path: root/src/smt/boolean_terms.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/smt/boolean_terms.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 819 deletions
diff --git a/src/smt/boolean_terms.cpp b/src/smt/boolean_terms.cpp
index bcacd4bd4..442355580 100644
--- a/src/smt/boolean_terms.cpp
+++ b/src/smt/boolean_terms.cpp
@@ -38,824 +38,5 @@ using namespace CVC4::theory::booleans;
namespace CVC4 {
namespace smt {
-BooleanTermConverter::BooleanTermConverter(SmtEngine& smt) :
- d_smt(smt),
- d_ff(),
- d_tt(),
- d_ffDt(),
- d_ttDt(),
- d_varCache(smt.d_userContext),
- d_termCache(smt.d_userContext),
- d_typeCache(),
- d_datatypeCache(),
- d_datatypeReverseCache() {
- // set up our "false" and "true" conversions based on command-line option
- if(options::booleanTermConversionMode() == BOOLEAN_TERM_CONVERT_TO_BITVECTORS ||
- options::booleanTermConversionMode() == BOOLEAN_TERM_CONVERT_NATIVE) {
- d_ff = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(BitVector(1u, 0u));
- d_tt = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(BitVector(1u, 1u));
- }
- if(options::booleanTermConversionMode() == BOOLEAN_TERM_CONVERT_TO_BITVECTORS) {
- d_ffDt = d_ff;
- d_ttDt = d_tt;
- } else {
- Datatype spec("BooleanTerm");
- // don't change the order; false is assumed to come first by the model postprocessor
- spec.addConstructor(DatatypeConstructor("BT_False"));
- spec.addConstructor(DatatypeConstructor("BT_True"));
- const Datatype& dt = NodeManager::currentNM()->toExprManager()->mkDatatypeType(spec).getDatatype();
- d_ffDt = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, Node::fromExpr(dt["BT_False"].getConstructor()));
- d_ttDt = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, Node::fromExpr(dt["BT_True"].getConstructor()));
- // mark this datatype type as being special for Boolean term conversion
- TypeNode::fromType(dt.getDatatypeType()).setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), Node::null());
- if(options::booleanTermConversionMode() == BOOLEAN_TERM_CONVERT_TO_DATATYPES) {
- Assert(d_ff.isNull() && d_tt.isNull());
- d_ff = d_ffDt;
- d_tt = d_ttDt;
- }
- }
- // assert that we set it up correctly
- Assert(!d_ff.isNull() && !d_tt.isNull());
- Assert(!d_ffDt.isNull() && !d_ttDt.isNull());
- Assert(d_ff != d_tt);
- Assert(d_ff.getType() == d_tt.getType());
- Assert(d_ffDt != d_ttDt);
- Assert(d_ffDt.getType() == d_ttDt.getType());
-}/* BooleanTermConverter::BooleanTermConverter() */
-static inline bool isBoolean(TNode top, unsigned i) {
- switch(top.getKind()) {
- case kind::NOT:
- case kind::AND:
- case kind::IFF:
- case kind::IMPLIES:
- case kind::OR:
- case kind::XOR:
- case kind::FORALL:
- case kind::EXISTS:
- case kind::REWRITE_RULE:
- case kind::RR_REWRITE:
- case kind::RR_DEDUCTION:
- case kind::RR_REDUCTION:
- case kind::INST_PATTERN:
- return true;
- case kind::ITE:
- if(i == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- return top.getType().isBoolean();
- default:
- return false;
- }
-// This function rewrites "in" as an "as"---this is actually expected
-// to be for model-substitution, so the "in" is a Boolean-term-converted
-// node, and "as" is the original. See how it's used in function
-// handling, below.
-// Note this isn't the case any longer, and parts of what's below have
-// been repurposed for *forward* conversion, meaning this works in either
-// direction.
