path: root/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Subsumer.h
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diff --git a/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Subsumer.h b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Subsumer.h
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index 000000000..24a7da927
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+++ b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/Subsumer.h
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+SatELite -- (C) Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson, 2004
+CryptoMiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2009 Mate Soos
+Original code by SatELite authors are under an MIT licence.
+Modifications for CryptoMiniSat are under GPLv3.
+#include "Solver.h"
+#include "CSet.h"
+#include "BitArray.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <queue>
+namespace CMSat {
+using std::vector;
+using std::list;
+using std::map;
+using std::priority_queue;
+class ClauseCleaner;
+class OnlyNonLearntBins;
+class TouchList
+ public:
+ void resize(uint32_t size)
+ {
+ touched.resize(size, 0);
+ }
+ void addOne(Var var)
+ {
+ assert(touched.size() == var);
+ touched.push_back(1);
+ touchedList.push_back(var);
+ }
+ void touch(Lit lit, const bool learnt)
+ {
+ if (!learnt) touch(lit.var());
+ }
+ void touch(Var var)
+ {
+ if (!touched[var]) {
+ touchedList.push_back(var);
+ touched[var]= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ touchedList.clear();
+ std::fill(touched.begin(), touched.end(), 0);
+ }
+ uint32_t size() const
+ {
+ return touchedList.size();
+ }
+ vector<Var>::const_iterator begin() const
+ {
+ return touchedList.begin();
+ }
+ vector<Var>::const_iterator end() const
+ {
+ return touchedList.end();
+ }
+ private:
+ vector<Var> touchedList;
+ vector<char> touched;
+@brief Handles subsumption, self-subsuming resolution, variable elimination, and related algorithms
+There are two main functions in this class, simplifyBySubsumption() and subsumeWithBinaries().
+The first one is the most important of the two: it performs everything, except manipuation
+with non-existing binary clauses. The second does self-subsuming resolution with existing binary
+clauses, and then does self-subsuming resolution and subsumption with binary clauses that don't exist
+and never will exist: they are temporarily "created" (memorised), and used by subsume0BIN().
+class Subsumer
+ //Construct-destruct
+ Subsumer(Solver& S2);
+ //Called from main
+ bool simplifyBySubsumption();
+ void newVar();
+ //UnElimination
+ void extendModel(Solver& solver2);
+ bool unEliminate(const Var var);
+ //Get-functions
+ const vec<char>& getVarElimed() const;
+ uint32_t getNumElimed() const;
+ bool checkElimedUnassigned() const;
+ double getTotalTime() const;
+ const map<Var, vector<vector<Lit> > >& getElimedOutVar() const;
+ const map<Var, vector<std::pair<Lit, Lit> > >& getElimedOutVarBin() const;
+ /*bool subsumeWithBinTri();
+ bool subsumeWithBinTri(
+ vec<Clause*>& cls
+ , bool learnt
+ , uint32_t& subsumed_bin_num
+ , uint32_t& subsumed_tri_num
+ , uint32_t& lit_rem_bin
+ , uint32_t& lit_rem_tri
+ );*/
+ friend class ClauseCleaner;
+ friend class ClauseAllocator;
+ //Main
+ /**
+ @brief Clauses to be treated are moved here ClauseSimp::index refers to the index of the clause here
+ */
+ vec<ClauseSimp> clauses;
+ TouchList touchedVars; ///<Is set to true when a variable is part of a removed clause. Also true initially (upon variable creation).
+ CSet cl_touched; ///<Clauses strengthened/added
+ vec<vec<ClauseSimp> > occur; ///<occur[index(lit)]' is a list of constraints containing 'lit'.
+ vec<CSet* > iter_sets; ///<Sets currently used in iterations.
