path: root/src/proof/proof_manager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/proof/proof_manager.h')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/src/proof/proof_manager.h b/src/proof/proof_manager.h
index 45bde4dcb..3013c9b55 100644
--- a/src/proof/proof_manager.h
+++ b/src/proof/proof_manager.h
@@ -28,59 +28,27 @@
#include "context/cdhashset.h"
#include "expr/node.h"
#include "proof/clause_id.h"
-#include "proof/proof.h"
-#include "proof/proof_utils.h"
-#include "proof/skolemization_manager.h"
-#include "theory/logic_info.h"
-#include "theory/substitutions.h"
-#include "util/proof.h"
#include "util/statistics_registry.h"
namespace CVC4 {
-class SmtGlobals;
// forward declarations
namespace Minisat {
class Solver;
}/* Minisat namespace */
-namespace BVMinisat {
- class Solver;
-}/* BVMinisat namespace */
namespace prop {
class CnfStream;
}/* CVC4::prop namespace */
class SmtEngine;
-const ClauseId ClauseIdEmpty(-1);
-const ClauseId ClauseIdUndef(-2);
-const ClauseId ClauseIdError(-3);
template <class Solver> class TSatProof;
typedef TSatProof< CVC4::Minisat::Solver> CoreSatProof;
class CnfProof;
-class RewriterProof;
-class TheoryProofEngine;
-class TheoryProof;
-class UFProof;
-class ArithProof;
-class ArrayProof;
-namespace proof {
-class ResolutionBitVectorProof;
-template <class Solver> class LFSCSatProof;
-typedef TSatProof<CVC4::Minisat::Solver> CoreSatProof;
-class LFSCCnfProof;
-class LFSCTheoryProofEngine;
-class LFSCUFProof;
-class LFSCRewriterProof;
+typedef TSatProof<CVC4::Minisat::Solver> CoreSatProof;
namespace prop {
typedef uint64_t SatVariable;
@@ -88,291 +56,72 @@ namespace prop {
typedef std::vector<SatLiteral> SatClause;
}/* CVC4::prop namespace */
-// different proof modes
-enum ProofFormat {
-};/* enum ProofFormat */
-std::string append(const std::string& str, uint64_t num);
typedef std::unordered_map<ClauseId, prop::SatClause*> IdToSatClause;
typedef context::CDHashSet<Expr, ExprHashFunction> CDExprSet;
-typedef std::unordered_map<Node, std::vector<Node>, NodeHashFunction> NodeToNodes;
typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, std::vector<Node>, NodeHashFunction> CDNodeToNodes;
typedef std::unordered_set<ClauseId> IdHashSet;
-enum ProofRule {
- RULE_GIVEN, /* input assertion */
- RULE_DERIVED, /* a "macro" rule */
- RULE_RECONSTRUCT, /* prove equivalence using another method */
- RULE_TRUST, /* trust without evidence (escape hatch until proofs are fully supported) */
- RULE_INVALID, /* assert-fail if this is ever needed in proof; use e.g. for split lemmas */
- RULE_CONFLICT, /* re-construct as a conflict */
- RULE_TSEITIN, /* Tseitin CNF transformation */
- RULE_SPLIT, /* A splitting lemma of the form a v ~ a*/
- RULE_ARRAYS_EXT, /* arrays, extensional */
- RULE_ARRAYS_ROW, /* arrays, read-over-write */
-};/* enum ProofRules */
-class RewriteLogEntry {
- RewriteLogEntry(unsigned ruleId, Node original, Node result)
- : d_ruleId(ruleId), d_original(original), d_result(result) {
- }
- unsigned getRuleId() const {
- return d_ruleId;
- }
- Node getOriginal() const {
- return d_original;
- }
- Node getResult() const {
- return d_result;
- }
- unsigned d_ruleId;
- Node d_original;
- Node d_result;
class ProofManager {
context::Context* d_context;
std::unique_ptr<CoreSatProof> d_satProof;
std::unique_ptr<CnfProof> d_cnfProof;
- std::unique_ptr<TheoryProofEngine> d_theoryProof;
// information that will need to be shared across proofs
- ExprSet d_inputFormulas;
- std::map<Expr, std::string> d_inputFormulaToName;
CDExprSet d_inputCoreFormulas;
CDExprSet d_outputCoreFormulas;
- SkolemizationManager d_skolemizationManager;
int d_nextId;
- std::unique_ptr<Proof> d_fullProof;
- ProofFormat d_format; // used for now only in debug builds
CDNodeToNodes d_deps;
- std::set<Type> d_printedTypes;
- std::map<std::string, std::string> d_rewriteFilters;
- std::map<Node, std::string> d_assertionFilters;
