path: root/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/ClauseAllocator.cpp
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1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/ClauseAllocator.cpp b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/ClauseAllocator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1576e7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/prop/cryptominisat/Solver/ClauseAllocator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+CryptoMiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2009 Mate Soos
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "ClauseAllocator.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits>
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "SolverTypes.h"
+#include "Clause.h"
+#include "Solver.h"
+#include "time_mem.h"
+#include "Subsumer.h"
+#include "XorSubsumer.h"
+//#include "VarReplacer.h"
+#include "Gaussian.h"
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+//For mild debug info:
+//For listing each and every clause location:
+#define MIN_LIST_SIZE (300000 * (sizeof(Clause) + 4*sizeof(Lit))/sizeof(BASE_DATA_TYPE))
+//#define MIN_LIST_SIZE (100 * (sizeof(Clause) + 4*sizeof(Lit))/sizeof(BASE_DATA_TYPE))
+#define ALLOC_GROW_MULT 8
+//We shift stuff around in Watched, so not all of 32 bits are useable.
+using namespace CMSat;
+ assert(sizeof(Clause) + 2*sizeof(Lit) >= sizeof(NewPointerAndOffset));
+@brief Frees all stacks
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataStarts.size(); i++) {
+ free(dataStarts[i]);
+ }
+@brief Allocates space&initializes a clause
+template<class T>
+Clause* ClauseAllocator::Clause_new(const T& ps, const bool learnt)
+ assert(ps.size() > 2);
+ void* mem = allocEnough(ps.size());
+ Clause* real= new (mem) Clause(ps, learnt);
+ //assert(!(ps.size() == 2 && !real->wasBin()));
+ return real;
+template Clause* ClauseAllocator::Clause_new(const vec<Lit>& ps, const bool learnt);
+template Clause* ClauseAllocator::Clause_new(const Clause& ps, const bool learnt);
+template Clause* ClauseAllocator::Clause_new(const XorClause& ps, const bool learnt);
+@brief Allocates space&initializes an xor clause
+template<class T>
+XorClause* ClauseAllocator::XorClause_new(const T& ps, const bool xorEqualFalse)
+ assert(ps.size() > 2);
+ void* mem = allocEnough(ps.size());
+ XorClause* real= new (mem) XorClause(ps, xorEqualFalse);
+ return real;
+template XorClause* ClauseAllocator::XorClause_new(const vec<Lit>& ps, const bool inverted);
+template XorClause* ClauseAllocator::XorClause_new(const XorClause& ps, const bool inverted);
+@brief Allocates space for a new clause & copies a give clause to it
+Clause* ClauseAllocator::Clause_new(Clause& c)
+ assert(c.size() > 2);
+ void* mem = allocEnough(c.size());
+ memcpy(mem, &c, sizeof(Clause)+sizeof(Lit)*c.size());
+ return (Clause*)mem;
+@brief Allocates enough space for a new clause
+It tries to add the clause to the end of any already created stacks
+if that is impossible, it creates a new stack, and adds the clause there
+void* ClauseAllocator::allocEnough(const uint32_t size) throw (std::bad_alloc)
+ assert(sizes.size() == dataStarts.size());
+ assert(maxSizes.size() == dataStarts.size());
+ assert(origClauseSizes.size() == dataStarts.size());
+ assert(size > 2 && "Clause size cannot be 2 or less, those are stored natively");
+ const uint32_t needed = sizeof(Clause) + sizeof(Lit)*size;
+ bool found = false;
+ uint32_t which = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) {
+ if (sizes[i] + needed < maxSizes[i]) {
+ found = true;
+ which = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ //Checking whether we are out of memory, because the offset that we can
+ //store is too little
+ if (dataStarts.size() == (1<<NUM_BITS_OUTER_OFFSET))
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ uint32_t nextSize; //number of BYTES to allocate
+ if (maxSizes.size() != 0) {
+ nextSize = std::min((uint32_t)(maxSizes[maxSizes.size()-1]*ALLOC_GROW_MULT), (uint32_t)MAXSIZE);
+ nextSize = std::max(nextSize, (uint32_t)MIN_LIST_SIZE*2);
+ } else {
+ nextSize = (uint32_t)MIN_LIST_SIZE;
+ }
+ assert(needed < nextSize);
+ assert(nextSize <= MAXSIZE);
+ std::cout << "c New list in ClauseAllocator. Size: " << nextSize
+ << " (maxSize: " << MAXSIZE
+ << ")" << std::endl;
+ BASE_DATA_TYPE *dataStart;
+ dataStart = (BASE_DATA_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(BASE_DATA_TYPE) * nextSize);
+ dataStarts.push(dataStart);
+ sizes.push(0);
+ maxSizes.push(nextSize);
+ origClauseSizes.push();
+ currentlyUsedSizes.push(0);
+ which = dataStarts.size()-1;
+ }
+ std::cout
+ << "selected list = " << which
+ << " size = " << sizes[which]
+ << " maxsize = " << maxSizes[which]
+ << " diff = " << maxSizes[which] - sizes[which] << std::endl;
+ assert(which != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+ Clause* pointer = (Clause*)(dataStarts[which] + sizes[which]);
