path: root/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/FailedLitSearcher.cpp
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diff --git a/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/FailedLitSearcher.cpp b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/FailedLitSearcher.cpp
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index a847c5e09..000000000
--- a/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/FailedLitSearcher.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-CryptoMiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2009 Mate Soos
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#include "FailedLitSearcher.h"
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <utility>
-#include <set>
-#include "Solver.h"
-#include "ClauseCleaner.h"
-#include "time_mem.h"
-#include "VarReplacer.h"
-#include "ClauseCleaner.h"
-#include "StateSaver.h"
-#include "CompleteDetachReattacher.h"
-using namespace CMSat;
-using std::make_pair;
-using std::set;
-@brief Sets up variables that are used between calls to search()
-FailedLitSearcher::FailedLitSearcher(Solver& _solver):
- solver(_solver)
- , tmpPs(2)
- , totalTime(0)
- , numPropsMultiplier(1.0)
- , lastTimeFoundTruths(0)
- , numCalls(0)
- lastTimeStopped = solver.mtrand.randInt(solver.nVars());
-@brief Initialises datastructures for 2-long xor finding by shortening longer xors
-void FailedLitSearcher::addFromSolver(const vec< XorClause* >& cs)
- xorClauseSizes.clear();
- xorClauseSizes.growTo(cs.size());
- occur.resize(solver.nVars());
- for (Var var = 0; var < solver.nVars(); var++) {
- occur[var].clear();
- }
- uint32_t i = 0;
- for (XorClause * const*it = cs.getData(), * const*end = it + cs.size(); it != end; it++, i++) {
- if (it+1 != end) __builtin_prefetch(*(it+1));
- const XorClause& cl = **it;
- xorClauseSizes[i] = cl.size();
- for (const Lit *l = cl.getData(), *end2 = l + cl.size(); l != end2; l++) {
- occur[l->var()].push_back(i);
- }
- }
-@brief Remove the assinged vars from the xors added by addFromSolver()
-The thus shortened xors are then treated if they are 2-long and if they
-appear twice: by propagating "var" and by propagating "~var"
-inline void FailedLitSearcher::removeVarFromXors(const Var var)
- vector<uint32_t>& occ = occur[var];
- if (occ.empty()) return;
- for (uint32_t *it = &occ[0], *end = it + occ.size(); it != end; it++) {
- xorClauseSizes[*it]--;
- if (!xorClauseTouched[*it]) {
- xorClauseTouched.setBit(*it);
- investigateXor.push(*it);
- }
- }
-@brief Undoes what removeVarFromXors() has done
-inline void FailedLitSearcher::addVarFromXors(const Var var)
- vector<uint32_t>& occ = occur[var];
- if (occ.empty()) return;
- for (uint32_t *it = &occ[0], *end = it + occ.size(); it != end; it++) {
- xorClauseSizes[*it]++;
- }
-@brief Returns the 2-long xor clause that has been made of the longer xor-clause under current assignement
-We KNOW that the xorclause "c" passed as a parameter must be 2-long. We just
-need it so that we can work with it. We KNOW it's 2-long because of the
-data structures and functions in place
-@p[in] c MUST be a 2-long xor clause under current assignement
-FailedLitSearcher::TwoLongXor FailedLitSearcher::getTwoLongXor(const XorClause& c)
- TwoLongXor tmp;
- uint32_t num = 0;
- tmp.inverted = c.xorEqualFalse();
- for(const Lit *l = c.getData(), *end = l + c.size(); l != end; l++) {
- if (solver.assigns[l->var()] == l_Undef) {
- assert(num < 2);
- tmp.var[num] = l->var();
- num++;
- } else {
- tmp.inverted ^= (solver.assigns[l->var()] == l_True);
- }
- }
- if (num != 2) {
- std::cout << "Num:" << num << std::endl;
- c.plainPrint();
- }
- #endif
- std::sort(&tmp.var[0], &tmp.var[0]+2);
- assert(num == 2);
- return tmp;
-@brief The main function. Initialises data and calls tryBoth() for heavy-lifting
-It sets up the ground for tryBoth() and calls it as many times as it sees fit.
