path: root/src/prop/minisat/simp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/prop/minisat/simp/')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/src/prop/minisat/simp/ b/src/prop/minisat/simp/
index b6d194631..e59d73be0 100644
--- a/src/prop/minisat/simp/
+++ b/src/prop/minisat/simp/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-MiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson
+Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson
+Copyright (c) 2007, Niklas Sorensson
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <stdint.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <zlib.h>
-#include "SimpSolver.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#include <ctime>
-static inline double cpuTime(void) {
- return (double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
-#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-static inline double cpuTime(void) {
- struct rusage ru;
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
- return (double)ru.ru_utime.tv_sec + (double)ru.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000; }
-#if defined(__linux__)
-static inline int memReadStat(int field)
- char name[256];
- pid_t pid = getpid();
- sprintf(name, "/proc/%d/statm", pid);
- FILE* in = fopen(name, "rb");
- if (in == NULL) return 0;
- int value;
- for (; field >= 0; field--)
- fscanf(in, "%d", &value);
- fclose(in);
- return value;
-static inline uint64_t memUsed() { return (uint64_t)memReadStat(0) * (uint64_t)getpagesize(); }
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
-static inline uint64_t memUsed(void) {
- struct rusage ru;
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
- return ru.ru_maxrss*1024; }
-static inline uint64_t memUsed() { return 0; }
-#if defined(__linux__)
-#include <fpu_control.h>
+#include "utils/System.h"
+#include "utils/ParseUtils.h"
+#include "utils/Options.h"
+#include "core/Dimacs.h"
+#include "simp/SimpSolver.h"
+using namespace Minisat;
-// DIMACS Parser:
-#define CHUNK_LIMIT 1048576
-class StreamBuffer {
- gzFile in;
- char buf[CHUNK_LIMIT];
- int pos;
- int size;
- void assureLookahead() {
- if (pos >= size) {
- pos = 0;
- size = gzread(in, buf, sizeof(buf)); } }
- StreamBuffer(gzFile i) : in(i), pos(0), size(0) {
- assureLookahead(); }
- int operator * () { return (pos >= size) ? EOF : buf[pos]; }
- void operator ++ () { pos++; assureLookahead(); }
-//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-template<class B>
-static void skipWhitespace(B& in) {
- while ((*in >= 9 && *in <= 13) || *in == 32)
- ++in; }
-template<class B>
-static void skipLine(B& in) {
- for (;;){
- if (*in == EOF || *in == '\0') return;
- if (*in == '\n') { ++in; return; }
- ++in; } }
-template<class B>
-static int parseInt(B& in) {
- int val = 0;
- bool neg = false;
- skipWhitespace(in);
- if (*in == '-') neg = true, ++in;
- else if (*in == '+') ++in;
- if (*in < '0' || *in > '9') reportf("PARSE ERROR! Unexpected char: %c\n", *in), exit(3);
- while (*in >= '0' && *in <= '9')
- val = val*10 + (*in - '0'),
- ++in;
- return neg ? -val : val; }
-template<class B>
-static void readClause(B& in, SimpSolver& S, vec<Lit>& lits) {
- int parsed_lit, var;
- lits.clear();
- for (;;){
- parsed_lit = parseInt(in);
- if (parsed_lit == 0) break;
- var = abs(parsed_lit)-1;