- std::vector<RewriteLogEntry> d_rewriteLog;
- LogicInfo d_logic;
- ProofManager(context::Context* context, ProofFormat format = LFSC);
- ~ProofManager();
- static ProofManager* currentPM();
- // initialization
- void initSatProof(Minisat::Solver* solver);
- void initCnfProof(CVC4::prop::CnfStream* cnfStream, context::Context* ctx);
- void initTheoryProofEngine();
- // getting various proofs
- static const Proof& getProof(SmtEngine* smt);
- static CoreSatProof* getSatProof();
- static CnfProof* getCnfProof();
- static TheoryProofEngine* getTheoryProofEngine();
- static TheoryProof* getTheoryProof( theory::TheoryId id );
- static UFProof* getUfProof();
- static proof::ResolutionBitVectorProof* getBitVectorProof();
- static ArrayProof* getArrayProof();
- static ArithProof* getArithProof();
- static SkolemizationManager *getSkolemizationManager();
- // iterators over data shared by proofs
- typedef ExprSet::const_iterator assertions_iterator;
- // iterate over the assertions (these are arbitrary boolean formulas)
- assertions_iterator begin_assertions() const {
- return d_inputFormulas.begin();
- }
- assertions_iterator end_assertions() const { return d_inputFormulas.end(); }
- size_t num_assertions() const { return d_inputFormulas.size(); }
- bool have_input_assertion(const Expr& assertion) {
- return d_inputFormulas.find(assertion) != d_inputFormulas.end();
- }
- void ensureLiteral(Node node);
-//---from Morgan---
- Node mkOp(TNode n);
- Node lookupOp(TNode n) const;
- bool hasOp(TNode n) const;
- std::map<Node, Node> d_ops;
- std::map<Node, Node> d_bops;
-//---end from Morgan---
- // variable prefixes
- static std::string getInputClauseName(ClauseId id, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getLemmaClauseName(ClauseId id, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getLemmaName(ClauseId id, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getLearntClauseName(ClauseId id, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getPreprocessedAssertionName(Node node, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getAssertionName(Node node, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getInputFormulaName(const Expr& expr);
- static std::string getVarName(prop::SatVariable var, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getAtomName(prop::SatVariable var, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getAtomName(TNode atom, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getLitName(prop::SatLiteral lit, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static std::string getLitName(TNode lit, const std::string& prefix = "");
- static bool hasLitName(TNode lit);
- // for SMT variable names that have spaces and other things
- static std::string sanitize(TNode var);
- // wrap term with (p_app ... ) if the term is printed as a boolean, and print
- // used for "trust" assertions
- static void printTrustedTerm(Node term,
- std::ostream& os,
- ProofLetMap& globalLetMap);
- /** Add proof assertion - unlike addCoreAssertion this is post definition expansion **/
- void addAssertion(Expr formula);
- /** Public unsat core methods **/
- void addCoreAssertion(Expr formula);
- void addDependence(TNode n, TNode dep);
- void addUnsatCore(Expr formula);
- // trace dependences back to unsat core
- void traceDeps(TNode n, ExprSet* coreAssertions);
- void traceDeps(TNode n, CDExprSet* coreAssertions);
- void traceUnsatCore();
- typedef CDExprSet::const_iterator output_core_iterator;
- output_core_iterator begin_unsat_core() const { return d_outputCoreFormulas.begin(); }
- output_core_iterator end_unsat_core() const { return d_outputCoreFormulas.end(); }
- size_t size_unsat_core() const { return d_outputCoreFormulas.size(); }
- std::vector<Expr> extractUnsatCore();
- bool unsatCoreAvailable() const;
- void getLemmasInUnsatCore(theory::TheoryId theory, std::vector<Node> &lemmas);