-One afther the other, the different optimisations' data structures are
-initialised, and their limits are set. Then tryBoth is called in two different
-forms: somewhat sequentially on varaibles x...z and then on randomly picked
-bool FailedLitSearcher::search()
- assert(solver.decisionLevel() == 0);
- if (solver.nVars() == 0) return solver.ok;
- uint64_t numProps = 130 * 1000000;
- uint64_t numPropsDifferent = (double)numProps*2.0;
- solver.testAllClauseAttach();
- double myTime = cpuTime();
- uint32_t origHeapSize = solver.order_heap.size();
- StateSaver savedState(solver);
- Heap<Solver::VarOrderLt> order_heap_copy(solver.order_heap); //for hyperbin
- //General Stats
- numFailed = 0;
- goodBothSame = 0;
- numCalls++;
- //If failed var searching is going good, do successively more and more of it
- if ((double)lastTimeFoundTruths > (double)solver.order_heap.size() * 0.10) numPropsMultiplier = std::max(numPropsMultiplier*1.3, 2.0);
- else numPropsMultiplier = 1.0;
- numProps = (uint64_t) ((double)numProps * numPropsMultiplier * solver.conf.failedLitMultiplier);
- //For BothSame
- propagated.resize(solver.nVars(), 0);
- propValue.resize(solver.nVars(), 0);
- //For calculating how many variables have really been set
- origTrailSize = solver.trail.size();
- //For 2-long xor (rule 6 of Equivalent literal propagation in the DLL procedure by Chu-Min Li)
- toReplaceBefore = solver.varReplacer->getNewToReplaceVars();
- lastTrailSize = solver.trail.size();
- binXorFind = true;
- twoLongXors.clear();
- if (solver.xorclauses.size() < 5 ||
- solver.xorclauses.size() > 30000 ||
- solver.order_heap.size() > 30000 ||
- solver.nClauses() > 100000)
- binXorFind = false;
- if (binXorFind) {
- solver.clauseCleaner->cleanClauses(solver.xorclauses, ClauseCleaner::xorclauses);
- addFromSolver(solver.xorclauses);
- }
- xorClauseTouched.resize(solver.xorclauses.size(), 0);
- newBinXor = 0;
- //For 2-long xor through Le Berre paper
- bothInvert = 0;
- //For HyperBin
- addedBin = 0;
- unPropagatedBin.resize(solver.nVars(), 0);
- needToVisit.resize(solver.nVars(), 0);
- dontRemoveAncestor.resize(solver.nVars(), 0);
- hyperbinProps = 0;
- maxHyperBinProps = numProps/4;
- if (solver.order_heap.size() < 20000)
- maxHyperBinProps*=2;
- removedUselessLearnt = 0;
- removedUselessNonLearnt = 0;
- //uint32_t fromBin;
- origProps = solver.propagations;
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < solver.nVars(); i++) {
- Var var = (lastTimeStopped + i) % solver.nVars();
- if (solver.assigns[var] != l_Undef || !solver.decision_var[var])
- continue;
- if (solver.propagations >= origProps + numProps)
- break;
- if (!tryBoth(Lit(var, false), Lit(var, true)))
- goto end;
- }
- lastTimeStopped = (lastTimeStopped + i) % solver.nVars();
- origProps = solver.propagations;
- while (!order_heap_copy.empty()) {
- Var var = order_heap_copy.removeMin();
- if (solver.assigns[var] != l_Undef || !solver.decision_var[var])
- continue;
- if (solver.propagations >= origProps + numPropsDifferent) {
- break;
- }
- if (!tryBoth(Lit(var, false), Lit(var, true)))
- goto end;
- }
- if (solver.conf.verbosity >= 1) printResults(myTime);
- solver.order_heap.filter(Solver::VarFilter(solver));
- if (solver.ok && (numFailed || goodBothSame)) {
- double time = cpuTime();
- if ((int)origHeapSize - (int)solver.order_heap.size() > (int)origHeapSize/15 && solver.nClauses() + solver.learnts.size() > 500000) {
- CompleteDetachReatacher reattacher(solver);
- reattacher.detachNonBinsNonTris(true);
- const bool ret = reattacher.reattachNonBins();
- release_assert(ret == true);
- } else {
- solver.clauseCleaner->removeAndCleanAll();
- }
- if (solver.conf.verbosity >= 1 && numFailed + goodBothSame > 100) {
- std::cout << "c Cleaning up after failed var search: " << std::setw(8) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << cpuTime() - time << " s "
- << std::endl;
- }
- }
- lastTimeFoundTruths = solver.trail.size() - origTrailSize;