+ vec<char> cannot_eliminate;///<Variables that cannot be eliminated due to, e.g. XOR-clauses
+ vec<char> seen_tmp; ///<Used in various places to help perform algorithms
+ //Global stats
+ Solver& solver; ///<The solver this simplifier is connected to
+ vec<char> var_elimed; ///<Contains TRUE if var has been eliminated
+ double totalTime; ///<Total time spent in this class
+ uint32_t numElimed; ///<Total number of variables eliminated
+ map<Var, vector<vector<Lit> > > elimedOutVar; ///<Contains the clauses to use to uneliminate a variable
+ map<Var, vector<std::pair<Lit, Lit> > > elimedOutVarBin; ///<Contains the clauses to use to uneliminate a variable
+ //Limits
+ uint64_t addedClauseLits;
+ uint32_t numVarsElimed; ///<Number of variables elimed in this run
+ int64_t numMaxSubsume1; ///<Max. number self-subsuming resolution tries to do this run
+ int64_t numMaxSubsume0; ///<Max. number backward-subsumption tries to do this run
+ int64_t numMaxElim; ///<Max. number of variable elimination tries to do this run
+ int32_t numMaxElimVars;
+ int64_t numMaxBlockToVisit; ///<Max. number variable-blocking clauses to visit to do this run
+ uint32_t numMaxBlockVars; ///<Max. number variable-blocking tries to do this run
+ //Start-up
+ uint64_t addFromSolver(vec<Clause*>& cs);
+ void fillCannotEliminate();
+ void clearAll();
+ void setLimits();
+ bool subsume0AndSubsume1();
+ vec<char> ol_seenPos;
+ vec<char> ol_seenNeg;
+ //Finish-up
+ void freeMemory();
+ void addBackToSolver();
+ void removeWrong(vec<Clause*>& cs);
+ void removeWrongBinsAndAllTris();
+ void removeAssignedVarsFromEliminated();
+ //Iterations
+ void registerIteration (CSet& iter_set) { iter_sets.push(&iter_set); }
+ void unregisterIteration(CSet& iter_set) { remove(iter_sets, &iter_set); }
+ //Used by cleaner
+ void unlinkClause(ClauseSimp cc, const Var elim = var_Undef);
+ ClauseSimp linkInClause(Clause& cl);
+ //Findsubsumed
+ template<class T>
+ void findSubsumed(const T& ps, const uint32_t abst, vec<ClauseSimp>& out_subsumed);
+ template<class T>
+ void findSubsumed1(const T& ps, uint32_t abs, vec<ClauseSimp>& out_subsumed, vec<Lit>& out_lits);
+ template<class T>
+ void fillSubs(const T& ps, uint32_t abs, vec<ClauseSimp>& out_subsumed, vec<Lit>& out_lits, const Lit lit);
+ template<class T2>
+ bool subset(const uint32_t aSize, const T2& B);
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ Lit subset1(const T1& A, const T2& B);
+ bool subsetAbst(uint32_t A, uint32_t B);
+ //binary clause-subsumption
+ struct BinSorter {
+ bool operator()(const Watched& first, const Watched& second)
+ {
+ assert(first.isBinary() || first.isTriClause());
+ assert(second.isBinary() || second.isTriClause());
+ if (first.isTriClause() && second.isTriClause()) return false;
+ if (first.isBinary() && second.isTriClause()) return true;
+ if (second.isBinary() && first.isTriClause()) return false;
+ assert(first.isBinary() && second.isBinary());
+ if (first.getOtherLit().toInt() < second.getOtherLit().toInt()) return true;
+ if (first.getOtherLit().toInt() > second.getOtherLit().toInt()) return false;
+ if (first.getLearnt() == second.getLearnt()) return false;
+ if (!first.getLearnt()) return true;
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ void subsumeBinsWithBins();
+ //subsume0
+ struct subsume0Happened {
+ bool subsumedNonLearnt;
+ uint32_t glue;
+ float act;
+ };
+ /**
+ @brief Sort clauses according to size
+ */
+ struct sortBySize
+ {
+ bool operator () (const Clause* x, const Clause* y)
+ {
+ return (x->size() < y->size());
+ }
+ };
+ void subsume0(Clause& ps);
+ template<class T>
+ subsume0Happened subsume0Orig(const T& ps, uint32_t abs);
+ void subsume0Touched();
+ //subsume1
+ class NewBinaryClause
+ {
+ public:
+ NewBinaryClause(const Lit _lit1, const Lit _lit2, const bool _learnt) :
+ lit1(_lit1), lit2(_lit2), learnt(_learnt)
+ {};
+ const Lit lit1;
+ const Lit lit2;
+ const bool learnt;
+ };