-Node BooleanTermConverter::rewriteAs(TNode in, TypeNode as, std::map< TypeNode, bool >& processing) throw() {
- Debug("boolean-terms2") << "Rewrite as " << in << " " << as << std::endl;
- if(in.getType() == as) {
- return in;
- }
- if(in.getType().isBoolean()) {
- Assert(d_tt.getType() == as);
- return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::ITE, in, d_tt, d_ff);
- }
- if(as.isBoolean() && in.getType().isBitVector() && in.getType().getBitVectorSize() == 1) {
- return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(BitVector(1u, 1u)), in);
- }
- TypeNode in_t = in.getType();
- if( processing.find( in_t )==processing.end() ){
- processing[in_t] = true;
- if(in.getType().isParametricDatatype() &&
- in.getType().isInstantiatedDatatype()) {
- // We have something here like (Pair Bool Bool)---need to dig inside
- // and make it (Pair BV1 BV1)
- Assert(as.isParametricDatatype() && as.isInstantiatedDatatype());
- const Datatype* dt2 = &as[0].getDatatype();
- std::vector<TypeNode> fromParams, toParams;
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < dt2->getNumParameters(); ++i) {
- fromParams.push_back(TypeNode::fromType(dt2->getParameter(i)));
- toParams.push_back(as[i + 1]);
- }
- const Datatype* dt1;
- if(d_datatypeCache.find(dt2) != d_datatypeCache.end()) {
- dt1 = d_datatypeCache[dt2];
- } else {
- dt1 = d_datatypeReverseCache[dt2];
- }
- Assert(dt1 != NULL, "expected datatype in cache");
- Assert(*dt1 == in.getType()[0].getDatatype(), "improper rewriteAs() between datatypes");
- Node out;
- for(size_t i = 0; i < dt1->getNumConstructors(); ++i) {
- DatatypeConstructor ctor = (*dt1)[i];
- NodeBuilder<> appctorb(kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR);
- appctorb << (*dt2)[i].getConstructor();
- for(size_t j = 0; j < ctor.getNumArgs(); ++j) {
- TypeNode asType = TypeNode::fromType(SelectorType((*dt2)[i][j].getSelector().getType()).getRangeType());
- asType = asType.substitute(fromParams.begin(), fromParams.end(), toParams.begin(), toParams.end());
- appctorb << rewriteAs(NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL, ctor[j].getSelector(), in), asType, processing);
- }
- Node appctor = appctorb;
- if(i == 0) {
- out = appctor;
- } else {
- Node newOut = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::ITE, ctor.getTester(), appctor, out);
- out = newOut;
- }
- }
- processing.erase( in_t );
- return out;
- }
- if(in.getType().isDatatype()) {
- if(as.isBoolean() && in.getType().hasAttribute(BooleanTermAttr())) {
- processing.erase( in_t );
- return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, d_ttDt, in);
- }
- Assert(as.isDatatype());
- const Datatype* dt2 = &as.getDatatype();
- const Datatype* dt1;
- if(d_datatypeCache.find(dt2) != d_datatypeCache.end()) {
- dt1 = d_datatypeCache[dt2];
- } else {
- dt1 = d_datatypeReverseCache[dt2];
- }
- Assert(dt1 != NULL, "expected datatype in cache");
- Assert(*dt1 == in.getType().getDatatype(), "improper rewriteAs() between datatypes");
- Node out;
- for(size_t i = 0; i < dt1->getNumConstructors(); ++i) {
- DatatypeConstructor ctor = (*dt1)[i];
- NodeBuilder<> appctorb(kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR);
- appctorb << (*dt2)[i].getConstructor();
- for(size_t j = 0; j < ctor.getNumArgs(); ++j) {
- appctorb << rewriteAs(NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL, ctor[j].getSelector(), in), TypeNode::fromType(SelectorType((*dt2)[i][j].getSelector().getType()).getRangeType()), processing);
- }
- Node appctor = appctorb;
- if(i == 0) {
- out = appctor;
- } else {
- Node newOut = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::ITE, ctor.getTester(), appctor, out);
- out = newOut;
- }
- }
- processing.erase( in_t );
- return out;
- }
- if(in.getType().isArray()) {
- // convert in to in'
- // e.g. in : (Array Int Bool)
- // for in' : (Array Int (_ BitVec 1))
- // then subs in |=> \array_lambda ( \lambda (x:Int) . [convert (read a' x) x]
- Assert(as.isArray());
- Assert(as.getArrayIndexType() == in.getType().getArrayIndexType());
- Assert(as.getArrayConstituentType() != in.getType().getArrayConstituentType());
- Node x = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkBoundVar(as.getArrayIndexType());
- Node boundvars = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, x);
- Node sel = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::SELECT, in, x);
- Node selprime = rewriteAs(sel, as.getArrayConstituentType(), processing);
- Node lam = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::LAMBDA, boundvars, selprime);
- Node out = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::ARRAY_LAMBDA, lam);
- Assert(out.getType() == as);