- totalTime += cpuTime() - myTime;
- savedState.restore();
- solver.testAllClauseAttach();
- return solver.ok;
-@brief Prints results of failed litaral probing
-1) Num failed lits
-2) Num lits that have been propagated by both "var" and "~var"
-3) 2-long Xor clauses that have been found because when propagating "var" and
- "~var", they have been produced by normal xor-clauses shortening to this xor
- clause
-4) If var1 propagates var2 and ~var1 propagates ~var2, then var=var2, and this
- is a 2-long XOR clause
-5) Number of propagations
-6) Time in seconds
-void FailedLitSearcher::printResults(const double myTime) const
- std::cout << "c Flit: "<< std::setw(5) << numFailed <<
- " Blit: " << std::setw(6) << goodBothSame <<
- " bXBeca: " << std::setw(4) << newBinXor <<
- " bXProp: " << std::setw(4) << bothInvert <<
- " Bins:" << std::setw(7) << addedBin <<
- " BRemL:" << std::setw(7) << removedUselessLearnt <<
- " BRemN:" << std::setw(7) << removedUselessNonLearnt <<
- " P: " << std::setw(4) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << (double)(solver.propagations - origProps)/1000000.0 << "M"
- " T: " << std::setw(5) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << cpuTime() - myTime
- << std::endl;
-@brief The main function of search() doing almost everything in this class
-Tries to branch on both lit1 and lit2 and then both-propagates them, fail-lits
-them, and hyper-bin resolves them, etc. It is imperative that from the
-SAT point of view, EITHER lit1 or lit2 MUST hold. So, if lit1 = ~lit2, it's OK.
-Also, if there is a binary clause 'lit1 or lit2' it's also OK.
-bool FailedLitSearcher::tryBoth(const Lit lit1, const Lit lit2)
- if (binXorFind) {
- if (lastTrailSize < solver.trail.size()) {
- for (uint32_t i = lastTrailSize; i != solver.trail.size(); i++) {
- removeVarFromXors(solver.trail[i].var());
- }
- }
- lastTrailSize = solver.trail.size();
- xorClauseTouched.setZero();
- investigateXor.clear();
- }
- propagated.removeThese(propagatedBitSet);
- assert(propagated.isZero());
- #endif
- propagatedBitSet.clear();
- twoLongXors.clear();
- bothSame.clear();
- binXorToAdd.clear();
- assert(propagatedVars.empty());
- assert(unPropagatedBin.isZero());
- dontRemoveAncestor.isZero();
- assert(uselessBin.empty());
- #endif
- solver.newDecisionLevel();
- solver.uncheckedEnqueueLight(lit1);
- failed = (!solver.propagate<false>(false).isNULL());
- if (failed) {
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- numFailed++;
- solver.uncheckedEnqueue(~lit1);
- solver.ok = (solver.propagate<false>(false).isNULL());
- if (!solver.ok) return false;
- return true;
- }
- assert(solver.decisionLevel() > 0);
- Solver::TransCache& lit1OTFCache = solver.transOTFCache[(~lit1).toInt()];
- if (solver.conf.doCacheOTFSSR) {
- lit1OTFCache.conflictLastUpdated = solver.conflicts;
- lit1OTFCache.lits.clear();
- }
- for (int c = solver.trail.size()-1; c >= (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; c--) {
- Var x = solver.trail[c].var();
- propagated.setBit(x);
- propagatedBitSet.push_back(x);
- if (solver.conf.doHyperBinRes) {
- unPropagatedBin.setBit(x);
- propagatedVars.push(x);
- }
- if (solver.assigns[x].getBool()) propValue.setBit(x);
- else propValue.clearBit(x);
- if (binXorFind) removeVarFromXors(x);
- if (solver.conf.doCacheOTFSSR && c != (int)solver.trail_lim[0]) {
- lit1OTFCache.lits.push_back(solver.trail[c]);
- }
- }
- if (binXorFind) {
- for (uint32_t *it = investigateXor.getData(), *end = investigateXor.getDataEnd(); it != end; it++) {
- if (xorClauseSizes[*it] == 2)
- twoLongXors.insert(getTwoLongXor(*solver.xorclauses[*it]));
- }
- for (int c = solver.trail.size()-1; c >= (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; c--) {
- addVarFromXors(solver.trail[c].var());
- }
- xorClauseTouched.setZero();
- investigateXor.clear();
- }
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- //Hyper-binary resolution, and its accompanying data-structure cleaning