- while (var >= S.nVars()) S.newVar();
- lits.push( (parsed_lit > 0) ? Lit(var) : ~Lit(var) );
- }
-template<class B>
-static bool match(B& in, char* str) {
- for (; *str != 0; ++str, ++in)
- if (*str != *in)
- return false;
- return true;
+void printStats(Solver& solver)
+ double cpu_time = cpuTime();
+ double mem_used = memUsedPeak();
+ printf("restarts : %"PRIu64"\n", solver.starts);
+ printf("conflicts : %-12"PRIu64" (%.0f /sec)\n", solver.conflicts , solver.conflicts /cpu_time);
+ printf("decisions : %-12"PRIu64" (%4.2f %% random) (%.0f /sec)\n", solver.decisions, (float)solver.rnd_decisions*100 / (float)solver.decisions, solver.decisions /cpu_time);
+ printf("propagations : %-12"PRIu64" (%.0f /sec)\n", solver.propagations, solver.propagations/cpu_time);
+ printf("conflict literals : %-12"PRIu64" (%4.2f %% deleted)\n", solver.tot_literals, (solver.max_literals - solver.tot_literals)*100 / (double)solver.max_literals);
+ if (mem_used != 0) printf("Memory used : %.2f MB\n", mem_used);
+ printf("CPU time : %g s\n", cpu_time);
-template<class B>
-static void parse_DIMACS_main(B& in, SimpSolver& S) {
- vec<Lit> lits;
- for (;;){
- skipWhitespace(in);
- if (*in == EOF) break;
- else if (*in == 'p'){
- if (match(in, "p cnf")){
- int vars = parseInt(in);
- int clauses = parseInt(in);
- reportf("| Number of variables: %-12d |\n", vars);
- reportf("| Number of clauses: %-12d |\n", clauses);
- // SATRACE'06 hack
- if (clauses > 4000000)
- S.eliminate(true);
- }else{
- reportf("PARSE ERROR! Unexpected char: %c\n", *in), exit(3);
- }
- } else if (*in == 'c' || *in == 'p')
- skipLine(in);
- else{
- readClause(in, S, lits);
- S.addClause(lits); }
- }
+static Solver* solver;
+// Terminate by notifying the solver and back out gracefully. This is mainly to have a test-case
+// for this feature of the Solver as it may take longer than an immediate call to '_exit()'.
+static void SIGINT_interrupt(int signum) { solver->interrupt(); }
-// Inserts problem into solver.
-static void parse_DIMACS(gzFile input_stream, SimpSolver& S) {
- StreamBuffer in(input_stream);
- parse_DIMACS_main(in, S); }
-void printStats(Solver& S)
- double cpu_time = cpuTime();
- uint64_t mem_used = memUsed();
- reportf("restarts : %lld\n", S.starts);
- reportf("conflicts : %-12lld (%.0f /sec)\n", S.conflicts , S.conflicts /cpu_time);
- reportf("decisions : %-12lld (%4.2f %% random) (%.0f /sec)\n", S.decisions, (float)S.rnd_decisions*100 / (float)S.decisions, S.decisions /cpu_time);
- reportf("propagations : %-12lld (%.0f /sec)\n", S.propagations, S.propagations/cpu_time);
- reportf("conflict literals : %-12lld (%4.2f %% deleted)\n", S.tot_literals, (S.max_literals - S.tot_literals)*100 / (double)S.max_literals);
- if (mem_used != 0) reportf("Memory used : %.2f MB\n", mem_used / 1048576.0);
- reportf("CPU time : %g s\n", cpu_time);
-SimpSolver* solver;
-static void SIGINT_handler(int signum) {
- reportf("\n"); reportf("*** INTERRUPTED ***\n");
- printStats(*solver);
- reportf("\n"); reportf("*** INTERRUPTED ***\n");
- exit(1); }
+// Note that '_exit()' rather than 'exit()' has to be used. The reason is that 'exit()' calls
+// destructors and may cause deadlocks if a malloc/free function happens to be running (these
+// functions are guarded by locks for multithreaded use).