- processing.erase( in_t );
- return out;
- }
- Unhandled(in);
- }else{
- Message() << "Type " << in_t << " involving Boolean sort is not supported." << std::endl;
- exit( 0 );
- }
-const Datatype& BooleanTermConverter::convertDatatype(const Datatype& dt) throw() {
- const Datatype*& out = d_datatypeCache[&dt];
- if(out != NULL) {
- return *out;
- }
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "convertDatatype: considering " << dt.getName() << endl;
- for(Datatype::const_iterator c = dt.begin(); c != dt.end(); ++c) {
- TypeNode t = TypeNode::fromType((*c).getConstructor().getType());
- for(TypeNode::const_iterator a = t.begin(); a != t.end(); ++a) {
- TypeNode converted = convertType(*a, true);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "GOT: " << converted << ":" << converted.getId() << endl;
- if(*a != converted) {
- SortConstructorType mySelfType;
- set<Type> unresolvedTypes;
- if(dt.isParametric()) {
- mySelfType = NodeManager::currentNM()->toExprManager()->mkSortConstructor(dt.getName() + "'", dt.getNumParameters());
- unresolvedTypes.insert(mySelfType);
- }
- vector<Datatype> newDtVector;
- if(dt.isParametric()) {
- newDtVector.push_back(Datatype(dt.getName() + "'", dt.getParameters(), false));
- } else {
- newDtVector.push_back(Datatype(dt.getName() + "'", false));
- }
- Datatype& newDt = newDtVector.front();
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "found a Boolean arg in constructor " << (*c).getName() << endl;
- for(c = dt.begin(); c != dt.end(); ++c) {
- DatatypeConstructor ctor((*c).getName() + "'", (*c).getTesterName() + "'");
- t = TypeNode::fromType((*c).getConstructor().getType());
- for(DatatypeConstructor::const_iterator a = (*c).begin(); a != (*c).end(); ++a) {
- Type argType = (*a).getType().getRangeType();
- if(argType.isDatatype() && DatatypeType(argType).getDatatype() == dt) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "argtype " << argType << " is self" << endl;
- if(dt.isParametric()) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "is-parametric self is " << mySelfType << endl;
- ctor.addArg((*a).getName() + "'", mySelfType.instantiate(DatatypeType(argType).getDatatype().getParameters()));
- } else {
- ctor.addArg((*a).getName() + "'", DatatypeSelfType());
- }
- } else {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "argtype " << argType << " is NOT self" << endl;
- converted = convertType(TypeNode::fromType(argType), true);
- if(TypeNode::fromType(argType) != converted) {
- ctor.addArg((*a).getName() + "'", converted.toType());
- } else {
- ctor.addArg((*a).getName() + "'", argType);
- }
- }
- }
- newDt.addConstructor(ctor);
- }
- vector<DatatypeType> newDttVector =
- NodeManager::currentNM()->toExprManager()->mkMutualDatatypeTypes(newDtVector, unresolvedTypes);
- DatatypeType& newDtt = newDttVector.front();
- const Datatype& newD = newDtt.getDatatype();
- for(c = dt.begin(); c != dt.end(); ++c) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructor " << (*c).getConstructor() << ":" << (*c).getConstructor().getType() << " made into " << newD[(*c).getName() + "'"].getConstructor() << ":" << newD[(*c).getName() + "'"].getConstructor().getType() << endl;
- const DatatypeConstructor *newC;
- Node::fromExpr((*(newC = &newD[(*c).getName() + "'"])).getConstructor()).setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), Node::fromExpr((*c).getConstructor()));// other attr?
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "mapped " << newD[(*c).getName() + "'"].getConstructor() << " to " << (*c).getConstructor() << endl;
- d_varCache[Node::fromExpr((*c).getConstructor())] = Node::fromExpr(newD[(*c).getName() + "'"].getConstructor());
- d_varCache[Node::fromExpr((*c).getTester())] = Node::fromExpr(newD[(*c).getName() + "'"].getTester());
- for(DatatypeConstructor::const_iterator a = (*c).begin(); a != (*c).end(); ++a) {
- Node::fromExpr((*newC)[(*a).getName() + "'"].getSelector()).setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), Node::fromExpr((*a).getSelector()));// other attr?
- d_varCache[Node::fromExpr((*a).getSelector())] = Node::fromExpr(newD[(*c).getName() + "'"].getSelector((*a).getName() + "'"));
- }
- }
- out = &newD;
- d_datatypeReverseCache[&newD] = &dt;
- return newD;
- }
- }
- }
- // this is identity; don't need the reverse cache
- out = &dt;
- return dt;
-}/* BooleanTermConverter::convertDatatype() */
-TypeNode BooleanTermConverter::convertType(TypeNode type, bool datatypesContext) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "CONVERT-TYPE[" << type << ":" << type.getId() << ", " << datatypesContext << "]" << endl;
- // This function recursively converts the type.
