path: root/src/bindings/compat/java/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bindings/compat/java/')
1 files changed, 424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bindings/compat/java/ b/src/bindings/compat/java/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..486f92080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/compat/java/
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+### output cpp file
+# qualifiers:
+# c : embedded constant
+# m : embedded mutable
+# n : native
+# plus:
+# v : vector
+# vv : vector vector
+# vvv : vector vector vector
+# types:
+# - native: void, bool, int, string
+# - objects: the rest
+def is_native(arg_qual):
+ return (arg_qual[0] == 'n')
+def is_mutable(arg_qual):
+ return (arg_qual[0] == 'm')
+def is_const(arg_qual):
+ return (arg_qual[0] == 'c')
+def forall(p, s):
+ for x in s:
+ if not p(s):
+ return False
+ return True
+def check_arg_qual(arg_qual):
+ return \
+ (is_native(arg_qual) or is_mutable(arg_qual) or is_const(arg_qual)) \
+ and \
+ forall(lambda q: q == 'v', arg_qual[1:])
+def is_vector(arg_qual):
+ return (len(arg_qual) > 1 and arg_qual[1] == 'v')
+def is_vector2(arg_qual):
+ return (is_vector(arg_qual) and len(arg_qual) > 2 and arg_qual[2] == 'v')
+def is_vector3(arg_qual):
+ return (is_vector2(arg_qual) and len(arg_qual) > 3 and arg_qual[3] == 'v')
+# returns the jni type corresponding to the pseudo type signature
+def arg_type_to_java((arg_qual, arg_type, arg_name)):
+ check_arg_qual(arg_qual);
+ if arg_type == "jobject":
+ if (not is_native(arg_qual)) or is_vector(arg_qual):
+ print("Error: native defined in implementation with qualifier: " + arg_qual)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return "jobject"
+ elif arg_type == "bool":
+ if not is_native(arg_qual):
+ print("Error: bool defined in implementation with qualifier: " + arg_qual)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if is_vector(arg_qual):
+ return "jbooleanArray"
+ else:
+ return "jboolean"
+ elif arg_type == "int":
+ if not is_native(arg_qual):
+ print("Error: int defined in implementation with qualifier: " + arg_qual)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if is_vector(arg_qual):
+ return "jintArray"
+ else:
+ return "jint"
+ elif arg_type == "string":
+ if not is_native(arg_qual):
+ print("Error: string defined in implementation with qualifier: " + arg_qual)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if is_vector(arg_qual):
+ return "jobjectArray"
+ else:
+ return "jstring"
+ else:
+ if is_vector(arg_qual):
+ return "jobjectArray"
+ else:
+ return "jobject"
+def print_unembed_arg(cpp_file, (arg_qual, arg_type, arg_name)):
+ check_arg_qual(arg_qual);
+ if arg_type == "jobject":
+ ()
+ elif arg_type == "bool":
+ if is_vector3(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<vector<bool> > > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVVV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector2(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<bool> > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<bool> " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ else:
+ cpp_file.write(" bool " + arg_name + "(j" + arg_name + ");\n");
+ elif arg_type == "int":
+ if is_vector3(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<vector<int> > > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVVV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector2(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<int> > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<int> " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ else:
+ cpp_file.write(" int " + arg_name + "(j" + arg_name + ");\n");
+ elif arg_type == "string":
+ if is_vector3(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<vector<string> > > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVVV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector2(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<string> > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<string> " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppV(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ else:
+ cpp_file.write(" string " + arg_name + "(toCpp(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ else:
