifiers
-# Whether to mini-scope quantifiers based on formulas with no free variables.
-# For example, forall x. ( P( x ) V Q ) will be rewritten to
-# ( forall x. P( x ) ) V Q
-option miniscopeQuantFreeVar --miniscope-quant-fv bool :default true :read-write
- miniscope quantifiers for ground subformulas
-option quantSplit --quant-split bool :default true
- apply splitting to quantified formulas based on variable disjoint disjuncts
-option prenexQuant --prenex-quant=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::PrenexQuantMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::PRENEX_NO_USER_PAT :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :read-write :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToPrenexQuantMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- prenex mode for quantified formulas
-# Whether to variable-eliminate quantifiers.
-# For example, forall x y. ( P( x, y ) V x != c ) will be rewritten to
-# forall y. P( c, y )
-option varElimQuant --var-elim-quant bool :default true
- enable simple variable elimination for quantified formulas
-option dtVarExpandQuant --dt-var-exp-quant bool :default true
- expand datatype variables bound to one constructor in quantifiers
-#ite lift mode for quantified formulas
-option iteLiftQuant --ite-lift-quant=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::IteLiftQuantMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::ITE_LIFT_QUANT_MODE_SIMPLE :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :read-write :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToIteLiftQuantMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- ite lifting mode for quantified formulas
-option condVarSplitQuant --cond-var-split-quant bool :default true
- split quantified formulas that lead to variable eliminations
-option condVarSplitQuantAgg --cond-var-split-agg-quant bool :default false
- aggressive split quantified formulas that lead to variable eliminations
-option iteDtTesterSplitQuant --ite-dtt-split-quant bool :read-write :default false
- split ites with dt testers as conditions
-# Whether to CNF quantifier bodies
-# option cnfQuant --cnf-quant bool :default false
-# apply CNF conversion to quantified formulas
-option nnfQuant --nnf-quant bool :default true
- apply NNF conversion to quantified formulas
-# Whether to pre-skolemize quantifier bodies.
-# For example, forall x. ( P( x ) => (exists y. f( y ) = x) ) will be rewritten to
-# forall x. P( x ) => f( S( x ) ) = x
-option preSkolemQuant --pre-skolem-quant bool :read-write :default false
- apply skolemization eagerly to bodies of quantified formulas
-option preSkolemQuantNested --pre-skolem-quant-nested bool :read-write :default true
- apply skolemization to nested quantified formulass
-option preSkolemQuantAgg --pre-skolem-quant-agg bool :read-write :default true
- apply skolemization to quantified formulas aggressively
-option aggressiveMiniscopeQuant --ag-miniscope-quant bool :default false
- perform aggressive miniscoping for quantifiers
-option elimTautQuant --elim-taut-quant bool :default true
- eliminate tautological disjuncts of quantified formulas
-option purifyQuant --purify-quant bool :default false
- purify quantified formulas
-#### E-matching options
-option eMatching --e-matching bool :read-write :default true
- whether to do heuristic E-matching
-option termDbMode --term-db-mode CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TermDbMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TERM_DB_ALL :read-write :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToTermDbMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- which ground terms to consider for instantiation
-option registerQuantBodyTerms --register-quant-body-terms bool :default false
- consider ground terms within bodies of quantified formulas for matching
-option smartTriggers --smart-triggers bool :default true
- enable smart triggers
-option relevantTriggers --relevant-triggers bool :default false
- prefer triggers that are more relevant based on SInE style analysis
-option relationalTriggers --relational-triggers bool :default false
- choose relational triggers such as x = f(y), x >= f(y)
-option purifyTriggers --purify-triggers bool :default false :read-write
- purify triggers, e.g. f( x+1 ) becomes f( y ), x mapsto y-1
-option purifyDtTriggers --purify-dt-triggers bool :default false :read-write
- purify dt triggers, match all constructors of correct form instead of selectors
-option pureThTriggers --pure-th-triggers bool :default false :read-write
- use pure theory terms as single triggers
-option partialTriggers --partial-triggers bool :default false :read-write
- use triggers that do not contain all free variables
-option multiTriggerWhenSingle --multi-trigger-when-single bool :default false