- if (solver.conf.doHyperBinRes) {
- if (hyperbinProps < maxHyperBinProps) hyperBinResolution(lit1);
- unPropagatedBin.removeThese(propagatedVars);
- propagatedVars.clear();
- }
- assert(propagatedVars.empty());
- assert(unPropagatedBin.isZero());
- solver.newDecisionLevel();
- solver.uncheckedEnqueueLight(lit2);
- failed = (!solver.propagate<false>(false).isNULL());
- if (failed) {
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- numFailed++;
- solver.uncheckedEnqueue(~lit2);
- solver.ok = (solver.propagate<false>(false).isNULL());
- if (!solver.ok) return false;
- return true;
- }
- assert(solver.decisionLevel() > 0);
- Solver::TransCache& lit2OTFCache = solver.transOTFCache[(~lit2).toInt()];
- if (solver.conf.doCacheOTFSSR) {
- lit2OTFCache.conflictLastUpdated = solver.conflicts;
- lit2OTFCache.lits.clear();
- }
- for (int c = solver.trail.size()-1; c >= (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; c--) {
- Var x = solver.trail[c].var();
- if (propagated[x]) {
- if (propValue[x] == solver.assigns[x].getBool()) {
- //they both imply the same
- bothSame.push(Lit(x, !propValue[x]));
- } else if (c != (int)solver.trail_lim[0]) {
- bool invert;
- if (lit1.var() == lit2.var()) {
- assert(lit1.sign() == false && lit2.sign() == true);
- tmpPs[0] = Lit(lit1.var(), false);
- tmpPs[1] = Lit(x, false);
- invert = propValue[x];
- } else {
- tmpPs[0] = Lit(lit1.var(), false);
- tmpPs[1] = Lit(lit2.var(), false);
- invert = lit1.sign() ^ lit2.sign();
- }
- binXorToAdd.push_back(BinXorToAdd(tmpPs[0], tmpPs[1], invert));
- bothInvert += solver.varReplacer->getNewToReplaceVars() - toReplaceBefore;
- toReplaceBefore = solver.varReplacer->getNewToReplaceVars();
- }
- }
- if (solver.conf.doHyperBinRes) {
- unPropagatedBin.setBit(x);
- propagatedVars.push(x);
- }
- if (solver.assigns[x].getBool()) propValue.setBit(x);
- else propValue.clearBit(x);
- if (binXorFind) removeVarFromXors(x);
- if (solver.conf.doCacheOTFSSR && c != (int)solver.trail_lim[0]) {
- lit2OTFCache.lits.push_back(solver.trail[c]);
- }
- }
- //We now add the two-long xors that have been found through longer
- //xor-shortening
- if (binXorFind) {
- if (twoLongXors.size() > 0) {
- for (uint32_t *it = investigateXor.getData(), *end = it + investigateXor.size(); it != end; it++) {
- if (xorClauseSizes[*it] == 2) {
- TwoLongXor tmp = getTwoLongXor(*solver.xorclauses[*it]);
- if (twoLongXors.find(tmp) != twoLongXors.end()) {
- tmpPs[0] = Lit(tmp.var[0], false);
- tmpPs[1] = Lit(tmp.var[1], false);
- binXorToAdd.push_back(BinXorToAdd(tmpPs[0], tmpPs[1], tmp.inverted));
- newBinXor += solver.varReplacer->getNewToReplaceVars() - toReplaceBefore;
- toReplaceBefore = solver.varReplacer->getNewToReplaceVars();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (int c = solver.trail.size()-1; c >= (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; c--) {
- addVarFromXors(solver.trail[c].var());
- }
- }
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- if (solver.conf.doHyperBinRes) {
- if (hyperbinProps < maxHyperBinProps) hyperBinResolution(lit2);
- unPropagatedBin.removeThese(propagatedVars);
- propagatedVars.clear();
- }
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i != bothSame.size(); i++) {
- solver.uncheckedEnqueue(bothSame[i]);
- }
- goodBothSame += bothSame.size();
- solver.ok = (solver.propagate<false>(false).isNULL());
- if (!solver.ok) return false;
- if (solver.conf.doBXor) {
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < binXorToAdd.size(); i++) {
- tmpPs[0] = binXorToAdd[i].lit1;
- tmpPs[1] = binXorToAdd[i].lit2;
- solver.addXorClauseInt(tmpPs, binXorToAdd[i].isEqualFalse);
- tmpPs.clear();
- tmpPs.growTo(2);
- if (!solver.ok) return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-@brief Adds hyper-binary clauses
-At this point, unPropagatedBin is set, and propagatedVars is filled with lits
-that have been propagated. Here, we propagate ONLY at the binary level,