+ if is_vector3(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<vector<" + arg_type + "> > > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVVV<" + arg_type + ">(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector2(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<vector<" + arg_type + "> > " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppVV<" + arg_type + ">(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_vector(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" vector<" + arg_type + "> " + arg_name \
+ + "(toCppV<" + arg_type + ">(env, j" + arg_name + "));\n");
+ elif is_const(arg_qual):
+ cpp_file.write(" const " + arg_type + "* " + arg_name \
+ + " = unembed_const<" + arg_type + ">(env, j" + arg_name + ");\n");
+ else:
+ cpp_file.write(" " + arg_type + "* " + arg_name \
+ + " = unembed_mut<" + arg_type + ">(env, j" + arg_name + ");\n");
+def print_unembed_args(cpp_file, args):
+ for arg in args:
+ print_unembed_arg(cpp_file, arg)
+# check hat declaration and definition signatures match
+def match_signatures((decl_result, decl_args), (def_result, def_args, _)):
+ if decl_result != def_result or len(decl_args) != len(def_args):
+ return False
+ for i in xrange(0, len(decl_args)):
+ java_type = arg_type_to_java(def_args[i])
+ #print java_type
+ if decl_args[i] != java_type:
+ return False
+ return True
+def print_header(cpp_file, includes):
+ cpp_file.writelines(map(lambda name: "#include " + name + "\n", includes))
+ cpp_file.writelines(
+ [
+ "#include \"JniUtils.h\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "using namespace std;\n",
+ "using namespace Java_cvc3_JniUtils;\n",
+ "using namespace CVC3;\n",
+ "\n"
+ ])
+def print_signature(cpp_file, name, result, args):
+ arg_strings = ["JNIEnv* env", "jclass"]
+ arg_strings.extend( \
+ map(lambda (argQual, argType, argName): \
+ arg_type_to_java((argQual, argType, argName)) \
+ + " j" + argName, args))
+ cpp_file.writelines([
+ "JNIEXPORT " + result + " JNICALL " + name + "\n",
+ "(" + ", ".join(arg_strings) + ")\n"])
+def print_definition(cpp_file, name, (result, args, body)):
+ cpp_file.writelines(["extern \"C\"\n"])
+ print_signature(cpp_file, name, result, args)
+ cpp_file.writelines([
+ "{\n",
+ " try {\n"])
+ print_unembed_args(cpp_file, args)
+ cpp_file.writelines([
+ " " + " ".join(body),
+ " } catch (const Exception& e) {\n",
+ " toJava(env, e);\n"])
+ if result in [ "jobject", "jobjectArray", "jstring" ]:
+ cpp_file.writelines([" return NULL;\n"])
+ elif result == "jboolean":
+ cpp_file.writelines([" return false;\n"])
+ elif result == "jint":
+ cpp_file.writelines([" return -1;\n"])
+ elif result <> "void":
+ print("BUG: return type " + result + " is not handled in print_definition")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ cpp_file.writelines([" };\n",
+ "}\n\n"])
+def print_cpp(cpp_name, declarations, definitions, includes):
+ try:
+ cpp_file = open(cpp_name, 'w')
+ print_header(cpp_file, includes)
+ #names = declarations.keys()
+ #names.sort()
+ for name in declarations[0]:
+ if not definitions.has_key(name):
+ #continue
+ print("Error: " + name + " is declared in header" \
+ + " but not defined in implementation.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ declaration = declarations[1][name]
+ definition = definitions[name]
+ definitions.pop(name)
+ if not match_signatures(declaration, definition):
+ print("Error: signature for " + name \
+ + " in definition and implementation do not match:")
+ print declaration
+ print (definition[0], definition[1])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print_definition(cpp_file, name, definition)
+ if not len(definitions) == 0:
+ print("Error: found definitions in implementation" \
+ " without declaration in header file:")
+ print definitions
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except IOError, (error_nr, error_string):
+ print ("Couldn't open " + cpp_name + ": " + error_string)
+ sys.exit(0)
+### header file function declarations
+# header file function declaration:
+# - name: function name
+# - result: result type
+# - args: list of argument types, except for the first two (JNIEnv*, jclass)
+def register_declaration(declarations, name, result, args):
+ assert(not declarations[1].has_key(name));
+ declarations[0].append(name)
+ declarations[1][name] = (result, args)
+# extract function signatures from generated JNI header file