- select multi triggers when single triggers exist
-option multiTriggerPriority --multi-trigger-priority bool :default false
- only try multi triggers if single triggers give no instantiations
-option triggerSelMode --trigger-sel CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TriggerSelMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TRIGGER_SEL_DEFAULT :read-write :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToTriggerSelMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- selection mode for triggers
-option userPatternsQuant --user-pat=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::UserPatMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::USER_PAT_MODE_TRUST :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToUserPatMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- policy for handling user-provided patterns for quantifier instantiation
-option incrementTriggers --increment-triggers bool :default true
- generate additional triggers as needed during search
-option instWhenMode --inst-when=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::InstWhenMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::INST_WHEN_FULL_LAST_CALL :read-write :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToInstWhenMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h" :predicate CVC4::theory::quantifiers::checkInstWhenMode :predicate-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- when to apply instantiation
-option instMaxLevel --inst-max-level=N int :read-write :default -1
- maximum inst level of terms used to instantiate quantified formulas with (-1 == no limit, default)
-option instLevelInputOnly --inst-level-input-only bool :default true
- only input terms are assigned instantiation level zero
-option internalReps --quant-internal-reps bool :default true
- instantiate with representatives chosen by quantifiers engine
-option eagerInstQuant --eager-inst-quant bool :default false
- apply quantifier instantiation eagerly
-option fullSaturateQuant --full-saturate-quant bool :default false :read-write
- when all other quantifier instantiation strategies fail, instantiate with ground terms from relevant domain, then arbitrary ground terms before answering unknown
-option fullSaturateQuantRd --full-saturate-quant-rd bool :default true
- whether to use relevant domain first for full saturation instantiation strategy
-option fullSaturateInst --fs-inst bool :default false
- interleave full saturate instantiation with other techniques
-option literalMatchMode --literal-matching=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::LiteralMatchMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::LITERAL_MATCH_NONE :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToLiteralMatchMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h" :predicate CVC4::theory::quantifiers::checkLiteralMatchMode :predicate-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- choose literal matching mode
-### finite model finding options
-option finiteModelFind finite-model-find --finite-model-find bool :default false :read-write
- use finite model finding heuristic for quantifier instantiation
-option quantFunWellDefined --quant-fun-wd bool :default false
- assume that function defined by quantifiers are well defined
-option fmfFunWellDefined --fmf-fun bool :default false :read-write
- find models for recursively defined functions, assumes functions are admissible
-option fmfFunWellDefinedRelevant --fmf-fun-rlv bool :default false
- find models for recursively defined functions, assumes functions are admissible, allows empty type when function is irrelevant
-option fmfEmptySorts --fmf-empty-sorts bool :default false
- allow finite model finding to assume sorts that do not occur in ground assertions are empty
-option mbqiMode --mbqi=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MbqiMode :read-write :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MBQI_FMC :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToMbqiMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h" :predicate CVC4::theory::quantifiers::checkMbqiMode :predicate-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- choose mode for model-based quantifier instantiation
-option fmfOneInstPerRound --mbqi-one-inst-per-round bool :read-write :default false
- only add one instantiation per quantifier per round for mbqi
-option fmfOneQuantPerRound --mbqi-one-quant-per-round bool :default false
- only add instantiations for one quantifier per round for mbqi
-option fmfInstEngine --fmf-inst-engine bool :default false
- use instantiation engine in conjunction with finite model finding
-option fmfInstGen --fmf-inst-gen bool :default true
- enable Inst-Gen instantiation techniques for finite model finding