+ sizes[which] += needed;
+ currentlyUsedSizes[which] += needed;
+ origClauseSizes[which].push(needed);
+ return pointer;
+@brief Given the pointer of the clause it finds a 32-bit offset for it
+Calculates the stack frame and the position of the pointer in the stack, and
+rerturns a 32-bit value that is a concatenation of these two
+ClauseOffset ClauseAllocator::getOffset(const Clause* ptr) const
+ uint32_t outerOffset = getOuterOffset(ptr);
+ uint32_t interOffset = getInterOffset(ptr, outerOffset);
+ return combineOuterInterOffsets(outerOffset, interOffset);
+@brief Combines the stack number and the internal offset into one 32-bit number
+inline ClauseOffset ClauseAllocator::combineOuterInterOffsets(const uint32_t outerOffset, const uint32_t interOffset) const
+ return (outerOffset | (interOffset << NUM_BITS_OUTER_OFFSET));
+@brief Given a pointer, finds which stack it's in
+inline uint32_t ClauseAllocator::getOuterOffset(const Clause* ptr) const
+ uint32_t which = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) {
+ if ((BASE_DATA_TYPE*)ptr >= dataStarts[i] && (BASE_DATA_TYPE*)ptr < dataStarts[i] + maxSizes[i]) {
+ which = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(which != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+ return which;
+@brief Given a pointer and its stack number, returns its position inside the stack
+inline uint32_t ClauseAllocator::getInterOffset(const Clause* ptr, uint32_t outerOffset) const
+ return ((BASE_DATA_TYPE*)ptr - dataStarts[outerOffset]);
+@brief Frees a clause
+If clause was binary, it frees it in quite a normal way. If it isn't, then it
+needs to set the data in the Clause that it has been freed, and updates the
+stack it belongs to such that the stack can now that its effectively used size
+is smaller
+NOTE: The size of claues can change. Therefore, currentlyUsedSizes can in fact
+be incorrect, since it was incremented by the ORIGINAL size of the clause, but
+when the clause is "freed", it is decremented by the POTENTIALLY SMALLER size
+of the clause. Therefore, the "currentlyUsedSizes" is an overestimation!!
+void ClauseAllocator::clauseFree(Clause* c)
+ assert(!c->getFreed());
+ c->setFreed();
+ uint32_t outerOffset = getOuterOffset(c);
+ //uint32_t interOffset = getInterOffset(c, outerOffset);
+ currentlyUsedSizes[outerOffset] -= sizeof(Clause) + c->size()*sizeof(Lit);
+ //above should be
+ //origClauseSizes[outerOffset][interOffset]
+ //but it cannot be :(
+@brief If needed, compacts stacks, removing unused clauses
+Firstly, the algorithm determines if the number of useless slots is large or
+small compared to the problem size. If it is small, it does nothing. If it is
+large, then it allocates new stacks, copies the non-freed clauses to these new
+stacks, updates all pointers and offsets, and frees the original stacks.
+void ClauseAllocator::consolidate(Solver* solver, const bool force) throw (std::bad_alloc)
+ double myTime = cpuTime();
+ checkGoodPropBy(solver);
+ #endif
+ uint32_t sum = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) {
+ sum += currentlyUsedSizes[i];
+ }
+ uint32_t sumAlloc = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) {
+ sumAlloc += sizes[i];
+ }
+ std::cout << "c ratio:" << (double)sum/(double)sumAlloc << std::endl;
+ //If re-allocation is not really neccessary, don't do it
+ //Neccesities:
+ //1) There is too much memory allocated. Re-allocation will save space
+ // Avoiding segfault (max is 16 outerOffsets, more than 10 is near)
+ //2) There is too much empty, unused space (>30%)
+ if (!force
+ && ((double)sum/(double)sumAlloc > 0.7 && sizes.size() < 10)
+ ) {
+ if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 3) {
+ std::cout << "c Not consolidating memory." << std::endl;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << "c ------ Consolidating Memory ------------" << std::endl;
+ int64_t newMaxSizeNeed = (double)sum*1.2 + MIN_LIST_SIZE;
+ std::cout << "c newMaxSizeNeed = " << newMaxSizeNeed << std::endl;
+ vec<uint32_t> newMaxSizes;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (1 << NUM_BITS_OUTER_OFFSET); i++) {
+ if (newMaxSizeNeed <= 0) break;
+ uint32_t thisMaxSize = std::min(newMaxSizeNeed, (int64_t)MAXSIZE);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ thisMaxSize = std::max(thisMaxSize, (uint32_t)MIN_LIST_SIZE);
+ } else {
+ assert(i > 0);
+ thisMaxSize = std::max(thisMaxSize, newMaxSizes[i-1]/2);
+ thisMaxSize = std::max(thisMaxSize, (uint32_t)MIN_LIST_SIZE*2);
+ }
+ newMaxSizeNeed -= thisMaxSize;
+ assert(thisMaxSize <= MAXSIZE);
+ newMaxSizes.push(thisMaxSize);
+ //because the clauses don't always fit
+ //it might occur that there is enough place in total
+ //but the very last clause would need to be fragmented
+ //over multiple lists' ends :O
+ //So this "magic" constant could take care of that....
