path: root/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/XorFinder.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/XorFinder.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/XorFinder.cpp b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/XorFinder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b82430e9..000000000
--- a/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/XorFinder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-CryptoMiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2009 Mate Soos
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#include "XorFinder.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <utility>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "Solver.h"
-#include "VarReplacer.h"
-#include "ClauseCleaner.h"
-#include "time_mem.h"
-//#define VERBOSE_DEBUG
-using namespace CMSat;
-using std::make_pair;
-XorFinder::XorFinder(Solver& _solver, vec<Clause*>& _cls) :
- cls(_cls)
- , solver(_solver)
-bool XorFinder::fullFindXors(const uint32_t minSize, const uint32_t maxSize)
- uint32_t sumLengths = 0;
- double time = cpuTime();
- foundXors = 0;
- solver.clauseCleaner->cleanClauses(solver.clauses, ClauseCleaner::clauses);
- if (!solver.ok) return false;
- toRemove.clear();
- toRemove.resize(cls.size(), false);
- toLeaveInPlace.clear();
- toLeaveInPlace.resize(cls.size(), false);
- table.clear();
- table.reserve(cls.size());
- for (Clause **it = cls.getData(), **end = cls.getDataEnd(); it != end; it ++) {
- if (it+1 != end) __builtin_prefetch(*(it+1));
- Clause& c = (**it);
- assert((*it)->size() > 2);
- bool sorted = true;
- for (uint32_t i = 0, size = c.size(); i+1 < size ; i++) {
- sorted = (c[i].var() <= c[i+1].var());
- if (!sorted) break;
- }
- if (!sorted) {
- solver.detachClause(c);
- std::sort(c.getData(), c.getDataEnd());
- solver.attachClause(c);
- }
- }
- uint32_t i = 0;
- for (Clause **it = cls.getData(), **end = cls.getDataEnd(); it != end; it++, i++) {
- const uint32_t size = (*it)->size();
- if ( size > maxSize || size < minSize) {
- toLeaveInPlace[i] = true;
- continue;
- }
- table.push_back(make_pair(*it, i));
- }
- std::sort(table.begin(), table.end(), clause_sorter_primary());
- if (!findXors(sumLengths)) goto end;
- solver.ok = (solver.propagate<true>().isNULL());
- if (solver.conf.verbosity >= 1 || (solver.conf.verbosity >= 1 && foundXors > 0)) {
- printf("c Finding non-binary XORs: %5.2f s (found: %7d, avg size: %3.1f)\n", cpuTime()-time, foundXors, (double)sumLengths/(double)foundXors);
- }
- i = 0;
- uint32_t j = 0;
- uint32_t toSkip = 0;
- for (uint32_t end = cls.size(); i != end; i++) {
- if (toLeaveInPlace[i]) {
- cls[j] = cls[i];
- j++;
- toSkip++;
- continue;
- }
- if (!toRemove[table[i-toSkip].second]) {
- cls[j] = table[i-toSkip].first;
- j++;
- }
- }
- cls.shrink(i-j);
- return solver.ok;
-@brief Finds xors in clauseTable -- datastructures must already be set up
-Identifies sets of clauses of the same length and variable content, and then
-tries to merge them into an XOR.
-bool XorFinder::findXors(uint32_t& sumLengths)
- cout << "Finding Xors started" << endl;
- #endif
- sumLengths = 0;
- ClauseTable::iterator begin = table.begin();
- ClauseTable::iterator end = table.begin();
- vec<Lit> lits;
- bool impair;
- while (getNextXor(begin, end, impair)) {
- const Clause& c = *(begin->first);
- lits.clear();
- for (const Lit *it = &c[0], *cend = it+c.size() ; it != cend; it++) {
- lits.push(Lit(it->var(), false));
- }
- cout << "- Found clauses:" << endl;
- #endif
- for (ClauseTable::iterator it = begin; it != end; it++) {
- //This clause belongs to the xor we found?
- //(i.e. does it have the correct number of inverted literals?)
