path: root/src/proof/sat_proof.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/proof/sat_proof.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/src/proof/sat_proof.h b/src/proof/sat_proof.h
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- * Top contributors (to current version):
- * Liana Hadarean, Tim King, Andres Noetzli
- *
- * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
- * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
- * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
- * directory for licensing information.
- * ****************************************************************************
- *
- * Resolution proof.
- */
-#include "cvc5_private.h"
-#ifndef CVC5__SAT__PROOF_H
-#define CVC5__SAT__PROOF_H
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <set>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <vector>
-#include "context/cdhashmap.h"
-#include "context/cdmaybe.h"
-#include "expr/node.h"
-#include "proof/clause_id.h"
-#include "proof/proof_manager.h"
-#include "util/statistics_stats.h"
-// Forward declarations.
-namespace cvc5 {
-class CnfProof;
-} // namespace cvc5
-namespace cvc5 {
- * Helper debugging functions
- */
-template <class Solver>
-void printDebug(typename Solver::TLit l);
-template <class Solver>
-void printDebug(typename Solver::TClause& c);
-enum ClauseKind {
- THEORY_LEMMA, // we need to distinguish because we must reprove deleted
- // theory lemmas
-}; /* enum ClauseKind */
-template <class Solver>
-struct ResStep {
- typename Solver::TLit lit;
- ClauseId id;
- bool sign;
- ResStep(typename Solver::TLit l, ClauseId i, bool s)
- : lit(l), id(i), sign(s) {}
-}; /* struct ResStep */
-template <class Solver>
-class ResChain {
- public:
- typedef std::vector<ResStep<Solver> > ResSteps;
- typedef std::set<typename Solver::TLit> LitSet;
- ResChain(ClauseId start);
- ~ResChain();
- void addStep(typename Solver::TLit, ClauseId, bool);
- bool redundantRemoved() {
- return (d_redundantLits == NULL || d_redundantLits->empty());
- }
- void addRedundantLit(typename Solver::TLit lit);
- // accessor methods
- ClauseId getStart() const { return d_start; }
- const ResSteps& getSteps() const { return d_steps; }
- LitSet* getRedundant() const { return d_redundantLits; }
- private:
- ClauseId d_start;
- ResSteps d_steps;
- LitSet* d_redundantLits;
-}; /* class ResChain */
-template <class Solver>
-class TSatProof {
- protected:
- typedef ResChain<Solver> ResolutionChain;
- typedef std::set<typename Solver::TLit> LitSet;
- typedef std::set<typename Solver::TVar> VarSet;
- typedef std::unordered_map<ClauseId, typename Solver::TCRef> IdCRefMap;
- typedef std::unordered_map<typename Solver::TCRef, ClauseId> ClauseIdMap;
- typedef context::CDHashMap<ClauseId, typename Solver::TLit> IdUnitMap;
- typedef context::CDHashMap<int, ClauseId> UnitIdMap;
- typedef context::CDHashMap<ClauseId, ResolutionChain*> IdResMap;
- typedef std::unordered_map<ClauseId, uint64_t> IdProofRuleMap;
- typedef std::vector<ResolutionChain*> ResStack;
- typedef std::set<ClauseId> IdSet;
- typedef std::vector<typename Solver::TLit> LitVector;
- typedef std::unordered_map<ClauseId, typename Solver::TClause&>
- IdToMinisatClause;
- typedef std::unordered_map<ClauseId, LitVector*> IdToConflicts;
- public:
- TSatProof(Solver* solver, context::Context* context,
- const std::string& name, bool checkRes = false);
- ~TSatProof();
- void startResChain(typename Solver::TLit start);
- void startResChain(typename Solver::TCRef start);
- void addResolutionStep(typename Solver::TLit lit,
- typename Solver::TCRef clause, bool sign);
- /**
- * Pops the current resolution of the stack and stores it
- * in the resolution map. Also registers the 'clause' parameter
- * @param clause the clause the resolution is proving
- */
- // void endResChain(typename Solver::TCRef clause);
- void endResChain(typename Solver::TLit lit);
- void endResChain(ClauseId id);
- /**
- * Pops the current resolution of the stack *without* storing it.