+ //or maybe not (if _very_ large clauses are used, always
+ //bad chance, etc. :O )
+ //NOTE: the + MIN_LIST_SIZE should take care of this above at
+ // newMaxSizeNeed = sum + MIN_LIST_SIZE;
+ std::cout << "c NEW MaxSizes:" << newMaxSizes[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "c ------------------" << std::endl;
+ if (newMaxSizeNeed > 0)
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ vec<uint32_t> newSizes;
+ vec<vec<uint32_t> > newOrigClauseSizes;
+ vec<BASE_DATA_TYPE*> newDataStartsPointers;
+ vec<BASE_DATA_TYPE*> newDataStarts;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < newMaxSizes.size(); i++) {
+ newSizes.push(0);
+ newOrigClauseSizes.push();
+ BASE_DATA_TYPE* pointer;
+ pointer = (BASE_DATA_TYPE*)malloc(newMaxSizes[i]);
+ newDataStartsPointers.push(pointer);
+ newDataStarts.push(pointer);
+ }
+ vector<Clause*> clauses;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataStarts.size(); i++) {
+ uint32_t currentLoc = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i2 = 0; i2 < origClauseSizes[i].size(); i2++) {
+ Clause* oldPointer = (Clause*)(dataStarts[i] + currentLoc);
+ if (!oldPointer->getFreed()) {
+ clauses.push_back(oldPointer);
+ } else {
+ (*((NewPointerAndOffset*)(oldPointer))).newOffset = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+ }
+ currentLoc += origClauseSizes[i][i2];
+ }
+ }
+ putClausesIntoDatastruct(clauses);
+ uint32_t outerPart = 0;
+ //uint64_t skippedNum = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) {
+ Clause* clause = getClause();
+ uint32_t sizeNeeded = (sizeof(Clause) + clause->size()*sizeof(Lit))/sizeof(BASE_DATA_TYPE);
+ //Next line is needed, because in case of isRemoved()
+ //, the size of the clause could become 0, thus having less
+ // than enough space to carry the NewPointerAndOffset info
+ sizeNeeded = std::max(sizeNeeded, (uint32_t)((sizeof(Clause) + 2*sizeof(Lit))/sizeof(BASE_DATA_TYPE)));
+ if (newSizes[outerPart] + sizeNeeded > newMaxSizes[outerPart]) {
+ outerPart++;
+ assert(outerPart < newMaxSizes.size());
+ }
+ memcpy(newDataStartsPointers[outerPart], (BASE_DATA_TYPE*)clause, sizeNeeded*sizeof(BASE_DATA_TYPE));
+ NewPointerAndOffset& ptr = *((NewPointerAndOffset*)clause);
+ ptr.newOffset = combineOuterInterOffsets(outerPart, newSizes[outerPart]);
+ ptr.newPointer = (Clause*)newDataStartsPointers[outerPart];
+ newSizes[outerPart] += sizeNeeded;
+ newOrigClauseSizes[outerPart].push(sizeNeeded);
+ newDataStartsPointers[outerPart] += sizeNeeded;
+ }
+ updateAllOffsetsAndPointers(solver);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataStarts.size(); i++)
+ free(dataStarts[i]);
+ dataStarts.clear();
+ maxSizes.clear();
+ sizes.clear();
+ origClauseSizes.clear();
+ currentlyUsedSizes.clear();
+ origClauseSizes.clear();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < newMaxSizes.size(); i++) {
+ dataStarts.push(newDataStarts[i]);
+ maxSizes.push(newMaxSizes[i]);
+ sizes.push(newSizes[i]);
+ currentlyUsedSizes.push(newSizes[i]);
+ }
+ newOrigClauseSizes.moveTo(origClauseSizes);
+ if (solver->conf.verbosity >= 3) {
+ std::cout << "c Consolidated memory. Time: "
+ << cpuTime() - myTime << std::endl;
+ }
+void ClauseAllocator::putClausesIntoDatastruct(std::vector<Clause*>& clauses)
+ otherClauses.clear();
+ threeLongClauses.clear();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) {
+ Clause* c = clauses[i];
+ if (c->size() <= 3) {
+ threeLongClauses.push_back(c);
+ } else {
+ otherClauses.push_back(c);
+ }
+ }
+Clause* ClauseAllocator::getClause()
+ if (!threeLongClauses.empty()) {
+ Clause* tmp = threeLongClauses[threeLongClauses.size()-1];
+ threeLongClauses.pop_back();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ assert(!otherClauses.empty());
+ Clause* tmp = otherClauses[otherClauses.size()-1];