+ list<NewBinaryClause> clBinTouched; ///<Binary clauses strengthened/added
+ bool handleClBinTouched();
+ void subsume1(Clause& ps);
+ bool subsume1(vec<Lit>& ps, const bool wasLearnt);
+ void strenghten(ClauseSimp& c, const Lit toRemoveLit);
+ bool cleanClause(Clause& ps);
+ bool cleanClause(vec<Lit>& ps) const;
+ void handleSize1Clause(const Lit lit);
+ /*bool subsWNonExitsBinsFullFull();
+ bool subsWNonExistBinsFull();
+ bool subsWNonExistBins(const Lit& lit, OnlyNonLearntBins* OnlyNonLearntBins);
+ uint64_t extraTimeNonExist;
+ bool subsNonExistentFinish;
+ vec<Lit> toVisit;
+ vec<char> toVisitAll;*/
+ //Variable elimination
+ /**
+ @brief Struct used to compare variable elimination difficulties
+ Used to order variables according to their difficulty of elimination. Used by
+ the std::sort() function. in \function orderVarsForElim()
+ */
+ struct myComp {
+ bool operator () (const std::pair<int, Var>& x, const std::pair<int, Var>& y) {
+ return x.first < y.first;
+ }
+ };
+ class ClAndBin {
+ public:
+ ClAndBin(ClauseSimp& cl) :
+ clsimp(cl)
+ , lit1(lit_Undef)
+ , lit2(lit_Undef)
+ , isBin(false)
+ {}
+ ClAndBin(const Lit _lit1, const Lit _lit2) :
+ clsimp(NULL, 0)
+ , lit1(_lit1)
+ , lit2(_lit2)
+ , isBin(true)
+ {}
+ ClauseSimp clsimp;
+ Lit lit1;
+ Lit lit2;
+ bool isBin;
+ };
+ void orderVarsForElim(vec<Var>& order);
+ uint32_t numNonLearntBins(const Lit lit) const;
+ bool maybeEliminate(Var x);
+ void removeClauses(vec<ClAndBin>& posAll, vec<ClAndBin>& negAll, const Var var);
+ void removeClausesHelper(vec<ClAndBin>& todo, const Var var, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& removed);
+ bool merge(const ClAndBin& ps, const ClAndBin& qs, const Lit without_p, const Lit without_q, vec<Lit>& out_clause);
+ bool eliminateVars();
+ void fillClAndBin(vec<ClAndBin>& all, vec<ClauseSimp>& cs, const Lit lit);
+ //Subsume with Nonexistent Bins
+ struct BinSorter2 {
+ bool operator()(const Watched& first, const Watched& second)
+ {
+ assert(first.isBinary() || first.isTriClause());
+ assert(second.isBinary() || second.isTriClause());
+ if (first.isTriClause() && second.isTriClause()) return false;
+ if (first.isBinary() && second.isTriClause()) return true;
+ if (second.isBinary() && first.isTriClause()) return false;
+ assert(first.isBinary() && second.isBinary());
+ if (first.getLearnt() && !second.getLearnt()) return true;
+ if (!first.getLearnt() && second.getLearnt()) return false;
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ void subsume0BIN(const Lit lit, const vec<char>& lits, const uint32_t abst);
+ uint32_t doneNum;
+ //Blocked clause elimination
+ class VarOcc {
+ public:
+ VarOcc(const Var& v, const uint32_t num) :
+ var(v)
+ , occurnum(num)
+ {}
+ Var var;
+ uint32_t occurnum;
+ };
+ struct MyComp {
+ bool operator() (const VarOcc& l1, const VarOcc& l2) const {
+ return l1.occurnum > l2.occurnum;
+ }
+ };
+ void blockedClauseRemoval();
+ template<class T>
+ bool allTautology(const T& ps, const Lit lit);
+ uint32_t numblockedClauseRemoved;
+ bool tryOneSetting(const Lit lit);
+ priority_queue<VarOcc, vector<VarOcc>, MyComp> touchedBlockedVars;
+ vec<char> touchedBlockedVarsBool;
+ void touchBlockedVar(const Var x);
+ void blockedClauseElimAll(const Lit lit);
+ //validity checking
+ bool verifyIntegrity();
+ uint32_t clauses_subsumed; ///<Number of clauses subsumed in this run
+ uint32_t literals_removed; ///<Number of literals removed from clauses through self-subsuming resolution in this run
+ uint32_t numCalls; ///<Number of times simplifyBySubsumption() has been called
+ uint32_t clauseID; ///<We need to have clauseIDs since clauses don't natively have them. The ClauseID is stored by ClauseSimp, which also stores a pointer to the clause
+template <class T, class T2>
+void maybeRemove(vec<T>& ws, const T2& elem)
+ if (ws.size() > 0)
+ removeW(ws, elem);
+@brief Put varible in touchedBlockedVars
+call it when the number of occurrences of this variable changed.