- */
- void cancelResChain();
- /**
- * Stores in the current derivation the redundant literals that were
- * eliminated from the conflict clause during conflict clause minimization.
- * @param lit the eliminated literal
- */
- void storeLitRedundant(typename Solver::TLit lit);
- /// update the CRef Id maps when Minisat does memory reallocation x
- void updateCRef(typename Solver::TCRef old_ref,
- typename Solver::TCRef new_ref);
- void finishUpdateCRef();
- /**
- * Constructs the empty clause resolution from the final conflict
- *
- * @param conflict
- */
- void finalizeProof(typename Solver::TCRef conflict);
- /// clause registration methods
- ClauseId registerClause(const typename Solver::TCRef clause, ClauseKind kind);
- ClauseId registerUnitClause(const typename Solver::TLit lit, ClauseKind kind);
- void registerTrueLit(const typename Solver::TLit lit);
- void registerFalseLit(const typename Solver::TLit lit);
- ClauseId getTrueUnit() const;
- ClauseId getFalseUnit() const;
- void registerAssumption(const typename Solver::TVar var);
- ClauseId registerAssumptionConflict(const typename Solver::TLitVec& confl);
- ClauseId storeUnitConflict(typename Solver::TLit lit, ClauseKind kind);
- /**
- * Marks the deleted clauses as deleted. Note we may still use them in the
- * final
- * resolution.
- * @param clause
- */
- void markDeleted(typename Solver::TCRef clause);
- bool isDeleted(ClauseId id) { return d_deleted.find(id) != d_deleted.end(); }
- /**
- * Constructs the resolution of ~q and resolves it with the current
- * resolution thus eliminating q from the current clause
- * @param q the literal to be resolved out
- */
- void resolveOutUnit(typename Solver::TLit q);
- /**
- * Constructs the resolution of the literal lit. Called when a clause
- * containing lit becomes satisfied and is removed.
- * @param lit
- */
- void storeUnitResolution(typename Solver::TLit lit);
- /**
- * Constructs the SAT proof for the given clause,
- * by collecting the needed clauses in the d_seen
- * data-structures, also notifying the proofmanager.
- */
- void constructProof(ClauseId id);
- void constructProof() { constructProof(d_emptyClauseId); }
- void refreshProof(ClauseId id);
- void refreshProof() { refreshProof(d_emptyClauseId); }
- bool proofConstructed() const;
- void collectClauses(ClauseId id);
- bool derivedEmptyClause() const;
- prop::SatClause* buildClause(ClauseId id);
- void collectClausesUsed(IdToSatClause& inputs, IdToSatClause& lemmas);
- void storeClauseGlue(ClauseId clause, int glue);
- bool isInputClause(ClauseId id) const;
- bool isLemmaClause(ClauseId id) const;
- bool isAssumptionConflict(ClauseId id) const;
- bool hasResolutionChain(ClauseId id) const;
- /** Returns the resolution chain associated with id. Assert fails if
- * hasResolution(id) does not hold. */
- const ResolutionChain& getResolutionChain(ClauseId id) const;
- const ClauseId& getEmptyClauseId() const { return d_emptyClauseId; }
- const IdSet& getSeenLearnt() const { return d_seenLearnt; }
- const IdToConflicts& getAssumptionConflicts() const
- {
- return d_assumptionConflictsDebug;
- }
- private:
- bool isUnit(ClauseId id) const;
- typename Solver::TLit getUnit(ClauseId id) const;
- bool isUnit(typename Solver::TLit lit) const;
- ClauseId getUnitId(typename Solver::TLit lit) const;
- void createLitSet(ClauseId id, LitSet& set);
- /**
- * Registers a ClauseId with a resolution chain res.
- * Takes ownership of the memory associated with res.