+ otherClauses.pop_back();
+ return tmp;
+void ClauseAllocator::checkGoodPropBy(const Solver* solver)
+ const vec<PropBy>& reason = solver->reason;
+ Var var = 0;
+ for (const PropBy *it = reason.getData(), *end = reason.getDataEnd(); it != end; it++, var++) {
+ if ((uint32_t)solver->level[var] > solver->decisionLevel()
+ || solver->level[var] == 0
+ || solver->value(var) == l_Undef
+ ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (it->isClause() && !it->isNULL()) {
+ assert(!getPointer(it->getClause())->getFreed());
+ assert(!getPointer(it->getClause())->getRemoved());
+ }
+ }
+void ClauseAllocator::updateAllOffsetsAndPointers(Solver* solver)
+ updateOffsets(solver->watches);
+ updatePointers(solver->clauses);
+ updatePointers(solver->learnts);
+ updatePointers(solver->xorclauses);
+ updatePointers(solver->freeLater);
+ updatePointers(solver->unWindGlue);
+ //No need to update varreplacer, since it only stores binary clauses that
+ //must have been allocated such as to use the pool
+ //updatePointers(solver->varReplacer->clauses, oldToNewPointer);
+ #ifdef USE_GAUSS
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < solver->gauss_matrixes.size(); i++) {
+ updatePointers(solver->gauss_matrixes[i]->xorclauses);
+ updatePointers(solver->gauss_matrixes[i]->clauses_toclear);
+ }
+ #endif //USE_GAUSS
+ vec<PropBy>& reason = solver->reason;
+ Var var = 0;
+ for (PropBy *it = reason.getData(), *end = reason.getDataEnd(); it != end; it++, var++) {
+ if ((uint32_t)solver->level[var] > solver->decisionLevel()
+ || solver->level[var] == 0
+ || solver->value(var) == l_Undef) {
+ *it = PropBy();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (it->isClause() && !it->isNULL()) {
+ assert(((NewPointerAndOffset*)(getPointer(it->getClause())))->newOffset != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+ *it = PropBy(((NewPointerAndOffset*)(getPointer(it->getClause())))->newOffset);
+ }
+ }
+@brief A dumb helper function to update offsets
+void ClauseAllocator::updateOffsets(vec<vec<Watched> >& watches)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < watches.size(); i++) {
+ vec<Watched>& list = watches[i];
+ for (vec<Watched>::iterator it = list.getData(), end = list.getDataEnd(); it != end; it++) {
+ if (!it->isClause() && !it->isXorClause()) continue;
+ if (it->isClause()) {
+ it->setNormOffset(((NewPointerAndOffset*)(getPointer(it->getNormOffset())))->newOffset);
+ } else {
+ it->setXorOffset(((NewPointerAndOffset*)(getPointer(it->getXorOffset())))->newOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@brief A dumb helper function to update pointers
+template<class T>
+void ClauseAllocator::updatePointers(vec<T*>& toUpdate)
+ for (T **it = toUpdate.getData(), **end = toUpdate.getDataEnd(); it != end; it++) {
+ if (*it != NULL) {
+ *it = (T*)(((NewPointerAndOffset*)(*it))->newPointer);
+ }
+ }
+@brief A dumb helper function to update pointers
+void ClauseAllocator::updatePointers(vector<Clause*>& toUpdate)
+ for (vector<Clause*>::iterator it = toUpdate.begin(), end = toUpdate.end(); it != end; it++) {
+ *it = (((NewPointerAndOffset*)(*it))->newPointer);
+ }
+@brief A dumb helper function to update pointers
+void ClauseAllocator::updatePointers(vector<XorClause*>& toUpdate)
+ for (vector<XorClause*>::iterator it = toUpdate.begin(), end = toUpdate.end(); it != end; it++) {
+ *it = (XorClause*)(((NewPointerAndOffset*)(*it))->newPointer);
+ }
+@brief A dumb helper function to update pointers
+void ClauseAllocator::updatePointers(vector<pair<Clause*, uint32_t> >& toUpdate)
+ for (vector<pair<Clause*, uint32_t> >::iterator it = toUpdate.begin(), end = toUpdate.end(); it != end; it++) {
+ it->first = (((NewPointerAndOffset*)(it->first))->newPointer);
+ }
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