- if(type.isBoolean()) {
- return datatypesContext ? d_ttDt.getType() : d_tt.getType();
- }
- const pair<TypeNode, bool> cacheKey(type, datatypesContext);
- if(d_typeCache.find(cacheKey) != d_typeCache.end()) {
- TypeNode out = d_typeCache[cacheKey];
- return out.isNull() ? type : out;
- }
- TypeNode& outNode = d_typeCache[cacheKey];
- if(type.getKind() == kind::DATATYPE_TYPE ||
- type.getKind() == kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE) {
- bool parametric = (type.getKind() == kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE);
- const Datatype& dt = parametric ? type[0].getDatatype() : type.getDatatype();
- TypeNode out = TypeNode::fromType(convertDatatype(dt).getDatatypeType());
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "AFTER, got "<< out << " param:" << parametric << endl;
- if(parametric) {
- // re-parameterize the translation
- vector<TypeNode> params = type.getParamTypes();
- for(size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "in loop, got "<< params[i] << endl;
- params[i] = convertType(params[i], true);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "in loop, convert to "<< params[i] << endl;
- }
- params.insert(params.begin(), out[0]);
- out = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkTypeNode(kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE, params);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "got OUT: " << out << endl;
- }
- if(out != type) {
- outNode = out;// cache it
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "OUT is same as TYPE" << endl;
- } else Debug("boolean-terms") << "OUT is DIFFERENT FROM TYPE" << endl;
- return out;
- }
- if(!type.isSort() && type.getNumChildren() > 0) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "here at A for " << type << ":" << type.getId() << endl;
- // This should handle tuples and arrays ok.
- // Might handle function types too, but they can't go
- // in other types, so it doesn't matter.
- NodeBuilder<> b(type.getKind());
- if(type.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
- b << type.getOperator();
- }
- for(TypeNode::iterator i = type.begin(); i != type.end(); ++i) {
- b << convertType(*i, false);
- }
- TypeNode out = b;
- if(out != type) {
- outNode = out;// cache it
- }
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "here at B, returning " << out << ":" << out.getId() << endl;
- return out;
- }
- // leave the cache at Null
- return type;
-}/* BooleanTermConverter::convertType() */
-// look for vars from "vars" that occur in a term-context in n; transfer them to output.
-static void collectVarsInTermContext(TNode n, std::set<TNode>& vars, std::set<TNode>& output, bool boolParent, std::hash_set< std::pair<TNode, bool>, PairHashFunction<TNode, bool, TNodeHashFunction, BoolHashFunction> >& alreadySeen) {
- if(vars.empty()) {
- return;
- }
- const pair<TNode, bool> cacheKey(n, boolParent);
- if(alreadySeen.find(cacheKey) != alreadySeen.end()) {
- return;
- }
- alreadySeen.insert(cacheKey);
- if(n.isVar() && vars.find(n) != vars.end() && !boolParent) {
- vars.erase(n);
- output.insert(n);
- if(vars.empty()) {
- return;
- }
- }
- for(size_t i = 0; i < n.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
- collectVarsInTermContext(n[i], vars, output, isBoolean(n, i), alreadySeen);
- if(vars.empty()) {
- return;
- }
- }
-Node BooleanTermConverter::rewriteBooleanTermsRec(TNode top, theory::TheoryId parentTheory, std::map<TNode, Node>& quantBoolVars) throw() {
- stack< triple<TNode, theory::TheoryId, bool> > worklist;
- worklist.push(triple<TNode, theory::TheoryId, bool>(top, parentTheory, false));
- stack< NodeBuilder<> > result;
- //AJR: not sure what the significance of "TUPLE" is here, seems to be a placeholder. Since TUPLE is no longer a kind, replacing this with "AND".