+def read_header(header_name):
+ # 0.: names of declared functions in same order as in input
+ # 1.: map from names to signature
+ declarations = ([], {})
+ try:
+ header_file = open(header_name)
+ line = header_file.readline()
+ while (line):
+ # look for start of signature
+ # declaration will look like:
+ # JNIEXPORT <result> JNICALL <name> (JNIENV *env, jclass, jobject);
+ # with an optional linebreak before the parameter list, and
+ # perhaps missing the "env"
+ if"^JNIEXPORT", line):
+ # extract name and return type
+ elements = re.sub('[,();]+',' ',line).split();
+ assert(elements[0] == "JNIEXPORT");
+ assert(elements[2] == "JNICALL");
+ name = elements[3]
+ result = elements[1]
+ # If there are no more elements on this line,
+ # read and tokenize the next line
+ if len(elements) > 4:
+ elements = elements[4:]
+ else:
+ line = header_file.readline ()
+ elements = re.sub('[,();]+',' ',line).split();
+ # extract argument types
+ assert(elements[0] == "JNIEnv");
+ assert(elements[1] == "*" or elements[1] == "*env");
+ assert(elements[2] == "jclass")
+ args = elements[3:]
+ register_declaration(declarations, name, result, args)
+ line = header_file.readline ()
+ header_file.close()
+ except IOError, (error_nr, error_string):
+ print ("Couldn't open " + header_name + ": " + error_string)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return declarations
+# function definitions:
+# cpp file function definition:
+# - name: function name
+# - result: result type
+# - args: list of pairs of argument types and argument names,
+# except for the first two (JNIEnv*, jclass)
+def register_definition(definitions, name, result, args, body):
+ if definitions.has_key(name):
+ print("Error: redefinition of " + name + " in implementation.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ definitions[name] = (result, args, body)
+ #print_definition(name, declarations[name])
+# extract function definition from implementation file
+def read_impl(impl_name):
+ definitions = {}
+ includes = []
+ try:
+ impl_file = open(impl_name)
+ line = impl_file.readline()
+ while (line):
+ # look for include
+ if"^INCLUDE:", line):
+ elements = line.split();
+ assert(len(elements) == 2);
+ assert(elements[0] == "INCLUDE:")
+ includes.append(elements[1])
+ line = impl_file.readline()
+ #print line
+ # look for start of definition
+ elif"^DEFINITION:", line):
+ #print line,
+ # get name
+ elements = line.split();
+ if not (len(elements) == 2):
+ print("Error: misformed signature: " + line)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ assert(elements[0] == "DEFINITION:")
+ name = elements[1]
+ # get signature
+ line = impl_file.readline ()
+ elements = line.split();
+ assert(len(elements) > 0);
+ if not (len(elements) % 3 == 1):
+ print("Error: misformed signature for: " + name)
+ print(line)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ result = elements.pop(0)
+ args = []
+ while len(elements) > 0:
+ argQual = elements.pop(0)
+ argType = elements.pop(0)
+ argName = elements.pop(0)
+ args.append((argQual, argType, argName))
+ # get body
+ body = []
+ line = impl_file.readline ()
+ while line and not"^DEFINITION:", line):
+ body.append(line)
+ line = impl_file.readline()
+ while body and body[len(body) - 1] == "\n":
+ body.pop(len(body) - 1)
+ assert(len(body) > 0)
+ register_definition(definitions, name, result, args, body)
+ else:
+ line = impl_file.readline()
+ impl_file.close()
+ except IOError, (error_nr, error_string):
+ print ("Couldn't open " + impl_name + ": " + error_string)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return definitions, includes
+# read name of input file
+if (len(sys.argv) != 4):
+ print("Expected path to header, implementation, and target file.")
+ print("")
+ print("./ <H_FILE> <IMPL_FILE> <CPP_FILE>")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ #print(sys.argv)
+ header_name = sys.argv[1]
+ impl_name = sys.argv[2]
+ cpp_file = sys.argv[3]
+ # extract information from header
+ declarations = read_header(header_name)
+ #print declarations
+ # extract information from template
+ definitions, includes = read_impl(impl_name)
+ #print definitions
+ # create implementation
+ print_cpp(cpp_file, declarations, definitions, includes)
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