-and compare with propagatedVars and unPropagatedBin. If they match, it's OK. If
-not, then we add the relevant binary clauses at the right point. The "right"
-point is the point which has the highest in-degree. We approximated the degrees
-beforehand with orderLits()
-void FailedLitSearcher::hyperBinResolution(const Lit lit)
- std::cout << "Checking one BTC vs UP" << std::endl;
- #endif //VERBOSE_DEBUG
- assert(needToVisit.isZero());
- uint64_t oldProps = solver.propagations;
- vec<Lit> toVisit;
- uint64_t extraTime = 0;
- solver.newDecisionLevel();
- solver.uncheckedEnqueueLight2(lit, 0, lit_Undef, false);
- failed = (!solver.propagateBin(uselessBin).isNULL());
- assert(!failed);
- if (solver.conf.doRemUselessLBins && !uselessBin.empty()) {
- for (const Lit *it = uselessBin.getData(), *end = uselessBin.getDataEnd(); it != end; it++) {
- if (dontRemoveAncestor[it->var()]) continue;
- extraTime +=[lit.toInt()].size()/2;
- extraTime +=[(~*it).toInt()].size()/2;
- if (findWBin(, ~lit, *it, true)) {
- removeWBin([lit.toInt()], *it, true);
- removeWBin([(~*it).toInt()], ~lit, true);
- solver.learnts_literals -= 2;
- solver.numBins--;
- removedUselessLearnt++;
- } else if (!solver.binPropData[it->var()].learntLeadHere) {
- removeWBin([lit.toInt()], *it, false);
- removeWBin([(~*it).toInt()], ~lit, false);
- solver.clauses_literals -= 2;
- solver.numBins--;
- removedUselessNonLearnt++;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- Var ancestorVar = solver.binPropData[it->var()].lev1Ancestor.var();
- dontRemoveAncestor.setBit(ancestorVar);
- toClearDontRemoveAcestor.push(ancestorVar);
- }
- dontRemoveAncestor.removeThese(toClearDontRemoveAcestor);
- toClearDontRemoveAcestor.clear();
- }
- uselessBin.clear();
- dontRemoveAncestor.isZero();
- uint64_t backupProps;
- #endif
- assert(solver.decisionLevel() > 0);
- int32_t difference = propagatedVars.size() - (solver.trail.size()-solver.trail_lim[0]);
- uint32_t propagated = solver.trail.size()-solver.trail_lim[0];
- #endif
- assert(difference >= 0);
- if (difference == 0) {
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- goto end;
- }
- for (int c = solver.trail.size()-1; c >= (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; c--) {
- Lit x = solver.trail[c];
- unPropagatedBin.clearBit(x.var());
- toVisit.push(x);
- needToVisit.setBit(x.var());
- }
- std::sort(toVisit.getData(), toVisit.getDataEnd(), LitOrder2(solver.binPropData));
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- backupProps = solver.propagations;
- if (solver.conf.doRemUselessLBins) {
- solver.newDecisionLevel();
- solver.uncheckedEnqueueLight2(lit, 0, lit_Undef, false);
- failed = (!solver.propagateBin(uselessBin).isNULL());
- uselessBin.clear();
- for (int c = solver.trail.size()-1; c >= (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; c--) {
- Lit x = solver.trail[c];
- }
- assert(!failed);
- assert(propagated == solver.trail.size()-solver.trail_lim[0]);
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- }
- solver.propagations = backupProps;
- #endif
- /*************************
- //To check that the ordering is the right way
- // --> i.e. to avoid mistake present in Glucose's ordering*/
- /*std::cout << "--------------------" << std::endl;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < toVisit.size(); i++) {
- std::cout << "i:" << std::setw(8) << i
- << " level:" << std::setw(3) << solver.binPropData[toVisit[i].var()].lev
- << " lit : " << toVisit[i]
- << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << "difference: " << difference << std::endl;
- std::cout << "--------------------" << std::endl;*/
- /***************************/
- //difference between UP and BTC is in unPropagatedBin
- for (Lit *l = toVisit.getData(), *end = toVisit.getDataEnd(); l != end; l++) {
- if (!needToVisit[l->var()]) continue;
- if (!solver.binPropData[l->var()].hasChildren) continue;
- fillImplies(*l);
- //addMyImpliesSetAsBins(*l, difference);