- //result.push(NodeBuilder<>(kind::TUPLE));
- result.push(NodeBuilder<>(kind::AND));
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- while(!worklist.empty()) {
- top =;
- parentTheory =;
- bool& childrenPushed =;
- Kind k = top.getKind();
- kind::MetaKind mk = top.getMetaKind();
- // we only distinguish between datatypes, booleans, and "other", and we
- // don't even distinguish datatypes except when in "native" conversion
- // mode
- if(parentTheory != theory::THEORY_BOOL) {
- if(options::booleanTermConversionMode() != BOOLEAN_TERM_CONVERT_NATIVE ||
- parentTheory != theory::THEORY_DATATYPES) {
- parentTheory = theory::THEORY_BUILTIN;
- }
- }
- if(!childrenPushed) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "rewriteBooleanTermsRec: " << top << " - parentTheory=" << parentTheory << endl;
- BooleanTermVarCache::iterator i = d_varCache.find(top);
- if(i != d_varCache.end()) {
- << ((*i).second.isNull() ? Node(top) : (*i).second);
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- BooleanTermCache::iterator j = d_termCache.find(pair<Node, theory::TheoryId>(top, parentTheory));
- if(j != d_termCache.end()) {
- << ((*j).second.isNull() ? Node(top) : (*j).second);
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- if(quantBoolVars.find(top) != quantBoolVars.end()) {
- // this Bool variable is quantified over and we're changing it to a BitVector var
- if(parentTheory == theory::THEORY_BOOL) {
- << quantBoolVars[top].eqNode(d_tt);
- } else {
- << quantBoolVars[top];
- }
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- if(parentTheory != theory::THEORY_BOOL && top.getType().isBoolean() && top.getKind()!=kind::SEP_STAR && top.getKind()!=kind::SEP_WAND) {
- // still need to rewrite e.g. function applications over boolean
- Node topRewritten = rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top, theory::THEORY_BOOL, quantBoolVars);
- Node n;
- if(parentTheory == theory::THEORY_DATATYPES) {
- n = nm->mkNode(kind::ITE, topRewritten, d_ttDt, d_ffDt);
- } else {
- n = nm->mkNode(kind::ITE, topRewritten, d_tt, d_ff);
- }
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed ITE: " << n << endl;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- if(mk == kind::metakind::CONSTANT) {
- if(k == kind::STORE_ALL) {
- const ArrayStoreAll& asa = top.getConst<ArrayStoreAll>();
- ArrayType arrType = asa.getType();
- TypeNode indexType = TypeNode::fromType(arrType.getIndexType());
- Type constituentType = arrType.getConstituentType();
- if(constituentType.isBoolean()) {
- // we have store_all(true) or store_all(false)
- // just turn it into store_all(1) or store_all(0)
- if(indexType.isBoolean()) {
- // change index type to BV(1) also
- indexType = d_tt.getType();
- }
- ArrayStoreAll asaRepl(nm->mkArrayType(indexType, d_tt.getType()).toType(),
- (asa.getExpr().getConst<bool>() ? d_tt : d_ff).toExpr());
- Node n = nm->mkConst(asaRepl);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << " returning new store_all: " << n << endl;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- if(indexType.isBoolean()) {
- // must change index type to BV(1)
- indexType = d_tt.getType();
- ArrayStoreAll asaRepl(nm->mkArrayType(indexType, TypeNode::fromType(constituentType)).toType(), asa.getExpr());
- Node n = nm->mkConst(asaRepl);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << " returning new store_all: " << n << endl;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- }
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- } else if(mk == kind::metakind::VARIABLE) {
- TypeNode t = top.getType();
- if(t.isFunction()) {
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < t.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
- TypeNode newType = convertType(t[i], false);
- // is this the return type? (allowed to be Bool)
- bool returnType = (i == t.getNumChildren() - 1);
- if(newType != t[i] && (!t[i].isBoolean() || !returnType)) {
- vector<TypeNode> argTypes = t.getArgTypes();
- for(unsigned j = 0; j < argTypes.size(); ++j) {
- argTypes[j] = convertType(argTypes[j], false);
- }
- TypeNode rangeType = t.getRangeType();
- if(!rangeType.isBoolean()) {
- rangeType = convertType(rangeType, false);
- }
- TypeNode newType = nm->mkFunctionType(argTypes, rangeType);
- Node n = nm->mkSkolem(top.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr()) + "__boolterm__",
- newType, "a function introduced by Boolean-term conversion",
- NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed func: " << n << " of type " << newType << endl;
- top.setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), n);
- NodeBuilder<> boundVarsBuilder(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST);
- NodeBuilder<> bodyBuilder(kind::APPLY_UF);
- bodyBuilder << n;
- for(unsigned j = 0; j < t.getNumChildren() - 1; ++j) {
- Node var = nm->mkBoundVar(t[j]);
- boundVarsBuilder << var;
- if(t[j] != argTypes[j]) {
- std::map< TypeNode, bool > processing;
- bodyBuilder << rewriteAs(var, argTypes[j], processing);
- } else {
- bodyBuilder << var;
- }
- }
- Node boundVars = boundVarsBuilder;
- Node body = bodyBuilder;
- if(t.getRangeType() != rangeType) {