- Node getWeakestImplicantInUnsatCore(Node lemma);
- int nextId() { return d_nextId++; }
- void setLogic(const LogicInfo& logic);
- const std::string getLogic() const { return d_logic.getLogicString(); }
- LogicInfo & getLogicInfo() { return d_logic; }
- void markPrinted(const Type& type);
- bool wasPrinted(const Type& type) const;
- void addRewriteFilter(const std::string &original, const std::string &substitute);
- void clearRewriteFilters();
- bool haveRewriteFilter(TNode lit);
- void addAssertionFilter(const Node& node, const std::string& rewritten);
- static void registerRewrite(unsigned ruleId, Node original, Node result);
- static void clearRewriteLog();
- std::vector<RewriteLogEntry> getRewriteLog();
- void dumpRewriteLog() const;
+ ProofManager(context::Context* context);
+ ~ProofManager();
- void printGlobalLetMap(std::set<Node>& atoms,
- ProofLetMap& letMap,
- std::ostream& out,
- std::ostringstream& paren);
- struct ProofManagerStatistics
- {
- ProofManagerStatistics();
- ~ProofManagerStatistics();
+ static ProofManager* currentPM();
- /**
- * Time spent producing proofs (i.e. generating the proof from the logging
- * information)
- */
- TimerStat d_proofProductionTime;
+ // initialization
+ void initSatProof(Minisat::Solver* solver);
+ void initCnfProof(CVC4::prop::CnfStream* cnfStream, context::Context* ctx);
- /**
- * Time spent printing proofs of theory lemmas
- */
- TimerStat d_theoryLemmaTime;
+ // getting various proofs
+ static CoreSatProof* getSatProof();
+ static CnfProof* getCnfProof();
- /**
- * Time spent tracing the proof of the boolean skeleton
- * (e.g. figuring out which assertions are needed, etc.)
- */
- TimerStat d_skeletonProofTraceTime;
+ /** Public unsat core methods **/
+ void addCoreAssertion(Expr formula);
- /**
- * Time spent processing and printing declarations in the proof
- */
- TimerStat d_proofDeclarationsTime;
+ void addDependence(TNode n, TNode dep);
+ void addUnsatCore(Expr formula);
- /**
- * Time spent printing the CNF proof
- */
- TimerStat d_cnfProofTime;
+ // trace dependences back to unsat core
+ void traceDeps(TNode n, CDExprSet* coreAssertions);
+ void traceUnsatCore();
- /**
- * Time spent printing the final proof of UNSAT
- */
- TimerStat d_finalProofTime;
+ typedef CDExprSet::const_iterator output_core_iterator;
- }; /* struct ProofManagerStatistics */
+ output_core_iterator begin_unsat_core() const
+ {
+ return d_outputCoreFormulas.begin();
+ }
+ output_core_iterator end_unsat_core() const
+ {
+ return d_outputCoreFormulas.end();
+ }
+ size_t size_unsat_core() const { return d_outputCoreFormulas.size(); }
+ std::vector<Expr> extractUnsatCore();
- ProofManagerStatistics& getStats() { return d_stats; }
+ bool unsatCoreAvailable() const;
+ void getLemmasInUnsatCore(std::vector<Node>& lemmas);
- private:
- void constructSatProof();
- std::set<Node> satClauseToNodeSet(prop::SatClause* clause);
+ int nextId() { return d_nextId++; }
- ProofManagerStatistics d_stats;
+ void constructSatProof();
};/* class ProofManager */
-class LFSCProof : public Proof
- public:
- LFSCProof(SmtEngine* smtEngine,
- CoreSatProof* sat,
- LFSCCnfProof* cnf,
- LFSCTheoryProofEngine* theory);
- ~LFSCProof() override {}
- void toStream(std::ostream& out) const override;
- void toStream(std::ostream& out, const ProofLetMap& map) const override;
- private:
- // FIXME: hack until we get preprocessing
- void printPreprocessedAssertions(const NodeSet& assertions,
- std::ostream& os,
- std::ostream& paren,
- ProofLetMap& globalLetMap) const;
- void checkUnrewrittenAssertion(const NodeSet& assertions) const;
- CoreSatProof* d_satProof;
- LFSCCnfProof* d_cnfProof;
- LFSCTheoryProofEngine* d_theoryProof;
- SmtEngine* d_smtEngine;
-}; /* class LFSCProof */
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, CVC4::ProofRule k);
}/* CVC4 namespace */
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