- */
- void registerResolution(ClauseId id, ResolutionChain* res);
- bool hasClauseIdForCRef(typename Solver::TCRef clause) const;
- ClauseId getClauseIdForCRef(typename Solver::TCRef clause) const;
- bool hasClauseIdForLiteral(typename Solver::TLit lit) const;
- ClauseId getClauseIdForLiteral(typename Solver::TLit lit) const;
- bool hasClauseRef(ClauseId id) const;
- typename Solver::TCRef getClauseRef(ClauseId id) const;
- const typename Solver::TClause& getClause(typename Solver::TCRef ref) const;
- void getLitVec(ClauseId id, LitVector& vec);
- bool checkResolution(ClauseId id);
- /**
- * Constructs a resolution tree that proves lit
- * and returns the ClauseId for the unit clause lit
- * @param lit the literal we are proving
- *
- * @return
- */
- ClauseId resolveUnit(typename Solver::TLit lit);
- /**
- * Does a depth first search on removed literals and adds the literals
- * to be removed in the proper order to the stack.
- *
- * @param lit the literal we are recursing on
- * @param removedSet the previously computed set of redundant literals
- * @param removeStack the stack of literals in reverse order of resolution
- */
- void removedDfs(typename Solver::TLit lit, LitSet* removedSet,
- LitVector& removeStack, LitSet& inClause, LitSet& seen);
- void removeRedundantFromRes(ResChain<Solver>* res, ClauseId id);
- void print(ClauseId id) const;
- void printRes(ClauseId id) const;
- void printRes(const ResolutionChain& res) const;
- std::unordered_map<ClauseId, int> d_glueMap;
- struct Statistics {
- IntStat d_numLearnedClauses;
- IntStat d_numLearnedInProof;
- IntStat d_numLemmasInProof;
- AverageStat d_avgChainLength;
- HistogramStat<uint64_t> d_resChainLengths;
- HistogramStat<uint64_t> d_usedResChainLengths;
- HistogramStat<uint64_t> d_clauseGlue;
- HistogramStat<uint64_t> d_usedClauseGlue;
- Statistics(const std::string& name);
- };
- const ClauseId d_emptyClauseId;
- IdSet d_seenLearnt;
- IdToConflicts d_assumptionConflictsDebug;
- // Internal data.
- Solver* d_solver;
- context::Context* d_context;
- // clauses
- IdCRefMap d_idClause;
- ClauseIdMap d_clauseId;
- IdUnitMap d_idUnit;
- UnitIdMap d_unitId;
- IdHashSet d_deleted;
- IdToSatClause d_deletedTheoryLemmas;
- IdHashSet d_inputClauses;
- IdHashSet d_lemmaClauses;
- VarSet d_assumptions; // assumption literals for bv solver
- IdHashSet d_assumptionConflicts; // assumption conflicts not actually added
- // to SAT solver
- // Resolutions.
- /**
- * Map from ClauseId to resolution chain corresponding proving the
- * clause corresponding to the ClauseId. d_resolutionChains owns the
- * memory of the ResChain* it contains.
- */
- IdResMap d_resolutionChains;
- /*
- * Stack containting current ResChain* we are working on. d_resStack
- * owns the memory for the ResChain* it contains. Invariant: no
- * ResChain* pointer can be both in d_resStack and
- * d_resolutionChains. Memory ownership is transfered from
- * d_resStack to d_resolutionChains via registerResolution.
- */
- ResStack d_resStack;
- bool d_checkRes;
- const ClauseId d_nullId;
- // temporary map for updating CRefs
- ClauseIdMap d_temp_clauseId;
- IdCRefMap d_temp_idClause;
- // unit conflict
- context::CDMaybe<ClauseId> d_unitConflictId;
- ClauseId d_trueLit;
- ClauseId d_falseLit;
- IdToSatClause d_seenInputs;
- IdToSatClause d_seenLemmas;
- bool d_satProofConstructed;
- Statistics d_statistics;
-}; /* class TSatProof */
-template <class Solver>
-prop::SatLiteral toSatLiteral(typename Solver::TLit lit);
- * Convert from minisat clause to SatClause
- *
- * @param minisat_cl
- * @param sat_cl
- */
-template <class Solver>
-void toSatClause(const typename Solver::TClause& minisat_cl,
- prop::SatClause& sat_cl);
-} // namespace cvc5
-#endif /* CVC5__SAT__PROOF_H */
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