- std::map< TypeNode, bool > processing;
- Node convbody = rewriteAs(body, t.getRangeType(), processing);
- body = convbody;
- }
- Node lam = nm->mkNode(kind::LAMBDA, boundVars, body);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "substituting " << top << " ==> " << lam << endl;
- d_smt.d_theoryEngine->getModel()->addSubstitution(top, lam);
- d_varCache[top] = n;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- }
- } else if(t.isArray()) {
- TypeNode indexType = convertType(t.getArrayIndexType(), false);
- TypeNode constituentType = convertType(t.getArrayConstituentType(), false);
- if(indexType != t.getArrayIndexType() && constituentType == t.getArrayConstituentType()) {
- TypeNode newType = nm->mkArrayType(indexType, constituentType);
- Node n = nm->mkSkolem(top.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr()) + "'",
- newType, "an array variable introduced by Boolean-term conversion",
- NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
- top.setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), n);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed: " << n << " of type " << newType << endl;
- Node n_ff = nm->mkNode(kind::SELECT, n, d_ff);
- Node n_tt = nm->mkNode(kind::SELECT, n, d_tt);
- Node base = nm->mkConst(ArrayStoreAll(ArrayType(top.getType().toType()), (*TypeEnumerator(n_ff.getType())).toExpr()));
- Node repl = nm->mkNode(kind::STORE,
- nm->mkNode(kind::STORE, base, nm->mkConst(true),
- n_tt),
- nm->mkConst(false), n_ff);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "array replacement: " << top << " => " << repl << endl;
- d_smt.d_theoryEngine->getModel()->addSubstitution(top, repl);
- d_varCache[top] = n;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- } else if(indexType == t.getArrayIndexType() && constituentType != t.getArrayConstituentType()) {
- TypeNode newType = nm->mkArrayType(indexType, constituentType);
- Node n = nm->mkSkolem(top.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr()) + "'",
- newType, "an array variable introduced by Boolean-term conversion",
- NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
- top.setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), n);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed: " << n << " of type " << newType << endl;
- d_smt.d_theoryEngine->getModel()->addSubstitution(top, n);
- d_varCache[top] = n;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- } else if(indexType != t.getArrayIndexType() && constituentType != t.getArrayConstituentType()) {
- TypeNode newType = nm->mkArrayType(indexType, constituentType);
- Node n = nm->mkSkolem(top.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr()) + "'",
- newType, "an array variable introduced by Boolean-term conversion",
- NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
- top.setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), n);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed: " << n << " of type " << newType << endl;
- Node n_ff = nm->mkNode(kind::SELECT, n, d_ff);
- Node n_tt = nm->mkNode(kind::SELECT, n, d_tt);
- Node base = nm->mkConst(ArrayStoreAll(ArrayType(top.getType().toType()), nm->mkConst(false).toExpr()));
- Node repl = nm->mkNode(kind::STORE,
- nm->mkNode(kind::STORE, base, nm->mkConst(false),
- nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, n_ff, d_tt)), nm->mkConst(true),
- nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, n_tt, d_tt));
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "array replacement: " << top << " => " << repl << endl;
- d_smt.d_theoryEngine->getModel()->addSubstitution(top, repl);
- d_varCache[top] = n;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- d_varCache[top] = Node::null();
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- } else if(t.isDatatype() || t.isParametricDatatype()) {
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "found a var of datatype type" << endl;
- TypeNode newT = convertType(t, parentTheory == theory::THEORY_DATATYPES);
- if(t != newT) {
- Assert(d_varCache.find(top) == d_varCache.end(),
- "Node `%s' already in cache ?!", top.toString().c_str());
- Node n = nm->mkSkolem(top.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr()) + "'",
- newT, "a datatype variable introduced by Boolean-term conversion",
- NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "adding subs: " << top << " :=> " << n << endl;
- top.setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), n);
- d_smt.d_theoryEngine->getModel()->addSubstitution(top, n);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed: " << n << " of type " << newT << endl;
- d_varCache[top] = n;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- } else {
- d_varCache[top] = Node::null();
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- } else if(t.isConstructor()) {
- Assert(parentTheory != theory::THEORY_BOOL);
- Assert(t[t.getNumChildren() - 1].getKind() == kind::DATATYPE_TYPE ||
- t[t.getNumChildren() - 1].getKind() == kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE);
- const Datatype& dt = t[t.getNumChildren() - 1].getKind() == kind::DATATYPE_TYPE ?