- for (const Var *var = myImpliesSet.getData(), *end2 = myImpliesSet.getDataEnd(); var != end2; var++) {
- /*Lit otherLit = Lit(*var, !propValue[*var]);
- std::cout << "adding Bin:" << (~*l) << " , " << otherLit << std::endl;
- std::cout << PropByFull(solver.reason[otherLit.var()], solver.failBinLit, solver.clauseAllocator) << std::endl;*/
- addBin(~*l, Lit(*var, !propValue[*var]));
- unPropagatedBin.clearBit(*var);
- difference--;
- }
- assert(difference >= 0);
- myImpliesSet.clear();
- if (difference == 0) {
- needToVisit.removeTheseLit(toVisit);
- break;
- }
- }
- assert(unPropagatedBin.isZero());
- assert(needToVisit.isZero());
- end:
- hyperbinProps += solver.propagations - oldProps + extraTime;
-@brief Fills myimplies and myimpliesSet by propagating lit at a binary level
-Used to check which variables are propagated by a certain literal when
-propagating it only at the binary level
-@p[in] the literal to be propagated at the binary level
-void FailedLitSearcher::fillImplies(const Lit lit)
- solver.newDecisionLevel();
- solver.uncheckedEnqueueLight(lit);
- failed = (!solver.propagate<false>(false).isNULL());
- assert(!failed);
- assert(solver.decisionLevel() > 0);
- for (int sublevel = solver.trail.size()-1; sublevel >= (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; sublevel--) {
- Var x = solver.trail[sublevel].var();
- needToVisit.clearBit(x);
- if (unPropagatedBin[x]) {
- myImpliesSet.push(x);
- }
- }
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
-/*void FailedLitSearcher::addMyImpliesSetAsBins(Lit lit, int32_t& difference)
- if (myImpliesSet.size() == 0) return;
- if (myImpliesSet.size() == 1) {
- Var var = myImpliesSet[0];
- Lit l2 = Lit(var, !propValue[var]);
- addBin(~lit, l2);
- unPropagatedBin.clearBit(var);
- difference--;
- return;
- }
- uint64_t backupProps = solver.propagations;
- vector<BinAddData> litsAddedEach;
- uint32_t i = 0;
- for (const Var *var = myImpliesSet.getData(), *end2 = myImpliesSet.getDataEnd(); var != end2; var++, i++) {
- Lit l2 = Lit(*var, !propValue[*var]);
- solver.newDecisionLevel();
- solver.uncheckedEnqueueLight(l2);
- failed = (!solver.propagateBin(uselessBin).isNULL());
- assert(!failed);
- uselessBin.clear();
- BinAddData addData;
- addData.lit = l2;
- assert(solver.decisionLevel() > 0);
- for (int sublevel = solver.trail.size()-1; sublevel > (int)solver.trail_lim[0]; sublevel--) {
- Lit x = solver.trail[sublevel];
- addData.lits.push_back(x);
- }
- solver.cancelUntilLight();
- litsAddedEach.push_back(addData);
- }
- std::sort(litsAddedEach.begin(), litsAddedEach.end(), BinAddDataSorter());
- while(!litsAddedEach.empty()) {
- assert(!litsAddedEach.empty());
- BinAddData b = *litsAddedEach.begin();
- litsAddedEach.erase(litsAddedEach.begin());
- addBin(~lit, b.lit);
- assert(unPropagatedBin[b.lit.var()]);
- unPropagatedBin.clearBit(b.lit.var());
- difference--;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < b.lits.size(); i++) {
- Lit alsoAddedLit = b.lits[i];
- if (unPropagatedBin[alsoAddedLit.var()]) {
- unPropagatedBin.clearBit(alsoAddedLit.var());
- difference--;
- for (vector<BinAddData>::iterator it2 = litsAddedEach.begin(); it2 != litsAddedEach.end(); it2++) {
- if (it2->lit == alsoAddedLit) {
- litsAddedEach.erase(it2);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- assert(litsAddedEach.empty());
- solver.propagations = backupProps;
-@brief Adds a learnt binary clause to the solver
-Used by hyperBinResolution() to add the newly discovered clauses
-void FailedLitSearcher::addBin(const Lit lit1, const Lit lit2)
- std::cout << "Adding extra bin: " << lit1 << " " << lit2 << std::endl;
- #endif //VERBOSE_DEBUG
- assert(solver.value(lit1) == l_Undef);
- assert(solver.value(lit2) == l_Undef);
- tmpPs[0] = lit1;
- tmpPs[1] = lit2;
- solver.addClauseInt(tmpPs, true);
- tmpPs.clear();
- tmpPs.growTo(2);
- assert(solver.ok);
- addedBin++;
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