-option fmfInstGenOneQuantPerRound --fmf-inst-gen-one-quant-per-round bool :default false
- only perform Inst-Gen instantiation techniques on one quantifier per round
-option fmfFreshDistConst --fmf-fresh-dc bool :default false
- use fresh distinguished representative when applying Inst-Gen techniques
-option fmfFmcSimple --fmf-fmc-simple bool :default true
- simple models in full model check for finite model finding
-option fmfBoundInt fmf-bound-int --fmf-bound-int bool :default false :read-write
- finite model finding on bounded integer quantification
-option fmfBoundIntLazy --fmf-bound-int-lazy bool :default false :read-write
- enforce bounds for bounded integer quantification lazily via use of proxy variables
-### conflict-based instantiation options
-option quantConflictFind --quant-cf bool :read-write :default true
- enable conflict find mechanism for quantifiers
-option qcfMode --quant-cf-mode=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QcfMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QCF_PROP_EQ :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToQcfMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- what effort to apply conflict find mechanism
-option qcfWhenMode --quant-cf-when=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QcfWhenMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::QCF_WHEN_MODE_DEFAULT :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToQcfWhenMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- when to invoke conflict find mechanism for quantifiers
-option qcfTConstraint --qcf-tconstraint bool :read-write :default false
- enable entailment checks for t-constraints in qcf algorithm
-option qcfAllConflict --qcf-all-conflict bool :read-write :default false
- add all available conflicting instances during conflict-based instantiation
-option instNoEntail --inst-no-entail bool :read-write :default true
- do not consider instances of quantified formulas that are currently entailed
-### rewrite rules options
-option quantRewriteRules --rewrite-rules bool :default false
- use rewrite rules module
-option rrOneInstPerRound --rr-one-inst-per-round bool :default false
- add one instance of rewrite rule per round
-### induction options
-option quantInduction --quant-ind bool :default false
- use all available techniques for inductive reasoning
-option dtStcInduction --dt-stc-ind bool :read-write :default false
- apply strengthening for existential quantification over datatypes based on structural induction
-option intWfInduction --int-wf-ind bool :read-write :default false
- apply strengthening for integers based on well-founded induction
-option conjectureGen --conjecture-gen bool :read-write :default false
- generate candidate conjectures for inductive proofs
-option conjectureGenPerRound --conjecture-gen-per-round=N int :default 1
- number of conjectures to generate per instantiation round
-option conjectureNoFilter --conjecture-no-filter bool :default false
- do not filter conjectures
-option conjectureFilterActiveTerms --conjecture-filter-active-terms bool :read-write :default true
- filter based on active terms
-option conjectureFilterCanonical --conjecture-filter-canonical bool :read-write :default true
- filter based on canonicity
-option conjectureFilterModel --conjecture-filter-model bool :read-write :default true
- filter based on model
-option conjectureGenGtEnum --conjecture-gen-gt-enum=N int :default 50
- number of ground terms to generate for model filtering
-option conjectureUeeIntro --conjecture-gen-uee-intro bool :default false
- more aggressive merging for universal equality engine, introduces terms
-### synthesis options
-option ceGuidedInst --cegqi bool :default false :read-write
- counterexample-guided quantifier instantiation
-option ceGuidedInstFair --cegqi-fair=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CegqiFairMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::CEGQI_FAIR_DT_SIZE :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToCegqiFairMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- if and how to apply fairness for cegqi
-option cegqiSingleInv --cegqi-si bool :default false :read-write
- process single invocation synthesis conjectures
-option cegqiSingleInvPartial --cegqi-si-partial bool :default false
- combined techniques for synthesis conjectures that are partially single invocation
-option cegqiSingleInvReconstruct --cegqi-si-reconstruct bool :default true
- reconstruct solutions for single invocation conjectures in original grammar
-option cegqiSingleInvReconstructConst --cegqi-si-reconstruct-const bool :default true
- include constants when reconstruct solutions for single invocation conjectures in original grammar
-option cegqiSingleInvAbort --cegqi-si-abort bool :default false
- abort if synthesis conjecture is not single invocation