- t[t.getNumChildren() - 1].getDatatype() :
- t[t.getNumChildren() - 1][0].getDatatype();
- TypeNode dt2type = convertType(TypeNode::fromType(dt.getDatatypeType()), parentTheory == theory::THEORY_DATATYPES);
- const Datatype& dt2 = (dt2type.getKind() == kind::DATATYPE_TYPE ? dt2type : dt2type[0]).getDatatype();
- if(dt != dt2) {
- Assert(d_varCache.find(top) != d_varCache.end(),
- "constructor `%s' not in cache", top.toString().c_str());
- << d_varCache[top].get();
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- d_varCache[top] = Node::null();
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- } else if(t.isTester() || t.isSelector()) {
- Assert(parentTheory != theory::THEORY_BOOL);
- const Datatype& dt = t[0].getKind() == kind::DATATYPE_TYPE ?
- t[0].getDatatype() :
- t[0][0].getDatatype();
- TypeNode dt2type = convertType(TypeNode::fromType(dt.getDatatypeType()), parentTheory == theory::THEORY_DATATYPES);
- const Datatype& dt2 = (dt2type.getKind() == kind::DATATYPE_TYPE ? dt2type : dt2type[0]).getDatatype();
- if(dt != dt2) {
- Assert(d_varCache.find(top) != d_varCache.end(),
- "tester or selector `%s' not in cache", top.toString().c_str());
- << d_varCache[top].get();
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- } else {
- d_varCache[top] = Node::null();
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- } else if(!t.isSort() && t.getNumChildren() > 0) {
- if( t.getKind()!=kind::SEP_STAR && t.getKind()!=kind::SEP_WAND ){
- for(TypeNode::iterator i = t.begin(); i != t.end(); ++i) {
- if((*i).isBoolean()) {
- vector<TypeNode> argTypes(t.begin(), t.end());
- replace(argTypes.begin(), argTypes.end(), *i, d_tt.getType());
- TypeNode newType = nm->mkTypeNode(t.getKind(), argTypes);
- Node n = nm->mkSkolem(top.getAttribute(expr::VarNameAttr()),
- newType, "a variable introduced by Boolean-term conversion",
- NodeManager::SKOLEM_EXACT_NAME);
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed: " << n << " of type " << newType << endl;
- top.setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), n);
- d_varCache[top] = n;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- switch(k) {
- //case kind::INST_ATTRIBUTE:
- case kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST:
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- case kind::REWRITE_RULE:
- case kind::RR_REWRITE:
- case kind::RR_DEDUCTION:
- case kind::RR_REDUCTION:
- case kind::SEP_STAR:
- case kind::SEP_WAND:
- // not yet supported
- << top;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- case kind::FORALL:
- case kind::EXISTS: {
- Debug("bt") << "looking at quantifier -> " << top << endl;
- set<TNode> ourVars;
- set<TNode> output;
- for(TNode::iterator i = top[0].begin(); i != top[0].end(); ++i) {
- if((*i).getType().isBoolean()) {
- ourVars.insert(*i);
- } else if(convertType((*i).getType(), false) != (*i).getType()) {
- output.insert(*i);
- }
- }
- if(ourVars.empty() && output.empty()) {
- // Simple case, quantifier doesn't quantify over Boolean vars,
- // no special handling needed for quantifier. Fall through.
- Debug("bt") << "- quantifier simple case (1), no Boolean vars bound" << endl;
- } else {
- hash_set< pair<TNode, bool>, PairHashFunction<TNode, bool, TNodeHashFunction, BoolHashFunction> > alreadySeen;
- collectVarsInTermContext(top[1], ourVars, output, true, alreadySeen);
- if(output.empty()) {
- // Simple case, quantifier quantifies over Boolean vars, but they
- // don't occur in term context. Fall through.
- Debug("bt") << "- quantifier simple case (2), Boolean vars bound but not used in term context" << endl;
- } else {
- Debug("bt") << "- quantifier case (3), Boolean vars bound and used in term context" << endl;
- // We have Boolean vars appearing in term context. Convert their
- // types in the quantifier.