+inline void Subsumer::touchBlockedVar(const Var x)
+ if (!touchedBlockedVarsBool[x]) {
+ touchedBlockedVars.push(VarOcc(x, occur[Lit(x, false).toInt()].size()*occur[Lit(x, true).toInt()].size()));
+ touchedBlockedVarsBool[x] = 1;
+ }
+@brief Decides only using abstraction if clause A could subsume clause B
+@note: It can give false positives. Never gives false negatives.
+For A to subsume B, everything that is in A MUST be in B. So, if (A & ~B)
+contains even one bit, it means that A contains something that B doesn't. So
+A may be a subset of B only if (A & ~B) == 0
+inline bool Subsumer::subsetAbst(const uint32_t A, const uint32_t B)
+ return !(A & ~B);
+//A subsumes B (A is <= B)
+template<class T2>
+bool Subsumer::subset(const uint32_t aSize, const T2& B)
+ uint32_t num = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i != B.size(); i++) {
+ num += seen_tmp[B[i].toInt()];
+ }
+ return num == aSize;
+@brief Decides if A subsumes B, or if not, if A could strenghten B
+@note: Assumes 'seen' is cleared (will leave it cleared)
+Helper function findSubsumed1. Does two things in one go:
+1) decides if clause A could subsume clause B
+1) decides if clause A could be used to perform self-subsuming resoltuion on
+clause B
+@return lit_Error, if neither (1) or (2) is true. Returns lit_Undef (1) is true,
+and returns the literal to remove if (2) is true
+template<class T1, class T2>
+Lit Subsumer::subset1(const T1& A, const T2& B)
+ Lit retLit = lit_Undef;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i != B.size(); i++)
+ seen_tmp[B[i].toInt()] = 1;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i != A.size(); i++) {
+ if (!seen_tmp[A[i].toInt()]) {
+ if (retLit == lit_Undef && seen_tmp[(~A[i]).toInt()])
+ retLit = ~A[i];
+ else {
+ retLit = lit_Error;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end:
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i != B.size(); i++)
+ seen_tmp[B[i].toInt()] = 0;
+ return retLit;
+@brief New var has been added to the solver
+@note: MUST be called if a new var has been added to the solver
+Adds occurrence list places, increments seen_tmp, etc.
+inline void Subsumer::newVar()
+ occur .push();
+ occur .push();
+ seen_tmp .push(0); // (one for each polarity)
+ seen_tmp .push(0);
+ touchedVars .addOne(solver.nVars()-1);
+ var_elimed .push(0);
+ touchedBlockedVarsBool.push(0);
+ cannot_eliminate.push(0);
+ ol_seenPos.push(1);
+ ol_seenPos.push(1);
+ ol_seenNeg.push(1);
+ ol_seenNeg.push(1);
+inline const map<Var, vector<vector<Lit> > >& Subsumer::getElimedOutVar() const
+ return elimedOutVar;
+inline const map<Var, vector<std::pair<Lit, Lit> > >& Subsumer::getElimedOutVarBin() const
+ return elimedOutVarBin;
+inline const vec<char>& Subsumer::getVarElimed() const
+ return var_elimed;
+inline uint32_t Subsumer::getNumElimed() const
+ return numElimed;
+inline double Subsumer::getTotalTime() const
+ return totalTime;
+#endif //SIMPLIFIER_H
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