+static void SIGINT_exit(int signum) {
+ printf("\n"); printf("*** INTERRUPTED ***\n");
+ if (solver->verbosity > 0){
+ printStats(*solver);
+ printf("\n"); printf("*** INTERRUPTED ***\n"); }
+ _exit(1); }
// Main:
-void printUsage(char** argv)
- reportf("USAGE: %s [options] <input-file> <result-output-file>\n\n where input may be either in plain or gzipped DIMACS.\n\n", argv[0]);
- reportf("OPTIONS:\n\n");
- reportf(" -pre = {none,once}\n");
- reportf(" -asymm\n");
- reportf(" -rcheck\n");
- reportf(" -grow = <num> [ >0 ]\n");
- reportf(" -polarity-mode = {true,false,rnd}\n");
- reportf(" -decay = <num> [ 0 - 1 ]\n");
- reportf(" -rnd-freq = <num> [ 0 - 1 ]\n");
- reportf(" -dimacs = <output-file>\n");
- reportf(" -verbosity = {0,1,2}\n");
- reportf("\n");
-typedef enum { pre_none, pre_once, pre_repeat } preprocessMode;
-const char* hasPrefix(const char* str, const char* prefix)
- int len = strlen(prefix);
- if (strncmp(str, prefix, len) == 0)
- return str + len;
- else
- return NULL;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
- reportf("This is MiniSat 2.0 beta\n");
+ try {
+ setUsageHelp("USAGE: %s [options] <input-file> <result-output-file>\n\n where input may be either in plain or gzipped DIMACS.\n");
+ // printf("This is MiniSat 2.0 beta\n");
#if defined(__linux__)
- fpu_control_t oldcw, newcw;
- _FPU_GETCW(oldcw); newcw = (oldcw & ~_FPU_EXTENDED) | _FPU_DOUBLE; _FPU_SETCW(newcw);
- reportf("WARNING: for repeatability, setting FPU to use double precision\n");
+ fpu_control_t oldcw, newcw;
+ _FPU_GETCW(oldcw); newcw = (oldcw & ~_FPU_EXTENDED) | _FPU_DOUBLE; _FPU_SETCW(newcw);
+ printf("WARNING: for repeatability, setting FPU to use double precision\n");
- preprocessMode pre = pre_once;
- const char* dimacs = NULL;
- const char* freeze = NULL;
- SimpSolver S;
- S.verbosity = 1;
- // This just grew and grew, and I didn't have time to do sensible argument parsing yet :)
- //
- int i, j;
- const char* value;
- for (i = j = 0; i < argc; i++){
- if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-polarity-mode="))){
- if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0)
- S.polarity_mode = Solver::polarity_true;
- else if (strcmp(value, "false") == 0)
- S.polarity_mode = Solver::polarity_false;
- else if (strcmp(value, "rnd") == 0)
- S.polarity_mode = Solver::polarity_rnd;
- else{
- reportf("ERROR! unknown polarity-mode %s\n", value);
- exit(0); }
- }else if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-rnd-freq="))){
- double rnd;
- if (sscanf(value, "%lf", &rnd) <= 0 || rnd < 0 || rnd > 1){
- reportf("ERROR! illegal rnd-freq constant %s\n", value);
- exit(0); }
- S.random_var_freq = rnd;
- }else if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-decay="))){
- double decay;
- if (sscanf(value, "%lf", &decay) <= 0 || decay <= 0 || decay > 1){
- reportf("ERROR! illegal decay constant %s\n", value);
- exit(0); }
- S.var_decay = 1 / decay;
- }else if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-verbosity="))){
- int verbosity = (int)strtol(value, NULL, 10);
- if (verbosity == 0 && errno == EINVAL){
- reportf("ERROR! illegal verbosity level %s\n", value);
- exit(0); }
- S.verbosity = verbosity;
- }else if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-pre="))){
- if (strcmp(value, "none") == 0)
- pre = pre_none;
- else if (strcmp(value, "once") == 0)
- pre = pre_once;
- else if (strcmp(value, "repeat") == 0){
- pre = pre_repeat;
- reportf("ERROR! preprocessing mode \"repeat\" is not supported at the moment.\n");
- exit(0);
- }else{
- reportf("ERROR! unknown preprocessing mode %s\n", value);
- exit(0); }
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-asymm") == 0){
- S.asymm_mode = true;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-rcheck") == 0){
- S.redundancy_check = true;
- }else if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-grow="))){
- int grow = (int)strtol(value, NULL, 10);
- if (grow == 0 && errno == EINVAL){
- reportf("ERROR! illegal grow constant %s\n", &argv[i][6]);
- exit(0); }
- S.grow = grow;
- }else if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-dimacs="))){
- dimacs = value;
- }else if ((value = hasPrefix(argv[i], "-freeze="))){
- freeze = value;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0){
- printUsage(argv);
- exit(0);
- }else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-", 1) == 0){
- reportf("ERROR! unknown flag %s\n", argv[i]);
- exit(0);
- }else
- argv[j++] = argv[i];
- }
- argc = j;
- double cpu_time = cpuTime();
+ // Extra options:
+ //
+ IntOption verb ("MAIN", "verb", "Verbosity level (0=silent, 1=some, 2=more).", 1, IntRange(0, 2));
+ BoolOption pre ("MAIN", "pre", "Completely turn on/off any preprocessing.", true);
+ StringOption dimacs ("MAIN", "dimacs", "If given, stop after preprocessing and write the result to this file.");
+ IntOption cpu_lim("MAIN", "cpu-lim","Limit on CPU time allowed in seconds.\n", INT32_MAX, IntRange(0, INT32_MAX));
+ IntOption mem_lim("MAIN", "mem-lim","Limit on memory usage in megabytes.\n", INT32_MAX, IntRange(0, INT32_MAX));
+ parseOptions(argc, argv, true);
+ SimpSolver S;
+ double initial_time = cpuTime();
+ if (!pre) S.eliminate(true);
+ S.verbosity = verb;
+ solver = &S;
+ // Use signal handlers that forcibly quit until the solver will be able to respond to
+ // interrupts:
+ signal(SIGINT, SIGINT_exit);
+ signal(SIGXCPU,SIGINT_exit);
+ // Set limit on CPU-time:
+ if (cpu_lim != INT32_MAX){
+ rlimit rl;
+ getrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, &rl);
+ if (rl.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY || (rlim_t)cpu_lim < rl.rlim_max){
+ rl.rlim_cur = cpu_lim;
+ if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, &rl) == -1)
+ printf("WARNING! Could not set resource limit: CPU-time.\n");
+ } }
+ // Set limit on virtual memory:
+ if (mem_lim != INT32_MAX){
+ rlim_t new_mem_lim = (rlim_t)mem_lim * 1024*1024;
+ rlimit rl;
+ getrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rl);
+ if (rl.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY || new_mem_lim < rl.rlim_max){
+ rl.rlim_cur = new_mem_lim;
+ if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rl) == -1)
+ printf("WARNING! Could not set resource limit: Virtual memory.\n");
+ } }
+ if (argc == 1)
+ printf("Reading from standard input... Use '--help' for help.\n");
+ gzFile in = (argc == 1) ? gzdopen(0, "rb") : gzopen(argv[1], "rb");
+ if (in == NULL)
+ printf("ERROR! Could not open file: %s\n", argc == 1 ? "<stdin>" : argv[1]), exit(1);
+ if (S.verbosity > 0){
+ printf("============================[ Problem Statistics ]=============================\n");
+ printf("| |\n"); }
+ parse_DIMACS(in, S);
+ gzclose(in);
+ FILE* res = (argc >= 3) ? fopen(argv[2], "wb") : NULL;
+ if (S.verbosity > 0){
+ printf("| Number of variables: %12d |\n", S.nVars());
+ printf("| Number of clauses: %12d |\n", S.nClauses()); }
+ double parsed_time = cpuTime();
+ if (S.verbosity > 0)
+ printf("| Parse time: %12.2f s |\n", parsed_time - initial_time);
+ // Change to signal-handlers that will only notify the solver and allow it to terminate
+ // voluntarily:
+ signal(SIGINT, SIGINT_interrupt);
+ signal(SIGXCPU,SIGINT_interrupt);
- if (pre == pre_none)
- solver = &S;
- signal(SIGINT,SIGINT_handler);
- signal(SIGHUP,SIGINT_handler);
- if (argc == 1)
- reportf("Reading from standard input... Use '-h' or '--help' for help.\n");
- gzFile in = (argc == 1) ? gzdopen(0, "rb") : gzopen(argv[1], "rb");
- if (in == NULL)
- reportf("ERROR! Could not open file: %s\n", argc == 1 ? "<stdin>" : argv[1]), exit(1);
- reportf("============================[ Problem Statistics ]=============================\n");
- reportf("| |\n");
- parse_DIMACS(in, S);
- gzclose(in);
- FILE* res = (argc >= 3) ? fopen(argv[2], "wb") : NULL;
- double parse_time = cpuTime() - cpu_time;
- reportf("| Parsing time: %-12.2f s |\n", parse_time);
- /*HACK: Freeze variables*/
- if (freeze != NULL && pre != pre_none){
- int count = 0;
- FILE* in = fopen(freeze, "rb");
- for(;;){
- Var x;
- fscanf(in, "%d", &x);
- if (x == 0) break;
- x--;
- /**/assert(S.n_occ[toInt(Lit(x))] + S.n_occ[toInt(~Lit(x))] != 0);
- /**/assert(S.value(x) == l_Undef);
- S.setFrozen(x, true);
- count++;
+ double simplified_time = cpuTime();
+ if (S.verbosity > 0){
+ printf("| Simplification time: %12.2f s |\n", simplified_time - parsed_time);
+ printf("| |\n"); }
+ if (!S.okay()){
+ if (res != NULL) fprintf(res, "UNSAT\n"), fclose(res);
+ if (S.verbosity > 0){
+ printf("===============================================================================\n");
+ printf("Solved by simplification\n");
+ printStats(S);
+ printf("\n"); }
+ printf("UNSATISFIABLE\n");
+ exit(20);
- fclose(in);
- reportf("| Frozen vars : %-12.0f |\n", (double)count);
- }
- /*END*/
- if (!S.simplify()){
- reportf("Solved by unit propagation\n");
- if (res != NULL) fprintf(res, "UNSAT\n"), fclose(res);
- printf("UNSATISFIABLE\n");
- exit(20);
- }
- if (dimacs){
- if (pre != pre_none)
- S.eliminate(true);
- reportf("==============================[ Writing DIMACS ]===============================\n");
- S.toDimacs(dimacs);
- printStats(S);
- exit(0);
- }else{
- bool ret = S.solve(true, true);
- printStats(S);
- reportf("\n");
+ if (dimacs){
+ if (S.verbosity > 0)
+ printf("==============================[ Writing DIMACS ]===============================\n");
+ S.toDimacs((const char*)dimacs);
+ if (S.verbosity > 0)
+ printStats(S);
+ exit(0);
+ }
- printf(ret ? "SATISFIABLE\n" : "UNSATISFIABLE\n");
+ vec<Lit> dummy;
+ lbool ret = S.solveLimited(dummy);
+ if (S.verbosity > 0){
+ printStats(S);
+ printf("\n"); }
+ printf(ret == l_True ? "SATISFIABLE\n" : ret == l_False ? "UNSATISFIABLE\n" : "INDETERMINATE\n");
if (res != NULL){
- if (ret){
+ if (ret == l_True){
fprintf(res, "SAT\n");
for (int i = 0; i < S.nVars(); i++)
if (S.model[i] != l_Undef)
fprintf(res, "%s%s%d", (i==0)?"":" ", (S.model[i]==l_True)?"":"-", i+1);
fprintf(res, " 0\n");
- }else
+ }else if (ret == l_False)
fprintf(res, "UNSAT\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(res, "INDET\n");
#ifdef NDEBUG
- exit(ret ? 10 : 20); // (faster than "return", which will invoke the destructor for 'Solver')
+ exit(ret == l_True ? 10 : ret == l_False ? 20 : 0); // (faster than "return", which will invoke the destructor for 'Solver')
+ return (ret == l_True ? 10 : ret == l_False ? 20 : 0);
+ } catch (OutOfMemoryException&){
+ printf("===============================================================================\n");
+ printf("INDETERMINATE\n");
+ exit(0);
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contact with questions or feedback