-option cegqiSingleInvMultiInstAbort --cegqi-si-multi-inst-abort bool :default false
- abort if synthesis conjecture is single invocation with no ITE in grammar and multiple instantiations are tried
-option sygusNormalForm --sygus-nf bool :default true
- only search for sygus builtin terms that are in normal form
-option sygusNormalFormArg --sygus-nf-arg bool :default true
- account for relationship between arguments of operations in sygus normal form
-option sygusNormalFormGlobal --sygus-nf-sym bool :default true
- narrow sygus search space based on global state of current candidate program
-option sygusNormalFormGlobalGen --sygus-nf-sym-gen bool :default true
- generalize lemmas for global search space narrowing
-option sygusNormalFormGlobalArg --sygus-nf-sym-arg bool :default true
- generalize based on arguments in global search space narrowing
-option sygusNormalFormGlobalContent --sygus-nf-sym-content bool :default true
- generalize based on content in global search space narrowing
-option sygusInvTemplMode --sygus-inv-templ=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SygusInvTemplMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::SYGUS_INV_TEMPL_MODE_NONE :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToSygusInvTemplMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- template mode for sygus invariant synthesis
-# approach applied to general quantified formulas
-option cbqiSplx --cbqi-splx bool :read-write :default false
- turns on old implementation of counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqi --cbqi bool :read-write :default false
- turns on counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option recurseCbqi --cbqi-recurse bool :default true
- turns on recursive counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiSat --cbqi-sat bool :read-write :default true
- answer sat when quantifiers are asserted with counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiModel --cbqi-model bool :read-write :default true
- guide instantiations by model values for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiAll --cbqi-all bool :read-write :default false
- apply counterexample-based instantiation to all quantified formulas
-option cbqiUseInfInt --cbqi-use-inf-int bool :read-write :default false
- use integer infinity for vts in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiUseInfReal --cbqi-use-inf-real bool :read-write :default false
- use real infinity for vts in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiPreRegInst --cbqi-prereg-inst bool :read-write :default false
- preregister ground instantiations in counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiMinBounds --cbqi-min-bounds bool :default false
- use minimally constrained lower/upper bound for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiSymLia --cbqi-sym-lia bool :default false
- use symbolic integer division in substitutions for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiRoundUpLowerLia --cbqi-round-up-lia bool :default false
- round up integer lower bounds in substitutions for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiMidpoint --cbqi-midpoint bool :default false
- choose substitutions based on midpoints of lower and upper bounds for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-option cbqiNopt --cbqi-nopt bool :default true
- non-optimal bounds for counterexample-based quantifier instantiation
-### local theory extensions options
-option localTheoryExt --local-t-ext bool :default false
- do instantiation based on local theory extensions
-option ltePartialInst --lte-partial-inst bool :default false
- partially instantiate local theory quantifiers
-option lteRestrictInstClosure --lte-restrict-inst-closure bool :default false
- treat arguments of inst closure as restricted terms for instantiation
-### reduction options
-option quantAlphaEquiv --quant-alpha-equiv bool :default true
- infer alpha equivalence between quantified formulas
-option macrosQuant --macros-quant bool :read-write :default false
- perform quantifiers macro expansion
-option macrosQuantMode --macros-quant-mode=MODE CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MacrosQuantMode :default CVC4::theory::quantifiers::MACROS_QUANT_MODE_GROUND_UF :include "theory/quantifiers/modes.h" :handler CVC4::theory::quantifiers::stringToMacrosQuantMode :handler-include "theory/quantifiers/options_handlers.h"
- mode for quantifiers macro expansion
-### recursive function options
-#option funDefs --fun-defs bool :default false
-# enable specialized techniques for recursive function definitions
-### e-unification options
-option quantEqualityEngine --quant-ee bool :default false
- maintain congrunce closure over universal equalities
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