- if (impairSigns(*it->first) == impair){
- it->first->plainPrint();
- #endif
- toRemove[it->second] = true;
- solver.removeClause(*it->first);
- }
- }
- assert(lits.size() > 2);
- XorClause* x = solver.addXorClauseInt(lits, impair);
- if (x != NULL) solver.xorclauses.push(x);
- if (!solver.ok) return false;
- cout << "- Final xor-clause: " << x << std::endl;;
- #endif
- foundXors++;
- sumLengths += lits.size();
- }
- return solver.ok;
-@brief Moves to the next set of begin&end pointers that contain an xor
-@p begin[inout] start searching here in XorFinder::table
-@p end[inout] end iterator of XorFinder::table until which the xor spans
-bool XorFinder::getNextXor(ClauseTable::iterator& begin, ClauseTable::iterator& end, bool& impair)
- ClauseTable::iterator tableEnd = table.end();
- while(begin != tableEnd && end != tableEnd) {
- begin = end;
- end++;
- uint32_t size = (end == tableEnd ? 0:1);
- while(end != tableEnd && clause_vareq(begin->first, end->first)) {
- size++;
- end++;
- }
- if (size > 0 && isXor(size, begin, end, impair))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-@brief Returns if the two clauses are equal
-NOTE: assumes that the clauses are of equal lenght AND contain the same
-variables (but the invertedness of the literals might differ)
-bool XorFinder::clauseEqual(const Clause& c1, const Clause& c2) const
- assert(c1.size() == c2.size());
- for (uint32_t i = 0, size = c1.size(); i < size; i++)
- if (c1[i].sign() != c2[i].sign()) return false;
- return true;
-@brief Returns whether the number of inverted literals in the clause is pair or impair
-bool XorFinder::impairSigns(const Clause& c) const
- uint32_t num = 0;
- for (const Lit *it = &c[0], *end = it + c.size(); it != end; it++)
- num += it->sign();
- return num % 2;
-@brief Gets as input a set of clauses of equal size and variable content, decides if there is an XOR in them
-@param impair If there is an XOR, this tells if that XOR contains an impair
-number of inverted literal or not
-@return True, if ther is an XOR, and False if not
-bool XorFinder::isXor(const uint32_t size, const ClauseTable::iterator& begin, const ClauseTable::iterator& end, bool& impair)
- const uint32_t requiredSize = 1 << (begin->first->size()-1);
- //Note: "size" can be larger than requiredSize, since there might be
- //a mix of imparied and paired num. inverted literals, and furthermore,
- //clauses might be repeated
- if (size < requiredSize) return false;
- {
- vec<Var> vars;
- Clause& c = *begin->first;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
- vars.push(c[i].var());
- for (ClauseTable::iterator it = begin; it != end; it++) {
- Clause& c = *it->first;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
- assert(vars[i] == c[i].var());
- }
- clause_sorter_primary sorter;
- for (ClauseTable::iterator it = begin; it != end; it++) {
- ClauseTable::iterator it2 = it;
- it2++;
- if (it2 == end) break;
- assert(!sorter(*it2, *it));
- }
- }
- #endif //DEBUG_XORFIND
- //We now sort them according to literal content
- std::sort(begin, end, clause_sorter_secondary());
- uint32_t numPair = 0;
- uint32_t numImpair = 0;
- countImpairs(begin, end, numImpair, numPair);
- //if there are two XORs with equal variable sets, but different invertedness
- //that leads to direct UNSAT result.
- if (numImpair == requiredSize && numPair == requiredSize) {
- solver.ok = false;
- impair = true;
- return true;
- }
- if (numImpair == requiredSize) {
- impair = true;
- return true;
- }
- if (numPair == requiredSize) {
- impair = false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-@brief Counts number of negations in the literals in clauses between begin&end, and returns the number of clauses with pair, and impair literals
-void XorFinder::countImpairs(const ClauseTable::iterator& begin, const ClauseTable::iterator& end, uint32_t& numImpair, uint32_t& numPair) const
- numImpair = 0;
- numPair = 0;
- ClauseTable::const_iterator it = begin;
- ClauseTable::const_iterator it2 = begin;
- it2++;
- bool impair = impairSigns(*it->first);
- numImpair += impair;
- numPair += !impair;
- for (; it2 != end;) {
- if (!clauseEqual(*it->first, *it2->first)) {
- bool impair = impairSigns(*it2->first);
- numImpair += impair;
- numPair += !impair;
- }
- it++;
- it2++;
- }
-@brief Converts all xor clauses to normal clauses
-Sometimes it's not worth the hassle of having xor clauses and normal clauses.
-This function converts xor clauses to normal clauses, and removes the normal
-\todo It currently only works for 3- and 4-long clauses. Larger clauses should
-also be handled.
-void XorFinder::addAllXorAsNorm()
- uint32_t added = 0;
- XorClause **i = solver.xorclauses.getData(), **j = i;
- for (XorClause **end = solver.xorclauses.getDataEnd(); i != end; i++) {
- if ((*i)->size() > 3) {
- *j++ = *i;
- continue;
- }
- added++;
- if ((*i)->size() == 3) addXorAsNormal3(**i);
- //if ((*i)->size() == 4) addXorAsNormal4(**i);
- solver.removeClause(**i);
- }
- solver.xorclauses.shrink(i-j);
- if (solver.conf.verbosity >= 1) {
- std::cout << "c Added XOR as norm:" << added << std::endl;
- }
-@brief Utility function for addAllXorAsNorm() for converting 3-long xor clauses to normal clauses
-\todo clean this up, it's ugly
-void XorFinder::addXorAsNormal3(XorClause& c)
- assert(c.size() == 3);
- Clause *tmp;
- vec<Var> vars;
- const bool inverted = c.xorEqualFalse();
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) {
- vars.push(c[i].var());
- }
- vec<Lit> vars2;
- vars2.growTo(3);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], false ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2.growTo(3);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], false ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2.growTo(3);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], true ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2.growTo(3);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], true ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
-@brief Utility function for addAllXorAsNorm() for converting 4-long xor clauses to normal clauses
-\todo clean this up, it's ugly
-void XorFinder::addXorAsNormal4(XorClause& c)
- assert(c.size() == 4);
- Clause *tmp;
- vec<Var> vars;
- vec<Lit> vars2(c.size());
- const bool inverted = !c.xorEqualFalse();
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) {
- vars.push(c[i].var());
- }
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], true ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], false ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], false ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], true ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], true ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], true ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], false ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], true ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
- vars2[0] = Lit(vars[0], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[1] = Lit(vars[1], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[2] = Lit(vars[2], true ^ inverted);
- vars2[3] = Lit(vars[3], false ^ inverted);
- tmp = solver.addClauseInt(vars2);
- if (tmp) solver.clauses.push(tmp);
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