- for(set<TNode>::const_iterator i = output.begin(); i != output.end(); ++i) {
- Node newVar = nm->mkBoundVar((*i).toString(), convertType((*i).getType(), false));
- Assert(quantBoolVars.find(*i) == quantBoolVars.end(), "bad quantifier: shares a bound var with another quantifier (don't do that!)");
- quantBoolVars[*i] = newVar;
- }
- vector<TNode> boundVars;
- for(TNode::iterator i = top[0].begin(); i != top[0].end(); ++i) {
- map<TNode, Node>::const_iterator j = quantBoolVars.find(*i);
- if(j == quantBoolVars.end()) {
- boundVars.push_back(*i);
- } else {
- boundVars.push_back((*j).second);
- }
- }
- Node boundVarList = nm->mkNode(kind::BOUND_VAR_LIST, boundVars);
- Node body = rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top[1], theory::THEORY_BOOL, quantBoolVars);
- Node quant;
- if( top.getNumChildren()==3 ){
- Node ipl = rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top[2], theory::THEORY_BOOL, quantBoolVars);
- quant = nm->mkNode(top.getKind(), boundVarList, body, ipl );
- }else{
- quant = nm->mkNode(top.getKind(), boundVarList, body);
- }
- Debug("bt") << "rewrote quantifier to -> " << quant << endl;
- d_termCache[make_pair(top, theory::THEORY_BOOL)] = quant;
- d_termCache[make_pair(top, theory::THEORY_BUILTIN)] = quant.iteNode(d_tt, d_ff);
- d_termCache[make_pair(top, theory::THEORY_DATATYPES)] = quant.iteNode(d_tt, d_ff);
- << quant;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- }
- /* intentional fall-through for some cases above */
- }
- default:
- result.push(NodeBuilder<>(k));
- Debug("bt") << "looking at: " << top << endl;
- // rewrite the operator, as necessary
- if(mk == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
- if(k == kind::APPLY_TYPE_ASCRIPTION) {
- Node asc = nm->mkConst(AscriptionType(convertType(TypeNode::fromType(top.getOperator().getConst<AscriptionType>().getType()), parentTheory == theory::THEORY_DATATYPES).toType()));
- << asc;
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "setting " << top.getOperator() << ":" << top.getOperator().getId() << " to point to " << asc << ":" << asc.getId() << endl;
- asc.setAttribute(BooleanTermAttr(), top.getOperator());
- } else if(kindToTheoryId(k) != THEORY_BV &&
- k != kind::TUPLE_UPDATE &&
- k != kind::RECORD_UPDATE &&
- k != kind::DIVISIBLE &&
- // Theory parametric functions go here
- k != kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_UBV &&
- k != kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_SBV &&
- ) {
- Debug("bt") << "rewriting: " << top.getOperator() << endl;
- << rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top.getOperator(), theory::THEORY_BUILTIN, quantBoolVars);
- Debug("bt") << "got: " << << endl;
- } else {
- << top.getOperator();
- }
- }
- // push children
- for(int i = top.getNumChildren() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- Debug("bt") << "rewriting: " << top[i] << endl;
- worklist.push(triple<TNode, theory::TheoryId, bool>(top[i], top.getKind() == kind::CHAIN ? parentTheory : ((isBoolean(top, i) || top.getKind()==kind::INST_ATTRIBUTE) ? theory::THEORY_BOOL : (top.getKind() == kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR ? theory::THEORY_DATATYPES : theory::THEORY_BUILTIN)), false));
- //b << rewriteBooleanTermsRec(top[i], isBoolean(top, i) ? , quantBoolVars);
- //Debug("bt") << "got: " << b[b.getNumChildren() - 1] << endl;
- }
- childrenPushed = true;
- }
- } else {
- Node n =;
- result.pop();
- Debug("boolean-terms") << "constructed: " << n << " of type " << n.getType() << endl;
- if(parentTheory == theory::THEORY_BOOL) {
- if(n.getType().isBitVector() &&
- n.getType().getBitVectorSize() == 1) {
- n = nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, n, d_tt);
- } else if(n.getType().isDatatype() &&
- n.getType().hasAttribute(BooleanTermAttr())) {
- n = nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, n, d_ttDt);
- }
- }
- d_termCache[make_pair(top, parentTheory)] = n;
- << n;
- worklist.pop();
- goto next_worklist;
- }
- next_worklist:
- ;
- }
- Assert(worklist.size() == 0);
- Assert(result.size() == 1);
- Node retval =[0];
- result.pop();
- return retval;
-}/* BooleanTermConverter::rewriteBooleanTermsRec() */
}/* CVC4::smt namespace */
}/* CVC4 namespace */
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback