path: root/src/theory/quantifiers/inst_strategy_cbqi.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/theory/quantifiers/inst_strategy_cbqi.cpp')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/theory/quantifiers/inst_strategy_cbqi.cpp b/src/theory/quantifiers/inst_strategy_cbqi.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d79ddee31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theory/quantifiers/inst_strategy_cbqi.cpp
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+/********************* */
+/*! \file inst_strategy_cbqi.cpp
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Original author: ajreynol
+ ** Major contributors: none
+ ** Minor contributors (to current version): bobot, mdeters
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2012 New York University and The University of Iowa
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Implementation of cbqi instantiation strategies
+ **/
+#include "theory/quantifiers/inst_strategy_cbqi.h"
+#include "theory/arith/theory_arith.h"
+#include "theory/theory_engine.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/options.h"
+#include "theory/quantifiers/term_database.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace CVC4;
+using namespace CVC4::kind;
+using namespace CVC4::context;
+using namespace CVC4::theory;
+using namespace CVC4::theory::quantifiers;
+using namespace CVC4::theory::arith;
+using namespace CVC4::theory::datatypes;
+InstStrategySimplex::InstStrategySimplex( TheoryArith* th, QuantifiersEngine* ie ) :
+ InstStrategy( ie ), d_th( th ), d_counter( 0 ){
+ d_negOne = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(-1) );
+bool InstStrategySimplex::calculateShouldProcess( Node f ){
+ return false;
+void InstStrategySimplex::processResetInstantiationRound( Theory::Effort effort ){
+ Debug("quant-arith") << "Setting up simplex for instantiator... " << std::endl;
+ d_instRows.clear();
+ d_tableaux_term.clear();
+ d_tableaux.clear();
+ d_ceTableaux.clear();
+ //search for instantiation rows in simplex tableaux
+ ArithVarToNodeMap avtnm = d_th->d_arithvarNodeMap.getArithVarToNodeMap();
+ for( ArithVarToNodeMap::iterator it = avtnm.begin(); it != avtnm.end(); ++it ){
+ ArithVar x = (*it).first;
+ if( d_th->d_partialModel.hasEitherBound( x ) ){
+ Node n = (*it).second;
+ Node f;
+ NodeBuilder<> t(kind::PLUS);
+ if( n.getKind()==PLUS ){
+ for( int i=0; i<(int)n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ addTermToRow( x, n[i], f, t );
+ }
+ }else{
+ addTermToRow( x, n, f, t );
+ }
+ if( f!=Node::null() ){
+ d_instRows[f].push_back( x );
+ //this theory has constraints from f
+ Debug("quant-arith") << "Has constraints from " << f << std::endl;
+ //set that we should process it
+ d_quantActive[ f ] = true;
+ //set tableaux term
+ if( t.getNumChildren()==0 ){
+ d_tableaux_term[x] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(0) );
+ }else if( t.getNumChildren()==1 ){
+ d_tableaux_term[x] = t.getChild( 0 );
+ }else{
+ d_tableaux_term[x] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //print debug
+ debugPrint( "quant-arith-debug" );
+ d_counter++;
+int InstStrategySimplex::process( Node f, Theory::Effort effort, int e ){
+ if( e<2 ){
+ }else if( e==2 ){
+ //Notice() << f << std::endl;
+ //Notice() << "Num inst rows = " << d_th->d_instRows[f].size() << std::endl;
+ //Notice() << "Num inst constants = " << d_quantEngine->getNumInstantiationConstants( f ) << std::endl;
+ Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "InstStrategySimplex check " << f << ", rows = " << d_instRows[f].size() << std::endl;
+ for( int j=0; j<(int)d_instRows[f].size(); j++ ){
+ ArithVar x = d_instRows[f][j];
+ if( !d_ceTableaux[x].empty() ){
+ Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "Check row " << x << std::endl;
+ //instantiation row will be A*e + B*t = beta,
+ // where e is a vector of terms , and t is vector of ground terms.
+ // Say one term in A*e is coeff*e_i, where e_i is an instantiation constant
+ // We will construct the term ( beta - B*t)/coeff to use for e_i.
+ InstMatch m;
+ //By default, choose the first instantiation constant to be e_i.
+ Node var = d_ceTableaux[x].begin()->first;
+ if( var.getType().isInteger() ){
+ std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = d_ceTableaux[x].begin();
+ //try to find coefficent that is +/- 1
+ while( !var.isNull() && !d_ceTableaux[x][var].isNull() && d_ceTableaux[x][var]!=d_negOne ){
+ ++it;
+ if( it==d_ceTableaux[x].end() ){
+ var = Node::null();
+ }else{
+ var = it->first;
+ }
+ }
+ //otherwise, try one that divides all ground term coefficients? DO_THIS
+ }
+ if( !var.isNull() ){
+ Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "Instantiate with var " << var << std::endl;
+ doInstantiation( f, d_tableaux_term[x], x, m, var );
+ }else{
+ Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "Could not find var." << std::endl;
+ }
+ ////choose a new variable based on alternation strategy
+ //int index = d_counter%(int)d_th->d_ceTableaux[x].size();
+ //Node var;
+ //for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = d_th->d_ceTableaux[x].begin(); it != d_th->d_ceTableaux[x].end(); ++it ){
+ // if( index==0 ){
+ // var = it->first;
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // index--;
+ //}
+ //d_th->doInstantiation( f, d_th->d_tableaux_term[x], x, &m, var );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void InstStrategySimplex::addTermToRow( ArithVar x, Node n, Node& f, NodeBuilder<>& t ){
+ if( n.getKind()==MULT ){
+ if( n[1].hasAttribute(InstConstantAttribute()) ){
+ f = n[1].getAttribute(InstConstantAttribute());
+ if( n[1].getKind()==INST_CONSTANT ){
+ d_ceTableaux[x][ n[1] ] = n[0];
+ }else{
+ d_tableaux_ce_term[x][ n[1] ] = n[0];
+ }
+ }else{
+ d_tableaux[x][ n[1] ] = n[0];
+ t << n;
+ }
+ }else{
+ if( n.hasAttribute(InstConstantAttribute()) ){
+ f = n.getAttribute(InstConstantAttribute());
+ if( n.getKind()==INST_CONSTANT ){
+ d_ceTableaux[x][ n ] = Node::null();
+ }else{
+ d_tableaux_ce_term[x][ n ] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(1) );
+ }
+ }else{
+ d_tableaux[x][ n ] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(1) );
+ t << n;
+ }
+ }
+void InstStrategySimplex::debugPrint( const char* c ){
+ ArithVarToNodeMap avtnm = d_th->d_arithvarNodeMap.getArithVarToNodeMap();
+ for( ArithVarToNodeMap::iterator it = avtnm.begin(); it != avtnm.end(); ++it ){
+ ArithVar x = (*it).first;
+ Node n = (*it).second;
+ //if( ((TheoryArith*)getTheory())->d_partialModel.hasEitherBound( x ) ){
+ Debug(c) << x << " : " << n << ", bounds = ";
+ if( d_th->d_partialModel.hasLowerBound( x ) ){
+ Debug(c) << d_th->d_partialModel.getLowerBound( x );
+ }else{
+ Debug(c) << "-infty";
+ }
+ Debug(c) << " <= ";
+ Debug(c) << d_th->d_partialModel.getAssignment( x );
+ Debug(c) << " <= ";
+ if( d_th->d_partialModel.hasUpperBound( x ) ){
+ Debug(c) << d_th->d_partialModel.getUpperBound( x );
+ }else{
+ Debug(c) << "+infty";
+ }
+ Debug(c) << std::endl;
+ //Debug(c) << " Term = " << d_tableaux_term[x] << std::endl;
+ //Debug(c) << " ";
+ //for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it2 = d_tableaux[x].begin(); it2 != d_tableaux[x].end(); ++it2 ){
+ // Debug(c) << "( " << it2->first << ", " << it2->second << " ) ";
+ //}
+ //for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it2 = d_ceTableaux[x].begin(); it2 != d_ceTableaux[x].end(); ++it2 ){
+ // Debug(c) << "(CE)( " << it2->first << ", " << it2->second << " ) ";
+ //}
+ //for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it2 = d_tableaux_ce_term[x].begin(); it2 != d_tableaux_ce_term[x].end(); ++it2 ){
+ // Debug(c) << "(CE-term)( " << it2->first << ", " << it2->second << " ) ";
+ //}
+ //Debug(c) << std::endl;
+ //}
+ }
+ Debug(c) << std::endl;
+ for( int q=0; q<d_quantEngine->getNumQuantifiers(); q++ ){
+ Node f = d_quantEngine->getQuantifier( q );
+ Debug(c) << f << std::endl;
+ Debug(c) << " Inst constants: ";
+ for( int i=0; i<(int)d_quantEngine->getTermDatabase()->getNumInstantiationConstants( f ); i++ ){
+ if( i>0 ){
+ Debug( c ) << ", ";
+ }
+ Debug( c ) << d_quantEngine->getTermDatabase()->getInstantiationConstant( f, i );
+ }
+ Debug(c) << std::endl;
+ Debug(c) << " Instantiation rows: ";
+ for( int i=0; i<(int)d_instRows[f].size(); i++ ){
+ if( i>0 ){
+ Debug(c) << ", ";
+ }
+ Debug(c) << d_instRows[f][i];
+ }
+ Debug(c) << std::endl;
+ }
+//say instantiation row x for quantifier f is coeff*var + A*t[e] + term = beta,
+// where var is an instantiation constant from f,
+// t[e] is a vector of terms containing instantiation constants from f,
+// and term is a ground term (c1*t1 + ... + cn*tn).
+// We construct the term ( beta - term )/coeff to use as an instantiation for var.
+bool InstStrategySimplex::doInstantiation( Node f, Node term, ArithVar x, InstMatch& m, Node var ){
+ //first try +delta
+ if( doInstantiation2( f, term, x, m, var ) ){
+ ++(d_quantEngine->getInstantiationEngine()->d_statistics.d_instantiations_cbqi_arith);
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ //otherwise try -delta
+ if( doInstantiation2( f, term, x, m, var, true ) ){
+ ++(d_quantEngine->getInstantiationEngine()->d_statistics.d_instantiations_cbqi_arith_minus);
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+bool InstStrategySimplex::doInstantiation2( Node f, Node term, ArithVar x, InstMatch& m, Node var, bool minus_delta ){
+ // make term ( beta - term )/coeff
+ Node beta = getTableauxValue( x, minus_delta );
+ Node instVal = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MINUS, beta, term );
+ if( !d_ceTableaux[x][var].isNull() ){
+ if( var.getType().isInteger() ){
+ Assert( d_ceTableaux[x][var]==NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(-1) ) );
+ instVal = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, d_ceTableaux[x][var], instVal );
+ }else{
+ Node coeff = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(1) / d_ceTableaux[x][var].getConst<Rational>() );
+ instVal = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, coeff, instVal );
+ }
+ }
+ instVal = Rewriter::rewrite( instVal );
+ //use as instantiation value for var
+ m.set(var, instVal);
+ Debug("quant-arith") << "Add instantiation " << m << std::endl;
+ return d_quantEngine->addInstantiation( f, m );
+Node InstStrategySimplex::getTableauxValue( Node n, bool minus_delta ){
+ if( d_th->d_arithvarNodeMap.hasArithVar(n) ){
+ ArithVar v = d_th->d_arithvarNodeMap.asArithVar( n );
+ return getTableauxValue( v, minus_delta );
+ }else{
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(0) );
+ }
+Node InstStrategySimplex::getTableauxValue( ArithVar v, bool minus_delta ){
+ const Rational& delta = d_th->d_partialModel.getDelta();
+ DeltaRational drv = d_th->d_partialModel.getAssignment( v );
+ Rational qmodel = drv.substituteDelta( minus_delta ? -delta : delta );
+ return mkRationalNode(qmodel);
+InstStrategyDatatypesValue::InstStrategyDatatypesValue( TheoryDatatypes* th, QuantifiersEngine* qe ) :
+ InstStrategy( qe ), d_th( th ){
+bool InstStrategyDatatypesValue::calculateShouldProcess( Node f ){
+ return false;
+void InstStrategyDatatypesValue::processResetInstantiationRound( Theory::Effort effort ){
+int InstStrategyDatatypesValue::process( Node f, Theory::Effort effort, int e ){
+ Debug("quant-datatypes") << "Datatypes: Try to solve (" << e << ") for " << f << "... " << std::endl;
+ if( e<2 ){
+ return InstStrategy::STATUS_UNFINISHED;
+ }else if( e==2 ){
+ InstMatch m;
+ for( int j = 0; j<(int)d_quantEngine->getTermDatabase()->getNumInstantiationConstants( f ); j++ ){
+ Node i = d_quantEngine->getTermDatabase()->getInstantiationConstant( f, j );
+ if( i.getType().isDatatype() ){
+ Node n = getValueFor( i );
+ Debug("quant-datatypes-debug") << "Value for " << i << " is " << n << std::endl;
+ m.set(i,n);
+ }
+ }
+ //d_quantEngine->addInstantiation( f, m );
+ }
+ return InstStrategy::STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+Node InstStrategyDatatypesValue::getValueFor( Node n ){
+ //simply get the ground value for n in the current model, if it exists,
+ // or return an arbitrary ground term otherwise
+ if( !n.hasAttribute(InstConstantAttribute()) ){
+ return n;
+ }else{
+ return n;
+ }
+ /* FIXME
+ Debug("quant-datatypes-debug") << "get value for " << n << std::endl;
+ if( !n.hasAttribute(InstConstantAttribute()) ){
+ return n;
+ }else{
+ Assert( n.getType().isDatatype() );
+ //check if in equivalence class with ground term
+ Node rep = getRepresentative( n );
+ Debug("quant-datatypes-debug") << "Rep is " << rep << std::endl;
+ if( !rep.hasAttribute(InstConstantAttribute()) ){
+ return rep;
+ }else{
+ if( !n.getType().isDatatype() ){
+ return n.getType().mkGroundTerm();
+ }else{
+ if( n.getKind()==APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR ){
+ std::vector< Node > children;
+ children.push_back( n.getOperator() );
+ for( int i=0; i<(int)n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ children.push_back( getValueFor( n[i] ) );
+ }
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, children );
+ }else{
+ const Datatype& dt = ((DatatypeType)(n.getType()).toType()).getDatatype();
+ TheoryDatatypes::EqLists* labels = &((TheoryDatatypes*)d_th)->d_labels;
+ //otherwise, use which constructor the inst constant is current chosen to be
+ if( labels->find( n )!=labels->end() ){
+ TheoryDatatypes::EqList* lbl = (*labels->find( n )).second;
+ int tIndex = -1;
+ if( !lbl->empty() && (*lbl)[ lbl->size()-1 ].getKind()==APPLY_TESTER ){
+ Debug("quant-datatypes-debug") << n << " tester is " << (*lbl)[ lbl->size()-1 ] << std::endl;
+ tIndex = Datatype::indexOf((*lbl)[ lbl->size()-1 ].getOperator().toExpr());
+ }else{
+ Debug("quant-datatypes-debug") << "find possible tester choice" << std::endl;
+ //must find a possible choice
+ vector< bool > possibleCons;
+ possibleCons.resize( dt.getNumConstructors(), true );
+ for( TheoryDatatypes::EqList::const_iterator j = lbl->begin(); j != lbl->end(); j++ ) {
+ Node leqn = (*j);
+ possibleCons[ Datatype::indexOf( leqn[0].getOperator().toExpr() ) ] = false;
+ }
+ for( unsigned int j=0; j<possibleCons.size(); j++ ) {
+ if( possibleCons[j] ){
+ tIndex = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Assert( tIndex!=-1 );
+ Node cons = Node::fromExpr( dt[ tIndex ].getConstructor() );
+ Debug("quant-datatypes-debug") << n << " cons is " << cons << std::endl;
+ std::vector< Node > children;
+ children.push_back( cons );
+ for( int i=0; i<(int)dt[ tIndex ].getNumArgs(); i++ ) {
+ Node sn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_SELECTOR, Node::fromExpr( dt[tIndex][i].getSelector() ), n );
+ if( n.hasAttribute(InstConstantAttribute()) ){
+ InstConstantAttribute ica;
+ sn.setAttribute(ica,n.getAttribute(InstConstantAttribute()) );
+ }
+ Node snn = getValueFor( sn );
+ children.push_back( snn );
+ }
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, children );
+ }else{
+ return n.getType().mkGroundTerm();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
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